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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 382 KB, 1536x2048, ExHP-bWVIAETwoV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15812791 No.15812791 [Reply] [Original]

I hope none of you ate a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast today.

>> No.15812794

i did. whats the matter?

>> No.15812796

Are those cinnamon toasted bugs?

>> No.15812797
File: 933 KB, 376x240, sanlke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know what the fuck that means

>> No.15812801

Is this the high protein keto version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

>> No.15812825

>You *will* the the bugs
You will own nothing
You will live in a pod
And you will be happy

>> No.15812832
File: 352 KB, 1536x2048, ExHnijNVoAIeibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy found shrimp tails in his CTC. Looking through the bag he also found what looks like rat droppings baked into the cereal.
People are guessing a rat made a nest inside the "dry coating mix" they use for the cereal, and it got used.

While the official CTC says it's just "solidified chunks of cinnamon sugar."

>> No.15812834
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>> No.15812842

Honestly what adult eats Cinnamon Toast Crunch any? Idiot got what he deserves.

>> No.15812846

It's got what plants crave

>> No.15812859
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>> No.15812868

Shrimp are sea bugs

>> No.15812869

whats with the schizo posting so early in the morning lately?

>> No.15812876

I don't eat heavily processed sugar carbs. So no I'm fine.

>> No.15812881

Daylight savings

>> No.15812883

Americans are waking up.

>> No.15812885

You WILL eat cinnamon toasted rat feces

>> No.15812888

>Some guy found shrimp tails in his CTC.
I'll wait until this is fully investigated. This is probably just going to turn out to be a scam like the finger in Wendy's chili.

>> No.15812894


>> No.15812895

The insects or whatever other critter matter didnt get blended into the cinnamon sugar enough

>> No.15812929

What are the chances the same dude found both shrimp tails and rat droppings in his cereal?

>> No.15812962

Pretty high if a rat is the one who took the tails into the cereal in the first place

>> No.15812974
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>> No.15813171

Were they in the employee break room or something?

>> No.15813207

Sometimes the real rats are the people we work with

>> No.15813223

are they really trying to lie when they are clearly shrimp tails? do americans really?

>> No.15813250

Deny until you need to apologize then you redirect and make up a sad story about why it all happened so you look like a good guy
Works everytime

>> No.15813264

Standard big company procedure
>Deny it
>Secretly settle out of court by paying out the ass so they STFU
>Create a "controversy" that benefits you (like the BK "women belong in the kitchen" tweet) so people move on

>> No.15813266
File: 704 KB, 928x1248, Photo-Apr-02-9-59-25-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You *will* the the bugs

>> No.15813283

And then years after it gets brought up in an argument about animal shit and wrong things on food and the person shuts it down with "lol conspiracy tard they said it was a bad worker who had a grudge against the company" or something.

>> No.15813540

One day when I was in highschool I got home from school and my dad kept his bowl of cinnamon toast crunch because he found 2 mouse shits in it. We threw out the box but I still eat it

>> No.15813746

I literally don't get the right-wing conspiracy of "THEY WANT TO MAKE YOU EAT BUGS!" Pretending that it's not a conspiracy and totally real, that there's some cabal out there whose entire evil is trying to get the planet to eat bugs - okay, why? Why do they want us to eat bugs? Why is that their big master plan, wasting all their time and resources, for the shadowy puppet masters to make Anon McFaggot eat a cricket?
>b-but bugs r icky and gross i dont wanna eat them mommy!1!!!11!!

>> No.15813774

The government is constantly talking about how beef and most other animal products are unsustainable for the masses due to climate change and other environmental factors and that people need to find alternatives. But of course, if restricted, such things will still exist and be very expensive, i.e. austerity for thee but not for me. That's the point rightoids are trying to make.

>> No.15813825

Okay big gov faggot, show us how scared you are.

>> No.15813847

It's not the bugs, it's that you *will* accept a lower quality of life and you will be happy because they will remind you about how happy you are. And if you say you aren't happy then you're a (badword) who is against the system.

>> No.15813849
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But that's fact. At some point meat production won't be able to meet demand. Either because there's too many people (demand) or we run out of space to raise cows (supply). We can't keep expanding infinitely.

>> No.15813858

My mom is liberal, watches news and john oliver every day and brings up eating bugs as a good idea.

>> No.15813887

How about we stop importing people so that we don't have a food quality problem then? Most western nations have falling birthrates without immigration so we could eat meat forever of we stopped them coming.
Oh wait because the same people want more people in so you as an individual are no longer one in 200 million, you're now one in 250 million.
They want you to eat bugs and will make it happen intentionally or not. It doesn't matter what your politics are, they don't care about you or the country.

>> No.15813912

theres bugs in literally any candy you eat anon, in the process of making it they are allowed to make the candy with bug pieces in it until it reaches a certain amount then they clean it out

>> No.15813922

>majority of the world eats bugs
>am*r*c*ns pretend that eating bugs will destroy western civilization and genocide white people

>> No.15813924

Stop lying to our faces CTC we all know those are shrimp tails coating in your delicious Cinnamon Blasted Flavoring™

>> No.15813935
File: 35 KB, 600x600, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's what I call Cinnamon Toast CRUNCH!

>> No.15813962

there is nothing wrong with eating bugs
the world has been consuming them for thousands of years
there is nothing wrong with eating soy
it wont make you gay or grow big tits or child-bearing hips

>> No.15813966

The majority of the world wants to live in places that people aren't eating bugs anon. Those places all seem to be white nations for some reason.

>> No.15813972

So instead of addressing class structure and wealth disparity you schizopost about bugs?

>> No.15813980

looks a lot like shrimp tails...

>> No.15814034

nice self portrait

>> No.15814044

They are.

>> No.15814059

I'll answer in kind.

First, you do not need a scheme orchestrated from the top down by evil suited men smoking cigars in a dark room in order for there to be a group of ill actors working in tandem. There is a concept called a conspiracy of convenience. This is where multiple actors are not necessarily working together in a coordinated effort, but end up supporting each other because doing so happens to further each groups own respective interest.

Vegetarians and animal rights activists have an interest in pushing it because obviously they want people eating less meat. Entepenuers have an interest because bugs are very cheap to produce and could be very profitable if eating them became mainstream. Central bankers have an interest in a protein alternative to help suppress the rising price of meat and mask inflation. Politicians have an interest in preparing the public for a lower quality of life. News outlets have an interest because it creates headlines with a shock factor for easy clicks. Well-wishers have an interest because they can pretend they are saving the world by reducing the toll of farming on the environment. Social media narcissists have an interest in publishing quirky pictures of themselves eating bugs for easy attention to fuel their narcissism. The wealthy have an interest giving their offspring a power advantage, as they will still be able to afford the nourishing red meat even if the commom man is stuck with a maggotburger. It is not a stretch to suggest that there are also sociopaths who push it simply because they enjoy demoralizing others.

>> No.15814062
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, ECC4F6F5-4A1D-4C2C-8A1C-07110823A20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who owns rats
1. They fucking love shrimp tails
2. They’re excellent climbers/acrobats
3. They can fit into extremely tight spaces
4. They always hide food in their nest, especially females

So I would say it’s absolutely 100% plausible that a rat found some shrimp tails in some garbage, drug them all the way to her nest, and then ate/shit there for hours.
It’s also possible this isn’t even the rats nest and it’s just a place to hide food. It makes sense especially if the place where the rat hid the shrimp tails is a place where more food can be acquired.

>> No.15814076

Too coherent and makes too much sense, will be totally ignored by the people who need to read it most

>> No.15814082

Why would you keep a rat as a pet? I’m doing everything I can to keep them out of my house but your bringing them in yours lol

>> No.15814097

So there's some poor rat in a cereal factory wondering where his snack and hideaway went? I feel bad for him.

>> No.15814106

If he's in a cereal factory I'm sure he can find something to eat.

>> No.15814112 [DELETED] 

sustainability, you jenkum huffing retard.

>> No.15814121

They’re cute, small (cheap), easy to care for, and although timid are quite cuddly. Also, where I live, rats aren’t really that big of a pest, so I guess that associated stigma isn’t as bad for me.
They’re honestly great pets. People think rats are garbage because of social stigma, but they’re actually quite intelligent and can be quite fun pets to have.

>> No.15814135

Owned rats as well when i was younger.
The worst part of it was that they piss fucking everywhere and mark everything with their piss. Also they piss where they eat and sleep. Everything stinks of their piss a while later.

>> No.15814140

But what about his shrimp????? He was saving that and it was stolen from him.

>> No.15814148

They can't live without constant outrage. It gives their pathetic empty life some meaning. Fighting against the big bad NWO, one 4chan(nel) post at a time.

>> No.15814151

Share blue faggot, they talk about it on the World Economic Forum. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Nigger.

>> No.15814154

yeah it's not like they talk about it all the time or anything

>> No.15814157

well technically it is, they solidified around the mystery ingredients

>> No.15814159

>people work to further their own goals
>people's goals can align

groundbreaking stuff m8

>> No.15814161

He probably stole them like the rat he is

>> No.15814169

Ok good point.

>> No.15814247

Its headed to a lab

>> No.15814278

This somehow strikes me as fake

>> No.15814279
File: 448 KB, 1536x2048, ExIX1PXUUAEVVLy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dental floss

>> No.15814296

FUCK all these rat fags itt. The only thing rats deserve is the ROPE.

>> No.15814304

Shrimp is not kosher. You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

>> No.15814307

the rats probably ground up inside some other cereal box

>> No.15814337

What exactly is actionable about class structure and wealth disparity? Next to nothing

>> No.15814425
File: 69 KB, 866x409, FDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the FDA has guidelines for acceptable levels of rat feces in practically every food. So long as it's kept below a certain parts per million, it's good to go. You eat trace rat turds all day long.

>> No.15814584

sounds like you got some bootleg rats
even in a pretty small cage, i've only ever see rats piss in one corner of the cage away from where they eat and sleep

>> No.15814597

Yeah. Bugs and rats shit in fields anon. It happens, nothing you eat is ever really clean.

>> No.15814611
File: 102 KB, 1196x671, ExLhSmUVkAUFkoV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothingburger, it's an insurance scam

>> No.15814629

Mine would always piss a ton whenever she got the chance to run around outside of her cage. I always wanted another because she was a great pet but that shit was stressful, also the recurring mammary tumors but I got her from a fucking petsmart so

>> No.15814638
File: 18 KB, 99x194, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does seem to check out

>> No.15814647

You're a woman, right?`
If not, you are a man with dreads at the very least.
I can not imagine a scenario where you're well adjusted

>> No.15814656

>he believes Big Cinnamon
shame to be you, my duderino

>> No.15814663

Meh. I appreciate the effort though.

>> No.15814670

That's what you get for eating sugar squares for breakfast as an adult.

>> No.15814717

So maybe stop being an annoying faggot on every website ti cope with not being able to fix the issues if society
Maybe just come to a cinnamon shrimp crunch thread and talk about that instead of spamming you >eat da bugs memes when nobody gives a shit

>> No.15814742

>insurance scam
I kinda doubt it but there are some strange circumstances
The second bad was seemingly taped closed but the shrimp and nesquick bits look baked in sugar. It seems like an odd way to go to try and claim shrimp tails instead of regular old rat shit in a bag which is disgusting but believable and somewhat normal

>> No.15814749

>How about we stop importing people
White people don't do menial labor. The country would fall apart.

>> No.15814785

The more it gets spammed the fewer people who will be okay with eating the bugs. You're not the target of it since apparently you're not only okay with eating the sirloin roach patties but you're happy to do so

>> No.15814865
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>> No.15814969

samefag, fuck off

>> No.15814980

>I cant change anything
>I'm on a crusade to prevent bug eating

You dont need to eat any cause the worms are already inside your head

>> No.15815012

nice rats :3

>> No.15815026

Thanks for saying what i couldnt but already inherently understood

>> No.15815096

based ratposter
you're a schizoid, right?

>> No.15815111

peak soupbrain

>> No.15815124

lol the rat shit is baked into the cereal. how could it not have happened at the facility.

>> No.15815166

trips of anger LMAO notice how no one is honestly contradicting the original post in an actual way?

>> No.15815234

I feel gross enough eating old fashioned oatmeal every once in a while. Why would I eat this hyper processed shit?

>> No.15815244

Who do you think did menial labor before we started letting mexicans in?

>> No.15815269

It strikes me as plebbit. I....PUT THE SCREW.....IN THE TUNA!

>> No.15815359

>The US birthdate is just above replacement rate.
>Birth rate in most Euro nations below replacement rate.
>Only reason population expands is due to immigration and religious cults.
>There will come a point when the immigration train slows down due to shitholes also reaching developed status
>Once again Malthusian collapse proven wrong by the invisible hand of the economy
Take some economics classes

>> No.15815383

wow you're so cool anon! I bet you get tons of pussy huh? yeah, I bet you fuck!

>> No.15815388

wow you're so cool anon! I bet you get tons of pussy huh? yeah, I bet you fuck!

>> No.15815396



>> No.15815400

it was these two fuckers. Get 'em!!!

>> No.15815409

this dude is fucking hideous, looks like an actual subhuman neanderthal no lie

>> No.15815426

>reddit spacing

>> No.15815440

No, it was a box with 2 bags and even in the unopened they found more shit

>> No.15815475

Shut up retards

>> No.15815836 [DELETED] 


>> No.15815872

>You *will* the the bugs
you literally eat enough bugs in your sleep to feed a reptile for a month

>> No.15815916

black and white thinking autist

>> No.15815955

What would Shrimp be doing in a cereal factory?

>> No.15815972

The "rat shit" looks like cereal coating that coalesced from moisture.

>> No.15816000
File: 445 KB, 1536x2048, ExIX1PVUYAMto4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal layers of packing tape on the bag
I'm pretty sure that this did not happen at the GM facility. Bag filling and other packaging isn't performed by humans. I'd wager that:

-some faggot zoomer tampered with a box of cereal and then put it back on the shelf to "go viral"
-some wagie at the store he bought it from tampered with it
-the "whistleblower" tampered with it and was too stupid to forget to take a picture that didn't have the packing tape visible in the shot

>> No.15816019

10/10 post. This is also, for example, why politicians constantly work against their purported ideological goals, like the fact than not a single republican has done anything meaningful to stop illegal immigration because businesses that own those politicians want cheap disposable labor.

>> No.15816023
File: 81 KB, 1825x702, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating sugary cereal for breakfast

>> No.15816092

that's shrimp

>> No.15816141

based. got a couple disease owners to reply too

>> No.15816152

No the bugman who posted it mentioned the tape.

But I agree, this likely happened outside of the facility.

>> No.15816156

>that ring
you're just asking to be de-gloved.

>> No.15816170

So why is debris baked into the squares?
Why would someone think shrimp tail instead of literally anything more plausible

>> No.15816200

Small insects don't seem so bad honestly, probably just crunchy and we just find it disgusting because we are not used to it but holy fuck you'd need to have me at gunpoint to eat a worm or maggot.

>> No.15816233

Imagine if you could breed some fat cockroaches that taste like prawns

>> No.15816309

The only debris that's "baked in" are the alleged rat feces which look just like clumps of sugar and cinnamon that got wet and compacted. You see it in other coated breakfast cereals also. Maybe not baked in, but at the bottom of the bag there will sometimes be small, hard clumps of sugar, icing or other coatings.

>> No.15816323

Then what the fuck is he doing blaming General Mills for products obviously tainted at some point after packaging and before purchase and putting them on Twitter blast?

>> No.15816324

they're all hopped up on speed

>> No.15816356

I know they are shrimp tails because that's what I put in there!

>> No.15816741

He bought a family pack, has two bags inside it. One bag was normally sealed and had the shrimp
The other was taped and had the dental floss

>> No.15816744 [DELETED] 

I am 45 and I eat a box once a year. Sometimes you crave that stupid shit. I think I am going to start filling a large bowl with it then put it through a small strainer and just drink the milk

>> No.15816760

Is this the resident schizo thread?

>> No.15816921
File: 1.84 MB, 3088x2320, 213121BC-DD7D-40AA-9FA8-58E5F3F91815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither lol. why do small animals scare you so badly that you resort to weird stereotyping, anon? did rats eat your dad or something

>> No.15816928

why does phone posting still suck so much christ. im halfway to australia in this

>> No.15816971

incel face

>> No.15816990

I'd eat cinnamon toast shrimp tails ngl

>> No.15817260

Ha I saw you on the street

>> No.15817297

how tight is your bussy?

>> No.15817317

some of you guys are alright
don't eat cap'n crunch for breakfast tomorrow

>> No.15817350

extremely fake drummed up nonsense for a z list celeb to get attention and get podcast viewers, just look at all the other nobody celebs getting involved

>> No.15817354


>> No.15817367


>> No.15817380

>based rat owner.
Something super comforting when they're nestled on your shoulder.

>> No.15817401
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Got a chuckke from me

>> No.15817837

pfft. reported to the fbi for threats against the agricultural sugar trade.

>> No.15817856

Yeah when I found out the guy has a podcast and is married to Topenga from Boy Meets World I was convinced it was bullshit.

>> No.15817860

mostly the irish and chinese but we didn't consider irish people white yet

>> No.15818173

A lot of general mills shills around here

>> No.15818407

Shrimp guy tired of being referred to as someone's husband, makes up controversy on Twitter to go viral.

>> No.15818587

>how to out yourself as a mouthbreather, the post.

>> No.15818595
File: 81 KB, 500x385, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Hated working at General Mills
>Get cush job lined up
>Last day in the job
>Have leftover shrimp lo mein
>Throw shrimp tails into Cinnamon Toast Crunch line
>Fuck you Terry, your line sucks.

>> No.15818599

Conspiracy huh

>> No.15818608
File: 924 KB, 238x386, 1586735156600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes a nosecuck
seethe more i want you to know im taking big mouthfuls of oxygen you will NEVER get

>> No.15818729

So you're telling me it's something that benefits a very large amount and variety of people?

>> No.15818736

Thank dog I will inherit land some day.
I will just raise my own chicken and a few pigs.

I will never eat the bugs

>> No.15818739

I see absolutely no problem with making them into a protein powder sorta thing

>> No.15818755

Variety of people yes, very large amount of course not, not even reacing medium size. Most people don't belong in said groups

>> No.15818761

Oh well, tough for them. The thought of eating bugs does not vex me, so I don't care.

>> No.15818763

Then just let the powerlifters eat the bugs and let us normal people eat beef, pork and chicken

>> No.15818799

Alternatively paint the customer as a hysterical retard like what McDonald's did to the poor woman who got third degree burns and a fused together pussy from spilling coffee.

>> No.15818994

I'm against the idea of eating bugs more often than once but that's not too terrible of an idea.
I'm sure bugs have great micronutrients too

>> No.15819007

haha so what man the fuck up you queer

>> No.15819133

Whe need zpg you should only be allowed two children no matter what country

>> No.15819584

I found a squashed spider in a box of cereal once, ended up taking it back to the shop and swapping it
>you literally eat enough bugs in your sleep to feed a reptile for a month
Yeah of you live in a thirdworld country, thats stupid over exageration
I hope you realise mouth breathing can cause a whole lot of problems, especially in children. Why do you think mouthbreather is an insult?

>> No.15819612

I cannot for the life of me understand why anybody would still eat cereal past the age of 15
It isn't filling
It isn't delicious
It's just a massive bomb of sugar
If I'm going to eat 500 calories of pure sugar washed down with milk I would 10x rather have a donut or a croissant or something for the same nutritional value and cost
Cereal is total shit

>> No.15819621

You will never have sex

>> No.15819701

It's just nice and and simple to eat, but you are correct

>> No.15819716

Your dad would beg to differ.

>> No.15819737

It's good if you really need something to eat right this second or as a replacement for dessert

>> No.15819883

get bonked

>> No.15821283

go back faggot