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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15756697 No.15756697 [Reply] [Original]

Steak and potatoes thread.


>> No.15756699

the sear looks good, but where are the veggies and the steak cross section?

>> No.15756702

No money shot.

>> No.15756709

It was fairly thin ribeye. About 3/4 inch, so I didn’t go for the cross sear. I ate my veggies earlier today (raw tomatoes and broccoli, lightly steam) tried to present my mashed potatoes better, they are so creamy and buttery.

>> No.15756715

No way to tell without seeing what it looks like.
(ie the interior, duh)

>> No.15756723

i meant the interior (how done it was), like anon was saying

>> No.15756726


Here’s ya money, open wide.

>> No.15756740
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Forgot pic whoops.

>> No.15756741

Oy vey

>> No.15756749

looks good anon. You like sauce with your steak? i love me a little bearnaise or cream and pepper sauce to go with steak

>> No.15756753

Looks good.

>> No.15756771

When I really want to go all out, I’ll make a mushroom cream sauce for my steak. But tonight I’m dining alone, so I wanted to treat myself to a nice piece of steak, salt, pepper, garlic powder, that’s it. Served with some super milky and buttery hand mashed taters.

>> No.15756776

were you going for black and blue?

>> No.15756777

Excellent job, OP.

>> No.15756790

Based, thank you strawman. Blessed digits too!

>> No.15756834

cook your steak, it's raw

>> No.15756853

honestly this doneness is fine as long as it's at least warm in the middle and not straight from the fridge cold

>> No.15756859
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>> No.15756880
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No potatoes--this shit was rich enough.
Ragusea is a fag, but I gotta say, board-dressed steaks are really tasty.

>> No.15756882
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hold still while I knucc you

>> No.15756886

Dang that looks good AF

>> No.15756895

it would have been as tasty if you just seasoned your steak and didnt waste a bunch of salt and pepper to your cutting board

>> No.15756903

Who stepped on your mashed potatos

>> No.15756919

If that was with mushroom gravy it would be the bees knees

>> No.15756924

Thanks, anon. It was the second best steak I've ever had--best goes to the $130 dry aged rib steak my ex bought me. I'll never, ever forget that shit.
I'm not sure what your argument was, but I barely put any salt on it at all. Mostly fresh pepper and rosemary.

>> No.15756940

my argument was that seasoning your steak or your cutting board makes no difference in taste.

>> No.15756948

Another excellent one. Good job, boys.

>> No.15756956

The difference comes from resting it on the butter, juices, herbs, etc. You can see that even though it's cut, there's only melted butter on the plate. All the jooce went back inside the steak. It was absolutely joocy brah.

>> No.15756971

I should also add that it made the spices express themselves perfectly. I think that's the main benefit aside from convenience and joociness (if you chop it up while it's resting)

>> No.15756996

t. faggot that lives in Ohio

>> No.15757516

Had steak 2 days ago with my father. Strips with mixed veggies and mashed taters. He way overcooked them. His was medium-well and mine was well-done. Unfortunate.

>> No.15757525


>> No.15757527

any well done chads here?

>> No.15757550
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Thoughts on this bad boy I’m cookin?

>> No.15757679
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seeing some butter melting on those potatoes would be picture perfect.

>> No.15757731
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Last steak i made

>> No.15757748
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I wish i had friends

>> No.15757807

I’m sorry anon. I’ve been thinking about doing a cooking with friends thing on here one of these weekends. Hope you can make it.

Probably be next weekend on the 20th or 21st.

>> No.15757827

Just need a little A1 and your good.

>> No.15757838
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Top round steak tough like a boot.

>> No.15757996

Cursed. I don't understand A1 on steaks. You'd need a really shitty cut that's been overcooked to justify putting that shit on

>> No.15757998

Looks awesome desu! What beer is that? Looks nerdy; I dig it.
Careful with your asparagus though

>> No.15758002

Sounds fantastic, I'll bring some wine :)

>> No.15759321

It’s 3 floyds zombie dust, good stuff.

Yeah the asparagus was my buddys job on the grill. He over did it a bit and left a little too much stalk on for my taste. But the more you let them do, the better they get.

>> No.15759378

looks good op

>> No.15759384

based boiled steak anon

>> No.15759394
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