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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15800981 No.15800981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be American
>upper middle class, working for a tech company
>become good friends with European co-worker
>visit him
>he lives in a 1 bedroom apartment, doesn't own a car, and all his kitchen appliances are small
>pic related was his oven
>hes shocked when I tell him I own a home and car and accused me of lying about how much I'm paid in salary
>we compare paychecks
>he actually makes slightly more than me but his take home pay was super low

I saw a thread similar to this last night but didn't have a chance to post my experience

>> No.15800987

unironically because of socialism
Everything he makes is taken away by the government to pay for fat people's healthcare and migrants.

>> No.15800988

Yeah, they get taxed far more than we do.

>> No.15801008

Food and cooking?

>> No.15801157
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In the UK I have a undergraduate and a masters loan which are separate for tax purposes. I pay an extra 9% marginal on the undergrad and 6% for the masters, plus an extra 1% tax for living in Scotland.

I therefore pay 36% on the lower band and 56% on the upper band, not including local govt taxes and health care tax (national insurance).

Luckily, student loans cannot be enforced internationally so I'm leaving the moment I can get a remote job.

>> No.15801167

His appliances are small. Can't you read?

>> No.15801178

I know Amerimutt vs Europoor shitposting is a thing on all boards to some degree, but why did it take such a strong hold on /ck/ in particular? Seems like half the threads on this board are either shitposts along those lines to begin with, or get derailed to go into that direction once they reach a certain number of posts.

>> No.15801283 [DELETED] 


>> No.15801286

>A board about food
>eating food makes you shit
>therefore a bunch of shitposts ensue
Simple as

>> No.15801292

I’m a middle-class European and I make €3000 a month, but only 2000 of that reaches my bank account. I do have amazing city infrastructure and public transportation and clean streets and stuff so it’s OK.

>> No.15801314

He probably doesn't have to deal with niggers, mexicans and mutts everyday or worry about going bankrupt due to hospital bills and didn't have his penis mutilated at birth

>> No.15801336
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Mutts don’t live the simple life. They want the luxury, the big car, big house etc. I noticed a lot in Europe the only retards that try to copy this lifestyle are french, fucking idiots.

>> No.15801353

I live in the suburbs and we are 95%+ white. I pay about $100/month for health insurance and its one of the best plans my company offers. I get paid. I get paid $5,800/month and about $4,000 of it goes into my bank after taxes. I travel a lot for work and get about $500 tax free in expenses on top of that $4k.

I enjoy owning a car and being able to drive alone to where ever I want whenever I want. Its mind boggling to me that euros obsess over public transportation. How far do you walk to catch a train or bus? Whats it like having to schedule your life around public transportation? If I want to right now, I can get into my car and drive to a beach and spend a day there. I'm Europe you have to hope to catch a train after walking a mile to the train station

>> No.15801367

Weird OP. I live in Canada and my finances are almost exactly the same as yours (nominal and take-home pay), except in CAD. Except I don't have a car anymore, because car insurance is shit expensive and I live in a midsized city where I can bike everywhere. And I live in a bugbox with tiny applicances like your euro friend. I just put everything I make into index funds

>> No.15801369

Does that work of you're employed by a UK company? Won't it still come out of PAYE?

Between them, HMRC and my landlord get about 75% of my salary. My plan is to become a contractor. You only pay the 6 and 9% on what you make above 21 and £24,000, although annoyingly it's calculated before allowances and other taxes are deducted, so if you set yourself up a limited company you can expense a lot of living costs (5/7ths of rent and bills if you work from home 5 days per week), pay yourself a small salary for the rest, and pay corporate tax on the remaining profit which stays in a company account. When you retire, you can liquidate the company's assets and pay 10% tax. You might still pay towards your loan if you need more than £21k for non-expensable

>> No.15801388

How can you not afford the such simple things? How much was your car insurance??? I pay $65/month through geico. It comes with full coverage and road side assistance. My mortgage payment is $1,050/month. Car payment is $300. I pay about $250 in utilities (internet, electric, gas, water, garbage).

>> No.15801408

I can fathom being taxed like you guys do in the UK. Whats the point of having a college degree, when its free and everybody gets it? If everyone has one, doesn't it water down the work force? I'm able to get more money for my degree because most people don't get them here.

>> No.15801428

I live in a village, 100% white. Ten minute drive from the closest town which is also 100% white. I own a car, because public transport here isn't great, in cities it's fine but you need a car anywhere else. In most European cities buses and trains are available every 5 minutes so it's not hard to schedule your day around it, and most places are within walking distance so we don't need a car if you live in the city.

It's just different values, we don't value big houses or the latest gadgets and expensive cars as much as you do. Sure they're nice, but a lot of people here enjoy being able to live a comfortable life and not need to earn a lot to live that life.

Maybe the friend in OP is just bad with money

>> No.15801430

>He needs a car to travel 200m everyday

>> No.15801433

Having a degree from Oxford is worth more than some IT in sheffield or something but it allows people to have a chance at doing what they want to do and find work at somewhere less prestigious and work your way up. Anyway, college is a scam

>> No.15801465

Most people who wouldn't get degrees if they weren't free either get unemployable degrees or drop out in first or second year, so the competition didn't rise that much.

>> No.15801490

$3.5k/year. I can afford it obviously, I just didn't see the point in paying it anymore. The provincial government has a monopoly on car insurance here, and they are famously ill managed

>> No.15801498

This is such a low effort bait thread, holy shit.
>i hate niggers
>they commit all the crime
>trump won the election
>i also ate food today :) now it's on topic

>> No.15801510

What food are you guys talking about?

>> No.15801567

Nah, I live 10 mins away from where I work. I use my car to drive to restaurants, stores, and entertainment. In the US its strange to not own a car. Only the homeless can't afford cars here. How do you guys date? Do you just meet girls at the train station? I pick them up at their house and we drive where ever we want.

>> No.15801576


>> No.15801617

At least he doesn't have to live with niggers. That'S worth a grand per month.

>> No.15801717

Your days are coming, m8. Euro nations are taking niggers in at record levels. Remember, Muhammad is now the number 1 baby's name in many parts of Europe. At least most of our niggers aren't mudslimes.

>> No.15801815

Wow fuck so you pay another 16% in each band? That's totally fucked.

>> No.15801839

Soooo all pf 4chins?

>> No.15801844

That worked until recently (your numbers are a bit off) but IR35 is putting an end to it. Anyone paging a mortgage or part of via that route is fucked if they get audited by HMRC.
Unironically get a fish and chip shop if you wish to pay the taxman as little as possible.

>> No.15801886

Massive cope

>> No.15801900
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Excellent cooking thread

>> No.15802060

The tradeoff is that their cities are crime ridden shitholes, their education sucks, their infrastructure is falling apart, and getting cancer will bankrupt you.
>I pay about $100/month for health insurance
Just wait until you have a medical emergency and the paramedics accidently take you to the wrong hospital or your anesthesiologist is not in network or something like that.

>> No.15802077

Because us Europeans actually care about the earth
you americans all have cars and houses and pointless icemachines, you are the one killing this planet
you can live comfortably in a small apartment and cars are pointless wastes of money

>> No.15802206
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> you americans all have cars and houses and pointless icemachines, you are the one killing this planet
> you can live comfortably in a small apartment and cars are pointless wastes of money

>> No.15802250

Kek you euros really don't understand our healthcare. Those things don't happen and if you have good health insurance, you will be fine. If a hospital fucks up, we can can file lawsuits against them. Keep believing in those boogie man horror stories your state ran media tells you! Enjoy paying all those taxes so Muhammed can enter your country and have free healthcare!

>> No.15802255

>I don't want basic luxuries because its hurting the environment!


>> No.15802263

Because food is a cornerstone of culture

>> No.15802281

Not him, but I pay about $100 US/mo in cucknada for car insurance, comprehensive.

>> No.15802296

Except when you get sick, can't work so you're fired, so loose your health insurance.
Then you're fucked.

>> No.15802306
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>24" stove
heh fucking yurocucks will never know the pure bliss of cooking on a 60" range
must suck to suck

>> No.15802315
File: 673 KB, 708x703, IMG_20201004_144946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those things don't happen
The first time I had a kidney stone they wanted to give me an MRI for it and by the time I got out of the hospital (about 2-3 hours) it was late at night. They charged me $5k for an MRI and a bit of painkiller.

>> No.15802323

And how much does your good health insurance cost per month?

>> No.15802639

Lol what? I literally have nearly over 100 days of personal/sick time through my employer. Theres also thing thing employers have called FMLA. Employees can apply for it and literally take months and months off at a time if they are having problems and their job is protected. I literally have an employee on it right now. He has cancer. When his personal/sick time is up, he will be using FMLA

You euros really have no clue lmao. Don't listen to everything youe government and media tell you, m8.

>> No.15802648

I pay about $50/ pay check so about $100/month

>> No.15802705

Horseshit. Health insurance is a scam during any real emergency. It happens all the fucking time. If you're in a car accident or some other serious emergency you don't get the luxury of going to an in network hospital and even if the hospital you go to accepts your insurance there's a solid 90% chance the specialist surgeon doesn't, or the anesthesiologist doesn't, etc. Even with fantastic health insurance you can easily end up with hundreds of thousands in bills during a real emergency.

The only time american health care and insurance works is for stupid shit that doesn't matter like annual checkups or blood work. The minute you need emergency health care all insurance becomes a joke.

>> No.15802706

Euros don't understand that most employers in the US offer tons of benefits. They don't understand that we have something called FMLA that protects those who get sick and can't work.

Euros sit in their small studio apartments ($1,200/month) watch the news on their small TV's and listen to the propaganda telling them how great they have it and how the US is bad.

My uncle didn't have health insurance and he still got medical treatment. He's on a payment plan with the hospital. He told me he pays $200/month. He has to option to have his medical bills erased, if something happens and is no longer able to pay. If push comes to shove, he can also go bankrupt. The type of bankruptcy he goes through will protect his house and he will literally lose nothing but his good credit score. His lawyer told him his credit score will be fine again in 5 years, if doesn't fuck up.

>> No.15802718

You are so fucking wrong lmao. I have family members that have had massive emergency medical operations. Their insurance covered everything. They paid their deductible and moved on. Let me guess, you get all your info from reddit? Do some research lmao.

>> No.15802740

It happens close to 50% of emergency room visits.

Keep denying it though.

>> No.15802750

>the paramedics accidently take you to the wrong hospital
How many hospitals are around you? It's clear you don't understand how insurances work in the U.S.

>> No.15802770

Google out of network balance billing. It's absolutely common for a specialist at an in network hospital to be out of network. Sticking you with uninsured bills despite being insured at an in network hospital.

>> No.15802779

I work for a hospital dealing with insurance. Again, you don't know shit.

>> No.15802795

And how much do you have to pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in?

>> No.15802797

I guess the national association of insurance commissioners is wrong then.


>> No.15802803

Don't worry if you get sick and you're poor! You can set up a payment plan! Still can't pay, you can always declare bankruptcy!
Isn't American healthcare just great!

>> No.15802839

Those 50% must be low lifes and niggers lmao.

>> No.15802843


>> No.15802850

>bankruptcy is in the end of the world

It may be a death sentence in Europe but bankruptcy courts in the US are super easy going, especially if it involves medical bills.

>> No.15802863

Can you keep your savings?
What does bankruptcy do to your credit rating?

>> No.15802867

Probably larp, 3000 Euro per month (which I assume counts as upper middle class after taxes as a single guy) gets you a really comfortable life where you could probably invest a quarter of your cash in stocks or something. Your friend must be really shit with money.

>> No.15802879

My father kept his 401k. His credit score took a hit but 5 years later it got back up and he was able to purchase with credit and get credit cards.

>> No.15802881

"credit" is a jewish trick
if you can't afford something outright and cant work out a finance agreement with the seller
don't buy it, simple as

>> No.15802888

>It may be a death sentence in Europe but bankruptcy courts in the US are super easy going, especially if it involves medical bills.
You do realise that the reason bankruptcy is so lenient in the US is because so many people were ending up bankrupt due to medical debts. To end up bankrupt in Europe requires some REALLY bad fanancial decisions.

>> No.15802892

Can you afford a house outright?

>> No.15802900

What about his other savings?
Isn't a 401k basically retirement savings?
So, he had to work for 5 years to get to a position equivalent to where he was before?

>> No.15802903

imagine being this retarded

>> No.15802906

Yeah, but you won't be able to afford anything because you've blown all your savings on your medical bills

>> No.15802911

I'm not sure where this idiocy comes from where europeans assume americans don't have health insurance
most people have health insurance, it's an absolute non-issue

>> No.15802914

How far do you walk to catch a train or bus?
Bus stop 20 steps from my door
Train station is 10 minutes away by bike

> Whats it like having to schedule your life around public transportation?
I don't have to, because I don't live in a nightmare suburb a ride on the freeway away from my office, I live in a comfy apartment 15 minutes walking away from my workplace.

Having a car is good for getaways, but literally my whole life is within biking distance. Americans just can't cope with how nice city living in europe is.

>> No.15802918

of course. Property isn't expensive, I already own some
In fact I don't even live on some of the property I own because it costs literally nothing

>> No.15802923

From what I remember he kept most of it, he agreed to pay a sum to creditors

>> No.15802925

> Those things don't happen
> if you have good health insurance, you will be fine
getting good health insurance is exactly the hard part dumbass

>> No.15802927

I went to visit relatives in bongland and the rich ones had separate faucets for hot and cold water in the washrooms, except for the one they renovated to North American tastes, which had a mixer faucet.
The not so rich(two doctors) had a house where the main corridor was only slightly wider than your shoulders. Is it like that in Continental Europe as well?

Out of curiosity, what time does public transport cease running in your town

>> No.15802931

Ah, so you live in bumfuck nowhere

>> No.15802942

>Out of curiosity, what time does public transport cease running in your town
somewhere around 11pm, some lines keep running until after midnight, why?

>> No.15802947

Nearly 30 million Americans don't have any insurance.
How many have their "pre-existing conditions" specifically excluded from their coverage?
How many can be fired for any reason and be out of insurance?
How many have so little savings that they'd be fucked if they have to pay their deductible?

>> No.15802977

>be europoor
>payroll tax
>municipal tax
>county council tax
>state tax
>25% VAT
>effectively 35k
>stay europoor

>> No.15802999

>be American
>payroll tax
>state tax
>sales tax
>health insurance
>get shot at the store
>$5k deductible
>fired because you missed 2 days of work
>loose your insurance
>tough shit
>no job
>burnt all your savings
>don't worry you can declare bankruptcy!

>> No.15803011

Curiosity. They put in light rail in my town but it's a single line and stops at midnight along with the buses, so I just drive everywhere

>> No.15803027

DESU I do think at-will employment is retarded.

>> No.15803106

It took almost no effort for me. Not sure how it's hard

>> No.15803108

Lol this.
People complain all day about socialism but then wonder why their healthcare is such garbage.
Europeans have a much higher standard of living than Americans.
Also I don't know where you get this idea that Europeans don't own vehicles.
Most do own cars but the unfortunate ones who don't at least have decent transportation options unlike the hell that is the American version.

>> No.15803137

>loose your job
>loose your insurance

We get paid time off/personal and sick time. FMLA was put in place to stop employers for firing you if you're sick. Keep coping and making things up though lol.

>get shot
Id rather get shot than have my face burned off in an acid attack lmao

It amazes me how butt hurt euros get when we mock their lack of wealth. The first things they say are:
>we don't need or want such decadent luxuries! They are bad for the environment!
>b..but your health care is expensive!
>b ..but you'll get shot!
>if you're sick you get fired!
Its all cope and massive exaggerations they use to feel better about the subpar life they live.

>> No.15803162

Our healthcare was great before Obama fucked it up with his attempt to push for socialized single payer bullshit. Some of us prefer to actually have a choice over how we do these things instead of relying on everyone else to care for us like children.

>> No.15803175

Ah yes the sub par life where we don't have to worry about medical bills, antibiotic riddled beef and all the high fructose corn syrup you could need!

>> No.15803248

> it works on my machine

Americans will grab any chance to brag about their McMansions while their government, medical sector, education system openly and blatantly scams them for everything they're worth

Some of us prefer to actually have a choice over how we do these things instead of relying on everyone else to care for us like children.
Enjoy the illusion of choice

>> No.15803256

Enjoy the dipshit smugness of having no choice at all while thinking you're better off than those who strive to maintain some manner of personal freedom.

>> No.15803287

> Enjoy the dipshit smugness of having no choice at all while thinking you're better off than those who strive to maintain some manner of personal freedom.
Your government and your corporations have succesfully brainwashed you into thinking you are free. If you want to be free, go live off the grid. Until then, ask yourself if the system is fair.

>> No.15803301

Oh no, we are far from free. Socialist ideals keep creeping their way in to erode our freedoms. Even with the more free status of our past, there is no such thing as totally free. Not all of us are so naive as to buy into government propaganda, like that which convinces people that the government knows best how to dictate their healthcare policies.

>> No.15803351

You are not free because you live in society, and in that society you have given some of your freedom to your government in exchange for security. We can probably agree on that much. What you call socialism should be the expected norm: to create a playing field where everybody has access to the same basic resources and opportunities. The capitalist discourse that puts freedom at its center is the most powerful form of propaganda there is. You bought into it and as a result you see socialist ideals as a threat, rather than as insightful lessons. You accept your own exploitation by your own state as the normal state of affairs and call it freedom. They have taught you that socialism is evil so that you do not make trouble for them. You are a good dog.

>> No.15803518
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You will never own land.

>> No.15803621

I own twenty acres. And no, it's not a bank mortgage, it's all paid for. Keep projecting though.

>> No.15803665

At what point do you consider equal access more important than no access? The ability to choose not to do something is more important to many than mandatory participation in many cases. That is the crux of the difference between socialist ideals and liberal ideals. You may think you're in a more liberal society because of your views, but that's simply because you've fallen for the propaganda which has redefined your politics so thoroughly. The strangest part about that is that it's typically Europeans bitching about Americans misusing the term liberals to refer to most leftists on this site, but most Europeans who consider themselves liberals and not socialists are the ones who are most smug and insistent about their socialist agendas being the correct solution.

>> No.15803771

same but it's 40 acres and a castle

>> No.15803779

Being unable to fire dead weight without getting sued makes employees a liability and drives up the cost of doing business