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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15727629 No.15727629 [Reply] [Original]

Ever eat cheese eggs? I'm trying to think up a good name for this dish.

>> No.15727633


>> No.15727639

yea nigga I call that a struggle meal

>> No.15727641

No. Cheese ruins eggs unless you're having an omelette with other ingredients.

>> No.15728245

I believe the sharp taste of cheddar cuts through the egg taste and makes it better

>> No.15728705


>> No.15728719

>cuts through the egg taste and makes it better
Properly cooked eggs taste good on their own. With salt or pepper, they universially taste great. Dunno maybe you are just a tastelet?

>> No.15728731

>Properly cooked eggs
I guarantee you scramble them.

>> No.15728742

Over Easy, how the fuck else do you cook an egg? If the yolk isn't runny it goes in the trash.

>> No.15728745

Only if i am.making a breakfast burrito

>> No.15728760

I made claire jewbergs focaccia and had gruyere with over easy egg over the top. I call it Chris's yumyum eggy time.

>> No.15728769

>over easy
so you can't even cook over medium? filtered

>> No.15728789

>over medium
Like eating rubber filled with chalk.

>> No.15728801

>proves him right
you cooked it way too long then you shitter

>> No.15728817

Any egg that has been cooked longer than is necessary to firm the whites is overcooked. Your meme "Over Medium" with a firm, gel-like yolk is fucking garbage.

>> No.15728833

not that guy but I actually can't. Any tips?

>> No.15728898

>says this
>doesn't eat eggs sunny side up
Okay retard

>> No.15728974

>sunny side up
Enjoy your Leukemia from eating uncooked egg whites

>> No.15729118

Over medium is literally flipped until the whites are firmed. The yolk shouldn't be set at all.

>> No.15729155

If he lives in a country with internet access, his eggs are safe to eat sunny side up. This isn't the middle of Africa or some shit.

>> No.15729185

Salmonhello is a leading cause of deaths in the United States.

>> No.15729188

We're talking about eggs, not salmon you retard

>> No.15729200

>united states
>first world

>> No.15729227

I prefer eeese

>> No.15729232


>> No.15729257

Tell me about the USA being a first world country when Flint still doesn't have clean water?

>> No.15729305

Because being the USA is literally the definition of a first world country, did you not know that?

>> No.15729390

cheese can't lay eggs, retard.

>> No.15729490

sorry Flint is an African city

>> No.15731156

because it has thirdworld leadership

>> No.15731196
File: 465 KB, 953x720, yurudeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overcooked, rubbery scrambled eggs with cheese in them are delicious.
"Creamy" scrambled eggs are disgusting.

>> No.15731226

Why are you eating on the dryer?

>> No.15731257

Yeah, creamy eggs are basically egg pudding

>> No.15731273
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>> No.15731404

Biting into a big chunk of firm scrambled egg is satisfying, like biting into a big chunk of meat.