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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 722x1280, photo_2021-03-13_18-05-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15756599 No.15756599 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: food you made. Other anons can ask for the recipes if they like what they see.
>pic related; just figured out how to make killer chili dogs last night

>> No.15756608
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rainy day kluski soup

>> No.15756612
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had tostadas tonight

>> No.15756623
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i made a cheese pizza last week, it was pretty good.

>> No.15756632

that does look very nice. are those sprinkles of oregano?

>> No.15756653

yes, fren. I wish i added some basil though, totally forgot about that. It's 18h fermented caputo dough. and fresh mozarella. The sauce is just canned peeled tomatoes with olive oil and salt and basil, not cooked but pulverized in a food mill

>> No.15756674

Looks good, what's with the tip of the hot dog?

>> No.15756683

circumcized for max flavor

>> No.15756687


>> No.15756705

I spiral cut them, and the wieners I used were pinched at the ends. Thanks 4 the compliment--these are a new staple in my diet like sanic

>> No.15756711

lay it on me anon

>> No.15756721

Looks pretty grub, desu.

>> No.15756751 [DELETED] 
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Is that a good thing, anon?

>> No.15756798
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Pic related. I lost my OC instructions that I wrote up awhle back, and I don't have time to go through it all right now sorry anon

>> No.15756899
File: 626 KB, 2048x1365, IMGP1261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not the right pic

>> No.15756931

Something comfy about this pic, anon. I wish I was there cooking something with you

>> No.15757061
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me too friend

>> No.15757068
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Been working on my pan pizzas. Haven't quite got the dough down yet but I'm pretty happy with my sauce. Live in a hick town so no good pepperoni though. This is from my first batch of dough. Liked how the cheese browned but didn't like the meat under the cheese.

>> No.15757076
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, pza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From second batch of dough. The dough turned out much better but wasn't a fan of the presentation. Prob going to broil the cheese then throw the meat on and broil it again maybe. Dunno yet.

>> No.15757090
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not really a dish, but a nice bread i made this week

>> No.15757117

Based as fuck. What game did you play after cooking all this?

>> No.15757124

Looks OK anon, but why not fill the pan? You'll get more surface area to get nice and buttery/crunchy if the edges of the dough ride up a bit on the rim of the pan

>> No.15757148

The dough recipe I used was for 2 10" skillets and I just eyeballed halving the dough so that one ended up not quite enough to fill my 12". My next batch I increased the dough so I could actually fill the pan.

>> No.15757651

Ah, I see. Got any pics of the next batch you made?

>> No.15757654
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I don't really play games anon, but I did sit and enjoy the fireplace and sunday rain

>> No.15757672

Looks great but chill with the onions bro

>> No.15757773
File: 2.98 MB, 3024x4032, 792D5D7F-A6BF-40ED-A502-E0209F3CA0E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roux based gumbo creole stew. Super easy and one of the best things I’ve made during covid.

>> No.15757990

Fair point, but I didn't wanna waste 'em. Not overpowering since they're red
Based is right. That looks delicious. Recipe?

>> No.15758062

What in the hell is wrong with you, anon? There's no such thing as too much onion.
> Not overpowering since they're red
Exactly. Add more next time.

>> No.15758154

Not yet. Just waiting for the dough to rise but I have chicken I need to cook before it goes bad so it'll be a few days before I'm making pizza again

>> No.15758187

>making food yourself
Are you poor?

>> No.15758200
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this was one of the few times i double coated my chicken

>> No.15758209

>doesnt know the joy from making food and sharing it with family and friends

>> No.15758211

I know this is weak bait, but I should say that there are absolutely 0 good chili dogs available in restaurants within 100 miles of me

>> No.15758756

Whoa, looks intense. Was it kino?

>> No.15759083

What's the recipe? I can make good chili, but it's not good 'hot dog chili', if that makes sense. Tried many times, but it's never quite right

>> No.15759123

>1 lb lean ground beef
>chuck it in a cast iron skillet over medium heat, hit it with a teaspoon of salt and a little MSG if you have it, chop it up while it's cooking and once you see no pink, toss in a chopped yellow onion and a few minced cloves of garlic and some paprika
>stir, let it cook a bit; once the skillet is looking dry, add 1/4 cup tomato paste and 1/2 cup water
>continue to simmer while you add a few tbsp of molasses, 1/2 small can of chipotle peppers, literally just a pinch of cumin, and a squirt of ketchup
>simmer for 15 minutes or until when you drag a spatula through the middle, only the tiniest bit of moisture can be seen trying to fill the gaps
Best chili I've ever had. For the hot dogs, use something mild tasting; I tried these with angus dogs and it was too distracting of a flavor. For the buns, always get unsliced ones and cut them yourself from the top, then toast 'em in the pan with butter/mayo/margarine on them. Top with onions and/or thinly grated cheese if you like.
Unironically kino

>> No.15759186

I don't know how i feel about the use of "kino" in this context

>> No.15759196

It has to happen

>> No.15759257

Yo sorry i just saw this. See below

Creole/Gumbo Soup:

-saute 1/2lb of bacon, use the rendered bacon fat and maybe a bit of butter to make a semi dark roux

-after you got the roux going add in finely chopped celery, carrots, bell peppers, onion, and 1 de-seeded serrano pepper

-after sautéing the veggies for a bit deglaze with a small amount of white wine

-add in 1/2 pound of andouille sausage and continue sauteing

-deglaze again with a container of beef or chicken stock, make sure to scrape to bottom of the pot to get the all the fond/roux stuck to the bottom off

-add in 1/3-1/2 a container of red pepper soup stock

-stir until everything is combined and looks good. Let the soup boil and start to cook down a bit

-season with white pepper, black pepper, paprika, chili powder, and a pinch of nutmeg

-chop fresh flat parsley and cilantro into thin strips and add to soup. A couple shakes of Italian season and thyme too. Overall not that much needed

-a few dashes of Louisiana style hot sauce, like Crystal, tabasco, or something like that

-cut red potatoes into 8ths and add to soup along with 1 can of red kidney beans

-once potatoes are almost cooked add in frozen shrimp and cook until they float to the top and are cooked through

Serve soup over rice and garnish with fresh flat parsley

>> No.15759259

The quantities are somewhat flexible, I eyeball a lot when i cook cuz I’m lazy. But either way it’s difficult to fuck this up. Between the sausage, bacon, bell peppers, and shrimp, it just automatically has great flavor.

>> No.15759278

Thanks for posting the recipe, anon! I'll give it a shot sometime.
I've never had creole food so this'll be fun

>> No.15759360
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Food currently in process?
Just stuck these on my pellet smoker, for a six hour smoke.

>> No.15759403
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It's cold out so my temp is a bit low, but I'm seeing a good amount of smoke. I'll let it ride for three hours by then it'll warm up and I'll trim, bed and foil them. Probably turn temp up as well.

>> No.15759779
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I call it huevos hacienda de las sloppa. Enjoy

>> No.15759860
File: 1.32 MB, 3252x1945, 20210312_215906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make char siu the other night, marinated it for 24 hours in sauce. Made some steamed bao bun things to go with it and some coleslaw with a ginger scallion mayo. Overall, the buns tasted meh, best part was the pork.

>> No.15759873

this, surely it should be gastro

>> No.15760490
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I had to bump the temp up to 200° with the Pset at max to maintain 185° for the first three hours.
Put them in foil on brown sugar, rub, and butter.

>> No.15760498
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x1816, 20210314_140832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty lighting, it's overcat and I'm cooking on my carport.

>> No.15760506
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x1816, 20210314_141628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two more hours in foil, then I'll firm them up uncovered, bone side down, while basting for the last hour.

>> No.15761021
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x1816, 20210314_162154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After two hours in foil, they look like this.
CAREFULLY handle them, I recommend flat metal trays

>> No.15761035

>I season my aluminium foil, not my ribs

>> No.15761040
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x1816, 20210314_163706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return them to the grill at 200° to firm them up, basting with a mixture of juices from foil, and apple juice.

>> No.15761056

>mixture of juices from foil

>> No.15761061

>Prob going to broil the cheese then throw the meat on and broil it again maybe. Dunno yet
Can confirm this turns out okay. Don't fully brown the cheese though as it'll continue cooking after you've added the pepperoni. Actually it's up to you, maybe you really like that browned cheese taste.

>> No.15761073

Post recipe. Please make it detailed, too many recipes don't specify what their seasoning mixture's consist of.

>> No.15761166
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This is as close to plating as it gets, I've drank enough, and I'm going to enjoy these with friends

>> No.15761173
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A soup with onion, green pepper, black eyed peas, tomato and spinach with a basic bitch chicken breast. Was surprisingly good for something I just threw together with what was left in my pantry.

>> No.15761392

Was good. Had box Mac&cheese with a can of cream of mushrooms soup cuz fuck you my mom made it, and a couple cans of ranch style beans(black label) BBQ sauce was made from fat caps off last pork butts, and canned tomato sauce.

>> No.15761502
File: 1.57 MB, 4000x1800, 20210314_161217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like it's been an all day event, but I just finished making this. It's fucking delicious

>> No.15761869


>> No.15761880

that's too much raw red bro

>> No.15761952

Nah, if you've ever been to the Yardbird, which your broke ass most assuredly has not, this is their recipe for chicken and waffles.

>> No.15761982

That's a comfy room

>> No.15762615

Were you able to get the right ingredients? 99% of the states isn't going to stock the right shit to make it.

>> No.15762946
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Why did you circumcise your hotdog?

>> No.15763160

god told me to do it

>> No.15763162

Reddit comment and reddit waffle. Sorry, bud.

>> No.15763419

This is seriously so pretentious of you that it hurts.

>> No.15763688
File: 689 KB, 1983x2644, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried up some chicken. Turned out pretty good.

>> No.15763908

>peanut oil

>> No.15764605

What's the recipe

>> No.15764616

>I don't know how I feel about

Make your mind up or don't say anything especially something this gay

>> No.15764618

I tried to do creme brule while on vacation but it work out too well, I need to try that a few more times.

>> No.15764623


>> No.15764632

That oil looks filthy and disgusting, it should be thrown out immediately.

>> No.15764659

Or you could just strain it through a paper towel you faggot

>> No.15764720
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Made some Pho. (I ran out of thick noodles, so I had to use thin ones.)

>> No.15764743
File: 2.92 MB, 3537x3275, 20210109185932_IMG_4761-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my lamb shank with polenta

>> No.15764747

I would devour that

>> No.15764748
File: 1.86 MB, 3741x3242, 20210213180741_IMG_5045-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my confit duck leg

>> No.15764760

Recipe? Ihave 500ml of beef stock mixed with umami enhanchers and 500ml clean

>> No.15764766

that dish looks so sad

>> No.15764770

Why cunt

>> No.15764805
File: 604 KB, 393x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare what you made with pic related and dare telling me you would prefer eating what you made.
I'm not questioning your cooking skills, your lamb shank & polenta looks great, but the duck confit is subpar

>> No.15764808

Don't listen to him anon, it looks good. Amateur, but good. Duck leg looks a bit dry.

>> No.15764816

It was crisped up in the airfryer. Yours looks chewy as shit.
I like the pears and chestnuts though.

>> No.15764841


>> No.15764849
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It's not mine, I just found it on google.
You should have at least put some sauce over the duck leg, or found some way to make the skin less dry. Maybe add some oil over in the middle of the cooking process ? Also the plating is nice and I can see it working for other recipes, but I feel like for this one a more traditional approach would have looked more appetizing

>> No.15764922

Very nice looking loaf right there

>> No.15765406

Did you go all the way with the burnt onions and shit?

>> No.15765793
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Pot roast and mashed potatoes

>> No.15765796

Britbong detected

>> No.15765817
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Braised short ribs

>> No.15765822
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Salmon and pasta

>> No.15765829
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Chili fixins

>> No.15765832

Dunno how you got purple meat but it looks cool.

>> No.15765834
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Finished chili

>> No.15765841
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Baked ziti

>> No.15765847
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>> No.15765851

Are you sure? Looks pretty wet to me anon
More like baked zD

>> No.15765884
File: 1.38 MB, 2160x2160, 20210313_172105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some BBQ sauce. Does that count as food.

>> No.15765889

thanks anon

>> No.15765892

How did you make it, anon?

>> No.15765904

You're such a sucker.

>> No.15765919

Here's the recipe:
1c ketchup
1/2c yellow mustard
1/2c brown sugar
1/4c molasses
1/4c apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tpsb worcestershire
1 tbsp liquid smoke
1 beef bullion cube
And then add these to taste:
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Mustard powder
White pepper
Black pepper
Cayenne pepper
The goal of this sauce was to create a tangy, smoky sauce. I think I achieved it pretty well. If you like a sweeter sauce you could add honey, or if you like a spicier even smokier sauce you can add chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. It's pretty customizable I feel.

>> No.15765923

i'd eat the other one you tryhard nancy boy

>> No.15766001

Also I simmered the sauce for about half an hr/45mins

>> No.15767193

uhh bro where are the beans?

>> No.15767384

Yeah fair enough. The meat wasn't dry at all, just crispy on the skin. I get you though, thanks for the tips.

>> No.15767488

Weak bait

>> No.15767515

I live in Canada. My place is nearby to a Chinatown, so I was able to get what I was looking for with ease.

>> No.15767535

Nice, same. The fermented tofu is really key.

>> No.15767544
File: 977 KB, 1870x1529, 20210206_231952_copy_1870x1529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a lot of food that looks like this

>> No.15767552
File: 1.71 MB, 2880x2160, 20210307_144840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate chip banana bread. I probably should have used a little more chocolate chips.

>> No.15767565

The chocolate chips ruin it, in my opinion. They fuck up the structure and texture. Would be better to just pour melted chocolate over the top of a finished loaf if you want chocolate.

>> No.15767572


>> No.15767580

No. Why?

>> No.15767582

Looks good. Hope you're not a mormon though

>> No.15767591

The texture was fine with the chocolate chips imo
I think maybe next time I'll make a ganache and swirl it in the dough.

>> No.15767593

>boil hot dog
>place on bun
>dump a can of chili out onto hot dog
>chop up onion, dump copious amount onto hot dog
Sick recipe dude

>> No.15767601

banana bread w/ chocolate chips is a big mormon thing

>> No.15767602


>> No.15767608

lol had no idea.
I just had chocolate chips lying around and figured I should use em.

>> No.15767618

the photo doesn't look like you could get a solid slice out of it which is the problem I've had adding choco chips to my recipe and the part around the chips looking not properly baked but some people might like that

>> No.15767622

post recipe anon

>> No.15767769


115g Melted Unsalted Butter
2 Eggs
45g Brown Sugar(You can add more if you want sweeter bread)
45g Chocolate chips
240g All Purpose Flour
2g Salt
5g Baking Powder
2g Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
200-300g Thawed frozen bananas(You want the dough to be pretty runny)
30g Greek Yogurt

Pretty straight forward recipe.
Mash bananas(don't try to peel thawed bananas. take scissors and snip the end and squeeze it out like a tube of toothpaste, you want to get as much of the liquid out as possible)
Beat eggs with brown sugar
Mix eggs with bananas
Add melted butter, then add yogurt and vanilla extract
Sift together dry ingredients sans chocolate chips, then mix in the wet stuff.
Mix only until all the flour gets wet, then mix in the chocolate chips. You want to mix as little as possible. You want the mixture to be more of a batter consistency
Then drop it in a bread pan and bake at 350f for 1 hour. Check the bread with a wood skewer, if it comes out with wet dough on it, then it needs more time.

>> No.15767792

Sounds really nice anon

>> No.15768151
File: 3.20 MB, 1512x2016, homemade pasta sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some pasta sauce
>finely diced mushrooms, onions, shallots, and celery, sweated down together in pork fat and dried thyme
>add in ground pork, tomato puree, and basil
>cook down until the tomato product has thickened into almost a paste
>add in cream and kill the heat the moment it begins to simmer

>> No.15768972


Sorry anon, just got back from work, here’s the recipe.

Marinade: Buttermilk, halved onion, 2 halved jalapeños, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper

Dredge: 3 cups of flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 2 teaspoons paprika, 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon celery salt, salt and garlic powder to your liking

Marinade for at least 6 hours, preferably longer

Start heating up the oil. Take the chicken out of the marinade, dredge it, dip it back in the marinade, dredge it again and throw it on the pan

Deep fry on medium high heat for about 7-8 minutes, more or less depending on the size of the piece. I use thighs, so if you’re using breasts or something then i’d fry for closer to like 5 minutes.

>> No.15769257
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>> No.15769265

LOL, that background tile is the same shit they use in the truck stop showers at Loves trucks stops.
>t. truck driver.

>> No.15769280

use a faster shutter speed

>> No.15769297
File: 2.22 MB, 3943x2901, 5C2C5808-E7F5-4DAE-A70A-013BCA67B9D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15769415


hey meat n onions is all you need if youre tryina get full with flavor

>> No.15769759
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Repostan' my recipe from the other thread:
>Fried wienner
>Lightly toasted buns (buttered before hand and filled with mayo)
>Caramelized onion (they caramelized with soy sauce and honey)
>Spicy Mustard
Pic related (i'm a transformer, hence the format of the pic)

>> No.15769950
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean fried chicken made with dark meat chunks.

>> No.15769993
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 2F32DE02-C661-4172-B7B0-795EA79DE433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macaroni Meatloaf Muffins

>> No.15770007

basically everything in here looks great i'm proud /ck/

>> No.15770024

A hotdog from ikea gave me explosive diarrhea.

>> No.15770188
File: 3.53 MB, 4032x3024, 20210214_232305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilaqueles Verdes

>> No.15770530

Ayy, what recipe did you use for the sauce?

>> No.15770540

Anyone here made Baba Ghanoush?

>> No.15770597


>> No.15770686

mmm looks good anon

>> No.15770721

Stomachlet. Ikea hotdogs are the easiest thing to digest. 711 hotdogs give you hurtin' creamarrhea.

>> No.15770730

This looks fire as fuck you should elaborate on how you got this.

>> No.15770732

need's some tasty carrots stewed with the meat but overall looks quite enjoyable

>> No.15770737

I think it looks kind of calculated and sterile. Looks like it would taste good but I can't shake the feeling it would look better if it were just thrown on the plate instead of carefully placed for a picture while getting cold.

>> No.15770741

No shit dumbfuck he just got done using it.

>> No.15770756

favorite dish ITT looks absolutely delicious

>> No.15770807

>rendered all the fat out
>looks delicious

>> No.15770918


>> No.15770973
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Could definitely smash a few of those.

>> No.15771017
File: 1.30 MB, 960x1280, image_2021-03-16_142536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure what the name of this thing is in English but it turned out very good, i really like it.

>> No.15771019

What's it called in your native tongue?

>> No.15771026

it's called cake worldwide

>> No.15771049
File: 517 KB, 1073x809, Screenshot_20210316-133709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some latkas then poured over them a reheated chicken stew I made yesterday. Sprinkled some dill on top. It was good

>> No.15771249

what is this

>> No.15771392
File: 993 KB, 2016x1512, 20170225_174655-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled chicken hearts

>> No.15771506
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>> No.15771809
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x2268, 20201004_191324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bucatini alla Carbonara.

>> No.15771831
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Non-traditional moussaka. Gouda bechamel, still uses cinnamon.

>> No.15771844
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>> No.15771854

how to I make that dough?

>> No.15771868

This looks really good, where are you from and what's the recipe?

>> No.15771871

but also true

>> No.15771901

Where did you get the pepe, friend?

>> No.15772149
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Fried rice I made last year

>> No.15772190

Still looks pretty fresh. Does it smell off?

>> No.15772195

The sauce looks pretty good, whats in it?

>> No.15772617
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IDKKK but this was my face when I cooked the it and tried it, tasted it. BOOM haha

>> No.15772622

not clicking on that but then just have stronger wrists?

>> No.15773151

Get back here, you sonofa

>> No.15773849
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>paying premium prices for watermelon, fried chicken (not even premium cuts), and waffles
Let me guess, you voted for Hillary too didn't you?

>> No.15773949

Don't be jealous

>> No.15774134
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all of my pics are on the stovetop because the lighting looks better

>> No.15774342

Alright sport, let me give you some comments:

1. If you're using a peel you're flouring it too much. You may also simply be flouring too much when you open the pizza up on the bench. The white rim of uncooked flour isn't supposed to be there and doesn't taste good. use less flour - if you fermented well and have a good dough you don't need much to get it workable.

2. The cheese you used is not ideal for the type of oven you're baking in. It looks like you used a mostly fresh perhaps higher moisture mozzarella. It has released oil and now you have a greasy pool on your pizza which will seep through and make your crust soggy, especially in the middle before you ever even take a bite.

3. The color on the more cooked parts of your crust is good, I think you could stand to let it cook a bit longer, provided you go to a more low moisture cheese that can stand up to the melt and longer bake time in a home oven. I'm assuming you used a stone or a steel.

7/10 overall, but you're very close. I'm sure it has a nice crumb and good coloration on the bottom. Try to find a real pizzaria cheese online to try out and work on using less flour I think you'll like your results. Good color on your sauce too I see a lot of dark sauces here which indicate cooking beforehand among other things.

>> No.15774351
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Some sort of biscuit with no sugar only honey that I made after I realized I fucked up a recipe
Tastes surprisingly good

>> No.15774374
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I made my grandma's rouladen. Sauce is a bit orange cause i added two leftover carrots

>> No.15774409

Looks goood, what kind of seasoning on the chicken hearts?

>> No.15774539

Baby courgettes grilled then poached in sesame honey with pickled apple, buttermilk and kimchi powder.

>> No.15774589

looks really nice, share recipe?

>> No.15774607

Fuck do you know? I think it was perfectly fine.

>> No.15774804

how do I make this? that's the exact sort of shit I like

>> No.15774833
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Just some cuscuz with hotdogs and hard boiled eggs

>> No.15774835

I made beans on toast

>> No.15774867
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Nice anon, here’s some pho i made not that long ago. Made a pork bahn mi to go with it.

>> No.15774881

looks based, love when my mother cooks pho, enough to eat for 2 weeks

>> No.15774902
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Based, very similar to my fried chicken recipe, shit is cash money. I like adding a louisiana style hot sauce to my marinade. I did biscuits and slaw too.

>> No.15774907

Based dubs

>> No.15775015

Broth is way too fucking dark, holy shit

>> No.15775067

Looks delicious!

>> No.15775316

So, it's not very authentic but I used this guy's recipe for the batter https://schoolofwok.co.uk/tips-and-recipes/general-tsos-chicken.. You make the marinade and then add a bunch of corn starch. To the marinade, I added like a tablespoon of mirin. The sauce is, and I kind of hate myself for this, josh weissman's sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQT9w8lbb2U..
I took that sauce and added some ginger, more garlic, and some scallion whites. Fry the chicken at 350~ degrees until golden, I use a rb wok cause it uses way less oil but you do what you want. I then tossed the chicken in the sauce and topped with sliced red chilies and the scallion greens. I also added some soaked dried heaven facing chilies before I added the chicken.

>> No.15775427

looks great

>> No.15775645

What's wrong with weissman?

>> No.15775850
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Aglio e olio with chicken. My sister got me some chili pepper pasta so I thought this would be good.

>> No.15775877
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Mexican wontons.

>> No.15775891

Well was it good?

>> No.15775926
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>> No.15775974

Oh shit, really? I had a mormon friend who would always bring banana bread with chocolate chips in high school, I figured his family just liked it a lot.

>> No.15775983

pan de pene

>> No.15775992

Quintessential nigga food

>> No.15775994

Sure was, the pasta itself had a nice spice to it, and the basic dish itself is always great

>> No.15776006

I wanna make out with you

>> No.15776463


but you gotta get on the mailing list because he's always sold out

>> No.15776578
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I remember suckin on some chili dogs with my then fiance Diane back in the day

>> No.15776588
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>> No.15776680
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>> No.15776697

Yeah it was a pain in the dick though. If your mom cooks that on the reg, she’s a saint.

>> No.15776703

It really wasn’t that dark, idk why the pic looks that way.

Also this was made using leftovers. Not just immaculate beef bones from the butchers. It was definitely too dark, but the pic makes it look worse. I promise the flavor was there.

>> No.15776932
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Moose meatballs

>> No.15776945

are those made with realy moos.e

>> No.15776950


>> No.15777089

Annoying zoomer shit, but at least he can cook.

>> No.15777159

I guess you're kinda right. I never pay attention to that aspect of his videos.

>> No.15777180
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Smoked brisket.

>> No.15777768
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>slice up some meat
>almost any kind of meat works, this was chuck eye steak
>marinate in a gallon ziploc with
>soy sauce
>olive oil
>ketchup or some kind of tomato based sauce, maybe gochujang
>other flavors are optional, I don't even measure anything I just dump it in
>cook meat on medium high heat in skillet for about 10 minutes
The onions should be cooking on medium low heat in a separate pan with butter this while time. It's important to cook the meat at a high enough temperature to get some caremalization for robust flavor

>> No.15777778

The seasoning is a store bought Weber rand lemon pepper

>> No.15778971
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First time maki rolling

>> No.15778986


keep at it anon not bad for first try

>> No.15779010
File: 1.09 MB, 2268x1841, 20210220_195809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a whole load of new recipes while in lockdown
Here's a cross-section of a Char Siu Pork Bun I made

>> No.15779070
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Damn nigga, you really did not get close. I'm sorry. That gets a 2/10 for accuracy to cha siu bao.
>dough looks like pizza dough
>not cha siu inside
>dry interior
>too much filling, not enough dough
>no twirl on top
I'm floored by how distant this is to the dish you were trying to make

>> No.15779181

it's baked you fucking mongoloid.

Not all bao are steamed.

>> No.15779192
File: 365 KB, 1275x1536, char-siu-bao-25-1275x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a baked version of the Char Siu Pork Bun and frankly it looks delicious.

>> No.15779285
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It's not called cha siu bao if it's not steamed.
It looks OK, but entirely wrong--not at all like the fried or baked versions of bao

>> No.15779378

I'm not a huge hotdog kind of guy but I would definitely munch those bad boys up. Nice, I like people taking trash food like hotdogs and actually taking the time to prepare it well

>> No.15779393

Begone insectoid

>> No.15779738


>> No.15779851
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Sourdough cheesefilled pizza with egg.

Accidentally broke the eggyolk but the taste was fine. Managed to barely eat half that thing is filling

>> No.15780560

looks fucking awesome anon

>> No.15780613

I own and operate a pizzaria. What the fuck do you know?

>> No.15780635

Nigga you're gonna come back 2 days later to say this? Get fucked, the emotions have dried up, I'm gonna be OK.

>> No.15781364

What a pedant you are. Look up baked char siu bao and it's all that's returned, so why you gotta be such a faggot over something that is so easily understood?

>> No.15781416
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Some Pambazos I made a week ago

>> No.15781421
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here's a better picture

>> No.15781439

>I'm going to enjoy these with friends

>> No.15781570


>> No.15781572

You're a faggot

>> No.15781579

Inauthentic and straight up wrong.

>> No.15781601
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>stock cubes
>not KNORR

>> No.15781616

Pretentious and gay plating, vegetables look better than the duck.

>> No.15781625
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Looks like Freezer's tail meat

>> No.15781692

Certified Faggot Moment right there.

>> No.15781742
File: 8 KB, 125x221, overconfident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ackchully don't mind Knorrh but Massel is really delicious stuff. Yes you can use salt, but Massel is betta

>> No.15781744


>> No.15781755
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Anime website. Go cry about it newfaggot.

>> No.15781780
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>> No.15781822

>hey mum do have anything to make pasta sauce with or are we still too poor
>no problem at all honey just stir in a shitload of raw eggs

>> No.15781834

Why the fuck are you on this board tastelet?

>> No.15781849

Dude all the state's have asian markets. You might have to drive a if you live rural but the ingredients are there

>> No.15781949

that is not carbonara. that is FUCKING DISGUSTING. What is that mystery meat? It sure as shit isnt guanciale, and there should never ever under any circumstances be anything green on a carbonara. Also its obvious you cooked the eggs terribly

>> No.15781952


>> No.15781956

anon he pacifically said it was agglio eeyyyy olio WITH chicken. that means it isn't agglio eeyyyy olio, it means it's agglio eeyyyy olio WITH chicken

>> No.15781957

absolutely pathetic. Where is the egg? Why does the faux guanciale look so horrendous?
Americans should be banned from calling their attempts at pasta "italian food"

>> No.15781963

Would aglio e olio be aglio e oglio if i put a scoop of gelato on top? What if i called it aglio e olio con gelato, and then when someone said it isnt aglio e olio I go "nooooo i said aglio e olio with ice cream it is aglio e olio"

>> No.15781966

now this looks excelent. A pasta that is not some bastdardized form of a cherished recipe. this is how you improvise with pasta. Bravo fra

>> No.15781970

I think if you describe it in terms of its base elements it's fine.

Plenty of cunts say "pepperoni pizza" without being remanded for it

>> No.15781996

ree more nerd, me and my gf enjoyed it.

>> No.15782000
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karen's ziti.. I miss her so much...

>> No.15782117

oregano's better anyway

>> No.15782303

Food purity tests might just be the most pathetic thing around. Quite seriously on the same level as people who say you can't say slang from other languages.

Food evolves, cry more.

>> No.15782317

Never heard of it before but after seeing what it is looks delicious.

>> No.15782476

It's a mexican dish that I learned how to cook during hs. I think that the sour cream contrasted to the guajillo sauce on the bread makes it look appetizing.

On hindsight, I should have used a bigger loaf of bread, but otherwise it tastes good.

>> No.15782964

thanks fren

>> No.15783362
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A food for gods.

>> No.15783416
File: 2.78 MB, 4608x2112, IMG_20210315_145818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ash Monday meal
Heh you accidentaly made a khachapuri-peinirli hybrid.

>> No.15783462

>Actively scanning the thread so much that he replies to a two-day late comment within 6 minutes
>The emotions have dried up
Sure buddy

>> No.15783559

I love how he thinks eating at a restaurant with $30 entrees makes him rich.

>My dad makes $50k a year and we have 2, that's right count em, 2 whole jetskis. Poorfags wouldn't understand.

-Anon probably

>> No.15783583

Lol alright buddy let's see your OC. Not saying those looked the best, but for OC I think they look fine.

Not to mention you should be able to put whatever you want on your on pasta. No green on carbonara is such a meme. Some people put peas in that shit.

Food purists are so annoying. Sorry they don't make it like your nonna used to, now fuck off.

>> No.15783587
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Just some tilapia I made a week ago

>> No.15783596

Based, love making authentico babies seethe.

>> No.15783599

Dang that looks really good and very healthy. Do you always eat that well?

>> No.15783608

I didn't used to, but I decided to finally get myself to a healthy weight so I've made cooking my main hobby. Already lost 15 pounds this year and looking to lose another 20.

>> No.15783621

i made this mutt slop yesterday, I just reheated it.

>> No.15783626
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oh wait heres the image lol

>> No.15783629

dont listen to this retard, i was the one that made the pizza, not the rude fuck

>> No.15783646

What's the brown thing on the rim of the plate?

>> No.15783654

my hand?. I'm white, it's the lighting lol

>> No.15783663

good sloppa shit

>> No.15783669

oh i'm retarded that's a plantain

>> No.15783712
File: 1.46 MB, 2616x2255, IMG-6954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cooked this steak in 6 minutes. Small amount of lettuce to help digest all the fat.

>> No.15783723
File: 1.06 MB, 2016x1512, 20201119_155651_copy_2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoked chuck roast I did a while back

>> No.15783729

looks good, what do you use for seasoning.

>> No.15783756


>> No.15783842

lmao nice sloppa my dude. Unironically I sometimes enjoy these types of meals the best.

>> No.15783853

That's awesome man, I'm not over weight, but I'm starting to get a bit concerned.

My buddy has high blood pressure, and now I think I might as well. Or atleast borderline. I should probably eat less garbage.

>> No.15783869

Nice sear, just curious what heat to you use when you cook it and what type of pan?

>> No.15783872

Cut out processed foods as much as possible.

>> No.15783894

I'll just post my full method.
>2 days in advance, salt steak well and put in fridge on rack for dry brine
>heat oven to 350
>preheat cast iron skillet empty for 5 min on highest heat setting
>tsp of beef tallow in pan, heat for 30 seconds or so
>sear 1 min per side
>transfer to oven for 4 min, flip halfway through
Its not perfect, but its damn good for 6 minutes of cook time.
Dry brining is key for the good sear because it brings all the moisture from the surface inside so it is bone dry when hits the pan. You can dry brine for 1-2 days, its really worth the trouble of waiting.

>> No.15783910

I would agree with this if this wasn't always used as an excuse to Americanize dishes and remove their nuance lmao

>> No.15783913

Should clarify I use a gas range to sear

>> No.15783921

look up how to reverse sear a steak. god tier method and that steak is definitely thick enough for it

>> No.15783923

Yeah that's definitely my weakness. I get take out and pre-made shit way too often.

I love cooking, I just get so beat from work and hate having to add more shit to do in my day. I just need to get some staples and cook a few items with regularity.

Whenever I cook, it's somewhat of an event and I make a bunch of shit that takes time to prepare. I need to just do it as an every day exercise and pick some easy stuff to make.

>> No.15783927

I do that when I cook them at home on my gas grill, but when I cook at work I just use my gas stove and its much faster and easier.

>> No.15783951

Cooking and meal prep is pretty tough sometimes when you have a demanding job, I get it. Also when doing it for more than one person, that makes it harder. They may have different standards or tastes, complicates things.
Just start doing plain meat and vegetables for every dinner. Nothing easier in the world besides eggs.
Its really hard to stop yourself from eating junk. I've struggled with it for a long time. But I finally found that I just have to stuff my face with enough meat to where I don't want to eat anything else, and I've gotten much healthier.

>> No.15783967

I don't think there's an issue with that. They're cooking the dish in America, it is automatically Americanized.

I think it's stupid to spend tons of resources and money to get "authentic" ingredients from around the world in order to make the supposedly correct version of a dish instead of just adapting to what you have on hand.

The irony is many of the best dishes ever created were made because it's all someone had lying around and they said fuck it and threw it in a pan.

Lacking nuance isn't from changing a recipe, it's from being a bad cook. In the case of the bao buns, what he added too much filling?

Who cares, it was probably the dudes first time making it. Not to mention there's 2 billion Chinese people, and I bet if you looked for it you could find a bun that looked just like what was posted on here.

I don't know the whole concept seems contrived, there's only good and bad cooking. Different doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.15783975

Nice, well congrats man. Hoping I get there soon!

>> No.15783986

who the fuck needs a recipe for hot dogs?

>> No.15783989

lmao I assume he was talking about the chili that goes on the dogs, but that made me kek.

>> No.15784001

Take your blood pressure every day or weigh yourself every day. First thing in the morning. Whatever keeps you accountable. This has been proven in studies to help people be conscious about health choices.

>> No.15784018

>They're cooking the dish in America, it is automatically Americanized.
I didn't bother reading the rest of the comment. You are retarded.

>> No.15784068

If you think anything made at a restaurant in America isn't at least somewhat tailored to American palates, you're a moron.

>> No.15784085

You are retarded.

>> No.15784090

Lol ok buddy enjoy your last (you).

>> No.15784110

You are retarded.

>> No.15784412

I agree, and it's not just the case in us. Though there are some foods that have more or less strickt recepies, the vast majority has to be, to some extent, customized to local taste.

>> No.15784735

This is the case sometimes. SOMETIMES. You fags are talking about it like it's a rule and like it excuses making a completely Americanized version of a dish

>> No.15785284

But what if it was italianized or russianized or whateverinized

>> No.15785334
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>> No.15785430

damn that looks dank. what kind of pie?

>> No.15785463

Food looks good, bad plating probably a cold plate too

>> No.15785587

>and there should never ever under any circumstances be anything green on a carbonara

>> No.15785873

Mixed berry, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry. And an oat crumble top because I've never tried it before