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15799487 No.15799487 [Reply] [Original]

How did Japan keep coming up with these new sweets yet still not have any obesity crisis whatsoever?

>> No.15799495
File: 32 KB, 263x374, 1613947365464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese get ridiculed to the point of suicide if they stand out in any way shape or form, so they have to conform.

>> No.15799497

That and most of them are surprisingly poor

>> No.15799617

also portions

>> No.15799629

They dont eat a serving size that could feed a family of 4 for a single person

>> No.15799630

while talking to a slim asian at the gym she said she would be skipping dinner that night, I said "why? you're so thin" and she said "asian values"

>> No.15799634

They probably don't have government schools and the media demonizing a healthy diet and/or supplements. I wouldn't know and I don't really care, my own country has problems that are more pertinent for me.

>> No.15799640

How many different fast food restaurants offer an oreo product?

>> No.15799655

surprisingly good posts

>> No.15799671

they skip breakfast

>> No.15799675

macdonudu is my favorite restaruant, I don't care about regualr mcdonalds but macdonudu just tastes different
I dunno, the fries and nuggets taste like they did in the 90s

>> No.15799711

they understand that it's not good to eat 8000 calories a day so they can have treats like this in moderation and maintain a good figure

>> No.15799802

You can eat junk food and not get fat.
Just don't eat the whole fucking package it's like 10 servings for a frozen cheesecake and it's 300 calories a slice, that plus a burger is a complete meal.

>> No.15799915

They walk everywhere

>> No.15799937
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then what is she doing here?

>> No.15799952

They have the decency to commit suicide if they get too fat

>> No.15799965

1. portion control
2. they walk everywhere

>> No.15800092

portion sizes

>> No.15800095

they are poor and can't afford it lol

>> No.15800113

Japanese sweets are pretty mild to a western palate.

>> No.15800114

Their diabeatus rate is higher than the united states

>> No.15800139

>How did Japan keep coming up with these new sweets yet still not have any obesity crisis whatsoever?
>portions are smaller
>walking every day

>> No.15800146

Lol if you order that in Japan it will be a small slice of pie instead of the 5x supersized triple oreo meal in a dessert monster it would be in the the usa

>> No.15800149

no PUFAs in their diets.

>> No.15800150

Pretty sure we have oreo cheesecake in burgerland.

>> No.15800211

>Ingrained cultural principles of conformity
>Healthy staple diet
>Intense stigma against disgusting blubbernauts
tl;dr their society has its shit together

>> No.15800214

>That and most of them are surprisingly poor
unrxpectedly astute observation, anon

>> No.15800223

Oh yeah,an hyper-competitive capitalist dystopia where you toil away under a dispotic boss until you die

>> No.15800224

Can you elaborate?

>> No.15800232

Yeah they don’t taste like much too me, I’ve been corrupted

>> No.15800246

It's just like America except vastly more efficient

>> No.15800250

Very small portions and eating these kinds of things only very rarely because they are FUCK expensive over there.

>> No.15800251

Thankfully I don't live in neither

>> No.15800295

Pretty sure that's genetic. Many white people can be obese and never become diabetic while non-whites often become diabetic despite being skinny.

>> No.15800353

>live in tiny cramped apartments
>don't buy too much food
>work shitty 9-5 jobs with no growth
the real japan isn't what it's like in your animes

>> No.15800355

I know, that's what I posted too

>> No.15800368

That costs like $100,000 yen with is probably $30

>> No.15800381

>$100,000 yen
>$ yen
Based retard

>> No.15800405

The increase in diabetes in Japan and China is fully explained by the massive increase in consumption of fat, meat and dairy, with a concurrent decline in carbohydrate and plant intake.
Type 2 diabetes was barely known in 1950s Japan.

However it's true that Asians have less tolerance for excess body weight, and will appear skinny to most people when in fact they are overweight relative to what they're evolved for. In particular, disease risk for Asians increases markedly from BMI 23, whereas for Europeans the standard cutoff of 25 is somewhat reasonable (though really everybody should strive for a BMI of 20-21 if pursuing ideal health)

Compared to America, Japanese people have negligible distrust of the government and authority, so, for starters, Japanese people understand the difference between healthy foods and unhealthy foods because they trust government guidance (which is identical to government guidance in the US). Americans think there is a conspiracy to make people eat pasta and vegetables when it's actually bacon and eggs that are healthy. Japanese people eat comparatively healthy by tradition and don't eat shit like in the OP pic as staple foods.

>> No.15800472

Anime is less realistic than hentai anon

>> No.15800480


>> No.15800484 [DELETED] 

Because Jewish people don't look like Japanese people. Our countries are completely ruled by Israel because they Anglicanise their names and blend in. They can never openly subvert and destroy Japan without getting surgery to look Asian.

>> No.15800529

Sounds like America to me.

>> No.15800542

Take meds schizo

>> No.15800577

>Working an actual 9-5
Sounds like a socialist dreamland to me senpai

>> No.15800640

japs spend half the day walking and their normal diet is at most 1500 calories.

>> No.15800646

So America then?

>> No.15800658

Dilate sweetie. Back to leftypol.

>> No.15800842

>massive increase in consumption of fat, meat and dairy, with a concurrent decline in carbohydrate and plant intake
yeah maybe you shouldnt speak for other countries if you dont understand basic biochemistry you seppo retard

>> No.15800858

You can eat a lot of trash if you do a lot of physical activity, the japanese love walking around and a lot of them do it for work, plus as people already said their portions are probably smaller than what you obese lords in America devour.

>> No.15800911

Not as much meat dishes and less of their food is injected with artificial shit like corn syrup. Although Japan and asian countries as a whole are still fatter compared to what they used to be and trying to buck that trend.

>> No.15800918

It's called controlling how much you eat and exercising, you fat piece of shit. You can go to Mcdonalds every day and still lose weight if you watch your calories and actually do a bit of physical activity.

>> No.15801228

>I live in the Japanese equivalent of the third world. For the first time, I see a lot of kids who don't wear typical Japanese satchels (randoseru) to school. When I asked my local grandmother why, she replied that the randos are too expensive for the parents (or grandmothers and grandparents, because they usually buy the school kit for elementary school). So kids carry books in just any backpacks.

>I live in a place where, in a supermarket, when a pensioner is caught stealing a bun, a policeman simply buys him a bun. Because he knows that grandpa is hungry and he cannot afford that bread. And yes, these are rolls, not rice balls, because the bakery is right at the entrance and it's easy to snatch something off the table. And there are no barcodes on individual fresh rolls.

>I live in a place where grandmother and grandfather, mother and father and two children live in a three-room cubicle. Previously, they lived in their grandparents' house, but it got to the point that they could not afford to support it. Dad works part-time in the factory, part time because the machine has replaced the welder. Mother works at 7-11 for two shifts, but she is happy because it's close to home and she can walk there, so they don't need two cars. Grandpa grows a vegetable plot, without which they probably wouldn't eat anything fresh, because the supermarket is too expensive. And grandma looks after the children. She will go to kindergarten from April. Previously, the family could not afford it.

>> No.15801482

A few reasons.

Wheat, soy, and maize aren't subsidy crops so they're not shoved into anything and everything available.
They have a diet high in fish, which means omega 3 acids to counteract the omega 6 acids that would normally lead to stunted metabolism.
Far less sugar is used, even in desserts, than in the west.
Portion sizes.

>> No.15801503


>> No.15801513

They're probably more active and eat things in moderation.

>> No.15801948

The tiny apartments are usually only in the really big cities. The further out you get, the more generous housing tends to get.

>> No.15801952

The typical conversion rate is about 1USD to 100JPY. The Japanese do not have decimalization, so a single yen is the same as a US penny.

>> No.15801964

You righty-tards are fucking OBSESSED with trannies. Fetish much?

>> No.15801983

BMI is completely junk science
I'm not sure of any institution that actually uses it

body composition is the only thing that matters and it's the one thing BMI doesn't account for
"muh averages" when there are variables completely ignored are meaningless

body fat percentage and waist to hip ratio are how you determine health
is your gut smaller than your ass? you're fine

>> No.15802110

Dunning-Kruger in the flesh. Never read a scientific paper on it but proudly rambling on and on

>> No.15802230

Asians overall metabolize fat differently, more internally than outwardly. Meat/soda also isn't as big.

>> No.15802271

but americans told me it's only poor people that get fat because they can't afford actual food

>> No.15802482

This, there are plenty of videos to see, even if they don't actually insult you, they'll point out how you're different. They don't let you forget about it.

>> No.15802496

That's utter bullshit plus people who skip breakfast are more likely to be obese.

>> No.15802517

Because no specific food or ingredient makes you fat. Repeatedly eating above your TDEE does.

>> No.15802518

They are poor because they are retarded. A 300 lb young girl will easily spend 11k on snacks alone. I know this because I watched a vid where a fat girl tracked her spending on snacks for a year. This wasn't even counting what her parents feed her.

For reference, for 2 people I spend 6500 last year on food. I'm actually halving that number this year as part of an experiment.

>> No.15802527

A culture that still knows shame.

>> No.15802535
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>> No.15802549

>Japan: 5.6
>US: 10.8
Not to mention that Japan's population is more elderly than the American one so I'd wager the difference is probably higher after adjusting for age.

>> No.15802577

yeah it's pretty much the exact opposite on his first two points sorry you're a poorshit i guess. even lazy welfare niggers know how to get/afford so much food to get fat as shit off of. something apparently you can't do lol

>> No.15802585

ask me how I know you've never been to Japan.

>> No.15802586
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cuz they can't afford it

>> No.15802607

>oil tradecucks bloating the top of the list

>> No.15802674 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 720x404, xfiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're bugs, they buzz their wings fast and shed excess calories. We whites have no bug physiology so we just store it.

>> No.15802685
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We whites

>> No.15802745

Lol, speak for yourself, lardass. I'm white and thin.

>> No.15802991

f*king ragheads

>> No.15803234

Pretty sure they had something like this last time I went to the cheesecake factory, can't really say they "came up with" this.

>> No.15803245

people who eat less are based
fuck people who eat 3 meals a day

>> No.15803292

This is a lie.

>> No.15803314

>work shitty 9-5 jobs with no growth
I think you mean forced unpaid overtime every single day of the week

>> No.15804687

The problem is not that Japanese work 9-5 is that they are extremely competitive with their work ethic which everyone else around them as well. They are also usually slaves to whatever company they work for as salary men because most Japanese white collar workers have to spend their entire careers at one corporation to slowly climb the ladder

>> No.15806024

Burger King had this shit in the US for years, dude.

>> No.15806067

Sounds like she wants BWC

>> No.15806150
File: 145 KB, 1024x399, japan vs usa mcdonalds size drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15806730

I have an extremely huge ass and my gut isn't very large, but my BMI was over 40 at my highest weight. I am pretty sure that wasn't healthy.

>> No.15806760

Post ass, fatass homo.

>> No.15806766

>New sweets
THese existed for years. They just straight up sold the crust to make them at walmart a decade ago

>> No.15806782

That picture is pointless since the US doesn't even have the largest large size. McDonald's in Thailand and in Canada both have larger portion sizes thsn the US.
Japanese McDonalds are a statistical outlier. Their sizes are nowhere near any other country's McDonalds. Meanwhile, the US is the mean, not the upper bound.

>> No.15806791
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because they eat one, they don't order 4 big mac, 4 large sodas, 4 large fries, etc and eat it in one go. it's not what you eat, it's how much you eat

>> No.15806828
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I'm sure I've had oreo cheesecake at the cheesecake shop or something years ago.

>> No.15806829
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Because they eat very small portions and eat healthy way more consistently.

That's why confectionary companies have to actually try in asia, because eating sweets like this isn't as common, so they have to pull people in with wacky shit.

>> No.15806837

self control and exercise are important biglad

>> No.15806856

one of these days, when that cheesecake finally comes into effect you will wake up twice your actual size

>> No.15806876

Because the rest of their food isn't pumped with taxpayer subsidized corn syrup.

>> No.15807353

Its simple, we dont eat it everyday unlike americans who binge eats them. Its just an occasional snack

>> No.15807378

no beef tallow ban maybe?

>> No.15807466

Nah. Getting two burgers per order at Japanese McD's is standard for everyone except little kids and women who are there on dates and want to feign anorexia to up their chances.

>> No.15808363

It sounds exactly like anime, they are in tiny ass rooms and eat like birds

>> No.15808407

BMI is less useful if you're fit and muscular, but if you're a fatbody like most of us burgers, then it's a decent guideline for how much you need to get on the treadmill and stop stuffing your face with french fries.

>> No.15809403

Well, at least I can rest knowing they're not just genetically blessed people. They just socially can't afford to get fat.

>> No.15809438

why does america get shit on for being fatasses(rightfully) but japan doesn't get shit on for being little baby manlets. Maybe if they ate something they wouldn't get mogged by any semi-healthy first worlder that goes there

>> No.15809451

bmi is utterly useless as an individual metric but on a general scale encompassing millions it's accurate

>> No.15809607

they do. it's called small penis and the japs suffer from it

>> No.15809631

But there's also very limited real estate, so the ratio of people living in cities to living in rural areas is insanely skewed towards cities compared to almost any other country.
That and a large amount of rural areas are agricultural landowners, so even more rural area is concentrated in the hands of the few. It's not easy at all to have a full house in Japan, even in the limited amount of countryside.
It's a beautiful country and I enjoy working there when contracts bring me out, but I would absolutely not want to live there. It's pretty rough for the average person in terms of housing and general CoL.

>> No.15809643
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>McDonald's in... Canada both have larger portion sizes
Sauce on that claim, I want to rub it in burgerland faces as a smug leaf

>> No.15809717

A rough approximation is put 40% of Americans in California and you have Japan size and density wise. That or pretend the entire USA has the population density of one of the Massachusetts states and that's what you're dealing with land usage wise, and bear in mind the average person from Massachusetts is far wealthier than the average Japanese

>> No.15809727

meant to say new england then changed it to massachusetts thats why its retarded sounding

>> No.15809742

>if they stand out in any way shape or form
How come there is so much weird shit there then?
Like the grandpa that crossdresses as a high school girl.

I think you're full of shit.

>> No.15809761

If you fall out of place in japan you either take it with stride or kill yourself, those you see on your favorite subreddit are the ones that chose not too kill themselves.

>> No.15809788

Portion control, high non-excercise activity rates, societal pressure to remain thin, etc. All things that America does not have.

>> No.15810460

My personal theory is that because asians are mostly lactose intollarant they just violently shit themselves instead of getting fat.

>> No.15810483

>9-5 jobs in japan

Ha, they wished? japanese work no less then 9-8 if lucky, unless their shitty boss decides.

>> No.15810498

>Japanese people have negligible distrust of the government and authority, so, for starters, Japanese people understand the difference between healthy foods and unhealthy foods because they trust government guidance (which is identical to government guidance in the US).

Oh so they are simple minded collectivist drones?

>> No.15810534

This, and they walk a lot more than we do

>> No.15810584

you can literally get these at gas stations in america

>> No.15811274

Is this bait

>> No.15811288


>> No.15811766

Fat tax

>> No.15811768

>obesity crisis whatsoever?
Animes thought me that they can barely afford some veggies and sweets are some sort of luxury items to them that they can afford like once a year.

>> No.15811795
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my japanese friend whom i physically havent seen in person in a while told me "i gained weight on my face"
i was kinda offended but i dont think she meant any harm by it
still got me fasting now though

>> No.15811802
File: 68 KB, 768x513, thanko-box15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is super expensive in Japan because they import everything.

This piece of meat cost $3.50 USD.

>> No.15811813


>> No.15811889

How much is it? 330g? Doesn't seem much different from Bio-meat price-wise here in europe. You'd expect from people who work 14 hours a day to have enough money for those

>> No.15811907

>fat cope

>> No.15811927

East asian type 2 diabetes rates arent that far off from obese countries despite not having nearly as much obesity. It hasnt taken as firm of a grip but thry still feel the effects of western junk food creeping in

>> No.15812085

mad amerifat

>> No.15813013

A diet of plenty of veggies and fish promotes a healthy gut flora which keeps them thin:

>> No.15813065

>Very very traditionalist people. None of that shite that America pumps out.
>Fat shaming regularly goes on.
>Freaks out big time if national statistics show an increase in fatness, deals w/ it properly
>Lots of fish
Having said that, even Japan is starting to strain under western diets.

>> No.15813104


>> No.15813138
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It's not him, though.
Unit price 100g 348yen
95g 330 yen (2.56 euro)

>> No.15813432

They just become sumo wrestlers.

>> No.15813438

They're paid for 9-5 but work usually 8-8

>> No.15813579

This is true and the posts replying to it are daft. Mcdonalds large soda cup is about the same size or smaller than the medium at wendys nowadays. It wasn't like this 10 years ago but pressure from media like supersize me made them drop it, at least here in florida. Probably NY too

>> No.15813609

Isn't there a whole thing in japan where people will, without asking, poke your belly if they think you're getting fat? Chris broad complained about this a lot in a few videos

>> No.15813620

And where do you get your money, you prissy fag? UX design?