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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 345 KB, 1600x1200, pugnug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15756967 No.15756967 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever cooked your dog food? If so, post recipe

>> No.15756974

My mom makes sloppa with rice, ground beef, onions and salt.

Yes, I told her dogs are supposed to be allergic, but she says that's nonsense, and the dog hasn't died yet, so...

>> No.15756977

>frying pork chops in pan
>one was freezer burned
>cut off section, fried it after and fed to doggo

>> No.15756983

yeah, 4 years ago my 16 year old dog was on deaths bed, he didnt have an appetite anymore and could hardly walk. I steamed a trout for him, removed all the bones, boiled some potatoes, peas and carrots for him, then made it al into a mash. it was the last meal he ate and enjoyed, i'm guessing, since i had him euthanized a day later. RIP little buddy

>> No.15757045

sorry about your dog desu

>> No.15757230

Poisonous for dogs.
Maybe it hasn't died yet, but it might be anemic. You could show her an article.

>> No.15757235

thanks brother

>> No.15757606

Yeah my dad and sisters would make dog stew. Chicken broth, ground turkey, rice, sometimes bits of corn tortilla, sometimes chicken instead of ground meat, sometimes vegetables like carrots and green beans and I don’t remember. Point was to mix with kibbles and soften them for dinner. Also occasionally mixed in canned food.

>> No.15757641

rarely, but I barely have the willpower to cook for myself, and my girlfriend has a stigma against feeding dogs "people food".

normally my dog will just get the leftovers of my meals and get to lick the plate/bowl.

>> No.15757653

Who the fuck eats dog food

>> No.15757659

I never give him food from the table, but if I'm making eggs for breakfast I'll always throw an extra one in so he can have some too.

>> No.15757692

i do this but also with meats ill put an extra sausage or bacon for her.

>> No.15758054

Did you mix in a little droplet of your own shit to remind him one last time that you're the dominant one?

>> No.15758070

Isn't it fucked up that a pug's eyes can randomly fall out of its head? It doesn't even have to sneeze or anything they can just fall out.

>> No.15758094

Used to roast a whole chicken just to make chicken and rice for my dog.

>> No.15758097

Ive cooked a dog. Not sure why I would waste time heating up its food.

>> No.15758120

How's the weather in china?

>> No.15758135

You mean New Hampshire? Getting nicer.

>> No.15758147

I' m not retarded, so no.

>> No.15758156

I made the polite assumption that you were from a hellscape that eats dog, you didn't have to go out of your way to let me know you're a sociopath anon.

>> No.15758166

A dog is just another animal. It can be prepared and eaten like any other meats. I also make coyote from time to time if I find one still alive in one of the traps. You should try dog. It's pretty good. Kinda insulting though to believe it would be a hellscape. People perhaps, but dogs have been eaten for years in the Americas.

>> No.15758184

You should adopt to the culture you're a part of now. In America, we don't eat dog. If you want to think it's morally acceptable to eat dogs, go be non-white somewhere else.

>> No.15758197

Smelly beasts that leave paw prints on your heart. Sorry to hear about your dog. I didn't know dogs even liked fish.

>> No.15758204

Of now? I am Irish/English. 6th generation. It's completely legal to kill dogs for human consumption. I just can't legally sell the meat. I've traded it before with neighbors. I think you need to reevaluate your issue with it.

>> No.15758217

>I am Irish/English. 6th generation.
Doubt. A white man would only eat a dog in a legitimate survival situation. Go larp as a white person elsewhere, Chang.

>> No.15758223

You are very wrong.

>> No.15758225

Fucking that Azeri prick Abdual Babish took my fucking dog

>> No.15758238

Okay, post pic with timestamp. Also btw if your argument was strong, you wouldn't have to pretend to be a white person to strengthen the argument.

>> No.15758274

disgusting soulless bugman chink stop lying on the internet

>> No.15758885
File: 57 KB, 509x339, 65475DC6-48CB-433E-90F8-DE19FDE3B12D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Puggies and nuggies!!!
I ate too many nuggies and fell into a nuggy coma during which my doggy died of starvation.

>> No.15760106


>> No.15760659

no but when I was a kid I tricked my neighbor into eating actual dog food based off of the label saying it contains chicken and beef.