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15992484 No.15992484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bar stories thread

>> No.15992505

Thanks for sharing Op.

>> No.15992510

i hate bars.

>> No.15992513

One time, some douche at a bar wouldn't stop mansplaining so I told him to check his privilege and everyone started clapping.

>> No.15992525

that's cgi

>> No.15992539

I went to a bar once and everyone in there was a walking cliché and I never returned

>> No.15992559

One time I got wasted at like 4pm on a Saturday and went to meet my ex at another shitty dive bar. The back patio had those shitty rickety metal tables lined up next to each other and I stumbled into them and spilled like 20 people's drinks. Then I tried to order like 40 Jaeger shots from the bartender and got cut off and walked outside. I thought I left my backpack in the bar cuz I usually always have it with me and kept trying to get back in and then this huge bouncer literally picked me up and threw me into the street. I didn't bring my backpack after all and called a Lyft and then when I got in the driver was like "You're bleeding everywhere!" and then I looked down at my shirt and I had cut my chin and was bleeding all over. I stuffed my jacket on my face and just kept apologizing and then I blacked out and woke up the next with my mattress and pillows soaked in blood. Bars are fun.

>> No.15992664

One time I was pretty drunk and asked a girl for her number. We hit it off and she said I could come back to her place. I'm riding in the car with her driving and I end up shitting my pants because I drank too much and I just lost control of my bowels

She noticed the smell immediately and dropped me off on the side of the road and called me an uber

>> No.15992698

I live in a dry county and haven't been in a bar in twenty years.

I like it here. Without the bars, our crime rate is minimal compared to towns with bars and liquor stores. If I want something to drink, I am happy drive like 70 miles round trip to the liquor store.

>> No.15992704

Can't you order shit from the internet?

>> No.15992712

Worked at a gay bar and one time two old dudes went into the restroom and locked the door for obvious reasons. When they came out a stench like you wouldnt imagine completely flooded the dining room and bar area, and didnt leave for hours. Of course I went in to see what the hell happened in there, but the restroom was absolutely spotless and no amount of scrubbing or spraying of air freshener would disperse the smell of what I can only guess was someone dislodging someone else's impacted feces with their dick. To this day it haunts me, and I wonder how a smell that bad could linger for so damn long. Like seriously, whoever made that smell needed a visit to the hospital.

>> No.15992719

Good job fuck the posers christ just drink at home fagots

>> No.15992727


I've never tried ordering alcohol on the Internet. Think I can order some Pappy van Winkle's?

>> No.15992729

I like to go and drink a drink I call loneliness, but it's better than drinking alone.

>> No.15992733

Idk what to do call you a fagott or lol....you met your ex embarrassed yourself and still didn't get her pussy? Meeting up with an ex us code for she's throwing the pussy at you haha

>> No.15992738

That was so nice of her calling an uber. Man you blew a great moment the bit h would have fucked you and you didn't even own your own car damn dood

>> No.15992755

>Worked at a gay bar

My younger brother's father-in-law used to be with the liquor control board in a nearby state. He would spend many evenings touring the local bars checking for liquor violations.

One night, a friend of mine from around here was up there riding along with him as he went from bar to bar looking for violations. The last bar that night was a gay bar. Once he checked it out, he was off duty so they each had a beer before heading home.

While they were at the bar, the friend (who didn't realize it was a gay bar) turned to the father-in-law and said in complete surprise "Some guy just asked me to dance!!!!!!". The father-in-law replied, "Well, if you want to dance with him, go head I'll wait."

The friend of mine nearly started a fight over that.

>> No.15992783

Is your friend stupid? Jesus Christ, if he fought someone off literally for advancing on him in my area he'd be the one in jail with his name in the papers for a hate crime. The dad's funny, though

>> No.15992797


Reading comprehension is your friend.

He wasn't ready to pick a fight with the guy wanting to dance. He was ready to pick a fight with the liquor control board agent. Fortunately, he knew better than to do that.

>> No.15992808

Your friend seems like a twat who cant take a joke
To be fair it's worded a bit weird so I can see why he got confusedl

>> No.15992814

So many cons to drinking out somewhere
>have to deal with drunk retards
>have to deal with retards
>waiting to get served
>have to stand most of the time
>have to listen to shit generic pop music
>have to find a way home later
>regret spending so much money

Drinking at home is so much better

>> No.15992820


>that was worded a bit weird
This and thank you

>> No.15992821


It's about what one would expect from an old cowboy.

>> No.15992823

it is, I don't need people around to be lonely

>> No.15992826

I'm a baguette, I was traveling alone in Boston, I went to a bar one evening because why not, there was Celtics game that people were more or less watching. I drank one or two beer and talked a bit with the barman. When I paid and left I asked him if I was supposed to tip and how much.

>> No.15992831

I don't understand what that means

>> No.15992833

no. unless you want to pay some wild secondary resale price

>> No.15992836

not all bars are like this anon...

>> No.15992847

Why do you call the guy running a bar a bartender? In many languages it's just a barman. It's a man selling alcohol, he isn't any tender.

>> No.15992848

these people seem to have an inferiority complex which is why they come up with pompous terms such as "mixology". sure dude, you're a drink scientist, not just a glorified waiter.

>> No.15992857

I've been thrown out by this bar's owner two times. One time he caught me throwing up in the bathroom. The other time he caught me sleeping on one of the tables.

>> No.15992859

He's tending to the bars customers. Hence, bartender.

>> No.15992866

>I don't understand what that means

Like many old cowboys, he didn't appreciate what he felt was a setup by the liquor control board agent. Sure, he can look back and laugh at it later, but at the time it was happening, he didn't appreciate the humor at all.

>> No.15992868

True, but even then it's still expensive and you have to deal with idiots and be in a weird environment with loads of unwritten rules and regulars who are absolute cunts for the most part. I'm Irish and most of us here love to suck off our pub culture but it's actually embarrassing seeing the state of the people that make up that scene.
Sure I've had good times in pubs and have met nice people, but for the most part it's just drunken idiots making a fool of themselves and living up to a stereotype

>> No.15992906
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Was in Italy at some small coastal village for vaca, went down to the tourist watering hole every night.

Noticed the same newly weds and nearly deads all congregating at same table getting shit faced every night. Decided to migrate over and sit down beside some decent looking dark haired beauty, we kind of click.
as night goes flirting and getting drunk, notice two young girls sitting by themselves, they were glancing over a lot so I just sort of threw out "hey lets invite those girls over", to only be replied back with "oh don't worry about them, those are my daughters! HAHA".

good times.

>> No.15992919

>Anonymous 04/23/21(Fri)16:56:47 No.15992484>>15992505 >>15992510 >>15992525 >>15992539 >>15992559 >>15992664 >>15992712 >>15992729Bar stories thread
>go to local bar for lunch nearly everyday since it was basically the only food place worth a damn in the area I worked at
>never say much
>bartenders were always nice to me
>always left a good tip because it was cheap and leaving 50%+ wasn't a bother to me
>eventually decide to leave the job and go elsewhere
>on one of the last days there I go over to the bar for my usual lunch, but later in the day since I was busy
>one of the qt bartenders is there and takes my order
>at the end randomly just tells me the food is on her today
>leave tip anyway
>never end up going back there ever again since new job is in entirely different area
I don't know what she meant by that, but I guess it was a good coincidence since it was my last week there.

>> No.15992935

one time I asked a bartender at my favorite bar out. we went out a few times and I slept at her place a good 4 or 5 times and she at mine once. only the last time did we initiate any kind of fooling around. I couldn't keep it up and we went to bed. few days later she breaks it off. still went to the bar weekly and saw her there almost every time. month or so later she comes onto me. it was surprising that she obviously knew I had big time performance problems but didn't care and wanted me back. didn't go for it, I figured it would just be the same deal all over again. she still works there and it's still my favorite bar and she's always very sweet and gives me hugs and is excited to see me. she's just a very nice girl, obviously enough to prove that it's not just because I'm a patron. we may still end up together because all I've ever gotten from her is warmth and kindness even when I disappointed her consistently, even when she broke it off.

>> No.15992940

She probably thinks you stopped going there because of what happened and is confused about it.

>> No.15992953

>and then everybody clapped: the thread

>> No.15992965

please stop, we are having a reddit moment here

>> No.15992979

Yeah I never told any of them I was leaving. She was one of the bartenders that would usually be there when I went. Her and there was a younger guy as well sometimes that always tried to small talk me. They probably think I just up and disappeared over it.

>> No.15992985

go get some cialis or viagra from your doctor for the easy fix. reduce masturbating/watching porn/drinking alcohol and realign yourself to getting aroused by physical women for a permanent fix

>> No.15992994

clearly. my ex is messaging me, asking me if I want to watch the sunset with her even though I directly told her I'm in a new relationship. Makes things fun though. And I wish I could fuck her again, I love the colours of her face, she was such a sexy chink. she pops into my mind sometimes when I'm with my new gf. The repellent I use on myself? Her belly button and tongue was NOT hygienic, and she's gonna try and get pregnant to stay in the country

>> No.15993011

I rarely set inside bars now, but I used to get dressed up in a polo and dress pants and walk on warm nights to nearby places around 12-1am. the bar tendies were always so perplexed when this clean cut 20 yo would order a whiskey sour and just sit by himself. I have friends now and we only ride bikes or go hiking and save cash. It's cashilicious

>> No.15993036
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> but I used to get dressed up in a polo and dress pants and walk on warm nights to nearby places around 12-1am

>> No.15993061

got a water quality problem, froggit?

>> No.15993095
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>> No.15993139

yep that's been the plan but I've been putting off the online process to get the stuff. got to just bite the bullet because even if I believed (method of reducing porn intake which I will not name in the hope we may avoid derailing this thread) worked, it would be too difficult. I've been trapped inside my apartment working from home for over a year now and at this point I'm just thankful my bad habits haven't gotten any worse. actually my drinking has lessened a bit. about to start working on reversing that tonight but fuck it it's friday. thanks for the advice fren, cheers.

>> No.15993182

pls be real

>> No.15993185

My towns not small anymore but the bars/restaurants haven’t caught up to the new population so there’s only really one good bar in town for younger people. Me and my friends will go every weekend during the summer if we can and sometimes even weeknights and get absolutely fucking shitfaced, like 80 dollar tabs per person and we would pre drink but we could almost always handle ourselves. One time my friend knocks a glass over, the waitress comes over and tells him to be careful or else he’ll get kicked out, 5 minutes later he’s trying to tell a story and breaks another glass, waitress comes over and kicks him out , he says for what and she tells him for breaking glasses, he says that’s bullshit he didn’t break anything and flails his hand knocking over another glass. Fucking idiot lmao, there’s tons of stories but I barely remember them because we were getting blackout almost every night. Honestly pretty glad we stopped drinking that much it’s fun when you’re 19-20 but beyond that it starts getting a bit cringe.

>> No.15993190

>polo and slacks

Please don't ever do this again.

>> No.15993202

you'rea cryptid