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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 430x686, lion stout is best stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15758001 No.15758001 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't stout more popular? You'd think beer with more alcohol would be in demand.

>> No.15758027

because most beer drinkers in the us prefer either cheap weak piss water like bud or some hipster ipa that's overloaded with hops to cover up the taste of it actually being cheap piss water.

>> No.15758039

>You'd think beer with more alcohol would be in demand.
IPAs have that covered

>> No.15758068 [DELETED] 

Only fags drink nasty pisswater microbrew ipas
american beer is ALL shit

>> No.15758318

I like stout but I can understand not liking it. Most stouts (eg Guinness) don't have a much higher alcohol content than larger

>> No.15758327

Dark beers are my favourite, and have the most interesting results involving food also.

>> No.15758341

>overloaded with hops to cover up the taste
This opinion was outdated 10 years ago. I wonder why it still gets propagated in places where poor knowledge of brewing is rampant.

>> No.15758357

>ipa that's overloaded with taste to cover up the taste

>> No.15758373

well because in a surprising amount of places the only IPAs people have tried are either out of date bottles of Lagunitas/Goose Island/etc sitting in the fridge at the local bar or else crappy local craft beer that's indistinguishable from mediocore homebrew

>> No.15758560

Probably because they bought into the memes and tried drinking Dogfish Head first because 'a moron on the internet hyped it'. Dogfish Head is TERRIBLE and tastes eerily like Steel Reserve. There are many fantastic IPAs but Dogfish is not one of them. However Dogfish was heavily, heavily shilled to hipsters looking to not only get hammered but to feel all bourgeois doing it.

>> No.15758591
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i don't know why the anti-IPA brigade on /ck/ proposes stouts as some sort of anti-hipster beer. hipsters love stouts like they do IPAs.

>> No.15758592

what's a good IPA

>> No.15758634

It depends where you are but stout have been very popular in UK but not so much in countries like belgian where they prefer their dark beer without roasted malt. Personally I prefer the Belgian way of doing it.

In US people like IPA, and stout taste nothing like it so it's not very surprising it's not that popular.

>> No.15758733
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>USA west coast
Russian River Pliny the Elder
Stone Ruination
Ballast Point Sculpin

>USA New England
The Alchemist Heady Topper
Trillium Congress Street
Tree House Julius

Verdant Putty
Deya Into the Haze
By the River Doubleheeder
Beak Parade

>> No.15758738

Literally the only good type of beer

>> No.15758754

You know that small beers were a big thing in human history. Also you won't find a more satisfying beer than cheap American beer to quench your thirst in the middle of summer. Fuck off retard.

>> No.15758775
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>you won't find a more satisfying beer than cheap American beer to quench your thirst in the middle of summer
The words of a docile American NPC who has never expanded his horizons. Honestly try a decocted Helles or Czech Pilsner some time. No watery macropiss even comes close to the crisp, crushable refreshing bliss that those lagers provide.

>> No.15758933

Because stouts are slightly more unapproachable in flavor compared to say an easy drinking pale ale or pilsner given how roasty it is.
Also stouts are generally more expensive so not the first choice of the bargain consumer.

>> No.15759269

that's cause they know nothing about beer

>> No.15759279

Stout is perceived as less approachable because retards like you perpetuate the "stout has higher ABV" notion. For fuck's sake, Guinness is the most popular stout in the world, and it has a lower ABV than Budweiser.

>> No.15759333

>in the us prefer either cheap weak piss water like bud
Pale lager is drank in great quantities all over the world.
You don’t seem to know much about beer.

>> No.15759934

I like how drinking a bunch of stout turns my poop black.

>> No.15760121

Because boks exist

>> No.15760134
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stouts are my favorite kind of beer. my best homebrew recipe is for a stout, it's a "clone" of pic related

>> No.15760146

sometimes i like to grab a warm/flat fallen soilder and dump like 1-3oz of coffee in there (depending how much beer left in there) and it taste like a stout. i wont drink more than two or threee of them desu

>> No.15760153

Stouts are incredibly popular. The 3 styles damn near every brewery makes are ipa, stout, porter. I see just as many meme stouts now as I do meme ipas

>> No.15761318
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Nigga wine exists

>> No.15761335

Beer is literally bread water

>> No.15761359

You're thinking of kvass

>> No.15761388

Nah mate,ancient Egyptians and Sumerians made beer by fermenting pieces of bread in water(also adding honey sometimes)

>> No.15761398

Well, why don't you go ask them if I give a shit. Modern beer is not made that way, and modern kvass is.

>> No.15761404

That was a dumb joke for the most part

>> No.15761407

Then why aren't I laughing?

>> No.15761414

I'm sorry :(

>> No.15761575

There's so much other strong beer than stouts.

>> No.15761597

Watch out for the Guinness Shits™

>> No.15761604

Goose Island

>> No.15761616
File: 16 KB, 400x600, ci-guinness-draught-420c95ffc7f4bdc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the most popular imported beers in the USA is a stout

>> No.15761629

This stuff sucks

>> No.15761635

yes, it does.

>> No.15761640

Stout is the marmite of beers; you either love it or hate it

>> No.15761656

Stout is like Guinness right?

>> No.15761673
File: 11 KB, 400x600, ci-new-holland-dragons-milk-stout-ff8efa0be8cecd49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon's Milk is pretty good.

>> No.15761705

where do you even go to buy all these special brands of beer? when i go to the grocery store all they have is guinness. and the liquor store only sells liquor.

>> No.15761718

If you have to ask then don't worry about it. Enjoy your off-the-rack pilsner

>> No.15761731

Well, stuff like Dragon's Milk isn't hard for me to find because I live in Michigan. New Holland is Michigan beer.

>> No.15761923

Anywhere that sells beer

>> No.15762036


>> No.15762209

try an upscale grocery (the one where the rich people go)

>> No.15762221

Many countries levy higher taxes on beverages that exceed a certain level of alcohol. That's why most beers stick to 5%(varies by country)

>> No.15762368

can someone recommend me a stout that doesn't taste like coffee
i've only had a few but they've all tasted like coffee to me, and i hate coffee

>> No.15762546

Well, I love coffee.

To each his own, I guess.

>> No.15762554

Left hand nitro milk stout. Any sweet sounding stout really. The lactose really mellows the bitterness

>> No.15762792

>dragons milk
>not a milk stout

>> No.15762798

At a shop that specializes in selling craft beer or online.

>> No.15763048

Irishfag here

If you drink Guinness from a can, it will suck
If you drink Guinness from a place that doesn't know how to pour it, it will suck
Murphy's is better than Guinness, except in Dublin

>> No.15763186

your tastebuds are fucked. likely a smoker and/or 40+

>> No.15763835

So you deliberately tried only shit and are complaining that all of it is like that?

>> No.15763841

You just don't get it because summer doesn't exist in your miserable dystopia

>> No.15763855
File: 75 KB, 500x500, yuropoors and their poor opinions are cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american beer is ALL shit
Thanks for that hot take yuropoor

>> No.15764604
File: 1.64 MB, 2200x1467, OBB-ba-fidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting racist beer
Literally any craft brewery can make a passable BA stout, usually better than KBS too.
Also 99% of Europeans know that there is good beer in America, you just got baited by one of your own.

>> No.15764669
File: 191 KB, 164x600, birra_653655pedavenatradizionale33cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas here is yer solution

>> No.15764675
File: 49 KB, 268x939, 6182z0hS14L._AC_SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guinness Foreign Extra from a bottle is better than all of those.

>> No.15764689

>macrolager that isn't German or Czech
Why even bother

>> No.15764690
File: 59 KB, 720x1280, Ev1KBSPUYAA9aqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

,>Giving a fuck about someone being racist

>> No.15764696
File: 42 KB, 732x556, IMG_20210225_151205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking corporations are people
>giving money to racist businesses
I'd rather be part of the solution brah

>> No.15764737

It was just people at the brewery. Unless they were making beer that murdered minorities, the business isn't racist. People were. And who actually fucking cares that they made jokes about blacks

>> No.15764742

Brewers tend to love both too. Usually it's 3 or 4 styles that you'll see professional brewers make and drink in their free time - heavyish/imperial stouts, heavy or sessionable IPAs, Tripels, and clean lagers/kolsches.

>> No.15764832

Because I'm a Venetian nationalist

>> No.15764834

They let it happen for a long time and quite honestly there are plenty of more ethical breweries brewing beer of equal or better quality.
Good craft breweries are a dime a dozen so there's no reason not to take your pick of the more socially/environmentally aware ones.

>> No.15764851

Sierra Nevada's Celebration IPA is my personal favorite. If you can't into IPAs, start with pale ales. Oskar Blue's Dale's Pale Ale is a tremendous beer, and you can't go wing with a classic like Sierra Nevada's Pale.

>> No.15764858

Only technically importated because the Guinness sold in the US is actually brewed in Canada, not Ireland.

It's okay out of a can or on draft, still tastes like water but the nitro makes it fun. But yes, in any case, Guinness is most definitely the Bud Light of stouts.

>> No.15764901
File: 462 KB, 1024x776, st-james-gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Guinness in the world originates as unfermented wort extract made in St. James' Gate in Dublin, which is then shipped around the world to regional brewing sites where the extract is hydrated and fermented into the final product. These include Logos, Nigeria and Montreal, Canada as well as a couple of other smaller places. The logistics of Guinness is pretty interesting desu

>> No.15764957

Can we all tell them to stop letting Molson use their own yeast on the Canadian Extra Stout? It's fuckin' gahbaj.

>> No.15764969

hipsters don't like IPAs or stouts

maybe stouts are actually more hipster if there's some local regional brewery that's been mass-producing them for ages

>> No.15764971
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Porter > stout

>> No.15764973

boomer detected

>> No.15764977


>> No.15764984

Celebration is so good. I stockpile it every year.

>> No.15764985

there really isn't, stouts have roasted malts where porters don't, that's about it
the flavor profile can overlap so greatly that you wouldn't be able to tell if something is a porter or a stout by taste alone necessarily
but IN GENERAL, I suppose stouts have more "burnt" flavoring and porters are more malty
But again, people who say they like one vs the other more than likely found a good porter/stout they liked, looked at whether it was a porter/stout, then declared that the beer style of their favorite beer > the other beer style

>> No.15765051

lol, I know. It's just something I say when one of my biz-buddies makes a sessionable stout or an imperial porter. Even the roasted/black malt thing isn't true 100% of the time - it's almost a bacon-level cheat to use a pinch of black malt or roasted (unmalted) barley, and no high-L crystal or heavy/foamy malts to get some dark 'porteriness' into what would otherwise be a dark blonde or red ale. For my own stuff (the stuff I spearhead at the brewery and the stuff I make in my kitchen), if the end result is heavy and opaque, I call it a stout. If it's lighter and I can see through a pint of it, I call it a porter.

That line in particular started when I dropped off a keg of Germanned up "Dubliner Porter" to my local bar last year just before (everything closed for) St. Paddy's. The owner was a bit drunk, and she got all uppity - "I ordered a stout, like Guinness!" "This is a bit heavier and a bit darker. I've got a 12 pack in the van, we should probably have a tailgate party about this the next time you come out for a smoke. Bring [the head bartender]." ... long story short: "I like this. Why the hell is it a porter? I don't usually like porters. WHERE THE HELL'S THE LINE!?"

>> No.15765132
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because porters are better

>> No.15765213

Again, so what? Did they hurt anyone? No. They made jokes and said the word nigger. I couldn't care less since that has been every single work place I've ever been at. The only genuine race based hatred I've experienced were hmong vs koreans.

>> No.15765306

Baltic Porter's its own animal - closer to Imperial Stout than most other dark beers.

>> No.15765467

They said nigger directly to a black employee. I get that we're all epic gamers here but surely you have a scraping of empathy somewhere for the dude that had to put up with bring discriminsted against. To me it just indicates a general unpleasant culture within the company, which brings me back to my question: Why would you give your money to them when there are a hundred other, better options?

>> No.15765497

Also stouts are more tasty than meme ipas

>> No.15765503

Hops are expensive

>> No.15765533

Get the fuck over it. They said a word near a black person. It wasn't even at him to my knowledge. If they were violent or neglected qualified people based on their race, that's shitty. I hardly buy any beer from outside my state anymore regardless, but I'm also not going to stop buying a product because someone said nigger in the company. That's retarded.

>> No.15765604

Take the beer journey:
>Piss beer
>piss beer extra flavour
>one good beer followed by piss
>cheap but ok beer
>expensive tryhard beer
>expensive good beer
>whatever just not piss
>piss beer

>> No.15765759

Suit yourself racism-enabler
I'll be be over here with all my ethically produced bangers on the right side of history!

>> No.15765804


Hello fellow day drinker

>> No.15765902

The beer industry is dominated by white cis men. That's not ethical. Do. Better.

>> No.15765966
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Got these for st pat day

>> No.15766090


>> No.15766100
File: 1.64 MB, 2090x1116, banquet-beer-1599833419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink Coors Banquet

>> No.15766104

Recommend me some stouts, anon

>> No.15766105

Johnny lawrence did nothing wrong and larusso is an illegal kick throwing faggot

>> No.15766111

>A beer company patented a nitrogen ball technology that makes stouts taste better in a can
>it's wasted on the most watery fucking "stout" in existence, barely tastes like anything to begin with

>> No.15766117

>Russian River Pliny the Elder
Fuckin love this. The RR bars are always full

>> No.15766119

>Be me, 24
>never smoked
>fucking love coffee and regularly drink it black

>> No.15766669

Barleywine > stout

>> No.15766791

Too heavy, puts me to sleep

>> No.15766834

I like using stout in camping stew
something really nice about it

I also just like drinking it, but that's less fun

>> No.15766850

Look at the tidy pint, the head on that, hnnnnnnggg

>> No.15766999

>some hipster ipa that's overloaded with hops to cover up the taste of it actually being cheap piss water.
If anything stouts are the style that is most lenient for covering up brewer incompetence. A poorly brewed IPA is more noticeable than a poorly brewed stout because hops don't cover up botched fermentations like roasted malts do.

>> No.15767882

As a stout lover I'll tell you the truth

Most people dont like beer so they drink inoffensive lightweight beers with mild tastes to fit in

Worth noting that mild beers do have a place though

>> No.15767943

I live in Dublin Ireland and usually drink Prazsky lager which is maybe the cheapest lager here, but it seems to me made in Czechia and it's OK. Other than that all other beers are mostly made in Ireland, from Stella to Heineken to Bavaria or Coors Lite, which is my second go-to. Guiness gives me terrible hangovers.

>> No.15767950

>implying theres 1 foreign extra

>> No.15767986
File: 480 KB, 1200x800, 09A8A632-6A73-4E87-B134-791841C64B52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got really into stouts/barleywines/quads/etc and became a fatass fairly quickly despite having a fast metabolism. Stop drinking if you value your physical and mental health

>> No.15767989

dark beers tend to be overly sweet and "empty" tasting, like the body just isn't where it needs to be

>> No.15768264

>4.6% alcohol

>> No.15768624

Find me more people like my self-proclaimed "1-drop-white bulldyke" Estonia (real name Anneke, but "Dark like a Baltic Porter, and she'll fuck you up twice as fast!") and I'll hire ever last one, but I think she's an uncommon type of mutant. Too strange to live, too rare to die. She's got a wicked wit, a great work ethic, she's great with clients, and her recipes never suck.

>> No.15768680

I don't.

>> No.15768787

For a dry stout... yeah.

>> No.15768802

not sure what it is but around the age of 26 my body started having issues with certain beers. Drink milk stout and suddenly feel like I have ot burp and throwup rest of night, end up burping out foam and feel overly full off a few beers in an uncomfortable way

might be gluten intolerance not sure but kinda avoiding them since

>> No.15768810

How are you with milk? Sounds like lactose intolerance to me.

>> No.15768824

probably not lactose since I eat cheese and ice cream alot still, havent had milk in forever tho

looking it up more might be acid reflux

>> No.15769223

Three Floyd's Gumballhead or Hopslam
Toppling Goliath Pseudo Sue
probably whatever your local microbrewery is cooking up

>> No.15769252

i love Rasputin, everything North Coast puts out is great but Rasputin is really good. Too heavy though, which is my beef with stouts- after two you're pretty much too full to drink more. It seems like a lot of microbreweries are making tasty stouts these days, mostly tasting like desserts. I had Stone's mexican chocolate stout a few days ago (Xocoveza?) and it was super tasty. My local spot made a cinnamon bun stout that was really good too. Peanut butter stouts tend to be good

>> No.15769310

i was not previously aware of a controversy with Founder's and generally agree with you on most political points but you are being such a faggot about it and shitting up an apolitical discussion with woke bullshit that i'm going to buy a 12 pack of all-day next time i'm at the store just to spite you.

>> No.15769329

what the fuck are you even talking about, shut the fuck up who cares

>> No.15769524

Is this one of those AI-generated posts I keep hearing about?

>> No.15769668

Stone and Ballast Point are ass and overpriced

>> No.15769681

Get me an angry black lesbian for my brewery, or go off and fuck each other's hats, you hideous Bud swillers.

>> No.15770065

Lay off the IPAs and Soylent for a while you turbofaggot

>> No.15770458
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I mean the good one obviously, brewed in Dublin.

>> No.15771036

>foreign extra
>all Guinness is made from extract from Ireland


>> No.15771054

>American beer
>It's literally Lager
Oh right it's """American""" like mac and cheese

>> No.15771491
File: 2.12 MB, 1080x1080, 156632041_269456854898310_1024153394840149928_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is marketing
I bet you think your local pizza place is really "world famous" too

>> No.15771495

Stout has the same problem as statbucks coffee: tastes burnt.
porter > stout

>> No.15771502

Porter tastes like fruit-glazed arsehole
I much prefer a roasty toasty stouty boi

>> No.15771513
File: 378 KB, 960x1280, 17200_m_v2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll defer to your experience licking shitholes, but i'm not convinced your worm-ridden tongue knows what non-human fruit tastes like.

>> No.15771548 [DELETED] 

Fuck niggers, drink fosters.

>> No.15772064

>quench your thirst
What the fuck

>> No.15772070

Lighter beers are refreshing

>> No.15772123

I can sort of see that, and know of a few that I really enjoy on a hot day but they won't quench your thirst bro

>> No.15773052

German Leichtbier >>>>>>>>> American Light Lager. 2-3% ABV but still flavorful and enjoyable to drink.

>> No.15773714

Nah. Coors light is the king. Miller lite is acceptable