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File: 70 KB, 800x800, habanero-hot-pepper-heirloom-90-days-vegetables-pinetree-garden-seeds_402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15643149 No.15643149 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone use Jalapenos in here when Habanero has a better taste?

>> No.15643174


>> No.15643200


spicier. But they do taste way better. And the heat actually has some flavor. Jalapeno seems to just coat my mouth with a flavorless film of oil and capsaicin.

>> No.15643205


hardy crop, grows faster, yields more

>> No.15643239

They are two completely different foods that are used for different things, I don’t wanna use Habanero in something that would just lead it to overtake the dish with heat

>> No.15643294

a piece of salmon and an apple are two completely different foods. 2 kinds or chili peppers aren't. jackass.

>> No.15643324

>a ripe fruit is better than a green one
OP keep it shady, will ya?

>> No.15643375

You’re an actual cooklet if you think habaneros and jalapeños are interchangeable

>> No.15643382

Jalapenos, also called angry onions, have a distinct stinky aroma/flavor to the spice.

>> No.15643501

Scotch bonnet is better.

>> No.15643527

sometimes the flavour and head of jalapenos is appropriate. Sometimes a mix is good - add a bit of green to the habs.

>> No.15643530

Oranges and lemons are the exact same species of fruit. Go ahead and have a nice fresh squeezed glass of undiluted lemon juice tomorrow morning and let us know how it goes.

>> No.15643554

Citrus Sinensis and Citrus Limon are both of the genus Citrus of the family Rutaceae, but they're not the same species.

>> No.15643563

WAY too fucking spicy...last time I cooked with habaneros I wound up having to go to the ER a few hours after the meal due to digestive complications

I tried drinking a bunch of milk but it did not help at all

>> No.15643578

On a scale of one to Paula Deen, how white are you?

>> No.15643586

thats a dumb stereotype dude, my wife is black and we make spicy foods all the time because of her cajun background.... Just something about fresh habaneros is next level

>> No.15643606

>muh wife
I wasn't doubting that you could not get a white wife, son.

>> No.15643666

Did you know the word orange didn't represent the color, but rather the fruit first.

>> No.15643674

and you will never get a wife, period

*mic drop*

>> No.15643692

... going to the ER because of habaneros. Kinda tempted to rate you closer to Paula Deen than Vantablack... they're hot, but unless you're just quickly frying them off and eating them, they shouldn't be doing you serious harm. What the hell did you make and how many did you put in it?

>> No.15643697

habaneros dont have flavours, just heat

>> No.15643712

well my rectum was already perforated from certain recreational acts I will not here specify

>> No.15643717

I just made an italian style salad like they do at pizza places but instead of using friggitello I used habaneros

>> No.15643731

I dunno, I make this sauce sometimes and it's pretty damn tasty.

>> No.15643734

Forgot link: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/spicy-pineapple-sauce-recipe-1938795

>> No.15643750
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Fruity, floral notes. Very easy to taste. It's why they get paired with things like mango and pineapple.

>> No.15643938

Habaneros are too hot for a lot of people.

I've never been to the hospital from eat habaneros, but I did have a bad experience with them.

>cut up habaneros for delicious jerk chicken
>went to the bathroom after putting it in the oven
>all of a sudden dick and nuts are on fire
>realize I should have washed my hands BEFORE going to the bathroom
>jump in the shower and start trying to was myself clean
>it doesn't work
>remember drinking milk can help when your mouth hurts from spicy food
>grab a gallon of milk out of the fridge and pour it all over my dick and balls
>still feels like my crotch is on fire
>couldn't figure out what to do so stood around in discomfort until things calmed down

That was an uncomfortable day

>> No.15644278

Different uses for different ingredients.

If you're making raspberry jam, you don't want to get cranberries.

>> No.15644331

Habanero salsa instead of Jalapeno salsa
Habaneros instead of Jalapenos for ceviche
pickled habaneros instead of Jalapenos
They can be interchangeable

>> No.15644342

Kinda, but the flavour is different. Salsa works best with both. Ceviche is (imo) better with habanero or aji limon. Both kind of pickled peppers are great. Salt brined habanero slices with a single (freshly made if possible) chipotle in the mix, and given a bit of lime after the fermentation - makes me moist just thinking about it.

>> No.15644348
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>> No.15644481

Because they don’t have a better taste

>> No.15644673

The taste is so good but it destroys my asshole every time.

>> No.15644712

Has anyone ever used zest from a jalapeño or habanero? Is it effective at getting the taste without the heat?

>> No.15644724
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>mango habanero jam

>> No.15644735

Lmao this has to be bait.

>> No.15644753 [DELETED] 

>*mic drop*
holy cringe go back to fucking reddit

>> No.15644775

the skin of peppers is actually the least flavorful part

>> No.15644805

Capsicum Annum and Capsicum Chinensis, dumbass.

>> No.15644858

Interesting. Did some researching and found an article that says if you soak the peppers in liquor it will draw out the heat and leave the flavor.


>> No.15644859
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>Plum habanero sorbet

>> No.15644865

They're not the same species either. To get what you want, you must first learn to call it by name.

>> No.15644882

That was the point you illiterate dipshit.

>> No.15644926

Someone called lemons and oranges the same species. I'm guessing that was you. You should really just put some chopped chinenses in vinegar over medium low heat and take long, calming breaths.

>> No.15644928

lmao you weak faggot

>> No.15645101

Habanero is great, hell even peri-peri and bird's eye chilies taste 1000 times better than this overrated Jalapenos shit.

>> No.15645140

Based and truthpilled. I've got several scotch bonnet hot sauces in my kitchen. They're great in pasta dishes and soups.

>> No.15645153

I dilute my orange juice

>> No.15645163

Red jalapenos are the tits - a slight sweetness, solid pungency, just enough heat to be uncomfortable to eat raw and unprocessed.
Green jalapenos are more like poblanos - a slightly bitter, "green" flavour with a bit of snap to it that green bell peppers don't have, with just enough heat to be mildly uncomfortable to eat raw, whole and solo.
Jlaps aren't always the most appropriate choice for a certain flavour or heat level, but their flavour is easy to blend into the background of a dish, and it helps bring red meat and game flavours forward, which is why they're really useful in chili, even as a second or third choice of pepper. Habaneros and bird's eyes both have pleasant, distinctive flavours - Habanero and most Chinenses being tropical, fruity, very Carribean tasting peppers, and Birds Eyes being a sharp, almost sour, ubiquitous Southeast Asian flavour - but they're more of a soloist role. They shine through - even in a slightly subdued role. Both are awesome sliced thinly on pineapple with salt and lime.

>> No.15645169

Habanero has a whif of barfiness to me for some reason. Always reminds me of vomit, just enough to gross me out.

>> No.15645172

To me they are somehow worse than carolina reapers.
The reaper burns my mouth worse but it stops there, Habanero is spicy up front acts like a hot coal in my gut and then finally erupts from the ashes of my anus like some sort of watery pain phoenix.

>> No.15645181

Sounds like you need to sweat your peppers more... unless you're eating them with mango. If you've got a latex or poison oak/ivy allergy, mango and hot pepper can and will shred your asshole out.

>> No.15645191

I cut habaneros with my bare hands once. Then I touched my dick later. Even after washing multiple times my hands remained burning for a day.

>> No.15645196

Yo you seem to know a lot.
I'm this guy
Do you know why different peppers have different types of heat? Like I know serrenos have an objectively higher scoville rating but jalapenos make my tounge go entirely numb while the supposedly hotter serreno is a pleasantly hot sweaty whole mouth burn.
Is my mouth just retarded?

>> No.15645203

I've only really had this problem once with scotch bonnets. I sliced and pickled four restaurant-sized flats of them without gloves. The pain felt like arthritis, and it took effort to uncurl my fingers. After about 2 days, I was back to normal, but... yeah... I definitely sat down to pee during that brief period.

>> No.15645232

If your tongue goes numb, you might be allergic or sensitive to something in jalapenos. It might depend on what you're eating it with too - jalapeno and bitter oranges (jalapeno marmalade is a wickedly awesome thing btw) give me geographic tongue, and only that specific combination - jalapeno and tangerine is no problem, aji limon and seville orange doesn't do it either... your mouth just might be retarded, or it might be the extra bit of bitterness to the jalapeno opening things up a bit more.

>> No.15645610


>> No.15646585

White enough to know his father

>> No.15646797


>> No.15646817

If you use rubbing alcohol it goes away instantly. There is oil in the peppers that won't come off with soap and water

>> No.15646821

finger chilies
scotch bonnet
unknown red chilies

these are my only options unless i go to an asian market

>> No.15646999

Retard alert

>> No.15647052

If your unknown red chilies look like long birdseyes, they're a different type of thai chili... Similar in flavour, less heat?

>> No.15647267

I hope this is bait

>> No.15647273

Scotch Bonnet, that is all.

>> No.15647587

so that is why orange hair is called red?

>> No.15649128
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they are my go to. they have such a distinct interesting flavor

>> No.15649134

they are long and fat, the kind of chilli you'd see in a cartoon

>> No.15649148
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these ones

>> No.15649197

>want to make raspberry jam
>just make cranberry jam yo!!!
No. Every ingredient has its right place.

>> No.15649206
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>> No.15649307

The point is: there is no point.

>> No.15649326

Looks like two red jlaps and a fat thai. You got me stumped man.

>> No.15649382

Do you prefer Habanero poppers to jalapeno poppers?

>> No.15649395
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I wasn't raised eating spicy foods and I haven't eaten spicy in years. My capacity for spice is at the point where a few drops of habanero hot sauce (the shit from trader joes) will give me a hard time. If I bother to increase my tolerance I'm sure I'd enjoy habaneros more. Pic related is good though, really hot and turns anything it comes into contact with an infernal red

>> No.15649560

Tastelet and a retard

>> No.15649796

I had this happen after throwing habaneros in a blender with an onion, then rubbing the paste on chicken with my bare hands. It didn't last a whole day though, a couple hours maybe before they stopped burning.

>> No.15649819

Not based
Cringe, as a matter of fact

>> No.15649838

you were probably drinking 1%
milk isnt some magical liquid that reduces, the fat in the milk reduces heat

>> No.15649983

I washed my hands four times when I last cooked with habaneros but still felt chilli burn on my asshole after the shower.

>> No.15650003

You finger your butthole in the shower?

>> No.15650148

I got a box of latex gloves because of this.

>> No.15650431

Of course

>> No.15650543
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>he hasn't taken the serranopill yet
Any recipe that calls for jalapenos I just replace with serranoes, they are a little bit hotter but taste 10x better.

>> No.15650642

smoothe brain and stupid pilled

>> No.15650653

Brain tissue and pills are also two completely different foods, no matter how well they complement each other.

>> No.15651804

unironically yes, the habanero has a wonderful flavor aside from the spice

kys racist black retard monkey

>> No.15651813

Protip: lacto ferment your habaneros. Poke a few holes near the stem with a pin, and submerge in a warm 2.5% salt brine in a super clean container. Wrap up tight and check on it in 3-4 days, room temp. If your house is warm it could take two. Once they look slightly carbonate, and as long as there isn't any scary mold bloom, drain them and puree. Save that shit in the fridge in a squeeze bottle (mix with some neutral oil for even more shelf life)

>> No.15651817
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>If I bother to increase my tolerance I'm sure I'd enjoy habaneros more.
No you won't