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15649905 No.15649905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a civil discussion about our experiences with diets related to health problems: examples being IBS.
also mods = fags

>> No.15649912

Various foods in my opinion is actually good for IBS, because youre introducing more bacteria to the gut. There is a lot of studies regarding probiotics and curing or helping IBS

>> No.15649920
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eat egg

>> No.15649926

I beat IBS by cutting out cereals.

>> No.15649936

I can't eat more than one egg at a time, and any amount of raw banana gives me horrific stomach cramps for hours.

>> No.15649952
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I'm obese. I'm on the seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it.

>> No.15650275

What's power level? AKA BMI. I'm at 30.1. So close to not being obese anymore.

>> No.15650286

jw if a low fodmap keto diet would be good for ibs? I'm no expert on it but it seems like ibs can't eat a lot of different plants like grains, fruit, and legumes.
Or maybe you can eat rice idk.

>> No.15650340
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i don't have ibs, but i have heart failure
i cannot enjoy food anymore; everything has salt in it, and salt makes food taste good. I either consume salt and suffer, or go with eating tasteless bland food. I get more enjoyment from raw vegetables and uncooked food than any salt free meal i prepare. seriously, everything has absurd amounts of sodium in it; restaurants have over 2000mg in most of their dishes- even salads are fucked. I am dehydrated all the time, and if I fuck up it snowballs out of control pretty quickly and I end up with 15lbs of water weight on me
my mom has colitis, and that recently has become a huge problem for her, and she has even deluded herself into believing she still can eat whatever she wants on "good days". first time she was actually able to relate to me and understand how shit food restriction is when the most common foods available that you have enjoyed all your life will make your miserable after the few minutes of pleasure.
this fucking sucks; food is such a human thing that you go about doing daily, and now instead of just mindlessly eating, you have to plan and think about everything; worrying about what might happen if you mess up or lack self control. I hate it, and wish things could go back to normal, but that is never going to happen.

>> No.15650534

Metamucil for my IBS daily. makes my shits so wonderful

>> No.15650562

I'm at risk of the beetus bc of family genetics so I don't eat shit with refinated sugar so nothing high on sugar or with added sugar, pretty easy actually

>> No.15650603

Why do people with heart failure have to avoid eating salt?
Asking honestly.

My sister had a hole in her heart and she used to have to take sodium tablets like some kind of god damn horse or something. I don't really understand how it all works.

>> No.15650622
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Heart failure refers to a specific condition, which is the heart losing the ability to pump enough blood to supply the body. I think too much sodium can raise your blood pressure which makes the condition worse, and also increases fluid retention in extremities from poor circulation.

t. Person who doesn't suffer from heart failure who is also not a doctor and talking mostly out of my ass.

>> No.15650662
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i have heart failure from genetic problems that led to my heart becoming too thick. made it worst from excessive drinking and fasting. so now blood just doesn't want to pump. if I consume salt, my abdomen becomes extremely bloated, or if im sitting my feet swell. i am pretty skinny, so it's tragic when i look like some pregnant bitch all the time. just weighs you down, makes you weak and lethargic, and is hard to fix without laying in bed all day for days.
i really want to eat pizza, but a single slice is like 800mg sodium. i have become ultra aware of salt, and it turns out we consume a fuck ton of salt unknowingly.
a while back i cooked food with and without salt, the one with salt tasted like a good meal, like something i would love to eat, and the saltless one just sucked. i have tried potassium salt, but that just fucks my kidneys cause heart failure fucks your kidneys. the best i can do is spicy and sea weed.
salt is everywhere, fuck salt

>> No.15650697

I have IBS type C (for constipation) and it feels like I cannot eat anything without triggering it. The only things I can eat without setting it off are rice and unseasoned chicken. I was eating apples but anon from an earlier thread said it actually triggered his IBS as well, so I'm going to cut that out and replace it with grapes.

I can eat all forms of protein meat. Haven't really tried any poultry yet. And brown and white rice.
I cannot eat anything that contains corn syrup, garlic, or onion in any form, and most preservatives, and even some fruits, vegetables, and nuts. As you can imagine that makes like 80% of a grocery store off limits for me.
Fuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck meFuck me.

>> No.15650711

I have to go keto. I have autoimmune crap and have found it is the only diet that keeps my antibody numbers remotely normal. My blood work was insane doing vegan and I gained a ton of weight even though I didn't have any refined sugar.

Keto just works for me. It's annoying because it's hard to be lazy with it since it's almost impossible to order food or go out.

>> No.15650743

isn't brown rice normally bad though? or is that for something more specific; a lot of people were talking about only being able to handle heavily processed grains

>> No.15650789

Probably is for some other people but it works on my machine

>> No.15650866
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That sucks anon. I don't think I could ever walk a mile in your shit.

>> No.15650938

I'm so sorry. That sounds awful. Sounds like you are probably stuck with one of those raw food diets to make it even reasonably palatable.

>> No.15651063

I had IBS for fucking ages until I discovered that gluten triggered it (and some other autoimmune symptoms). After cutting it the IBS is totally gone but gluten fucks me up real bad if I ever slip up.
The main downside is I have to cook my own food all the time, but that's not even close to missing out on salt so this thread makes me feel better. Hell, I was really freaking out when I thought I might have a dairy intolerance for a while there. I'm willing to give up wheat if I can at least keep dairy and onions and garlic

>> No.15651128

I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and gluten and soy trigger immune reactions like crazy. It's wild what all that stuff is in. Just avoiding those two ingredients changed my who diet before heading into keto.

>> No.15651244

I was getting violent fever-like chills and anxiety attacks at night until I cut bread out of my diet.
My urine also stopped smelling like ramen broth.
I don't know why eating tons of carbs would give me anxiety but I've already narrowed it down and sure enough, it's always eating a whole pizza in one sitting that would set me off.

>> No.15651596

It’s not really health related but I can’t get any good schwarma anymore because the Lebanese place I like to go to is within 1 mile of my ex’s apartment which I’m court ordered not to go to lest I face heavy criminal consequences

>> No.15651617

get an allergy test. you are allergic to something that is triggering it

>> No.15651845
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>experiences with diets related to health problems: examples being IBS.
>tfw i can eat whatever the fuck i want with no consequences

>> No.15652069

I have crohn's and I shit blood if I eat popcorn and don't shit for days if I eat a bagel or too much rice

Was on a 6mo puree diet once upon a time thanks to a stricture

>> No.15652126

Two months ago I just randomly developed awful diarrhea. The only things I've found that I can eat sort of comfortably is rice, plain baked chicken, and processed grains like in white bread and pasta.

>> No.15652162

For me, it's legumes that trigger IBS-C. Peanuts, peas, beans, etc. so I used to just leave those out of casseroles, stews, etc. and only eat them in one big serving every once in a while. Now I eat whatever I want because I make sure to eat a few prunes every day and it really moves the mail.