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15857798 No.15857798 [Reply] [Original]

OK. For real. How the fuck can you eat these? When you see how they look?

>> No.15857832

Why do women lick their fingers when they masturbate? Is it learned? Instinctual?

>> No.15857845

I too enjoy feminine penis

>> No.15857853

Perhaps because adults are not picky children who need their food to look like candy or chicken tenders in order to eat it. Perhaps because adults have culture and experience.

>> No.15857859

I take it you have never eaten someones ass

>> No.15857886

They are delicious. I was grossed out at first too, but there's a reason people love them.

>> No.15857885

The mussels in green sauce are pretty damn good from Spanish restaurants.

>> No.15857888

i want to try this shit so much they look so odd but so nice

>> No.15857903

umami bomb

>> No.15857929
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just put em in your mouth and suck em

>> No.15857954

They taste good, I am never bothered by the look. If you have tried it you would probably also not be bothered. Or maybe you have a pleb taste and are like hurr durr they taste like seawater.

>> No.15857964

It's to lube themselves.

>> No.15858025

The whole, "oysters are an aphrodisiac" stems from the fact that if you can slurp those goobers down, you can eat that skank's pussy sitting next to you at the bar.

>> No.15858090

I can't. It's like eating a giant runny booger.

>> No.15858139

I fucking hate your guts.

>> No.15858191
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They look good tho.

>> No.15858204

women don’t masturbate you retard

>> No.15858280

Same reason it's so addicting to sniff your fingers after scratching your balls

>> No.15858334

Oysters are the nastiest fucking thing to come out of the water. They're frequently infested with worms and parasites, most wagies shucking them crack the shell so bad that fragments of poorly washed, sand covered oyster shell are shot down the gullet of some drunk whore who thinks it's the fancy seasoning and says nothing. Fucking disgusting sea boogers that no one should ever put inside their body. That being said, I will eat 24 oysters by myself in a heartbeat, they're delicious.

>> No.15858387

What prevents you to try then?

>> No.15859028
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>> No.15859131

>OK. For real. How the fuck can you eat these? When you see how they look?
By not being gay. Heterosexuals like the look of pussy.

>> No.15859229

licking and sniffing are two entirely different things, BROTHER

>> No.15859452

I'm an adult.

>> No.15859454

never had a chance desu

>> No.15859465

kek good post.

>> No.15859473

>eating pussy
I can’t imagine anything more gay

>> No.15859482

It's available pretty much anywhere in the world, and it's not that expensive.

>> No.15859492

why do you think other shit looks less weird? if you break it down, everything is uncomfortable. muscle from a cow, highly processed chemical medleys to make candy, potatoes fertilized in shit dug up from the dirt by some smelly migrant who probably shit in the field himself and used his hands to wipe...

if it tastes good, you eat it. oysters are incredible.

>> No.15859495

italians aren't welcome here

>> No.15859503
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>tfw scratch butthole and wipe some of the buttjuice sweat on your upper lip for extended smell time

>> No.15859668
File: 53 KB, 400x309, 80s-Schwarzenegger-Classic-Predator-Blain-Sexual-Tyrannosaurus-custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oysters are an aphrodisiac. Makes you fuck like a Chad. Everytime me and my ex ate oysters, I'd fuck and cream every single one of her holes. God I miss the sex. Bitch was bat shit crazy though. Not even the sex was worth her antics.

>> No.15859844

>every single one of her holes.
Nostrils and ear canals as well?

>> No.15860026

Maybe if my dick was small enough to fit in there.

>> No.15860036

because they are fucking tasty
next question

>> No.15860128

I am not autistic, so I can mentally get past the way things look. Let's keep this a secret, though. I've convinced everyone I'm autistic to excuse myself for being an asshole.

>> No.15860182

I paid $13 for 6 half shell oysters and they were maybe a third that size each. They came with those cheap crackers the school nurse would give you.
Not living by a saltwater source for oysters a fucking joke.

>> No.15860193

It's like eating pussies. It's delicious when fresh

>> No.15860666

A real man enjoys a women's scent... To an extent.. You gotta pre-bake the oven before you put in the main dish. Nothing like making your woman smell her own pussy as you tongue punch her tonsils while being balls deep in a wet hole.

>> No.15860678

do you also feel this way when she sucks your dick and you're licking around tasting your balls on her teeth?

>> No.15860735

Nope. I don't believe in gender equality. Makes me think though, there are plenty of foods that reek like a dirty pussy, what foods reeks like dirty balls?

Even used condoms thatve been sitting in a small trash can stinks like a fish market, but never of dick. Why is this?

>> No.15860744

I can't eat them im allergic
its hot idk

>> No.15860771
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3-6 half priced oysters for happy hour
Dozen on the half shell for $6

>> No.15860819

Of course they do, they just never admit to it.

>> No.15860827

I know bro

>> No.15860858
File: 542 KB, 600x505, image_2021-03-30_193304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in fucking tears, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.15860966

I do this and masturbate to pics of girls buttholes to pretend I can smell it

>> No.15861525

other way around have her fuck your ear with her tongue, curls my toes and many giggles.

>> No.15861555

I used to eat these all the time.
Some salt and melted butter.

>> No.15861563

I’m with you OP. Sea life shouldn’t be eaten.

>> No.15861599

dozen with a little mignonette sauce, fuck like a stallion

>> No.15862481

Does it matter where you go to get them if all the ones served come from the gulf where I live?

>> No.15862497

If you call that living.

If you call that living.

>> No.15862514

some tabasco sauce and lemon juice

>> No.15862626

I used to eat them fresh off the rocks because it made me feel like a raging wild man. Just break them off with a rock and mix a little seawater to taste. To be honest though, they taste like a combination of snot and semen. I don't find the texture very palatable.

>> No.15862637

That describes them well. Like a big wad of boogers. Some runny, some congealed in there. Lumpy, slimey goodness to get your goat going.

>> No.15862739

A clean asshole just tastes like skin. If you taste anything other than skin then you are doing it wrong.

>> No.15862894

>Having anything but a squirt of lemon juice on oysters.......

Way to ruin the whole experience, tastelets.

>> No.15862897

Still single aren't you.......

>> No.15862902

Of course you are.....

>> No.15862904

Holy shit how rich are these mother fuckers? That's like $500 worth of oysters right there.

>> No.15862944

I like oysters but only the fines de Claires type.
Small and mineral.

>> No.15862954

You might think you have, but you've never really gotten your tongue past the buttcheeks.

>> No.15863124

This cunt looks like a monkey

>> No.15863135

Did we ever solve this?

>> No.15863138

I used to have a FWB who liked for me to put my fingers in her mouth after I fingered her. I thought it was kind of hot. Who cares why women do what they do?

>> No.15863493

>That's like $500 worth of oysters right there.
I cheked and here it's 92 euros for 100 Belon oysters (the most expensives)...

>> No.15863497

I lick my precum off my fingers when I masturbate

>> No.15863621

Alive -- have to pry out

Do I chew these fucking sea slugs?
That will be 75 dollars, thank you sir.

Also, I'll take an ALIVE soft shell crab deep fried
Because you know...I want a sea spider sandwich

>> No.15863743
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Here is your beloved sea food kid.

>> No.15863755

I'll never eat anything alive or raw that came out of the fucking ocean. It's asking for parasites.

>> No.15863828

>It's asking for parasites.
It's fucking rare in oysters and it only affects the oyster, killing it and destroying the harvest, it's harmless for humans.
You should be more worried about bacterias but unless you are a third worlder it's VERY controlled.

>> No.15863895

im 26 and never kissed a girl

>> No.15863915

I love this personally.

>> No.15863919

500 what dollars, zim dollars?

>> No.15863928
File: 27 KB, 480x360, Zimdollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]