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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15708074 No.15708074 [Reply] [Original]

Show me a more nutritious meal for under 2 dollars

>> No.15708076

Rice n beans bitch

>> No.15708088

is this US dollars?

>> No.15708091
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>> No.15708105

wabba labba dub dub

>> No.15708108
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>reddit and normie

>> No.15708181

Plants dont have: Vitamins: A, B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxamine), B12, D, F, K2. Amino acids: creatine, carnitine, carnosine, taurine. Saturated animal fat, cholesterol, heme-iron, CLA, CoQ10 Plants dont have: Vitamins: A, B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxamine), B12, D, F, K2. Amino acids: creatine, carnitine, carnosine, taurine. Saturated animal fat, cholesterol, heme-iron, CLA, CoQ10

>> No.15708190

He said it twice, so you know it's important!

>> No.15708283

This kills the thread.

>> No.15709413
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>Mashed potato
Nutritionally worthless, just fat and empty carbs
>Red meat
Enjoy your bowel cancer
>pan sauce
Sodium bomb, high blood pressure will eventually lead to heart disease
>runner beans
The only remotely healthy part of the dish, although their glycemic index is fairly high.
>2 dollars
Lol fuck off.

>> No.15709526

>>Mashed potato
>Nutritionally worthless, just fat and empty carbs

Potatoes are not void of nutrients:

>>Red meat
>Enjoy your bowel cancer

Unconfirmed. What is confirmed is red meat packed full of nutrients and protein.

>>pan sauce
>Sodium bomb, high blood pressure will eventually lead to heart disease

You need sodium for your body to function properly. As long as you're a healthy active person, pan sauce won't negatively affect you.

>>runner beans
>The only remotely healthy part of the dish, although their glycemic index is fairly high.

Those are green beans, not runner beans. Also, runner beans have a GI of 15... in what world is that high?

>> No.15709533

You're a smelly foreigner, stop talking to me.

>> No.15709541

Why would you want saturated animal fat or cholesterol?

>> No.15709542

Is that the best you got?

>> No.15709596

that's gonna be 15 chf

>> No.15709631

Energy. Every cell in your body is made of cholesterol. Fat is where the majority of the vitamins a stored in the animal. Doctors were literally paid off in the 60s to promote the new plastic derived cooking oil byproduct of petroleum : vegetable oils. Total garbage. It's the most cost efficient food in the industry. Of course it's going to be promoted to the plebs as healthy.

>> No.15709636


and like 200% of daily sodium

>> No.15709650

Looks good meatlets seething

>> No.15709716

>the read meat cancer lie
hysterical if it wasn't so damaging