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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 1280x720, orange fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15881544 No.15881544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what did Townsends really mean by this video?

>> No.15881547

that trump lost the election fair and square.

>> No.15881552

>what did Townsends really mean by this video?

>> No.15881553

He already explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIi1bjl_iqE

>> No.15881554


>> No.15881565

seems hard to believe that it was all a coincidence?

>> No.15881600

He was being a woke dick on purpose and found out that his audience was not having it. He panicked and made another video pretending that it was a coincidence. I would have respected him if he just admitted that he did not like Trump instead of being scared that his e celeb status was in a crash dive.

>> No.15881605

I expreß i am of frußtrachions.

>> No.15881611
File: 1.51 MB, 750x422, I'm Frustrated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15881640

a video about a type of desert call a fool, this one was made with orange juice, hence the name.


>> No.15881645

Enough with the dog-whistling, just admit you hate Trump and that is the sole reason why you post in this thread.

>> No.15881663

why in the world would anyone ever support trump the guy is a complete moron, anti god, anti church, thinks everyone that follows him is stupid. but you people just double down. keep supporting him. the definition of crazy is you.

>> No.15881674

The definition of fag:
See >>15881663

>> No.15881679

Because he's better than the alternative

Enjoy your tranny kids, pervert

>> No.15881682
File: 81 KB, 528x792, 1617245897145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15881716

Would this calm down my frustration?

>> No.15881730

Keep it.

>> No.15881750
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1616777182617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, dumbass?
He's extremely frustrated that the Republican party has turned into a fucking joke with zero principles. It's embarrassing.

"But the libs are worse". Doesn't make or right. Fuck you

>> No.15881762

Trump’s presidency was the greatest disaster in this country’s history. Townsends is based for alluding to the fact.

>> No.15881863

Yet he's somehow better than the current dnc serious candidate pool

>> No.15881876

Trump supporters are just snowflakes.

>> No.15881879
File: 476 KB, 784x1100, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15881890
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 1611427254517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15881905

>has turned into

>> No.15881955

Chud gonna cry?

>> No.15881966

politics rots the mind

>> No.15882167

not everything is politics, get over yourself

>> No.15883110

imagine wanting hillary in. jesus

>> No.15883119

No hymen no diamond

>> No.15883125


>> No.15883160

Literally who?

>> No.15883341
File: 26 KB, 432x269, 1617479318074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I love seeing /pol/cels become even more fragile and easily triggered than Tumblr circa 2015

>> No.15883391

but the second video seemed sincere?

>> No.15883421
File: 1.95 MB, 704x480, Trump 1 in your dreams.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't vote for hillary in the first election, and I didn't vote for biden or trump in the second. but anyone FUCKING anyone at all is better than trump.

>> No.15883425

Imagine going on /ck/ to whine about /pol/

>> No.15883711

I agree, anyone is better than Trump, which includes the black guys that raped your mother.

>> No.15883789

>guy makes an offhand cheeky political joke on his cooking channel
>trumptards are seething about it for years to come
god the persecution complex you people have is hilarious

>> No.15884509

What those kid did to him that night.. it wasn't human.

>> No.15884675
File: 1.26 MB, 930x1148, Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 10.54.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.15884741

Trump, though characterized as a warmongering maniac in the press, was the most peaceful president since Carter.

Notably, he made much less use of the military than Obama, despite Obama winning office in 2007 on an anti war campaign.

>> No.15884973

Imma make one and flex on the losers who think this is about politics.

>> No.15885040

Read some Foucault, dotard.

>> No.15885043


>> No.15885063

>refers to 2016 as “the first election”
Something tells me your name is Aiden, Brayden, Cayden, Hayden, Jayden, or some other -den name that all young single moms seemed to give their fatherless sons in the late 90’s to early 00’s.

>> No.15885198

Right, totally a coincidence that the episode was released on President's Day.

>> No.15885211

It was a Trump sneakdiss and anyone with a backbone called his ass on it and he had to make his stupid ass video backpedaling.

>> No.15885214

Based, what the FUCK is up with that? It's so annoying.

>> No.15885297

He only made this after his video backfired.

>> No.15885336

The apology seemed sincere but I am having a hard time believing it was all a coincidence. It's been decades since there was a candidate people voted for because they liked them. Last like 8 elections have been voting for the lesser evil. That was as good a reason as any to vote Trump and of course people are going to be defensive about it.

>> No.15885541

>conservatives use doublespeak and feign ignorance when called out
haha we are so clever >:)

>youtuber feigns ignorance when his audience attacks him for insulting Dear Leader
what a clown. how could he think he could get away with this?

>> No.15885569

Traitors like this should be fucking executed for slandering President Donald J. Trump.

>> No.15886153

was it really? if that's true it had to be intentional

>> No.15886183

It was George Washington's recipe you fucking loons

>> No.15886198

Biden's literally a fucking dementia puppet my dude. You are the exact kind of fucking moron that buys into media narratives. Trump was a fucking moron but objectively Biden is just as fucking pigshit stupid.

>> No.15887305

>that trump lost the election fair and square.
>in 2016
oi m8 are you casting doubt on the integrity of our elections?

>> No.15887315

2 more weeks
trust the plan

>> No.15887401

Meanwhile Biden already started a new intervention in Mozambique, after only 2 months

>> No.15887410

Jesus christ i remember seeing in real time people going from "trump is going to start world war 3!" to "trump isn't going to start world war 3!" and hating him either way.

>> No.15887415
File: 55 KB, 615x931, 3_Cat-Visits-The-Beach-For-The-First-Time-And-Has-Very-Strong-Opinions-About-It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Trump splits the Republican party and the democrats are permanently in power.

>> No.15887423

Probably because it's borderline illegal to call out blacks and jews for their bullshit, despite everyone knowing it's true.

>> No.15887427

That's why the international community viewed him as a flacid pussy. You got to bomb some brown kids to be taken seriously.

>> No.15887436

They predict one party monorule every election now. Two parties are baked into the system. Even if one died it'd rapidly get replaced with another that held the same people and platform of what got replaced.

>> No.15887479

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

>> No.15887562

>can never enjoy or discuss Townsends again because it's always Orange Fool episode

>> No.15887731

>letting anons on the internet influence you in any way

>> No.15887874

I remember when everyone said the Dems were dead in 2016 because the split between Berniebros and Hilldawgs was too big. Lol of course then Bernie cucked and made all his supporters vote for Biden 4 years later anyway.

>> No.15887918

And the republicans were done in 2008 when obama swept and the dems were done in 2004 when kerry fucked up and how the supreme court was going to turn every election to reps after 2000. It's the classic 'rile up the opposition' line media moguls love to spin.