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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15599686 No.15599686 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your bananas?

>> No.15599701
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>> No.15599706

>How do you like your bananas?

>> No.15599710
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>Microwaved bananas
For real?

>> No.15599711


>> No.15599748

They taste incredible, it's like eating one of those chocolate lava cakes but banana flavoured.

>> No.15599795


in cereal with oats

>> No.15599909


>> No.15599992
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i like banann

>> No.15600003

What a weird looking dog.

>> No.15600041

God I just want to grab it's head in my fist and squeeze until it's googly eyes pop out of its banana loving face

>> No.15600135

lol he hungry

>> No.15600338

Now the soup's gonna taste like bananas...gross

>> No.15600727
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Any plantain bros?

>> No.15600767
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>> No.15600792
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But they sour

>> No.15600797

Sour? The fuck?

>> No.15600822
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Green bananas make my tummy hurt and give me the shits

>> No.15600824
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Indeed, sour. Like most unripe fruit, yes?

>> No.15600852

No. There's something wrong with your tongue AND brain.

>> No.15600873


>> No.15600891
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Eat a banana with a slice of emmental (or any other firm cheese really.)
Alternatively blended with milk.

>> No.15600927
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Well then how would you describe the flavor of unripe banana?
You and Mr. Rogers were on to something

>> No.15600946


>> No.15600965

cute covid rat

>> No.15601001
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>> No.15601015

I put pecans, cinnamon, allspice, cloves and vanilla in my banana bread today.
Any suggestions for next time?

>> No.15601588

Keep amping that chai tea flavour.
Ginger, black tea, cardamon, star anise.
It's good

>> No.15601617

Straight peeled
With peanutbutter
In a sandwich
In bread
Mixed with muesli
In shakes

Based bans

>> No.15601714

They are but they take an eternity to ripen if they're fully green. Also that pic is bullshit, you can eat a plantain raw.

>> No.15601733
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>> No.15601787

Ginger and nutmeg

>> No.15601819
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>you can eat a plantain raw.
but would you want to?

>> No.15601915

I like a mashed banana in my overnight oats.

>> No.15601926

Yeah, don't put that stuff in

>> No.15602009

It is.

Sometimes I also make a 'puggle' of banana, muesli and good flavoured protien powder - to the consistency of a thick cream. Fucking indulgent.

>> No.15602027

>still believing the chink lie

>> No.15602039

I don't like bananas

>> No.15602048

>me when my daddy bear wants a blowjob uWu

>> No.15602051

You're a sociopath

>> No.15602058

I have a childish aversion to "imperfect" fruit, and bananas just ALWAYS have a blemish. Find a banana that's actually fully yellow and doesn't have any brown spots? Practically impossible. It seems as though a correctly ripened banana is actually supposed to be marred with off-putting bruises and sores. Why can't they just invent bananas that look good?

>> No.15602071

>Why can't they just invent bananas that look good?

Because they did that with red delicious apples and they suck donkey dick.

>> No.15602077

Surely you jest

>> No.15602093
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What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.15602102

I think the problem with those is that the thick waxy skin allows you to transport and store them longer. Although I get your point

>> No.15602106

The flesh is bad too, mealy and flavorless.

>> No.15602137

chocolate chips, I'm gonna do a similar recipe but I'm gonna try and do a pineapple and coconut rum flambé on the pecans first try and make a piña colada banana bread and see how that turns out.

>> No.15602151

here ya go dingus


>> No.15602166

look at that cute lil nigga

>> No.15602879

Apparently bananas get really sweet when they look black on the outside like that. do you just have to leave them out for ages?

>> No.15603548

That or freezing them

>> No.15603630

which is better?

>> No.15603656


>> No.15603667


>> No.15603680

A mix of green and yellow for eating plain or adding to oatmeal, yellow with very little spotting for bananas foster, and like OP pic for banana bread.

>> No.15603861

Damn some of those look like frostbitten feet

>> No.15603880

I don't.

>> No.15604325

Don't act cute we know what you did

>> No.15604368
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>> No.15604379
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>> No.15604382
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>How do you like your bananas
>like I like my dicks

>> No.15604390
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>> No.15604403
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>> No.15604432


>> No.15604460

Ripe plantains taste breddy gut. Like a heartier banana.
They take forever to ripen, though.

>> No.15604465


>> No.15604719


>> No.15605748
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I'd give these guys a show on adult swim

>> No.15605780

Fresh and half-green. There's something so delicious about a partially un-ripe banana.

>> No.15605787

I recently came up with a peanut banana dessert which is kinda good imo.

It’s basically one ripe nanner, torn into chunks, that you mix with two tablespoons of peanut butter using a fork until you have a reasonably smooth paste. Then you throw in a pinch of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt as well as four tablespoons of yoghurt and a small knob of butter. You mix that shit up once again until smooth and presto - some delish banana dessert

>> No.15605792

But when it comes to eating banas solo, then those large and slightly green ones are the best. Especially slightly chilled, but not „out of the fridge-chilled”

>> No.15605892


>> No.15605920

That's how they eat em in Malaysia


>> No.15605921

These people tried to conquer Europe once.

>> No.15606056

Now I want a pandan plant.
I want it now!

>> No.15606079

>Mr. Rogers
That's probably where my mom got the idea. It baffles me to see so many people grossed out by nanner and cheese

>> No.15606095
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bought the shit to make banana bread because black bananas (and COVID).
always add some dried cranberries and walnuts

>> No.15607335
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>> No.15607890

In the trash thanks

>> No.15608133

Either you're being funny or you don't know that word