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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15761559 No.15761559 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/ I know it's not perfect even in the slightest but this was my first try cooking steak, what do you think? It was a NY strip cut

>> No.15761562 [DELETED] 

a bit overdone but not bad for a first time

>> No.15761591

Any recommendations for improvement?
>Used greek seasoning and rubbed it in and let it sit for 10 minutes
>Put the heat on medium high (6.5 number) and let olive oil heat up till a the oil started slightly smoking
>Then I placed the steak in for 6 minutes each side while adding a tablespoon of butter to the pan while it was cooking.

>> No.15761592

Personally I wouldn't be able to eat it since I'm a man and can only tolerare rare steak but other pussies on this board would probably say its ok.

>> No.15761612

hell yeah brother, cheers from iraq!

>> No.15761615

seasoning is less objective but the classic salt first, pepper while finishing (so it doesn't burn in the pan) is a classic for a reason, if you like the greek seasoning go for it
let them come up to room temperature before firing up your range if you didn't
just use butter instead of olivoil, start on a little higher heat and bring it to a little lower after it's started cooking for a minute or two
personally I'll also get the sides of the steak on the pan for a minute or so to increase sear, some anons will say this is stupid, to them I say you are the stupid one

>> No.15761624

If you are cooking in a pan I like to do a reverse sear. Get the steak to the desired doneness in the oven then sear it in a pan for the crust

>> No.15761638

not bad for first time. use an oil with a higher smoke point or use butter. after you sear one side, throw some butter, herbs, and garlic in the pan and baste the fuck out of it

>> No.15761647
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>> No.15761657

Okay, Yeah I think I understand what you mean by bringing the heat high and then bringing it down to make it sear more, correct? As for the butter idea I've got another cut in the package and I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks.
I cooked it with a cast iron pan on an electric stove. (stove was not a choice)
What herbs do you use?

>> No.15761668

>Okay, Yeah I think I understand what you mean by bringing the heat high and then bringing it down to make it sear more, correct?
correct, just don't make it a radical difference and you'll see improvement. forgot to mention but not bad at all for a first try, good luck
>What herbs do you use?
not them but rosemary and thyme are traditional and pretty good

>> No.15761680

I'd probably eat that but then I'm such a steak fanatic I think I have low standards.

>> No.15761686

it's fine. as long as you seasoned it well and enjoyed it. the crust is a bit thin for me desu, but it's all preference

>> No.15761687

>What herbs do you use?
cant go wrong with rosemary and thyme. use fresh, none of that dried shit

>> No.15761737

I'll try the next time, thanks for the input
Thanks I guess jej
I agree with you, I just finished and I would like a little more surface on it but I wasn't tempted to put any sauce on it. I was pretty satisfied with the taste so that's a sign I didn't fuck it up, right?
I'll definitely give that a try next time.
Thanks /ck/! I half heartedly expected you guys to give me terrible advice but I appreciate the tips. I will genuinely put this advice to practice tomorrow.

>> No.15762498
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This is what a proper steak looks like.

>> No.15762574

why are americans like this

>> No.15762611
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cheers to blowing up innocents in Iraq, not something i'd brag about. hope selling your soul and back to the gov was worth it.

and OP, looks fine, needs more sear personally and bit stringy, but fine.

>> No.15762682


A real man orders a steak the way he wants instead of the way some pretentious kid thinks he should order it.

A surprising number of old time cowboys and ranchers preferred their steak to be medium well to well done.

>> No.15762771

You're wrong on many accounts. You can pepper the steak before putting it in the pan, it won't "burn", instead it will make a nice crust and the taste of the pepper will be a bit more mild because of the heating, steak au poivre is made like this. Bringing the steak to room temperature is bullshit too, it would take several hours for that to really happen, taking it out of the fridge half an hour before cooking is merely a placebo. And don't use butter for high heat searing, literally everyone agrees on this (and I fucking love butter), you're supposed to use it at the end for flavor like OP did, instead sear with oil, I use olive oil myself.
I think you did pretty well, would totally eat that steak, I never used greek seasoning though. I always put a pressed clove of garlic in the pan and remove it when the pan has fully heated up.

>> No.15762809

Sorry but it doesn't look very good to me. Keep practicing.

>> No.15762841

Any further advice other than that?
Thanks man, it's worth a try, a shaker of Greek seasoning is only 2.50 dollars.

>> No.15762925

>You can pepper the steak before putting it in the pan, it won't "burn", instead it will make a nice crust and the taste of the pepper will be a bit more mild because of the heating, steak au poivre is made like this.

Exactly. I pepper all kinds of things before cooking (steaks, hamburgers, fish, potatoes, ...) and have never had an issue.

>> No.15763355

Sure, it looks like you had it on too low of heat for too long of a time period. The earlier suggestion about starting it hotter and then reducing heat may be helpful, but you do want to make sure it actually sears when you're doing it. 6 min per side is too long, I wouldn't go beyond around 3 or so. You'll tend to unevenly cook the inside. Easiest way to get to the degree of cooked you want afterwards is to finish it in the oven.

I do steaks on a grill among other reasons because it avoids some of these problems, although it's a pain in the ass relative to just pan frying it.

Also you got good advice about using butter and thyme/rosemary. Just play with the cooking method until you figure out what works then worry about things like that.

>> No.15763387


>> No.15763401

This, sear should be max 3 mins, pre heat the grill, AND the grate, grill should be 450-500 for 10 mins to get the crate up to temp, food wont stick either.

>> No.15764621

Kek. no
Too dry
Meme grill pan
Probably defrozen

>> No.15764701

Does that fat have the consistency of chewing gum?

>> No.15765045
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Belgian style fries, garlic sauce and a little bit of trinidad scorpion

>> No.15765176


>> No.15765221
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>> No.15765248

Steak is incredibly simple.
But you CAN fuck it up
You need a way to sear it and either an oven or a grill.
My favorite way to quickly achieve medium rare goodness-
>salt steak liberally 45 minutes to 2 days in advance
If you salt steak for any time between right before you put it on to cook and 45 minutes, the water will be pulled from the steak and it will not sear properly. You must either do it right before you cook it, or wait 45 mins to 2 days.
>bring oven to 350 when ready to cook
>once oven's ready, heat empty cast iron skillet on high - 5 minutes
>turn on your fucking vent hood
>add high heat safe fat to pan
This is another way you can fuck up because if you dump olive oil or vegetable oil in there you're eventually not only gonna get cancer, but your kitchen will probably erupt in flames.
Avocado oil or beef tallow are acceptable.
>let oil get hot for like 30 seconds or more
>sear steak in pan for 1 to 1.5 minutes a side, until it is nicely browned
>transfer entire pan to oven for 3-4 minutes
Your mileage may vary based on the thickness of the cut, you may just be able to skip the oven with a thin cut. Play around with this, but generally once my steak is done dry brining in the fridge with salt (45 min - 2 days) it only takes me 6 minutes or so to cook.
Very, very easy - literally no hassle.
Alternatively, you can oven bake it first to about 10 degrees F below your desired doneness then sear it. This takes a lot longer.

>> No.15765267

Well, they were fucking tastelets just like you.
Steak sucks ass unless its medium rare. Period.

>> No.15765271

Now that's a fucking STEAK.

>> No.15766416

NY strip is good for learning how to cook steak. Remember that a sear is all about having a dry surface steak. Pull the steak out of the fridge and let it sit on a cutting board until it’s room temp. Liberally sprinkle coarse sea salt on both sides and let it sweat. Put some canola in the pan, get it as hot as you can get it. Pat dry the steaks with paper towels then drop them in. 2-3 minutes per side then flip. After both sides get 2-3 minutes, drop half a stick of butter in then tilt you pan and with a spoon keep scooping up melting butter and dropping it on the steak. Do it for both sides. Remove and rest. You can use a thermometer if you want.

>> No.15767638

>let it sit on a cutting board until it’s room temp

What's the rule for sitting out? About one hour for every inch of thickness, at a minimum?

>> No.15767684


Also, if you are grilling letting the steak warm up will reduce the flavor because the smoke doesn't stick so well to warm objects as it does to cold objects.

>> No.15769463

Wtf would old cowboys know about fine dining

>> No.15769473
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both you steaklets forgot to say add a few whole cloves of garlic as well as rosemary/thyme. its the traditional trio you dingbats

>> No.15769478

>well done
nigga thats a hamburger without a bun

>> No.15769663

>let it sit on a cutting board until it’s room temp
Why though? My issue is usually not getting a good sear before the inside is starting to overcook, wouldn't room temp steak that just make that worse? I can see it helping if the inside is too blue and you're burning the outside but I feel like most people don't have that problem desu.
Hell, I thought the point of the super high temp was to increase the ratio of outer/inner cooking, but starting at a colder temp would also help that if anything.

>> No.15769694


A lot more than a bunch of snot-nosed brats who think that they know everything.

>> No.15769703


>> No.15769764


>> No.15769778

yeah but he also forgot to butter baste it after too

>> No.15769866

I’ll take the word of basically every single renown chef on the planet over some butthurt faggot

>a surprising number
Ya I’m sure you got real solid data for that assertion, my guy.

>> No.15770052


>a real man does what he wants not what other people think is best
>here is an anecdote about people who like things my way so now it makes sense to do because other people do it

>> No.15770454

That looks vile, heres how to do it right
>trim fat off steak, save it
>salt and pepper steak 1 hr before cooking
>pat dry
>render oil from fat 15 minutes before cooking, crank up the heat to high and let it crisp up
>2 cloves garlic and some rosemary or other herb in while rendering
>Throw in your steak, 5 minutes a side
>baste after you flip, you can add a little butter or ghee to help your tallow out if you are lacking enough to baste
>remove and rest 5 mins
>the perfect juicy rare steak, ideally cooked in only its own fat

>> No.15770468

prove it nigger

>> No.15770500
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marbling anon

>> No.15770750

looks expensive

>> No.15770794

around 3$ in Lidl

>> No.15770799

you literally cannot suffer in Poland

>> No.15770804

It looks OK anon, good for a first try.

It seems like you've got lots of advice already but the only point I'd add would be to look how uneven your cooking is. The top half is grey and the least cooked point is skewed to the bottom.

Make sure you're searing equally and also not leaving one side down on the hot pan too long, I imagine you left the more cooked side on the pan whilst basting, you should keep flipping it so it cooks evenly. And obviously rest somewhere warm but not hot.

>> No.15771258

only plebs can't appreciate well-done steak. they say well-done is inherently overcooked and can't even differentiate between cooking a steak to an internal temperature of 160F and 170F, they'd say it's the same. did you know well-done steaks are actually more flavorful? when protein is cooked to well-done it contracts and squeezes out excess water. this means the flavor of the steak is concentrated. people who like less than well-done are basically saying "wow this watery steak is great". most carnivores who eat raw meat don't even chew it, which is why less than well-done is actually chewier, but people act like this is better for some reason. when meat is well-done the muscle fibers shred apart more easily, this is better for us since we actually chew our food. something like a lion or wolf just tears off chunks of meat and swallow them whole, people don't do this, so less than well-done is actually chewier. steaks are overrated anyway, it's like a bare minimum of effort to actually prepare them. i'd rather have a good braised piece of fatty meat, that's way better, especially once the fat has started to melt and become buttery. notice how a lot of people just cut the fat off the steak and don't eat it because it's chewy? that's wasteful and you're missing out on something that could be really good. i dunno why steak has gotten to be such a premium product with so many strange rituals surrounding it. i guess people just fell for the marketing of it being a premium product and eating an undercooked chewy steak making them cultured and superior. i'd even rather just have a good burger over a steak. welcome to good burger home of the good burger, can i take your order? who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it true? i do i do i do-o. benis.