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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15700262 No.15700262 [Reply] [Original]

Not fat yet, but I am clearly on the path to it. How do I keep stress in my life from spilling over into eating? What kind of food should I have around to prevent my stress from getting the better of me?

>> No.15700273

I handle it by developing an anxiety disorder that causes loss of appetite and nausea whenever I feel slightly stressed

>> No.15700275

Ya mum dildo

>> No.15700277
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Also, stress food thread.

>> No.15700281

Try heroin

>> No.15700293
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Go on

>> No.15700318
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>Try heroin
Im trying to make my life less shitty, not more.

>> No.15700372

Self control is a muscle. You need to exercise it. If you can't do that, simply don't keep snack food/ready to eat food around. Have food that takes time to prepare only.

>> No.15700382

You’re a shill from /pol/!

>> No.15700472

Tried that, but I found that I just eat bigger portions of the food I make. I need something that tastes okay, not great. Something that you can't eat a lot of.

>> No.15700500

Make non alcoholic bloody marys and drink em with plain white rice

>> No.15700507


long term, you have to deal with your stressors

short term, don't reward yourself with food when you are stressed or it will become habit. Get a hobby and reward yourself that way.

>> No.15700510

Do a 5 day fast. You will need to make “snake juice” to keep your nervous system optimal, but it will essentially reset you to a slightly lower weight. I lost 14 lbs and am still down 5 lbs months later. So probably think 1 day = 1 lbs less after all is said and done, you can estimate based on that. It’s intense but rewarding.

>> No.15700515

Take up smoking

>> No.15700527

Just get something else to put all your focus on. I was fat once and started counting calories autistically. It's still food-related, so I suddenly had something else to cling to after having to reduce eating itself. It also makes me less stressed because I now have a feeling of control over my body and my eating habits. The best way to fight an addiction is always developing a new addiction, just take the one that is the least harmful to you.

>> No.15700541

Popcorn. Thick stocks with some carb are actually very healthy and very filling.

Meth if anything faggot. Blow some glass if you wanna lose some stones, but for your own sake buy a mouth guard. The top tip tier style is drinking straight vodka, but that's a hard one to hold down; you'll need a zofran script, which is expensive and for whatever reason docs won't always give it to you.

>> No.15700628

endure the pain get hobbies stay busy.

>> No.15700636

snack less and try to just eat meals

>> No.15700652

Whole, unprocessed foods.

No ready made shit. When you want to eat, regardless of reason, you have to cook it yourself.

Even if its a cake, make it from scratch, not a box. Though I'd recommend only making cake if you plan to share it.

Comfort foods like stews, soups, and chilis are a must. Healthy, filling, and hardy. Easy to make in large batches so you can store them and eat throughout the week.

>> No.15700657

If you're serious about this, just learn how to recognize when you're even beginning to feel stress, then find ways to deal with it.

>> No.15700672
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>Do a 5 day fast. You will need to make “snake juice” to keep your nervous system optimal, but it will essentially reset you to a slightly lower weight. I lost 14 lbs and am still down 5 lbs months later. So probably think 1 day = 1 lbs less after all is said and done, you can estimate based on that. It’s intense but rewarding.
How was it during the day? I still have to go to work.

I've considered it. Seems like it would be effective. I can't tell if it's harder to quit smoking v.s. eating.

> long term, you have to deal with your stressors
At this point, I'm not seeing a way out. Work is shitty, but I gotta pay the rent.

>> No.15700731

> No ready made shit. When you want to eat, regardless of reason, you have to cook it yourself.

This breaks down pretty easy. I bought some lemon juice a few weeks ago. Today, I poured all of it into a water bottle, added tons of sugar and water, and made my own lemonade. A second example: making eggs, I can add as much butter as I want. It's so easy to make stuff taste great but be unhealthy, without resorting to other people make it.

>> No.15700763

Quitting smoking is way harder than quitting eating.

T. Have done multiple week-long fasts but want to kill myself if I don't smoke for 2 days

>> No.15700780

If I eat too many baby carrots I feel sick

>> No.15700789

Quitting eating is way harder than quitting smoking, faggot.

You can just stop buying cigarettes and never have them around. It takes one moment of self control to not buy them at all. You can't just never buy food, you have to exercise control in what you buy, what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat; it's ongoing constant self-control with a substance you cannot live without. There is no abstinence.
-t. Quit smoking cold turkey but can't stop gaining weight back even if I lose it

>> No.15700790

I'm gonna try going on Vyvanse. My psychiatrist prescribed for me today. It's supposed to help with binge eating disorders.

>> No.15700813

Oreos suuuck

>> No.15700868

lentils and black carbs
maybe dairy

>> No.15700901

That's a good point - I suppose if I did enjoy food as much as I enjoy nicotine, it would be a lot harder to eat in moderation than it would be to quit smoking permanently. But I've just never gotten the same pleasure from food that cigarettes give me, outside of maybe the top dozen or so culinary experiences I've ever had. I think it's because I started smoking early, around age 14 or so. They say the earlier you start the harder it is to stop

>> No.15701397

Then cook healthy meals. Make big salads n shiet.

>> No.15701400

Shit dude your problem is weak willpower. Consider therapy - most people benefit from it in some way. Just don't see a jew doctor.

>> No.15701466
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Don't stress eat stress scream bro. If you simply must eat then to what I do. Buy a cabbage scream and yell at it, yell all your stresses at the cabbage and get it all out. Finally smash it with your hands like the incredible hulk and then eat the remains like a savage, it's very stress relieving.

>> No.15701698

I have the same problem OP. I've been making gigantic cobb salads that last me over the entire weekend, that I can just gorge on.

I add a lot of protein, but keep away stuff like croutons and heavy/sugary salad dressing from it.

The worst part of the thing is about it the bacon, but the sheer amount of lettuce and other vegetables and chicken offset it.

It's not the healthiest, but its a great way to eat large portions with minimal guilt. It's very satiating too in a wholesome way

>> No.15702416

Abosolute meme. Ex smoker here i can tell you that smoke barely reduces appetite. It might reduce it slightly but that'll only last while you smoking. Personally i found it never had an effect on my appetite. Your better off drinking a coffee. In my experience that had a greater hunger reducing effect that smoking.

>> No.15702686

Try dipping them in ketchup

>> No.15702763

I often think "What would Alexander the Great say if he could see me now?" when I get the temptation to eat. It usually snaps me out of it.

>> No.15702792

Will the snake juice prevent the nauseating headaches I get whenever I go more than ten hours without eating?

>> No.15702868

Great stress food is radishes. Minimal calories and the crunch is satisfying

>> No.15703033

It's just sweet junk food. Sweet and salty junk food comes in many variations.

>> No.15703187
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unfathomably based. everyone knows the truth of life is you either become a lard ass with horrible health/complete autist but at least youre happy, a person with 20 different fucked up mental issues that you either keep to yourself making them worse or put them out to try and 'fix them', a poltard whos miserable because of it but knows theyre nothing if they dont seethe abt politics all day, someone whos addicted to something, or the 1% thats 'normal' but will one day snap and enter one of the other categories. being in the first one seems like the only way to rlly be happy, although youll prob wanna cut down on the foods and focus more on being an autist whos obsessed with a series or something

>> No.15704368

Baby carrots
>easy and clean to handle
>great crunch
>low calories and healthy as long as you don't have a fuckton of dip with it
>taste sweet once you've weaned of "artificial" sweets
>keeps forever in the fridge, no problem if you forget them in your room overnight either

>> No.15704431

All about protein fluff/icecream. You blend frozen fruit, low cal milk, protein powder, ice and xanthan gum together to make something like soft serve ice cream. I like one with frozen strawberries and powdered peanut butter that tastes like a pb and j sandwich. High volume and low calories.

>> No.15704451

do keto. free yourself from carb addiction. just make sure to eat plenty of greens and supplement well.

>> No.15704469

Don't buy food that can be consumed raw

find another hobby you can pick up to relieve stress instead of picking up a bag of chips. learning an instrument or exercising are good options, you can do those any time as much as you want

>> No.15704480

OP is asking for advice on lifestyle changes. Yourr eating disorder is not a lifestyle change.

>> No.15704481

>"What would Alexander the Great say if he could see me now?"
>"Holy shit is that a fucking pizza?"

>> No.15704490

stop recommending extreme medical diet cults to people just looking to correct simple problems

>> No.15704496 [DELETED] 

cutting carbs is leads to extreme medical diet cults
>t. fat

>> No.15704509

cutting carbs = extreme medical diet cults

>t. landwhale

>> No.15704592

Dark chocolate, unironically. I eat it only when I want to binge and after a few pieces it snaps me back. If you're asking for snacks anyway. For the rest, just eat healthy filling foods and have good eating habits to put yourself on track so slight deviation occasionally doesn't affect you much

>> No.15704617

Plus just stop eating shit. Your taste is not all inherent, if you don't eat junk foods for weeks/months, you'll crave it less later.

>> No.15704633

I hope you figure this thing out.

If you can't avoid overeating though, it's probably better to overeat on some semi-healthy shit you took effort to make, rather than some horrible shit that will wreck you in multiple ways.

A question of being overweight vs being morbidly obese yet deficit in nutrition, depressed, tired, and prone to whatever other diseases come with a chronic bad diet.

>> No.15704646

Does your idea sound like a bad idea? Yes. Is it a bad idea? I'll bet it is.

>> No.15705235

Holy shit, this is the most dyel thing i've ever read

>> No.15705328

losing weight is impossible. so just eat whatever you want. you're probably gonna get hit by a car anyways.

>> No.15706843


>> No.15707034

Baby carrots, broccoli, celery, iceberg lettuce, and herbal tea.

>> No.15707069

Bread, prosciutto, fruit, yoghurt, honey, dried fruit.
make a plate of pasta aglio and peperoncino or butter and parmisan.

Anon the better is FRUIT, eat a loot of fruit. that's all.

>> No.15707217


Grilled veggies. After you eat a whole head of cabbage with a little bit of oil, salt,and vinegar, you'll be too full for anything else.