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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15948306 No.15948306 [Reply] [Original]

some people don't like eggs over easy.

some people have not evolved scrambled baby-tier.

>> No.15948335
File: 127 KB, 1500x2250, 1FF3E524-369C-49B8-BD93-3EBB6E9D0AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went full grandpa mode and have gotten an appreciation for poached eggs.

>> No.15948340

I'll admit the healthiest option

>> No.15948357

Not even that, but its just much less of a pain in the ass to make comparatively speaking. Once you get the hang of putting it in the pot and testing how well an egg could be poached you could do it in your sleep. Not that I don’t like omelettes or over easy, but sometimes I just want a fucking egg or two (or even three) and some spices alongside some sausage.

>> No.15948362

>some people like what I don't like
I find this truly baffling. Why does my experience not mirror everyone else's? Why do I feel emotionally invested in what other people don't like? It's because they disapproval of things invariably feels like a rejection of me; what I perceive myself to be. This make me act out in impotent frustration. I call you a tranny, an incel, or something entirely different. Regardless, this doesn't reflect too well on me and the confidence I have in my own preferences. My idealized self-image feels violated when I someone expresses disdain for something I hold dear; something which imbues my life with meaning. This is all the result of my own insecurity. Surely I should be able to recognize that other people have entirely different Weltanschauungs, emotional registers, psychological bagage, and tastes. Why should I let this compromise my own self-perception? Why do I have this incessant and pathological need to disparage anyone who expresses joy in something I don't. I must realize that I cannot control everything and everyone; that there's serenity in resignation; that my self is not the world. Have your eggs which ever way like, and I'll have mine my way.

>> No.15948373

I like over medium, but just BARELY over medium.

>> No.15948389

baby's justifying continuing being a baby.

>> No.15948410

What does it mean if I like eggs in every style?

>> No.15948430

That just means you have eggcelent taste

>> No.15948434

>'people' eat scrambled eggs that are overcooked to the point of resimbling rubbing and they piss out some weird liquid
Do americans really

>> No.15948558

I thought they where called 'sunny side down'...

>> No.15948567
File: 404 KB, 1500x1125, medium-rare scrambled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I like my scrambled eggs medium-rare...

>> No.15948579
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>> No.15948584

> to the point of resimbling rubbing and they piss out some weird liquid
>resimbling rubbing and they piss out some weird liquid

>> No.15948742

i like slimy on top
is there a name for this?

>> No.15948800

yea, botulism

>> No.15950529

Over easy is the egg version of well done steak

>> No.15950541

If I can’t have the emotional reassurance of internet randos on what I eat, I’m not gonna eat it.

>> No.15950543

S*nny s*de *p

>> No.15950552

Why are you trying to conflate bafflement with contempt. Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.15950553

Anyone make them over hard then remove the yolk? Is this a conventional technique?

>> No.15950566

over easy is the best way to cook an egg
if you prefer over medium or hard, you might as well kill yourself

>> No.15950656

If the egg ain't poached, its yolk I will not broach.

>> No.15950659

for communist sympathizers yes

>> No.15950696

My favorite is a french omelette and I ve gotten quite good at making them. The runny, but cooked inside is the perfect sauce for each bite.

>> No.15950713

my favorite is soft scrambled...

>> No.15950875

...like this?

>> No.15950883
File: 73 KB, 1200x1800, Scrambled-Eggs-Recipe-2-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never had them quite that gloopy but id be willing to wipe them up with some bread. i prefer mine a bit more formed

>> No.15950895

Over hard or nothing.

>> No.15950908

such a fucking weird thread where i cant tell if the posts are ironic. theres no good or bad way to do eggs it all ends up tasting the same except for scrambled, the only difference is consistency, how is one option more “healthy” than the other?

>> No.15951812

Amount of oil/fat used.

>> No.15951829

i eat eggs.. mainly in soup to the point i dont even use noodles in my soups anymore.. literally just whisk some eggs and slowly drip them into hot soup. Creates very tasty and delicate threads..

>> No.15951844
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>> No.15951870

Scrambled eggs are so frustratingly not good

Fried eggs, or any type of egg with white and yolk seperate for that matter, is so much better, espeacially if the yolks not solid like fried eggs and soft boiled eggs in ramen. I know I'm preaching to the choir but goddamn do I love fried eggs and goddamn does scrambled eggs piss me off

>> No.15951881



>it all ends up tasting the same except for scrambled

Because of this mainly, scrambled just isnt good

>> No.15952361
File: 213 KB, 600x900, eggs-in-a-basket-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs in a basket Chads, where the fuck you at?

>> No.15952366

I'm more of a better over easy and over medium person but when I accidentally break the yolk I'll either let it play out into over hard or just scramble it. Over easy is my preferred but 50% of the time I'm throwing it on top of something anyways.

>> No.15952376

Hmmmm.... I like muh eggs microwaved or soft-boiled. Both pretty good and healthy.

>> No.15952399
File: 124 KB, 602x452, döner dominanz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoy shit, I just had a Döner that blows away your favorite fast food, easily so much better than any burrito btw.

Some easy rules to remember:
- Döner is only real from Germany made by Turks;
- no mutts, gyro isn't the same, nor an equivalent;
- If you spell Döner "Donair" your country doesn't have good Döner;
- the vile stuff the bri'ish eat is unfit for human consumption, which says a lot about them;
- Rotkohl gehört da drauf;

Viele Dönerläden haben inzwischen nicht mehr nur Joghurt- oder Knoblauchsauce, sondern auch immer mehr Cocktailsauce oder eine separate scharfe Sauce. Sind wir da vom weg abgekommen oder gut?

>> No.15952967

Was hat das mit Eiern zu tun?

>> No.15952980


>> No.15953294

finding it nuts manchildren with so little going on in their lives can find superiority in fucking food variations of all things, trying to make themselves feel bigger for eating EGGS of all things differently. like good fucking lord i eat eggs a different way every other day. children board