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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15974527 No.15974527 [Reply] [Original]

Chicken meat is suprerior to pig meat in every single wait.

>> No.15974549

Depends on the application, both are delicious
There are plenty of lean cuts of pork. The arguably most delicious preparation chicken is deep fried and the most delicious preparation of pork is smoked.
Pork has far more uses being the bigger animal with more distinct cuts.
I can buy pork shoulder for <1.50/lb pretty regularly. I can't find a whole chicken for less than 1.99/lb.

>> No.15974571

fuck of back to plebbit stupid soy nigger

>> No.15974590
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>> No.15974595

pig meat tastes like shit.
imagine beign such an underclass negro.
fucking nigger

>> No.15974601

as far as plain meat goes i mostly agree. but you can't make chicken ham and frankly chicken sausages are garbage

>> No.15974604

i agree with that

>> No.15974607

Why can't i enjoy both? Why are people like you so obsessed with making others choose between one or the other? what is it about you people???

>> No.15974609
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Wait for what?

>> No.15974616

I didn't say a god damn thing about bacon. Take your meds schizoid.

>> No.15974620

>fat bad
Come on anon. It's 2021.

>> No.15974621

>fat good
unironically just kys pol schizo

>> No.15974631

Fat is more calorically dense than carbohydrates or protein. There's no sensible human on the planet that would say deep frying is a healthy way to prepare foods.

>> No.15974654

>Calories bad if concentrated
Control your caloric intake weakling. You can't eat fried chicken like you would eat lean chicken and stay thin, so don't fucking do it.

>> No.15974666

You can't strawman your way out of this retard. At no point did I ever say "Don't eat deep fried foods" but you, like every other dumb faggot on 4chan just can't concede when you have no argument.

>> No.15974668

>muh, shoting meth and heroin not bad if you control it weakling
just fucking kys

>> No.15974677

calories don't matter very much. there's nothing wrong with having a high fat intake as long as the rest of what you eat has a low glycemic index.

>> No.15974696

You're talking pure nonsense. You said deep fried food is unhealthy because there is fat in it, and that's simply bullshit. It's calories. You can control calories. Or at least most normal people can.
>Fat is addictive like heroin
Are you like those alcoholics who can't even get a whiff of alcohol or they'll get super addicted again? Damn that sucks bro.

>> No.15974699

>Fat is more calorically dense than carbohydrates or protein.
Why is that a problem?
>There's no sensible human on the planet that would say deep frying is a healthy way to prepare foods.
Right here (assuming the frying is being done in animal fat).

>> No.15974705

nice false flag you got there.
really sad how prentendous and retarded people are.

>> No.15974708

sugar and carbs are much more comparable to heroin than fat

>> No.15974709

>I never said what I said
Not even worth arguing with that.

>> No.15974713

We get it anon, you're addicted to food and you're projecting and reflecting like any addict would. It's ok to be upset, its part of the process.

>> No.15974723

>if you think that eating animal fat is not healthy than you are a addict.
yeah okay buddy, its okay. just turn off the inet for toay.

>> No.15974728

what do you eat? industrial refined seed oils? get a load of this PUFAfag

>> No.15974732

If you think that animal fat is not healthy then you just don't even know what you're talking about. Must be a redditor pulling false facts out of their ass.

>> No.15974746

i just prefer chicken over pig meat.

>> No.15974750

animal fat is not healthy you pol schizo.

>> No.15974751

ok fine, animal fat isn't bad for you though

>> No.15974758

Says who?

>> No.15974760

Cool 4channel buzzwords, neither of which pertain at all to what I just said. Are you doing ok? Do you have any sort of learning disability by chance?

>> No.15974765

Okay, what is your argument for deep frying food being healthy?

Eating an appropriate amount of calories to stay at a healthy bodyweight, while reaching your micronutrient goals matters, and is less likely to happen for the average person if you're eating deep fried foods daily.

>> No.15974778

deep fried foods are not healthy, not because of it has fat but because of the type of fat (unsaturated, easily oxidizes at high temperatures). I do think that most people should be getting their fat intake from things like dairy, butter and red meat rather than stuff like fried foods though

>> No.15974786

good bait m8, you almost had me

>> No.15974790

>deep fried foods are not healthy
>I do think that most people should be getting their fat intake from things like dairy, butter and red meat rather than stuff like fried foods though
What was the fucking point of your argument?

>> No.15974803
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>> No.15974808

1. dairy and red meat are much more nutrient dense than fried foods and are worth more for the amount of fat they have.
2. don't eat seed oils, they are terrible for you (coconut oil is the exception). your fat should mostly be from animals and from olives/coconuts

>> No.15974811

You are literally wrong about deep frying, done correctly at the right temp with the appropriate oil it can be preferable to other techniques, Mark sisson and chris Kresser have some interesting pages about it iirc

>> No.15974819

Nutrient dense with what? LDL Cholesterol and trans fats? If this isn't bait then enjoy your stroke fatty

>> No.15974823

A single pig will feed me for a year

a single chicken will feed me for a week

>> No.15974825

not even the guy you're responding to but the only thing you've mentioned about health in pork is "plenty of lean cuts", implying fat=bad every time, and then you've proceeded to shitpost about deep-frying and ignoring everything else

>> No.15974832

the appropriate oil for deep-frying is saturated fat such as lard, tallow, or coconut oil, any unsaturated fat will oxidize and is the sole reason for fried food being unhealthy (other than the flour coating)

>> No.15974837

b12. You brain dead demented homosexual

>> No.15974843

Have you ever heard of seafood? you should try it sometime strokey before your left ventricle collapses

>> No.15974846

If you're talking about chicken vs. porkchops then sure, but try curing chicken. You'd get nothing out of it but disappointment.

>> No.15974848

dietary cholesterol intake has no effect on blood cholesterol; in fact your body needs LDL cholesterol to make vitamin D and testosterone. trans fats are literally a product of seed oils, not animal fats. if you want a stroke then eat canola shortening, not butter

>> No.15974862

clearly this is bait, end the thread and then end yourself

>> No.15974865

>less likely to happen for the average person
In short, deep fryed food is not (necessarily) unhealthy, it's just it tastes so good people are liable to overeat. That's a difference.
Nutrient density is a meme by people who look at things in isolation. You can get protein with zero fat and micronutrients with next to no calories at all if you eat the right things; getting your calories with deep fried food is not a hindrance to meeting requirements for those.

>> No.15974870

you're the one baiting me. I only reply so that people can read proper dietary advice, it's not to convince you

>> No.15974878

you're not entirely wrong and I'm not actually arguing against eating fried foods. just fry it with the right oil and make sure that you don't overeat the stuff.

>> No.15974890

the main concern is that it's fried with seed oil. don't fry it with that garbage and it's completely fine

>> No.15974893

You're so clearly misguided. Yeah, hydrogenated vegetable oils are bad for you. Only when they're hydrogenated. Unrefined seed oils contain almost exclusively unsaturated fats that despite the misinformation you spewed earlier does not break down at any cooking temperature.
Dairy and red meat contain trans fats innately, it takes 1 simple search through various medical journals to find extensive reports on the connection between red meat consumption and heart disease.
The only difference of health between unrefined seed oils and olive oil is the presence of antioxidants, nothing more. Deep fat frying in unrefined oil is an explicitly more healthful source of fat than red meat.

>> No.15974899

You literally have no idea how seed oils are made, do you?

>> No.15974907

Fish is less sustainable than red meat.
A single fish could feed me for like a day. A single dead cow could feed me for 4-8 years, you dumb homo

>> No.15974914

The only reason canola oil would contain trans fats is because they convert the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids into them to prevent spoilage.

Thats why I said to buy unrefined oil you fucking trog, any refined oils are going to be shit for you, that doesn't make red meat any better.

>> No.15974928
File: 66 KB, 580x463, fatty-acid-breakdown-of-different-fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omega 6 acids are unhealthy just by themselves, no need to bring frying into the matter. Guess which oils contain a lot of it.

>> No.15974932

1. although unrefined seed oils are certainly better than hydrogenated oils, you would be lying to say that they do "not break down at any cooking temperature". it is a fact that PUFA's break down at mere room temperature on exposure to oxygen which is how seed oils go rancid, this is accelerated rapidly on exposure to heat and light. some of the fat molecules of vegetable oils will actually turn into trans fat when cooked.
2. the trans fat naturally found in meat and dairy is different than that which occurs when vegetable oils are heated or hydrogenated. studies have found no link between these fats and cancer, and the video below has sources to cite that red meat is actually healthy and good for you.
even without citing sources, common sense should tell you that foods consumed for thousands of years with no reported ill-effects are probably better than modern-made PUFA-ridden foods where our society is plagued with cancer, Alzheimer's, and arthritis among other such diseases.

>> No.15974940

Next level memology, I forgot the part where cancer, Alzheimer's and arthritis didn't exist until modern times.

Oh wait, that's just wrong.

>> No.15974946

research Weston A. Price and find out for yourself

>> No.15974962

What is your definition of refining?

>> No.15974967

>Weston A. Price
That guy was a quack you schizo

>> No.15974968

this, anything more than a little bit of Omega 6 daily if very bad, especially if you do not get any omega 3's (mostly from fish) to balance it out

>> No.15974974

Most oils unless specified "unrefined" is filtered and processed to remove the fatty acid content to prevent spoilage, as well as colors and flavors, that's usually what it means for oil to be "refined"

>> No.15974978

if a quack's methods consistently work and his ideas consistently proven right, is he really a quack?

>> No.15975074

Pork is cheaper than chicken, and there's no possible world in which chicken is more versatile.