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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15748714 No.15748714 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the worst accident you’ve ever had in a kitchen?



>Employees searched for 62-year-old Jose Melena after he went missing during an early morning shift at Bumble Bee Foods.

>He had been performing maintenance in a 35-foot long oven at the plant when a co-worker filled the pressure cooker with more than five tonnes of canned tuna and switched it on.

>The colleague mistakenly believed Melena was in the bathroom – but he was locked inside the machine, which reached a temperature of 132C.

>His body was only found two hours later when the oven was turned off and opened.

>> No.15748841

I pissed in a kitchen once because I was drunk and thought I was in the bathroom.

>> No.15748855

I imagine that guy got a stern talking to from his boss.
>we cook tuna here, not Mexicans

>> No.15748894

I was once cutting jalapenos and the dog needed to go outside. I decide I need to piss too, so I take a piss before walking him. About half way around the block my dick starts burning like crazy. Wind up running home with the dog and grab some milk and run into the bathroom to cool off my junk. I learned that lesson the hard way

>> No.15748931 [DELETED] 

>News from 20-fucking-12

I hope you get cooked in an industrial oven Op.

>> No.15748953
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>> No.15748956
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When I was a kid a tripped on an electric deep fryer's cord and made it fall from the counter, pouring boiling oil all over the kitchen. It's a miracle nobody was scalded.
Be careful how you plug your appliances, especially those that could kill someone if they tripped.

>> No.15748995

that's a bit of an understatement

>> No.15750305

When we were teenagers, my brother had a pan full of deepfry oil on the stove that had gotten way too hot. In an effort to cool it off quickly, he threw in a tray of ice cubes.

>> No.15750338


>> No.15751155

Slashed my fingers pretty bad on the serrated cutter for foil, but the story you posted is slightly worse.

>> No.15751248

I made my tomato sauce too sweet and didn't have enough tomato left to round it back out

>> No.15751272

damn i had a story to tell but it's not from last week, guess i'll skip it, wouldn't want to offend this fucking nigger

>> No.15751767


>> No.15751786

holy shit bro, how are you doing these days? Do you need someone to talk to?

>> No.15752674

Fucking lmao

>> No.15752713


>> No.15752715

Owned a gas stove once, blew up the entire neighborhood. Never again, I'm an electrichad now.

>> No.15753062

wiped my electric stove while it was hot and burned my hand. it hurt for a week

>> No.15753089

Not paying attention while doing dishes because there weren't any knives in it. Fished around in the water and grabbed something, turned out to be the blade for the food processor. Literally fileted my ring finger.

>> No.15753102


>> No.15753108

when my aunt was younger she had a pan of oil catch fire and picked it up to take outside. wind caught it, burned the fuck out of her arm. she's got a gnarly scar where they did a skin graft.

>> No.15753167

Based, I too have done this

>> No.15753173


>> No.15753208

My uncle got scalded by apot of water ona stove.

Being the only son of my grand fad, he blamed Oma for it.

75 now and still has a huge scar on his chest.

>> No.15753250

dropped all pepper from the pepper shaker on the pan while making macaroni :(

>> No.15753395

kek what a retard. i learned not to do that when i was 10

>> No.15753408

lmao i learned that at like 9 dude ur a dumbass

>> No.15753411

Same thing happened to me but it was a closet

>> No.15753413

I don''t get it

>> No.15754005

damn u noob? i learned that when I was 8

>> No.15754029

>grilling some steaks
>want onion but don't want to cook them in foil
>smart boy me cooks them in a cast iron on the grill
>carrying everything to the table on my deck, only brought out one pot holder
>forget how heavy a cast iron pan is, bitch wrist struggling to old pan with one hand
>instinctively grab the other side of the pan with my free hand

>> No.15754053
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What a terrible way to go, how the fuck was the machine not locked out before he started doing maintenance on it?
I processed a worker's comp claim once where one of the butchers sliced his thumb partially off with a band saw. Had pictures from the emergency room and everything. It wasn't pretty lol and I think the guy was hungover or something. They were able to reattach it and everything.
The most embarrassing one I had personally
>cooking a lunch at parents house
>shitty, cheap cookware
>go for a flippy flip
>handle breaks off and food flies everywhere

Also still have a faint mark on my forearm from when I closed the oven door on it when I was taking a heavy pan out with both hands like almost 2 years ago. Burns are no joke kids.

>> No.15754056

>want to try making smoothies
>Put entire ice cubes in blender along with cut mangoes and strawberries
>Didn't think to put milk or anything

>> No.15754071

Did you go to therapy? How long was it until your tongue healed?

>> No.15754083

No knives in the sink is like restaurant/kitchen 101 because of this.

One time I was shithoused and put a frozen pizza directly on the grate and basically pic related happened. Just gave up, put a note on the oven door that I'll take care of it in the morning and went to bed hungry. Still angry about that because the instructions said to do exactly that and I even thought of putting it on a baking tray and went against my gut.

>> No.15754089

We’ve all been there homie.

>> No.15754128

Hah, you think that’s bad

> Two bakery workers died in agony after bosses sent them into a giant oven to carry out repairs on the cheap, a court heard yesterday. The machine should have been allowed to cool for 12 hours, but was only left for two. David Mayes and Ian Erickson were unaware of the full danger as they crawled into the oven because fans had cooled its outer reaches to 40c. Its core, however, was still at 100c. The repair was a delicate procedure in which they had to collect broken parts from along the length of a conveyor belt which carries bread trays slowly through the 75ft-long oven. They had removed enough trays to allow them space within the rails of the belt to crawl along with it at the same speed. But within five minutes they were relaying terrified messages over their walkie-talkies, saying the oven was too hot. There was no way of reversing the belt and they were trapped on its journey through the oven.

Looking forward to taking a ride on Mr. Shekelbergs wild ride wagie?

>> No.15754141
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Nearly blinded myself one morning opening these. I should have paid more attention to the contents under pressure label. Was cleaning coffee out of my hair for 3 days.

>> No.15754146

>The two men were sent into the oven just two hours after it had been baking bread at 260c and managers decided they could go in through the entrance hatch to avoid the cost of removing side panels.
Wow. If there's ever a time to tell your boss to go fuck himself, it's then and there.

>> No.15754175

Its pretty much a guarantee they were illegals and didn't want to speak up

>> No.15754182

I wonder why (((they))) would do such a thing?

>> No.15754196

God imagine being 3 years away from retirement trying to do your shitty maintenance job when someone decides to just dump 5 tons of fish on you and cook you to death.

>> No.15754450

for me, it's pissing straight through the bathroom doorway onto the floor. close enough

>> No.15754487

How finely ground is it?

>> No.15754617

I've always been cautious in the kitchen because I saw that one Canadian workplace safety ad of a girl spilling boiling water all over herself but my worst accident was nicking my finger while cutting pineapple. The juice seeping in hurt 10 times more than the cut itself.

>> No.15754628

>I've always been cautious in the kitchen because I saw that one Canadian workplace safety ad of a girl spilling boiling water all over herself
I'm like 50/50 on whether you're joking or not.

>> No.15754630

Fat ugly cunts. Laughing at this man being fucking burnt to death, you are the scum of the earth,

>> No.15754636

Jesus fuck

>> No.15754648

I got banned from pizza hut because I unscrewed all the shakers at my table and some guy dumped red pepper all over his pizza.

>> No.15754662

What makes you think I'm joking?

>> No.15754667

I can't link because I'm on PS4 but yeah, look it up. It's an actual ad.

>> No.15754670

That's some spicky tuna

>> No.15754680

>David Mayes and Ian Erickson
Yeah definitely illegals mate

>> No.15754682

I almost cut off a part of my finger, had to be sewn back

>> No.15754701

I stay at my great aunt's house occasionally to help out and they run an inhome daycare. One boy they watch has SEVERE autism and once I was eating ramen I just took off the stove and he wanted to see what I was eating so he tipped the bowl and spilled scalding water all over us.

>> No.15754704

There's about a 50% chance of me nicking my finger whenever I chop onions

I'm constantly wearing bandaids on the tip of my index finger as a result

>> No.15754718

How do you manage this?
I've never in my life cut myself and I'm dicing veg every day

>> No.15754731

It just seems comical to attribute all your cautiousness in the kitchen to a corny public safety ad. Surely you would've been careful with sharp and hot things regardless because you intuitively understand how dangerous they, right?

If it's not already obvious, yeah I know it's real. I saw it linked somewhere like a million years ago along with that one ad where the guy pours coffee on the waitress. There was another one that I think may have involved a stapler, but I can't remember it now.

>> No.15754735

my knife is dull and I don't have a sharpener, which ironically makes it more likely that I cut myself

>> No.15754788

same, it's so much easier to accidentally cut yourself with dull knives than sharp ones.

>> No.15754882

Bent over the dishwasher and caught a brand new, freshly sharpened knife right in the stomach. Jerked up, then my arms started shaking and fell forward, stabbing myself again. Turns out my sister put it in there because she's a dumb bitch that refused to learn from our mum. Still have two large scars right under my bellybutton that stops me from wearing crop tops.

>> No.15754900

Holy fuck. That said crop tops are trashy anyways so you're not missing out in that regard.

>> No.15754962

why are you wearing crop tops, they're for girls

>> No.15754971

Cut down to knuckle on cheese grater.

>> No.15754972

Worked professionally for like a decade and walked away with relatively no injuries. Except:

>Cut tip of my thumb off clean through the nail
>Hot ass oil (like 1/4 cup) fell over my hand and removed most of the skin from back of hand.
>Obligatory pepper cutting followed by bathroom trip.

Endless small knicks and burns, but I saw far worse than I had happen to me.

>> No.15754974


>> No.15755006

Opened the oven door to check on my bread and the wave of hot air fogged up my glasses

>> No.15755043

fuck, that happens to me too. I hope you put your fingers up and pretended they were windshield wipers.

>> No.15755052

Absolutely devastating

>> No.15755072

I read a very similar story on here. Some guy was using an apple slicer and while pushing down, the handle broke and the blade went up and sliced directly up his wrist.

>> No.15755093

one time my girlfriend opened the lid of my dutch oven while I was cooking biryani

needless to say we're not dating anymore
because she's dead
because I killed her

>> No.15755115

truly horrifying im so sorry

>> No.15755155
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God why the fuck am I even in this thread

>> No.15755167

cracked egg on a well oiled skillet but it still stuck to the surface.

>> No.15755196
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Don't care.

>> No.15755218

Slice a big onion in half and dropped flat side down in hot ass oil. It was healing just fine until I put my hand in a cereal box and caught the biggest blisters on the corner of the box. I had a corner of a box scarred on my arm for months.

I reached into an oven once with a glove that I thought was longer and burned my arm. Nothing terrible.

When I was 16 I was taking hot chili off the stove at Wendy's and slipped and it spilled all over the back of neck and right shoulder. My hairline on the back right side never recovered but most people can't notice. All the doctors thought they were clever saying how good the chili smelled.

>> No.15755344

>stops me from wearing crop tops.
ugh. Cross dressers...

>> No.15755652

not funny at all

do you think that batch of tuna was thrown away or used?

>> No.15755800


>> No.15755822

I assume the food was contaminated as fuck so they threw it away.

>> No.15756369
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was the thumb injury due to a mandoline? and what's the worst injury you've seen?

>> No.15756404

One time I was working at giant hotel that had its kitchen on the floor below the dining room. Every night we would bring our food up and down inside of an elevator. I had just started working, hadn’t been more than a couple weeks. I had made this delicious beef stroganoff. The kind you just wanna stroke off. Well I loaded up an entire standing hot box full of chafing dishes of that and a couple other foods can’t really remember them. Anyway I get in the elevator go up, the doors open and I start to push the hot box. The front wheels fall in the crack of the elevator and I push the entire hotbox over door side down. Creamy beef stroganoff immediately starts pouring out of the open door onto the floor and in the crack of the elevator down into the shaft. It literally took hours to clean up, and afterwards it smelled like beef stroganoff (rotting) for literally like a year after.

>> No.15756424

i agree with you, but you also seem to forget where you are.

>> No.15756427

I potato-peeled 25% of my thumb nail off.

>> No.15756981

I have an incredibly dull knife and essential tremor and still have no idea how you manage this.

>> No.15757458

I cut my finger pretty bad a few weeks ago. Took a good chunk off the tip. It healed pretty quick though. Got blood all over my tomatoes and onions, kinda pissed me off.

>> No.15757803

This, but instead I absentmindedly rubbed my eye. Ow.

>> No.15757882

i'm not sure if i'd call it "corny"

>> No.15757906

Cooked a pizza in the oven. Also the card board plate it came in.

>> No.15758170

>sharpening knives with an ancient manual sharpener back when I still worked in a kitchen
>co-worker thought it'd be hilarious to sneak up behind me as a joke
>knife slips and nearly slices off the entire tip of my right thumb, at an angle below and underneath my fingernail
>blood everywhere, tip of my thumb with the fingernail visibly flapping open
Shit bled like a bitch, but I immediately patched it up and then got it seen to. Now I've got a neat, very clean scar about an inch long on the back of my thumb. It'd be even longer, but it leads right up to the edge of my thumbnail.

Nothing's ever come close to that in terms of overall injury, but burns, especially steam burns, hurt way more.

>> No.15758175

burnt the bottom of stainless steel pan and pot

>> No.15758643

Fuck that looks bad

>> No.15758647

I had the top pop off a thing of old bay once and the whole fucking thing dumped all over the dish i was making. I made a thread about it on here. Don't remember how long ago it was

>> No.15758657

i do not mess with deep fryers because i'm sure something like this would happen to me eventually

>> No.15758659


How is nobody being charged with manslaughter?

>> No.15758664

You're a stupid ass cunt lmao.

>> No.15758668

I went to take piss after chopping jalapenos

>> No.15758703

Happened a few weeks ago actually.
>peeling potatoes
>going to town on them, done this a thousand times before
>have a particularly small potato
>think to myself "these peelers are so safe, I've never cut myself on them even a single time over the years"
>gigantic gash in my left thumb
>half of thumbnail is just barely hanging on, peeler went below the nail and cut enough to bleed
>blood everywhere, nearly faint because panicked and wasn't sure what to do
could have been worse I guess.

>> No.15758869

Nightmare fuel

>> No.15758920

It’s really fucking sad, imagine his family, imagine the pain he felt literally being cooked alive, his coworkers who were nearby. But you picked the wrong place to be moral police, go to Reddit or something and they’ll give you top comment.

>> No.15758935

One time I was cooking in the deep fryer, I walked away from the thing for no more than 5 seconds, then I hear a loud noise and when I turn around BAM. My wife was fucking a nigger.

>> No.15758947

put my finger in an automatic cheese grater. completely shattered the fingernail but i was able to heal it myself without seeing a doctor so it worked out

>> No.15758979

>a stapler
>that'll teach him to call my waifu a shit

>> No.15758990



>> No.15758991

i was taking bread out of the open and my limp wrist was struggling. i went super sayian grunting and pumping myself up and i managed to not drop the pan or the bread

>> No.15759006

always be the first to apologize, anon.

>> No.15759020

>Florez, 42, was sentenced to three years of probation and will face fines and penalties of around $19,000 (£12,000) after pleading guilty to a felony count of violating a workplace safety rule.

The family got a $6 million payout too.

>> No.15759027

i was cooking bacon while naked and a drop splashed out of the pan onto my dick

>> No.15759032

>>Cooking stew
>>I lazily put a bunch of veggies in, and some oil with it to add some fat for flavour.
>>after a while, decide to check on the stew
>>try to sample a bit with my ladle, get hurt by the superheated oil, flick the ladle and drop it, spilling the hot oil and soup all over myself
>>third degree burns on chest and belly, oil bakes into skin and takes like a year for body to remove it
>>I get patches of skin that die, I need to peel the dead skin off those areas to heal, otherwise bacteria will have a pool party in rotting chunks of flesh
>>triangle shaped area below left boob that has no skin, scab needs to be kept wet constantly or it'll dry and warp and tug at the sides and hurt a fuckload
>>Eventually it heals slowly, triangle next to boob was mostly scar tissue at first, now has a lot of skin replacement

Didn't go to hospital for it. No, not a yank. Just didn't bother.

The lesson is don't be a retard and just dump a ton of oil into the stew. Rely on using fats in the ingredients you add to stew, don't just dump oil in like a dumbass.

>> No.15759041

ty anon i'll keep that in mind

>> No.15759050

use vinegar next time

>> No.15759069

>starting my first ever dishpit shift
>sink is already full of dirty water and shits
>cant see the bottom of the sink, water too dirty
>try to grab some things in the sink to put in the dishwasher tray
>grab a robocoupe blade and slash my entire hand
>bleed profusely, chef is mad as fuck at the cook who put the blade there, tells me to go home
my first day in the kitchen

>> No.15759087

I'm sure the plant had a LOTO procedure and he chose to ignore it, its on him.

>> No.15759089

That word has a meaning, anon

>> No.15759251

Post triangle shaped area and boob

>> No.15759308

Stabbed myself in lower pinky knuckle with stake knife trying to cut a bagel are went numb for several hours, by the next day numbness was gone fairly deep stab.

>> No.15759330
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She hungers for your flesh
>Slicing red cabbage for coleslaw
>Handguard? Pfft, why would I need that, I know where my fucking fingers are
>feel that I hit my nail
>Ohshit.txt, that could've been bad, just feels like a small nick maybe
>wash hands after, it stings like hell >I see that I've flayed the entire point of my middle finger
Respect your equipment kids

I also lost control of a big pot of boiling potatoes and spilled a good few litres of water over my hands, it's fine now but I had blisters for months after

>> No.15759455

I've got a lot of burn scars.

I once dropped a fork and had 4 holes in the top of my foot.

A few weeks ago I let the pasta water boil too long before putting anything in because I was waiting on my gf to get home before I started the pasta. It got superheated so when I dropped the pasta in it went fucking crazy and boiled over. I got out of the way fast enough though.

>> No.15759643
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I tried to turn myself into a beignet while cleaning the fryer. I wish I had burnt myself worse because it was a cool scar

>> No.15759692

Workmate's father put the oven on to warm up, but forgot that there was a container of oil in it. Family are now settled in at their new home.

>> No.15759867

>cutting summer sausage
>need to remove packaging
>handle knife horizontally
>cuts through plastic into my hand
>gash between index finger and thumb
>pretty deep
>looks black
>doesn't hurt either
>then the blood
>then the pain
It healed after a month, only a gross scar now

>> No.15760338

>cooking pasta and sauce in 2 pans
>pasta still hard after like 5 minutes of cooking wtf
>bowl suddenly fucking explodes

I had put a bowl on one of the burners to put the dish in after cooking but accidentally turned on that burner instead of the one under the pasta

I guess Corelle bowls don't like it when heated to 200c

>> No.15760376

I still have a very visible scar on the right hand near th knuckle.
It has been on me all my life, I don't remember how I got this, but my parents said that I tried to cut bread when they weren't home.

Also - touching the stainless pan handle fresh out of the oven.

>> No.15760384

open bobs show vagene

>> No.15760399

Oh, and if we're talking kitchens.
>drunk party at friend's kitchen
>new guy offers to armwrestle
>he's strong, trying to at least not to lose
>dry snapping sound
Humerus broken in half, got a titanium plate in my arm and huge-ass scar that goes up to the elbow.

>> No.15760726

this you?

>> No.15760784
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I love a dumb scarred bimbo

>> No.15760910

>prep peppers, including Carolina Reapers, to make hot sauce
>Do not use gloves because everyone who said "use gloves" cried from jalapenos, clearly being pussies
>Do not feel much, everything goes well, around half a kilo of peppers prepped
>Wash hands
>Realize that capsaicin is an oil that does not wash off easily
>Dick starts burning
>Try to wash again with soap
>Hands start slightly burning too
>Use rubbing alcohol to wash hands after some google recommendation
>Alcohol helps capsaicin get into my hands
>Hands are burning like I kept them in a 450F oven
>Cock pain is intensifying too
>Can't do shit about it
>Somehow manage to touch my right eye as well
>Literally cannot keep right eye open, it's just intensely burning and nothing can wash off the capsaicin
>Sit in bed, one-eyed, cock and hands burning
>Cock and eye pain go away in about 2 hours
>Hands still burning
>24h later, my hands still felt like a roasted chicken

Had blood circulation in my hands that old people would kill for. The sensation faded only after 48 hours. I now use gloves for anything over a habanero on the Scoville scale.

Fuck pussies that use gloves and remove the seeds from jalapenos though.

>> No.15761157

Never had a serious injury in the kitchen. I have nicked my fingers once in a while on sharp knives, but just slightly. I have also accidentally scraped my nail with a knife, and it didn't really cut anything but the feeling was really uncomfortable.

People who injure themselves in the kitchen are people who aren't focused. I don't need any special techniques or ways to avoid injury. I just need to be entirely focused on the task at hand. If I am slicing onions, I am just focused and aware of what I am doing. I know where my fingers are placed, I know where the knife is going, and I am in full control. It's the lack of focus that leads to injury.

>> No.15761210
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I accidentally ate a full one of these.

>> No.15761216

Fake and gay

>> No.15761221
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Sliced my thumb on a mandoline. Took about four five weeks to fully heal.

>> No.15761290

4-5 weeks? What a faggot 2 weeks max when working overclocked double shifts
Seriously anon put it in lemon or salt water

>> No.15761297
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You, you I like anon

>> No.15761305
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>> No.15761319

Cannot pick both anon

>> No.15761329

Just get a fucking sharpener or a fucking rock you absolute retard
Actually, on second thought, you deserve to lose a finger for being fucking dumb

>> No.15761347

i like the cut of your jib

>> No.15761352

one time i pushed a glass off the counter
managed to break its fall with a messi-esque touch
close call tho
had me rattled for days
haven't been back in the kitchen since

>> No.15761357

>Latino mechanic
>Did not lock out equipment
>Worker thought he was taking a shit on company time

Not surprised. 3rd Worlders don't understand safety procedure.

>> No.15761393

you're an idiot

>> No.15761431

I dropped a plate and broke it.

>> No.15761453

Thank god your plot armor got you out of that neighborhood sized gas explosion unharmed

>> No.15761548

Never heard that story before

>> No.15761552 [DELETED] 
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He got turned into deenz :(

>> No.15761558

Don't be racist

>> No.15761571

It's shut like this that makes me question if I wanna be a cook

>> No.15761595

yes, that'll show him!

>> No.15762747

Poor tunas, dying for nothing

>> No.15762784

how do you guys find the courage to continue on living? this is horrible

>> No.15762844

Funny but
>Pepe & Wojak

Like Jose this ain't getting saved.

>> No.15762966

that's why I avoid those plastic finger slicers things like the plague.

>> No.15763384

>ctrl+f "lock out"

Shit I'm glad at least one person said it.

>> No.15763405

>cleaning food processor
>blade is in the palm of my left hand
>trying to remove some food from the bottom of the cannister
>grab it upside down with the tips of my left fingers
>hit it the bottom of it with my right hand, hard
>the blade gets pushed into my palm
>2 inch gash bleeding like hell
>luckily didn't need stitches
I'm retarded.

>> No.15763410

Are calling a canning facility a kitchen now?

>> No.15763432

stfu idiot

>> No.15763569

Now I wear a special glove when I use it. lol

>> No.15763682

nothing too serious
recently I accidentally grabbed the handle of my stainless steel pan that I tok out of a 450F oven bc I didn't realize the towl fell off when I wasn't looking. I had burns on all finger tips and on my palm. luckily they were minor and didn't blister. it felt like I picked up the sun, one of the most intense things I have ever felt in recent memory

>> No.15763690

Don't post this in canned fish general, was he canned?

>> No.15764214

Not all women have vaginas, you subhuman fucktard. Also, your mother should have beaten some manners into you.

>> No.15764252

Had a can of ravioli explode blowing off the bottom of my thumb. Still don't know how it happened.

>> No.15764259

Gonna need more info on that one

>> No.15764293

>Used an old hand crank can opener
>at like 30% open the top of the can jerked upwards as it unfolded
>chunk of thumb came off
>got it sewn back together

Can't feel too well via the pad of my left thumb that was the one that got snipped.

>> No.15764301

4 eyed faggot. don't breed

>> No.15764349

Not me personally, but the worst I've ever seen.

>Working as a sous chef in a morning prep rotation
>Other day guy is a lefty
>We had a hobart with a cheese shredder/grinder attachment
>Lefty is grinding parm
>Grinding wheel is spinning like a cartoon beyblade
>The pusher had a handle on the right side of the inlet shoot
>Lefty is a fuckwit and doesn't like to use his right
>So he used his left
>To barehand push blocks of parm into this death wheel
>I was on the other side of the kitchen when it happened
>He had a towel between his hand and the parm block... for safety
>The grinder caught the towel
>The grinder ate the towel and his hand
>Gnarliest shit I have ever seen in my entire life
>Gnarlier than my kids being born and the doc sifting the afterbirth
>The grinder broke all his fingers and you could clearly see bones
>He immediately was in shock so he convinced himself he could totally keep working when he showed us his hand
>Last time I saw him he only had 80% mobility in his index and middle finger and horrible scarring.

There was also another time at the same restaurant

>Different dipshit prep cook shows up to a busy brunch shift barred out on xannys at 8 in the morning
>Chef adamantly refused to send him home before getting some labor out of him
>Dipshit went to get some butcher twine
>Tried to cut it by cutting towards himself
>He indeed cut the butcher twine
>And the knife kept going
>Full on hit himself in the face with a 10 inch chefs knife
>Had a gash from his forehead, across his eyebrow, through his nostril, and down his cheek
>I found him in the back of the kitchen right after it happened
>"Dipshit, what the fuck happened to your face!?"
>He slurred out "Hwhat happeppened to nnmmy fashe?"
>He got fired a week later for showing up to work barred out again

I worked in that place for 8.5 years and I'm never going back to kitchen work.

>> No.15764355

>making multiple portions of soup in a big pot
>about to serve, tasting with spoon
>drop spoon in literally fresh off the stove soup
>instinctively dunk my hand in the soup to grab it

Like there was literally no pause for me to consider the action. It just happened. The best thing is my dumbass didn't pull my hand out until I'd picked up the spoon. So i'm literally screaming in pain as i fumble around for the spoon in this scalding hot pot of soup.

>> No.15764365

This is why you need to actually learn company procedure, so you don't get killed by your dumbass corner cutting bosses

>> No.15764369

My niece was wearing heelie shoes in the kitchen like a dumb bitch and lost her balance, another dumbass had put the knives pointy side up in the dishwasher, which happened to be open, and of course she fell on it. Had to go to hospital. Like a clusterfuck of retarded shit you shouldn't do in the kitchen.

>> No.15764378

I dropped a whole thing of champagne on tile and broke both the bottle and the tile.

>> No.15764386

I just wipe it off with a wet sponge like my mom taught me. Really good for getting rid of stuck on stuff while it’s still hot.

>> No.15764387

not me but
>working as waiter
>walk to kitchen
>talk to chef friend while he tenderizes meat using something that puts a lot of tiny holes in the meat
>watch him literally plunge it through his hand and blood coming out of many holes
i can't believe i just laughed in front of him

>> No.15764405

>Knives in dishwasher

Your family are fucking savages

>> No.15764490

Go back to Facebook with the rest of the boomers you retard.

>> No.15764511
File: 171 KB, 640x960, vegetable-tian-mandolin-slicer-recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a ton of veggies from garden
>want to try new recipe
>get mandolin
>cuts like a dream
>hand guard sucks ass tho
>slicing is kinda hypnotic
>loose tip of middle finger

Found the finger meat, threw out the vegetables I was currently cutting, washed up, and finished cooking in pain. Food turned out great too

>> No.15764554

I burned my hand pretty bad because the girl I was dating at the time told me not to touch the hot burner. I wasn't really thinking of doing it before that, but then I touched it.

>> No.15764567


>> No.15764574

This. Really easy way to prevent this kinda thing

>> No.15764661 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 220x246, 9206AF6C-F0DD-45D8-B43C-3C373B4173C8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopped my tip off trying to fuck a coffee grinder. Now they call me half stack.

>> No.15764676

Yeah cry more about how your boomer mother put your overly priced artisanal Japanese chef's knife folder over one thousand times in the dishwasher and it was never the same

99.99% of the population just use supermarket bought random chopping knives and use them for way longer than they should do anyway

>> No.15764691

>35-foot long oven
I didn't know they had ovens this big

>> No.15764710

Nothing except a few cuts and burns, but my gf (now wife) burned down my kitchen while trying to cook up a birthday meal for me.

>> No.15764784
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Sliced the tip of my thumb almost clean off on one of these because I was dumb and in a hurry. It was hanging on by a thread, so I wrapped a couple bandaids around it to keep it in place, put a glove on a finished my closing shift. Went on a weekend long climbing trip the next day (without use of my right thumb). Healed perfectly fine.

>> No.15764919
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presumably it's one of these

>> No.15764959

I imagine, or hope he was crushed and or suffocated quickly by the 5 tons of tuny. As shit, though. Hope they got a huge settlement.

>> No.15764964

I did this but it was the sink in my dorm room in college

>> No.15764967

How does this even happen

>> No.15764993

Massive liquid on the pizza soaking trough shitty batter.

>> No.15765013

I've accidentally poured boiling water on myself more times than I can count.

>> No.15765023

Imagine the smell.

>> No.15765026

spilled my chocolate milk. half of it.
open can of deenz fell on the floor.
ate/drank both of it off the floor.

>> No.15765031

Sounds more like he would have been crushed/suffocated to death than cooked

>> No.15765047

a real human bean
and a real hero

>> No.15765096

not kitchen story but:
>go biking
>fall off
>have broken ulna and radius
got double titanium plate surgery and two 6" scars on my forearm

>> No.15765194

>you can only have empathy if you can get upvotes for it
Being edgy is /b/ tier retardation.

>> No.15765273
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>take fried chicken out of oil
>dump into the bins under the heat lamp
>manually adjust
>forearm touches edge of the heat lamp fixture
>gasp and start crying
>the customers see
>boss lets me go back to the dish pit
>warm water makes the pain worse

>> No.15765349

Jesus christ why would anyone ever want one of these shit jobs

>> No.15765368

no one takes those jobs because they want them

>> No.15765374

Why? Kill bacteria(and good ones)closes wound faster. Or are you a tranny dilating your wounds?

>> No.15765385

So give me the reason you wouldnt work anywhere else

>> No.15765468

Former sous chef here, I wanted to be a chef. The less talked about truth is that kitchen are almost universally toxic environments, also incredibly dangerous, and line cooking is as stressful as being a heart surgeon but for pennies. I stayed because I was learning, and then I was emotionally invested in the business.

;tldr - I needed a job and this one paid better than what I had and had better prospects.

>> No.15765681
File: 235 KB, 1080x1119, Screenshot_20210312_233742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making onion for the firstsoup
>everything goes well
>smells nice
>pour it into mixer to break down chunk of potatoes and make it smooth/creamy
>mixer is almost full, but I can still close the lid so no worries
>press the start button on mixer
>immidiatelly lid falls down and spills the soup 360° all over the kitchen for no more than 2 seconds
>kitchen is a complete mess in less than 2 seconds and mixer full of liquid
>just stand there and laugh atmy retarded ass while gf starts laughing off in bathroom knowing exactlly what I've done

I still managed to pull about 0.5l of soup out of the mixer and mix it well. And the mixer is still working.

>> No.15765684

>making onion soup for the first time*

>> No.15765798


>> No.15765812

Put some Icy Hot on the inflicted areas to alleviate the pain.

>> No.15766002


>> No.15766286
File: 1.11 MB, 522x934, brave_2021-03-15_14-01-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine getting locked inside of one of these

>> No.15766499

I washed it twice a day with saline and changed the bandage

>> No.15766512

we used those to cook soup, boxes.

>> No.15766711
File: 833 KB, 1200x720, 366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>working in an Italian kitchen a couple years after high school as a dish washer
>Line is super busy so I get sent to the back to grate up a 6 pan of Parmesan
>The cheese is hard as shit and I'm kinda struggling
>I lose my grip on the grater and end up slicing a long, thin strip of my skin off
>It lands right onto the grated cheese
>I'm starting to bleed really bad so I run out to the supplies closet to grab band-aids
>come back and the 6 pan of grated cheese is gone
>See them using it to make sauce for some dude's chicken alfredo
>Say nothing and quietly go back to the dish pit

>> No.15768247


>> No.15768306

I'm not a cook but one time I was working security at a hotel and got locked in the bathroom because someone installed the door handle on backwards with the push lock on the outside and while I was using a key to unscrew the door knob someone robbed the restaurant. It was 2:00am and I think the robber pressed the push lock while I was taking a shit. Believe it or not I didn't get fired.

>> No.15768324

Lol trolled. This is actually a copypasta I want to start.

>> No.15768330

I had a similar experience with an ultra shitty tomato slicer that the manager refused to replace. The man himself couldn't make the thing work right but he expected everyone else to.

>> No.15768369

How old is your niece?

>> No.15768410

I was washing dishes and cleaning a pint glass by running a sponge around the inside.
My hand is too big to get the whole thing inside so I had my pinky on the outside and just sliding the crook between my fingers along the rim
There was a chip in the glass and I just sliced clean through the webbing (or whatever you'd call that area) between my two fingers.
Had to get 4 stitches.

>> No.15769179

Drunk. Frozen fries in toaster oven not crispy enough. Hold down toast button to force more time = crispy. Oven burst in flames- oil/grease inside. Drop flaming oven out 3rd floor window onto sidewalk. Smashes/flaming. Go down to see damage. Oven destroyed but fries still good. Use shirt pot holder. Take fries upstairs leave wreckage.

>> No.15769779

Your posting from a ps4?

>> No.15769784

I did this when my computer broke, its fucking awful

>> No.15769951

>I didn't know they had ovens this big
Oh boy just ask the jews

>> No.15770293


>> No.15770395

oh man i did the same but while being lectured by an autistic new sous chef on how to properly clean a fryer
i'm thinking 'sure man, walk twice i've cleaned fryers six times as big and retarded as this one' and my fucking hand slips and i punch wrist deep into still hot oil (real fry cooks dont wait for the oil to cool)
i said nothing, i did nothing, i just kept on scrubbing like nothing happened.

actual worst accident was once i was organizing a cluttered walk in freezer and took a prime rib roll, end first, straight to the face. i woke up on the floor covered in blood with my eyes swollen shut under like 200lbs of beef idioticly stored loose on a too shelf behind a bunch of boxes of phillo dough. I didn't go to a doctor, but found out later at the dentist that I had broken my nose and fractured both eyesockets

>> No.15770426

jews are too intelligent to waste valuable workforce of the (and may g-d forgive me for uttering this word) wh*te race
you are a dumb goy
you are a smelly goy

>> No.15770474

le epic

>> No.15770988

>muslim/indian food
>kills girlfriend for slight transgression
checks out

>> No.15771045

Used to post and browse from my Wii U, the Gamepad browsing was so comfy

>> No.15771098

Imagine the smell

>> No.15771102

cooking eggs while wearing long coat, turn around and the tail of coat went on stove burned coat

>> No.15771123

I chopped off a slice of my left thumb, it was mostly hardened skin, so it didn't bleed that much. I think I was cutting open a bell pepper.

>> No.15771389

Holy fuck.

>> No.15771441

I grated one of my nail with a microplane while grating some cheese

>> No.15771457
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>> No.15771653
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I smashed my thumb closing one of these hatches while I was carrying food in my hands

>> No.15771705

Not me but I was present when I saw something pretty bad. My cousin and I were tasked with peeling potatoes one evening and it was his first using a peeler. He was struggling with it somehow and decided to peel towards his body. He fucks up and the peeler glides from his thumb to his forearm. Drops everything and starts dripping blood. Fucking red dripping stripe down his arm. His parents take him to the ER while the rest of his clean up. End up picking up long piece of potato skin. Realize it's his skin he peeled off. Couldn't look at peels or a peeler for years without feeling sick afterwards

>> No.15772772


>> No.15772839

I wrote a story like this in college, except in mine the guy decides to fry up and eat his own skin out of morbid curiosity

>> No.15773217

O-Oh, okay, I'll be acting with caution when handling hot stuff now.

>> No.15773306

Lol fuck that's terrible

>> No.15773345

19k and 3 years of no drunk driving for slowly turning two men into pastry? What a cracking deal!

>> No.15773353

Imagine being the guy that switched the machine on. All the time the machine is cooking you'd be have a full blown cold sweat.

>> No.15773557

Same with the stainless pan. If ever I forget to leave a towel or mitt on the handle, fucking burn.

The worst I've had is grabbing a hot handle with a wet towel though. Don't do it. One second after picking the pan up the vaporized moisture began to scald my hand, and I didn't want to just drop a pan full of food so it took another second or so to set it down. If you touch a hot handle with your bare hand at least you can immediately let go.

>> No.15773590


>> No.15773604

I've seen a whole load of these, the one with the asian guy doing the same thing is horrible, the effects they did for the melted skin was gross.

>> No.15773627

in the car accident, lookin like a president

>> No.15773685

As long as it's a clean sponge. Nothing like that rancid sponge stank wiping down a stove.

>> No.15773728

Lmao how did you extract the fries from the burning wreckage?

>> No.15774788

Fucking sperglord neck yoursrlf

>> No.15774928

>someone installed the door handle on backwards with the push lock on the outside
Anon, I think you got heisted by a master thief.

>> No.15775000

fuck that co-worker

>> No.15775063

i hope the top of your mouth has recovered

>> No.15775206

Used to work at McD's during college. We had a dedicated water heater for tea. Water is slightly under pressure so internal temp is slightly above boiling. Was pouring some into a cup to make tea and didn't notice someone left a stainless steal mixing cup with a tall spoon into right underneath the spigot (absolutely not were it should be, we have a dedicated rack for them just to the side). Spoon handle caught the underside rim of the cup and it flipped right onto my hand and arm. My skin turned red, then slowly little light coloured bubbles of skin starting forming. Management wouldn't let me go home for like 20 minutes until skin started falling off.

>> No.15775210

Yeah, a lot of people don't realize just how much damage boiling water can do to your skin...

>> No.15775211

>Didn't go to hospital for it
>put up with bullshit wound for 2 years instead of 2 months
Confirmed retard.

>> No.15775338

I had a migraine once and filled a bowl of boiling water to steam my head and in my dizzy stupor, I put it on a tray that was on the counter without realising then caught the edge of the tray. It sloshed up and splashed me straight on my nose scalding a patch of skin off. That was a really, really shit day. I managed to resist all urges of doing anything to it, no covering no touching sleeping on my back etc. and luckily I healed without a scar. You can only notice it at all if I get sunburnt, as the area goes a bit of a deeper red. I was so terrified I'd be deformed.

>> No.15775425

Two years ago on St. Pat's day, I sliced the tip of my right index finger open while setting up a mandolin; I had half of a cabbage left over from what I was cooking that day and I was going to shred it up for sauerkraut. It has removable plates in front of the blade for different thickness cuts, the fit was kind of tight and required enough force that when it snapped into place my finger slid sideways into the blade. Incredibly ridiculous accident. Ended up getting three stitches, and since it was a Sunday that year most of the walk-in clinics were closed by the time this happened (5:30pm), there was one still open that closed at 6, and as it was connected to a different hospital network than what I was already registered to, my $40 co-pay got eaten by fucking registration fees, and ended up paying another $150 afterwards, all AFTER insurance paid their portion. That annoys me more than the slight loss of nerve sensation I still have on that part of the tip.

>> No.15775477

I once farted and two souffes that I had in the oven, fell.

>> No.15775488

cleaning the flat top, i accidentally brought the brick a bit too quickly back towards my body and a bunch of hot fucking oil splashed onto the bottom side of the arm. third degree burn. also one time was using a shitty knife on a tomato and it slid on the skin and nearly chopped off the entire pad of my left index finger. still had to soldier thru the shift.

i guess technically i fucked up a rib putting an order away and that wound up costing 1200 dollars because i am a retard with no health insurance, and got roped into therapy after they discovered im an alcoholic. good times huh

>> No.15775619

>get fancy avocado oil as a gift
>decide to use it to make spaghetti
>everything goes well
>about to eat spaghetti when i notice that it smells like garbage
>literally smells like instant noodles and nail polish
>turns out oil is expired
>have to get rid of it but don't feel like pouring the whole thing into a bag and going outside to throw it out
>flush the entire bowl of spaghetti down the toilet like a retard
>toilet gets clogged for like three days
>shit starts to accumulate and it starts smelling like a corpse
>going to the bathroom turns into torture

>> No.15775835
File: 1.23 MB, 640x1136, breadknife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15775868

lol I used to be a dish boy. One time a prep cook went to grab a cutting board from next to me, and he ended up running into the hilt of the knife I was holding with a good amount of force. If I wasn't taught to always hold knives with the point facing down, the force probably would have stuffed the knife into his ribs before I could react.

>> No.15775998

You cant superheat water with a regular pot you fucking retard. You can heat it to boiling then it turns to gas

>> No.15776000

yoooooooooo my brother!

>> No.15776973

>I once dropped a fork and had 4 holes in the top of my foot.
Do you sharpen your forks or something? I literally cannot fathom why somebody would decide to lie about stuff like this on a Vietnamese dirt farming forum, so there must be some other retardation at play here.

>> No.15777069

Retard lol

>> No.15777614

First off
>canned ravioli?
Secondly did you eat the contents of the can? If the can was under pressure that usually is because the food has started to spoil and release gasses

>> No.15777776

this is 100% your parents' fault for leaving the cord where it could be tripped over

>> No.15777794

Based retard

>> No.15777840

I pissed on my bathroom floor once when I was sleepwalking, a good 6 feet away from the toilet

>> No.15777856

i have a little cut on my hand from cutting a salami in fourth grade. i still have a bump there.

>> No.15777864

Was cutting a croissant in half with a bread knife once and I decided to hold it like a retard and I made a clean and deep cut into my finger that hurt like fuck. Luckily I didn't need stitches but it still gives me chills.

>> No.15778244

I chew them before I eat them

>> No.15778366

He's clearly just a normal 12 foot tall man who dropped a fork, anon.

>> No.15778610


>> No.15778711

Are you afraid of doctors or are you just really, really stupid?

>> No.15778750

>Management wouldn't let me go home for like 20 minutes until skin started falling off.
Should have hit them in the face with your melting arm

>> No.15778764

Top kek how'd you fix it?

>> No.15778793

He works in a kitchen, you think he can afford a doctor?

>> No.15778842

Family member got 500kish when a caterer dropped boiling water onto him. Just a giant scar on his back years later thankfully.

>> No.15779642

Fucking beaner deserved it for sure.

>> No.15779711
File: 375 KB, 1925x1925, 33360_can-immersion-blenders-5142-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told before in a thread similar to this. Basically, left the blender leg beating the puree soup on one table and went to the hot station for a second. Next thing i know, i huge boom, lights go off and i feel like hot lava blows up all over my feet. Realise the pot with 20+litres of pureed soup fell down because of blender vibration and safety switch turned off the grid with blender tore its plug out. Has the second degree burns on both legs under the knee area with huge ass blisters formed right before my eyes.
This taught me to always put a towel between the pot and table to prevend it moving.

>> No.15779732
File: 32 KB, 775x315, Combi-Oven-Gourmet-Range_775x315px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this is one of my nightmares. However it didn't stop me from taking turns standing inside the full-height combi oven with the boys when we had nothing to do. We've put some towels and a rubber mat on the oven floor

>> No.15779759

>. The juice seeping in hurt 10 times more than the cut itself
Yeah, those meat-tenderizing enzymes it has literally were tearing apart your flesh.

>> No.15779771

Dude, you can straighten your knife using the dull side of another knife, damn it, even a fork or spoon handle part. Also something tells me you hold the things you cut with spread out fingers instead of the claw technique

>> No.15780042

It wasn't in the kitchen, but when I was a kid I went to a BBQ at park.
One of the guys had set up a grill with charcoal and had lit it a few minutes ago.
At some point one of the briquettes had fallen out, It looked like a regular, unlit briquette from the outside but that was because it hadn't gotten covered in soot yet.
little kid me saw it and decided to try to pick it up so I could put it back in the bag.
I proceeded to burn the Kingsford charcoal emblem in the palm of my hand.

>> No.15780055

chainmail glove nigga, after seeing the injuries people get with those I wouldn't even touch one without a fucking armored glove on

>> No.15780086
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>I can't link because I'm on PS4

>> No.15780091

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck that sounds horrible

>> No.15780099

>t. "cool kitchen tools thread!"
that's why i avoid those threads like the plague

>> No.15780100


>> No.15780104

d'aw you said you value me. thanks anon

>> No.15780116

nah, it's very useful tool

>> No.15780128
File: 819 KB, 1080x551, 1538624938791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read 'acoustic'
i've gotta get the fuck off this site

>> No.15780177

I know this might not fit here among all this pain and suffering and melted Mexicans but i once dropped a turkey i spent all day making for thanksgiving on my way to the table, i went to the grocery store and bought a premade turkey pissed the whole time

>> No.15780190

I use a gas stove ever since i was born because it lets me know when the fucking thing is actually hot. Used an electric stove at my gfs apartment and burned myself.

>> No.15781565

ran my thumb on the edge of an immersion blender and accidentally nudged the "pulse" setting with the hand that was holding the stick and sheared the tip of my fingernail off.

>> No.15781569

It's not like the whole thing is inedible simply because it touched the floor ma'am.

>> No.15781701

You sound very productive

>> No.15781899
File: 6 KB, 162x89, hot bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing new. Google 'brazen bull'. Interesting contraption for frying people alive.

>> No.15782011

>get out grate from the oven with stuff on it
>doesn't sit well on the counter
>try to move it, forget gloves
Three fingers barely usable for a week.

And another that's not from a kitchen, but a laboratory, which is basically the same as a kitchen, and so far the worst one, especially with how utterly dumb it was:
>shock freeze samples
>just throw them into the liquid nitrogen container, done a thousand times
>it's friday afternoon and I want to go home
>usually just take them out by hand, Leidenfrost protects me
>forget to take off fabric glove
>put hand in, immediately realize my mistake
>throw hand up, rip off glove, digits WHITE
Sadly, with a freeze burn you can't just use water like with a heat burn.
>a day later whole hand is basically one huge blister
>afraid nerves got killed
>takes weeks to fully heal, really painful because of ever moving digits
Gladly there was no nerve damage and I didn't keep any scars, but holy shit, that certainly taught me to never stop respecting the nitrogen again.

>> No.15782032

It was my mom, but it was the worst thing I ever saw happen to another human being in my life. She was going to take the blades out of a blender to clean them, but she didn't unplug it, and it fucked up her finger so badly. She threw it away after that. It was brutal, but she didn't see anyone about it, she never did. It always worries me.

>> No.15782093

My uncle was heating up a huge pot of water on a camp fire half drunk to take an out door shower. Within a minute of taking it off the fire he stepped straight in it with steel toed boots on. I have never seen a nastier looking foot in my entire life

>> No.15782114
File: 946 KB, 2596x2336, cool new cooking trick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15782220


>> No.15783554

good bait haha

>> No.15783600


>> No.15783949

Nasty accident. I remember a decade ago 2 bakers were baked in an industrial oven. They sat on the belt and went through scraping the inside of the oven clean... No one realized that it would take some hours for the inside of the machine to cool down. Poor bastards

>> No.15783965
File: 206 KB, 828x935, 1603994068905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15784406

That's why you should have been taught to always pull a hotbox, alto, wheeled trolly etc

>> No.15784765

I don't quite understand - if it was a belt oven, couldn't they just crawl out again when they noticed it was getting too hot?

>> No.15784969

Used to rapid cool big pots of soup in one side of kitchen sink by putting pot in sink and emptying icemaker ice into sink and adding some cold water. Worked well. After about 10 times in a year of doing that i noticed our sink was getting all messed up with enamel chipping off on edges from the sink losing its shape. Turns out our sink was made of some composite plastic material coated with enamel and the thermal shock did not treat it kindly. Our new sink is some sort or porcelain enamel coated cast iron type deal and it said it withstands thermal shock but i use big roasting pan for soup cooling now.

>> No.15785040

This cannot be a fucking coincidence? I am just watching this exact video lmao.

>> No.15785679

Usually kitchen shit, like vegetable soup is the hottest substance known to man when it gets on your skin. However at an afterwork drinks session, one of our summer temps, an African American kid on a study visa here, cooked a pizza. Dude was stoned as fuck and decided to grate hash resin on to the pizza as well. I was the least wasted person there and watched him unknowingly grate his own skin on top of the pizza after he ran out of resin. His hand was a tripopaphobics worst nightmare then next day.

>> No.15785724


Ah 2001, back when bakery workers didn't have filthy Slav names.

>> No.15786119

hot oil all over my hand
based urgent care doctor gave me a week and a half of oxy
Was a good week

>> No.15786654
File: 292 KB, 1496x1920, at eternity's gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, just remembered a /ck/ edit I saw of this ad. 7 FUCKING YEARS AGO????


>> No.15787177

Nice thumbnail.

>> No.15788247
File: 223 KB, 1000x562, Grieve-High-Temperature-Walk-In-Oven-e1422374553955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People know to be careful, but sometimes when you have done something a lot of times, or you let external factors allow you to ignore safety, people can become careless. This is especially true as they gain more experience and can get away with bending the rules.
Sometimes it helps to have a more visceral reminder, I remember that ad being rather hard to watch as a kid.

Anyways here's a green text.
>Making Spanish omelette.
>It's been a while
>End up using way too big of a pan so I have to fill with more eggs and more potatoes.
>Also put in too much oil.
>Go to flip it (you take a plate and put it over the pan, then flip the whole thing).
>Instead I can't get it all the way flipped
>Oil leaks out on to hot stove.
>Starts a fire.
>Luckily my father was there and he yelled at me to "put the goddamn pan down"
>Burns a big black ring on the cutting board.
>Fire alarm blaring.
>Fire was pretty easy to put out, didn't even last long enough to get a pan lid after we turned off the induction heater.
>By some miracle no oil dripped on to me.

I used to work at a place where they'd normally give everyone a padlock and some tags, and if you were working on something that had to be turned off, you'd put the padlock and tag your name. Kind of surprises me they didn't have similar protocols for a massive oven.

>> No.15788254 [DELETED] 

LOTO is very important.