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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15639367 No.15639367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Europeans can't do anything right.

>> No.15639420

The French have had theit tiny, stinky dinkys sucked by the Elite for too long in regards to food but I will say it: Homey British food beats French food any day if the week.

>> No.15639516

Who the hell would eat at that restaurant? You'd have to eat 20 plates of food just to get full.

>> No.15639611

I have to get 2 kebabs after the this shit

>> No.15639614

Oink oink are you satisfied piggie oink oink go eat your turd hamburguer you filthy american oink oink

>> No.15639616

t. He hasn’t had homey French food
A pity

>> No.15639746

t. yorkshire

>> No.15639755


fine dining french cuisine and "street level" french cuisine are very different

>> No.15639756

I bet OP has never eaten French food. Just like Americans who have never left their state complain about other states and other countries.

>> No.15639761

Lmao, the funniest thing is that the burgers keep those restaurant running, while french people eat whole plates of food at home.

>> No.15639768

>Why is French food so terrible?
Uh because.... French?

>> No.15639796

don't go to a french restaurant...

they have amazing recipes though

>> No.15640885

I too like mine with coke, siwuplae

>> No.15640949

>street level "french" cuisine
Ah yes kebabs and falafel
Truly staples of the french culinary achievements

>> No.15640979
File: 280 KB, 928x550, rfdxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine dining French restaurants in America are not a good representation of French cuisine. Haute cuisine was invented in the last century, and is a business thing.
Real french food is really basic and satisfying : roasted meat with rich sauces, cheesy gratins, pies, sausages, stews etc...

>> No.15640990

Regular french people don't go to restaurants like the one in OP. It's mainly for foreigners. French restaurants in France serve real food.

>> No.15641378

Because thats one of 20 plates of food you get for your meal

>> No.15641831

that looks so good, fuck

>> No.15641842

Let's say one of those twenty was especially tasty but you want more, do they give you more of that?

>> No.15641875

That is what he said.

>> No.15642031

No Anon, you follow a course.

>> No.15642039

Then they should serve more than a spoonful of any given dish. If it tastes as good as they pretend, then I will want more than just a single lick

>> No.15642068

Lol you're fat and poor

>> No.15642145

its courses in a way that makes sense dish to dish. youre probably having a tough time wrapping your big brain around the concept that too much food per plate, in this setting, is absolutely disastrous. you dont want to kill your guests with food, nothing worse than being 10-12 courses in and already breathing heavy

>h-how many more courses?
>oh! Two more plus three sweet courses and mignardise!

>> No.15642155

Then just make it 5 but the portions bigger accordingly.

What good does it to get the best food in the world but it's just enough for one spoon