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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15981703 No.15981703 [Reply] [Original]

Is there ever a legitimate reason to order a steak well done?

>> No.15981714


>> No.15981727


>> No.15981732

This anon is correct

>> No.15981750

I wouldn't order any meat below well done if I ever found myself in a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.15981770

You never order steak well done the only time I cook anything well done is when I have found it in the bin and unsure how long it has been there. (my family throws away meat "past the use by date").

Well done is overcooked and I really cannot standpeople who lke it like that. I eat meat blue if I can cooked over a flam on a grill and I know not everyone likes blue steak but at least medium rare you never go pat medium rare.

>> No.15981783

It's the only way I eat it, why would I bother risking parasites and eat bloody meat? Seriously, once you realize you're eating barely cooked tissue, the mouthfeel kicks in and you start getting nauseous
Shit's gross.

>> No.15981784

To suggest to someone you are a dangerous retard who is not to be trusted

>> No.15981795

you are such an idiot
>muh parasites
>muh germs
you must be a faggot lmao seriously just quit wasting meat.

The cow has already been killed no need to kill the steak you fucktard

>> No.15981831

trump? is that you? you know you lost right?

>> No.15981838

Yes. To make people angry.

>> No.15981864

only plebs can't appreciate well-done steak. they say well-done is inherently overcooked and can't even differentiate between cooking a steak to an internal temperature of 160F and 170F, they'd say it's the same. did you know well-done steaks are actually more flavorful? when protein is cooked to well-done it contracts and squeezes out excess water. this means the flavor of the steak is concentrated. people who like less than well-done are basically saying "wow this watery steak is great". most carnivores who eat raw meat don't even chew it, which is why less than well-done is actually chewier, but people act like this is better for some reason. when meat is well-done the muscle fibers shred apart more easily, this is better for us since we actually chew our food. something like a lion or wolf just tears off chunks of meat and swallow them whole, people don't do this, so less than well-done is actually chewier. steaks are overrated anyway, it's like a bare minimum of effort to actually prepare them. i'd rather have a good braised piece of fatty meat, that's way better, especially once the fat has started to melt and become buttery. notice how a lot of people just cut the fat off the steak and don't eat it because it's chewy? that's wasteful and you're missing out on something that could be really good. i dunno why steak has gotten to be such a premium product with so many strange rituals surrounding it. i guess people just fell for the marketing of it being a premium product and eating an undercooked chewy steak making them cultured and superior. i'd even rather just have a good burger over a steak. welcome to good burger home of the good burger, can i take your order? who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it true? i do i do i do-o. benis.

>> No.15981873

Hey guys just wanted to apologize for this post. My wife's boyfriends dick was blocking my screen and I accidentally thought this was my blog. I'm sorry everyone. I'm trans BTW.

>> No.15981897


>> No.15981903

unless you're cooking bear or other potentially unsafe wild meat, there's no reason to eat overcooked meat

>> No.15981912

No wonder amerisharts like their meat well done.

>> No.15981917

So you live in a shithole country with parasites in the meat, and you're a retard thinking there's blood in the meat too (there's not)?

>> No.15981992

Yes, let me eat a well done steak. As you can see, the flavor is gone and you need to chew it for like a fucking year.

>> No.15982010
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>> No.15982072

My 6 Month Mewing Transformation (Inspiring!)

>> No.15982117

Do you know that pretty much all the restaurants keep all the shittiest steaks they have, like the ones that are close to expiring, for all you tastelets who order well-done?
You wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway

>> No.15982122

how about you order what you want and ill order what i want and we'll both continue going through life being happy chappies.

>> No.15982136

Is this a new joke or a "may-may" I'm not aware of?
Where do all these retards who like their steak well-done come from? I keep finding a lot of them on /ck/ recently

>> No.15982155

It won't happen at a nice restaurant but your local pub probably drops your well done steak all over the kitchen floor as a fuck you.

I saw that happen when I worked at a crappy pub many years ago.

>> No.15982251

Even people like Gordon Ramsay and Anthony Bourdain said the same thing, and one is a Michelin starred chef, the other has worked in many top restaurants.

>> No.15982270

Yes, if you prefer it that way.

>> No.15982335

Are you black? Then yes. Black folks do NOT eat undercooked ANYTHING. Otherwise, use your fucking head.

>> No.15982354

or you're a huge fucking pussy with bad taste have you considered that?

>> No.15982356

just say you don't know anything about meat fucking ladyboy

>> No.15982399

Bourdain said that the well-done steak order is a gift because you get to pull the gnarliest, shriveled lump of flesh out the back of your low boy, slap it on the grill, and forget about it for 10 minutes while you get on with preparing something else for a person that appreciates food.
I mostly agree. I’d never disrespect a steak by spitting on it or rubbing on the floor or something. When someone orders a well done steak I usually just feel sad for them. Like they’re old and will probably die soon. Or they’re retarded and someone ordered for them.

>> No.15982404

i prefer the texture and the way the fat crisps up so long as it isn't an outright brick prepared by a retard

>> No.15982436

I respect people who order filet mignon well-done about 1000x more than some fag who obsesses about other men's food preferences (which makes you gay)
this is a reddit myth. chefs actually laugh at dorky civilians who think they're meat experts because they just learned there's different degrees of doneness to steak.
These are TV chefs whose careers revolved around saying dumb shit for attention. Do you honestly respect the opinion of a guy who burns a grilled cheese sandwich yet still fails to melt the cheese? Or a guy that literally offed himself?

>> No.15982454

I respect myself, a seasoned chef of almost three decades. Bourdain was a treasure. Ramsey is a clown.

>> No.15982457

yeah: if you like dick in your ass

>> No.15982472

YES- a fellow freegan! We should all be eating from the trash as much as possible!

>> No.15983190

pregnant womxn

>> No.15983199
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You suspect someone involved in the cooking process is trying to poison you. Not only does this give you more time to plan your next move and look for culprits, but it decreases the chance of the poison taking lethal effect. Otherwise nah not really, maybe if you’re ocd

>> No.15983874

I don't like tapeworms.

>> No.15983882

I guess if you really wanna give your jaw a workout.

>> No.15983888

This guy is totally a vegan

>> No.15983949

i9 dont tend to upvote
but when i upvote
i upvote this post

>> No.15983952

This statement is true. There will be at least 1 legitimate reason to order a steak well done of the sample size of everyone who has had steak ever.