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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15597275 No.15597275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I miss being able to smoke in restaurants...

>> No.15597287

I guarantee I'm older than you, and I miss a lot about old America. The 70s were so much more free than today. You used to be allowed to drink a beer while you drive. Seriously. That was fine back then.

>> No.15597288

How old are you?

>> No.15597304

so you couldn't taste your food?

>> No.15597316

So it was basically like this?

>> No.15597336

god boomers are a fucking embarrassment. die already.

>> No.15597339

Jesus, OP, most people miss being able to at least visit a restaurant to begin with

>> No.15597341

More or less. You weren't even required to wear seatbelts back then. Everything was a lot more dangerous yeah, but it was more free. Nobody cared.

>> No.15597374

The 70s huh? Well, I miss the 1800s. Back then, duelling was still legal. If you disagreed with somebody, you could just fucking shoot them. Damn liberals taking our freedom.

>> No.15597381

once weed becomes federally legal they should allow it again

>> No.15597385


>> No.15597398

This, but unironically. Duelling was based.

>> No.15597402

I don't miss people making a place fucking stinky cause they need their addiction substance
I don't miss my clothes being stinky cause I wanted to eat some spaghetti

>> No.15597403

At least boomers didn't believe in 9,001 genders

>> No.15597427

my dad worked at the hospital and i would often go visit him there. people smoked in the waiting rooms and in the elevators, it was beautiful. there was something very dignified about all the smoke and smell.

>> No.15597435

Smoking cigs is for niggardly white trash, are you an inbred OP

>> No.15597437

>I wish it was the good old days so I could freely express themselves
>ugh people freely expressing themselves through gender identity? gross

>> No.15597438

that's not what niggardly means

>> No.15597443

All the shit in all of the cigarettes boomers smoked caused younger generations to have 9001 genders, FYI

>> No.15597454

>Massive babby can't stand the smell of burning wood
I hate city people

>> No.15597469

>smoking gets banned/"nudged" to the margins of society
>suddenly phenomena like being "binary" or inceldom start appearing, divorce rates go up, marriage rates go down
>alienation goes rampant
sure was worth it, huh

>> No.15597476

lets throw you in a room full of smoke lets see how awesome it is

>> No.15597479

your parents smoked with the car windows closed didn't they

>> No.15597490

So? You still can where I live. Town council permitted it and it got state override many many years ago. I think they have to physically be in another section or room though.

>> No.15597494

Literally do that every day, quit being a fag
Kitchen, my dad refused to smoke while driving

>> No.15597496

Smoking was always good for you. Why do you think "they" want you to stop so badly?

>> No.15597506

Nigga I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I smoke my room out all the time ON PURPOSE because I like the atmosphere. I keep like 3 incense sticks burning at the same time, and I smoke on top of that until the room is covered in a thick haze and you can see the individual rays of light through the window.

>> No.15597511

thats not expressing yourself its mental illness

>> No.15597530

You still can if you a) live in PA where you won't get pulled over unless you're black, and b) don't drive like a fucking retard

>> No.15597551

Man, I know it will never be legal but I fucking loooooooove driving stoned. Driving down a long stretch of road with the radio on and a joint in my hand is like nothing else in the world.

>> No.15597560

smoking indoors seems so weird
I feel like I've only smoked 3 cigarettes in my life when I smoke indoors, i have no idea where to put my hands and it just feels awkward. getting ash all over the table triggers my autism so much

>> No.15597571

You guys need to stop overusing the word autism. You are probably just a wierdo.

>> No.15597573
File: 249 KB, 1400x1050, Waterford-Crystal-Ashtray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting ash all over the table triggers my autism so much
If only there was something to prevent this. Some kind of tray or something.

>> No.15597577

Don't forget a 14 year old girl head down on your dick.

>> No.15597581

Cigarette smoke smells like shit. I miss being able to pick fights with the stupid bastards that smoked in restaurants. I once got banned from a place for putting out a woman's cigarette on her husband's face.

>> No.15597582

Yeah and everybody knew someone that died in some drunk driving collision and now you old fucks are all dying of cancer.
Good riddance.

>> No.15597586

I think you can still smoke in dive bars in some places

I would never eat in a restaurant where people are smoking because policy like that would suggest they have no confidence in their food

>> No.15597590

And then everybody stood up and clapped.

>> No.15597592

You ever miss leading little girls into the mens bathrooms and having their way with them? Dark wooden walls, no cameras free range kids. Damn, I miss rural areas back then.

>> No.15597595

>someone opens a door
>gust of wind blows ash all over your plate

mm that's good eatin'

>> No.15597607

No, its about freedom. You tailor your restaurant by its clientele. If they want to smoke, let them. If enough people say they don't like smoke, the owners change the rules by law of free market. No rules or laws need to ever be passed.

>> No.15597612

This has never happened to me.

>> No.15597613

I'd suggest not eating out near the front door during a blizzard anon.

>> No.15597616

>because policy like that would suggest they have no confidence in their food

>> No.15597620

Boomer what are you doing on this website? Everybody hates you here, we suffer because of you and your ego-centrism. Your 'awesome free time' fueled by debt, oil and coal is paid by us today.

>> No.15597622

Dude, take this shit somewhere else. It's not even on-topic. You're just being weird.

>> No.15597631

>gender identity
Go back >>>/lgbt/

>> No.15597641

because most of your ability to distinguish flavor is contingent on smell so if the room is tarry thick with cigarette smoke you won't be able to taste a single goddamn thing unless it's excessively salty

>> No.15597645

A very popular sentiment sold to you by the boomer democrats in congress that you continue to vote for, and a deflection of responsibility.
Boomers aren't responsible for your life being shit. Take control of your own destiny. Nobody forced you to get $50k in student debt for a liberal arts degree.

>> No.15597651

ash gets everywhere it doesn't matter if you have an ashtray or not

doors opening/closing create this anyway, weather doesn't matter

>> No.15597655
File: 224 KB, 1280x640, tumblr_nroanfy2v71qjobhbo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I miss when men were men and everyone was free to do anything they wanted
>men are now taught to be more emotionally available and open to be better friends, sons, fathers and husbands
>adults can now marry the people they love even if it's another man or woman

>> No.15597660

Unapologetic... Seriously your generation is a fucking cancer.

>> No.15597666

Why should I apologize? I did nothing wrong. Stop believing politicians.

>> No.15597685
File: 45 KB, 600x400, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every entry level job needs a college degree
>massive job shortage, economy is shit, wages are shit
>college tuition has risen 1,200% since the 1970s
>Nobody forced you to get $50k in student debt for a liberal arts degree.

>> No.15597688

He's right, you know. I'm 25 and I didn't go to college, and I make more than my "college educated" co-workers, with zero debt.
What exactly have boomers done to ruin my life?

>> No.15597698

get a job

>> No.15597708

Sounds like you're just mad that a bunch of stupid hippies played the game better than you lmao

>> No.15597710

they birthed you so you can peruse this norwegian stone-skipping forum

>> No.15597711

You happening to get lucky by completely ignoring what the prior generation tried very hard to force you to do doesn't absolve them of guilt.

>> No.15597712

>what are days off

>> No.15597715

>Why should I apologize? I did nothing wrong.
That's why you're a piece of shit. You can't even admit that your generation fucked ours by creating mountains of debt and destroying the climate. Also the de-anchoring of the dollar from gold was basically a gigantic fuck you to future generations. The war on drug also ruined so many young people lives. You're maybe not personally responsible for all of this, but your continuous denial make you culpable of it too.

>> No.15597722
File: 158 KB, 500x812, 1594001427372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender identity

>> No.15597723

I have autism, but my friends took me out for my birthday and one of my friends has one of those THC vape pens so we all hit it while drinking and eating in the restaurant. Also I got a juul and hit it every time I've been in a restaurant. Just make sure nobody is look lol.

>> No.15597724

Spoiler alert: You have that power too.

Seriously, don't go to college. They can't just not hire all of us lmao

Colleges are only respected because we choose to respect them. If the institutions lose all respect, they're meaningless.

>> No.15597743

>make more money than my college educated coworkers
I guarantee you that gap is gonna close in a couple of years and by 35 they will be making vastly more than you at a less physically and emotionally demanding job than you. I worked retail when I was 25 and was making more than my friends. Then they started getting non entry level jobs and started getting actual jobs and started making considerably more than me. Took me a couple more years to go back to school and get a decent job that paid way more with an actual work life balance.

>> No.15597745

>the individual is responsible for what the goverment does without any way to the general public to have a voice or act on
let me guess individuals are responsible for climate change too, not the mega corps that polutes 100% more than me going to work on a car

>> No.15597748

Homosexuality is still a mental illness. It was only removed from the listing for political reasons. There was no scientific study done to justify its removal.
>it's just expression, it's just love, hurr ma durr nurrr
No, it's not. Your man butt fetish is not equal to procreative sex in marriage. Love isn't tolerating sick and wickedness and abomination and all the other destructive behaviors you were indoctrinated to believe were just fine in government schools. You should really go back to tumblr.

>> No.15597751

>burning wood
lmao what a retard. Burning wood is relatively pleaant. Burning trash on the other hand makes non-addicts gag for a reason.

>> No.15597758

No, you're just an angry gay smalltown boy.

>> No.15597762

>They can't just not hire all of us lmao
I guess you've never heard of the H1-B visa.

>> No.15597765

>completely ignoring what the prior generation tried very hard to force you to do
Leftists again reveal themselves to be the real bootlicking groupthinkers. What ever happened to "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"?
Nobody forced you to fall in lockstep with everybody else and go to college. Think for yourself. Literally not my fault you did exactly what (((they))) wanted you to do.
Have fun paying back your debt, with interest. I bet you'll trust the next piece of propaganda they put out too, won't you?

>> No.15597773

>If you hate them for trying it, that means you fell for it
No, I just have a conscience you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.15597775

Outlawing lsd/shrooms/weed and other psychedelics is peek boomer power trip. It has nothing to do with public health. It is obvious that putting in jail for lsd consumption is what destroy their life, not the actual consumption. Now that a good portion of boomers have let go of their lock on power, science is again possible on the topic, and people now realize that all the justifications for it were a big fucking lie.
And don't give me the 'I was not responsible'. In a democracy the people is responsible for the bullshit of the people they put in power. You had all the power to do something against this bullshit and you decided instead to let sociopathic politicians put young people in prison or life for choosing to consume psychedelic, something that humanity had done for thousands of years.

>> No.15597779

>believing all that dumb shit in 2021

>> No.15597781

I don't work in retail. I'm a licensed insurance agent. It requires zero college and I have a guaranteed job at basically any insurance agent in the country.
I took a two day class on property and casualty, and another two days of life and health training, went and took an exam, and got my license.

>> No.15597789

Principle's the same. You will get outgunned by your peers with college degrees. Especially when it comes for promotions or when you try to get a new job.

>> No.15597790

If my wife insists on getting the covid vaccine how many days does the policy have to predate her poor decision to still pay out?

>> No.15597800

Bet you work in a call center or as an LSP in an agency.

>> No.15597803

Meant for >>15597765

>> No.15597811

Dylan, scamming old people over the phone is not a career, and you exist to be the fall guy when the lawsuits roll in.

>> No.15597822

I don't know if the covid vaccine is covered. I mainly deal with health insurance in terms of income replacement if somebody is injured and unable to work or afford medical bills.
I'm sure it depends on your state and your insurance provider. I would assume 30 days, but every company/state is different.
Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer. I would be talking out my ass if I did.

>> No.15597842

Nobody forced you to listen to them.
>"Go to college."
>"Nah, I don't think I will."
>simple as
I actually went to community college for a year, and I realized it was a fucking racket. They were trying to charge me like $100 for a digital access code to an online textbook. Not even a physical book. Fuck that lmao

>> No.15597846

So realistically, how high in the insurance world do you think you can get without a degree?

>> No.15597857

They tried to, and exploited the trust their own children placed in them. That is a problem, no matter how much you want to meme and pretend you've got yours.

>> No.15597875

I have family in the insurance industry making $90k without a degree. I know people who have opened their own agencies without degrees.
Also, it's not just about insurance. My plan isn't to get rich from insurance. I'm just paying my bills and saving up right now. I want to get into real estate and rent houses to people. My dad never went to college either and he has three different rent houses. That's passive income. People pay him rent every month for doing nothing.

>> No.15597877

He has a sociopathic tendency and justify it by what the boomers did. Another thing that boomers fucked up. They abolished all morals, thinking that morality and decency was a thing of the past. It gives people like this anon.

>> No.15597884

My parents have supported my decision to drop out. We get along very well. They respect my right to do whatever I want as an adult. They wanted me to go to college at first and when I told them no, they respected my decision.

>> No.15597886
File: 76 KB, 1314x376, 1612233548606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die out...everyone hates you, picrel

>> No.15597892

Alright well best of luck with that. Report back in 5 years if you're not dead.

>> No.15597893

>My anecdotal evidence proves none of this ever happened, despite my prior acknowledgment it happened
You sure you didn't go to college? Because you argue like a freshman that's taken a single poli-sci class.

>> No.15597898

Frankly nobody cares about your own personal experience snwoflake. No amount of 'nooh I'm not a failure look at me' will prevent us from seeing the huge damages that boomers have done to humanity.

>> No.15597900

I miss being able to smoke in pubs

>> No.15597911

They're the only reason we have all these crazy theories today... The abolition of all traditional values was one of their 'greatest' achievment.

>> No.15597926

Nigga that's the problem with you fucking leftists. You preach about open-mindedness and rejecting the system, but you don't believe it. You all think in black and white. You all fall in lockstep with the system. You're not really about it.
>go to college
>get job
>pay bill
It doesn't have to be that way. There are legal, alternative ways to make money outside of the system. You don't have to be part of that. You will always be a wageslave because you're not a creative thinker. Rent property, play the stock market, start a small business, etc.
You don't have to work for somebody else. Think outside the box. Be creative and free.

>> No.15597934

I'm not a leftist, not a wageslave, and certainly not a fucking insurance broker or whatever shitty job you're so proud about kek. I just see bigger than my personal case, something that seems to be foreign to you. But you must be something like 21/22 I was like you at this age.

>> No.15597946

>rent property
hahahaha this is how I can tell you're not a landlord. Painting my rental cost me a month's rent. Remodeling the kitchen prior to renting cost me 1.5 years rent. The only way rental is going to be good for me is the pass through loss to my wageslave income.

>> No.15597950

I'm guessing you only have one property? The key is to have several.

>> No.15597952

Also I have two master's degree that I got for free because I'm not an amerithingie.

>> No.15597959

>make money outside of the system
>own several rental properties

Where do you get the money for multiple rental properties, but inside the system?

>> No.15597961

>I just see bigger than my personal case
>something that seems to be foreign to you
It's not. I wish I could tell more people. I think most people just aren't creative. They don't know there's a way outside of that. I wish I could share it with the world.

>> No.15597970

You're peek attention whore. You derailed the discussion on your personal case, it's not even relevant to anything that was discussed here. Just stop.

>> No.15597975

just be born wealthy gg ez

>> No.15598022

>Gender identity
Degenerates like you, _______ on a _____

Fill in the blanks.

>> No.15598029

people will still be believing it in 2041 and the years to come while you slowly rot away from AIDs

>> No.15598031

belong on a cock

>> No.15598063

You're the dumbest motherfucker. The point is that you happening to escape the shitty system doesn't excuse the shitty system existing, and when told that you being a special snowflake doesn't fix the greater problem you cry "leftists!" You're a hypocrite to your core and aren't capable of envisioning any life that isn't yours.

>> No.15598070

This was something I enjoyed a lot in Japan. Nothing comfier than propping up the bar with a beer and a cigarette after your meal.

>> No.15598079

I'm 35 and in France before laws were passed to forbid smoking in restaurants in a lot of establishments it was impossible to taste the fucking food due to the amount of smoke. Thank god it's over.

>> No.15598101

But muh ambience :[

>> No.15598110

i just assumed you were a lazy faggot who didnt work from the portrait of your life that you painted for us

>> No.15598120

ahah I'm also French and I'm remember my parents complaining all the time about smokers when they were taking the family to a restaurant. I'm glad this was banned.