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15762559 No.15762559 [Reply] [Original]

>Google "Is fish skin edible?"
>Google says "Yeah go for it bro, it's even healthy"
>eat fish skin
>get scales stuck in throat

I'm fukken dying bros, how do I get rid of this shit

>> No.15762565

scales aren't skin, they are things growing out of the skin
the same way you would remove the fur or hair off of land animals, you remove the scales from fish

>> No.15762566

You're supposed to remove the scales you retard

>> No.15762571

Surgery, not even kidding.

>> No.15762579

or just don't eat the skin either

>> No.15762583

I think you're confusing skin with scales. Remove the scales and you can eat the skin.

>> No.15762590

I eat salmon skin, and eat the skin on most of the fish I catch, but everyone thinks I'm a maniac for doing so. Salmon skin is usually crispy, oily and delicious. I don't get why people think it's strange.

>> No.15762598

It does contain a lot of toxins so you shouldn't really eat a lot of it.

I agree though, I love me some crispy fish skin. Same with crispy chicken skin, so much fat and flavour.

People think I'm crazy too though

>> No.15762605
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OP in a few days

>> No.15762664

>be me
>be overweight
>change my diet to just fish and vegetables
>start getting healthy and losing weight
>everyone lectures me about muh mercury

right because being obese is so much better for me
I feel like people always want to just drag you down no matter who they are

>> No.15762669

>Calling others retarded
Oh the ironing

>> No.15762680

Now now, be nice

>> No.15762690

Tbh I think you have to eat a metric fuck ton of salmon/tuna to get any significant effects from mercury, but people are just warning you bro don't be salty about it

>> No.15762727

>everyone thinks I'm a maniac for doing so
Wait, what? Why? The skin is delicious, this applies to chicken and salmon. I pan fry salmon instead of baking just so I can get that crisp skin.

What do they do then? Throw it away? Fuck, they better not, that thought actually pisses me off.

>> No.15762740

Akshully, it depends on what kind of fish you're eating. Alaskan pollock, for example, has barely any mercury in it and you can eat it for most if not all your meals. Allegedly.

>> No.15762746

Make crystals home tier shit, congrats.

>> No.15762750

Tilapia too iirc because it's farmed

>> No.15762775

>because it's farmed
that might be true for all of the low-mercury fish IIRC

>> No.15762783

I've never understood that, where are these fish getting all the mercury from?

Did we dump a fuck ton of old thermometers in the ocean at some point?

>> No.15762801

At least I don't eat fish scales, imbecile

>> No.15762808

I wouldn't put it past Big Industry to have dumped a lot of shit into the ocean before regulations kicked in eventually.

>> No.15762815

I like chicken and salmon skin more than I like actual chicken and salmon

>> No.15762816

Bigger fish have higher concentrations of mercury in their bodies because they eat so much.

The key is to eat smaller fish, like sardines and mackerel, wild caught in the atlantic ocean.

If you see it was caught off the coast of asia, don't bother.

>> No.15762818

Mercury has an extremely long half life in the body for all organisms. Years. High mercury fish are therefore high on the food chain because they eat fish that have accumulated mercury from the fish that they eat and so on. Swordfish and sharks have the highest mercury content, so much that if you have one serving you shouldn't eat any seafood for a month.
The mercury is in the oceans due to industrial pollution.

>> No.15762846

>Big Industry
>The mercury is in the oceans due to industrial pollution.

Those cunts. Turning all our fish into thermometers because of their greed

>> No.15762847

You can fry fish scales for a delicious scaly and crispy snack.

>> No.15762869
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imagine how it comes out, it'll feel like you're pooping barbwire, hee hee.

>> No.15762927

This summer my sister made some huge salmon fillets on the BBQ with oil and garlic, the skin crisped up and soaked in a ton of flavour. I was the only one who ate any of it, and I ate quite a bit, but the rest of it went to the dog. They kept saying it was weird and that you aren't supposed to eat the skin.

>> No.15762929

No, you just eat cocks, fag.

>> No.15762993

Always loved a tuna salad sandwich for lunch growing up would eat it most every day until my mom heard about mercury and then I had to eat something else. What happened in the late 90s to promote mercury poisoning and why did they take away my child hood?

>> No.15763044

>Did we dump a fuck ton of old thermometers in the ocean at some point?
Basically yes. The patio process for silver extraction was to amalgamate it with liquid mercury. A significant amount of mercury ran off into rivers and thence to the ocean. The book I read this from reported that there are still pools of liquid mercury off the mouths of certain rivers a century later.

>> No.15763066

Shit that actually makes a lot of sense. So we've basically fucked our entire fish supply for the rest of our lives because of these assholes

>> No.15763081

Vaccines being discovered to cause autism.

>> No.15763113

>because of these assholes
Centuries-dead assholes. The patio process in the Americas goes back to the 16th c. I've never delved into the research literature on this, but the mercury would eventually be converted to cinnabar and become insoluble; I don't know how fast this process takes place. You're totally right that this won't be fixed within our lifespans, but I do wonder how long it will take to approach the previous background.
To be honest, if these underwater reservoirs of mercury still exists, they could be prime targets for an underwater drone expedition.

>> No.15763115

>To be honest, if these underwater reservoirs of mercury still exists, they could be prime targets for an underwater drone expedition.
I think we've found our new business model anon

>> No.15763118

All this talk about mercury compounds fish and nobody ever mentions thiomersal in vaccines.

>> No.15763130

>new business model
If I knew James Cameron, I'd definitely bend his ear on that one.

>> No.15763143

I don't think recovering the metal would offset the costs of sending robots down, and disturbing the pools would do more harm than good.

>> No.15763176

I would think that reducing the amount of mercury available for fish to be poisoned by (and by the transitive property, us) would be well worth it, but we all know how little people with the monetary ability to do this value such things.

>> No.15763182

>recovering the metal
Just finding them at all and getting images would be a big deal.
There's already an excess of industrial mercury in the world; it's become more of a waste product than a commodity. If you were to find a pool, you wouldn't want to recover the metal, but you might want to convert it in place to cinnabar, its sulfide.

>> No.15763205
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>but you might want to convert it in place to cinnabar, its sulfide
Now that's some big brain shit

>> No.15763252

Okay I've changed my mind a bit.
Haven't looked at the chemistry for that process.
Get Mr. Musk onto it and he'll turn it into rocket fuel or car batteries that are somehow safer than the lithium ones now.

>> No.15763264

wouldn't buying excess mercury and converting that in bulk be cheaper?

>> No.15763311

The point is to biologically neutralize any liquid mercury that might be sitting on the bottom of the ocean. Otherwise it slowly gets bioconverted by microbial activity to methylmercury, which is what bioaccumulates.

>> No.15763849

Go to the ER unironically. Getting your esophagus scratched by something remaining stuck there is hellish to recover from

>> No.15763903

fish bad cuz muh mercury is the biggest made up meme in all of modern nutrition. you can 100% dismiss everything any dipshit on the topic of nutrition says if they don't agree because it's easily verifiable. I agree that when there's a food that has no flaws there always seems to be some quack science attached to it to make it look bad. same deal with eggs for example. if it's cheap, healthy, and doesn't taste like drywall you can be certain some momscience horseshit will be attached to it

>> No.15763939

Imagine being so retarded a tripfag can call you out.

>> No.15763972

flyover retards

>> No.15763978

skin is edible
scales are not

>> No.15764007

>fish bad cuz muh mercury is the biggest made up meme in all of modern nutrition
What is Minimata disease?

>> No.15764049

Is op dead yet?

>> No.15764321

That’s not how chemistry works

>> No.15764343

>I feel like people always want to just drag you down no matter who they are
Took you long enough to learn this faggot

>> No.15764589

Don't be a pussy OP, just crunch it up really good in your teeth. Eat that skin like a man!

>> No.15764597

isnt garlic bad for dogs

>> No.15764599

Anon what book is this? It sounds interesting.

>> No.15764698

Fish skin is one of my fav Chinese dishes

>> No.15764705

galactic brain take

>> No.15764741

>kumamoto oysters always shilled
>they come from mercury poisoning hell

>> No.15764745

>be you
>fat NEET
>people still care about you and love you
why live bros

>> No.15764752

How much pain would this cause the fish

>> No.15764756

I want to buy that unitasker.
I'm an europoor, whete to buy?
Aside: I dreamt about that utensils the other day and thought I had come up with an "invention" but obviously it already exists, funny that I found it here on /ck/

>> No.15764888

He dead

>> No.15764905

push it down with lots of rice

>> No.15764913

That's not how the words go. It's "how much is the fish".

>> No.15765567

all allium species can be fatal to dogs

>> No.15765592

You and my mom wouldn't get along then. Whenever she makes salmon she bakes it and throws the skin away. I love her but I wish I found out earlier that salmon and steak can actually be delicious

>> No.15765598
File: 3.47 MB, 347x250, 1604315792778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feet ?

>> No.15765602

go to a hospital before you hemorrhage your esophagus from coughing up sharp fucking foreign objects stuck in there

>> No.15765642

scales are technically fur and vice versa, just a different kind

>> No.15765693

>spending tens of thousands of dollars to fix something that will 99% go away on its own
Must be nice living off mommy and daddy's money. OP just drink some water, eat some bread or rice as others have suggested. Those should flush out your throat.

>> No.15765710

Why for a split second would you think OP is posting in earnest

>> No.15765756

Fucking Europeans. You deserve this, it’s punishment from the divines for being so goddamn stupid and worthless. You will either suffer and (hopefully) learn your lesson, or you will die as a result of your stupidity. It is in gods hands now

>> No.15765779


I think the skin thing comes from the whole boomer "fat is bad" mentality. Tons of people come in and request no skin because they're fucking retarded but you just gotta let them do them. I agree with you anon, a nice crispy skin is an extra layer of seasoning, crunch, and fat

>> No.15765786

Imagine pooping the entire spine out.

>> No.15766345

oh man, and it creeps back up and the bones lodge themselves in your you know what lining, you'd have to push it out one shot or else? Like a whole intact fish spine, ouchie.

>> No.15766369

The skin is, you're supposed to descale them you complete brainlet.

>> No.15766381

how do i scaled fish??

>> No.15766477

>Shit that actually makes a lot of sense. So we've basically fucked our entire fish supply for the rest of our lives because of these assholes
climate change isnt real! buy more stuff! your a poorfag if you repair or reuse old products.
liberals took our jobs!
>buys everything from wallmart and dollar general

>> No.15768338

Imagine taking off your trip to samefag. Tripcunts truly are scum of the Earth.

>> No.15768752

>push it out one shot
Nah, just enough to reach back and get a grip

>> No.15768871

This is like a retard who eats chicken skin then asks why there are feathers stuck in his throat

>> No.15768887

Depends what kind of fish. Are you all retarded?

>> No.15768952

>Those cunts. Turning all our fish into thermometers because of their greed
It's not so bad, we can tell from how buoyant they are how hot the water is.

>> No.15769037

Basically because of the food chain, bacteria turn metallic mercury (what we dump into the oceans more less) into methyl mercury (the form that's actually toxic to us, you could actually drink straight mercury and be okay). All fish have these bacteria in their gut, but since a small fish gets eaten by a larger fish and so on, the mercury concentration increases throughout the food chain. By the time you reach big species like tuna, it's chock full of methyl mercury. Farmed fish usually get fed plant products so it's not an issue with them, but wild caught can have a lot of mercury.

>> No.15770091

All this mercury talk has me worried. I eat a can of tuna for lunch five times a week at work. Is this why I don’t have a girlfriend?

>> No.15770411

yes. they can smell the mercury in you and know you're not a good mate

>> No.15770655

ACKSHUALLY they're not. Fur is hair, i.e. keratin, while scales are mineral/collagen or even grow from the bones. In sharks and the like, they are most comparable with reptile scales in that they are enhanced skin (in this case containing dentin).

>> No.15770660
