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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15553584 No.15553584 [Reply] [Original]

Are hanging pot racks a meme? Not sure if its worth 50 dollars.

>> No.15553586

It's absolute memery.

>> No.15553613

>storing cookware is a meme

>> No.15553634

>set up table for dinner
>bang head on frying pan
>put plate down
>leftover spaghetti falls out of a hanging pot
>guess I'm eating this now
>leave omlette I spent 4 hours preparing in cast iron pan
>hang pan over the dinner table
>sit down at table
>hot omlette hits me in the face
at least I have somewhere to store my pots

>> No.15553640

They’re great but you have to be able to mount it. You will probably need to cut the ceiling open and build a mount for it, otherwise you have to live with wherever the studs are, and that will probably not be exactly where you want it.

>> No.15553642

This is totally incoherent, what? Why would you ever spend less than 8 hours making an omelet?


>> No.15553648

I like mine since I am tall and do not like bending down to grab a pan from some cupboard.

>> No.15553651

i was just going to put it into the ceiling studs above the sink and let it hand about 3-4 feet above the sink

>> No.15553656

Basically yes. Upper middle class white women get those to make their kitchens look like what they think a gourmet restaurant kitchen looks like. These only make sense over a restaurant floor you're going to be mopping every night before closing.

>> No.15553669

i dont mop every day but i do clean my space after using it. wipe down counters, sweep the floors, put all my stuff away. that sort of thing

>> No.15553673

Not a meme if you have a nice copper collection to show off

a bit of a meme if you're just gonna hang your $20-50 Walmart special pans.

>> No.15553676

theyre called joists

>> No.15553689

who cares, if i mount stuff to it it wont fall. all that matters

>> No.15553695

If you do it, make sure you get it professionally done or you know what you're doing. My parents have this and it has to stay balanced at all times because the guy they hired didn't mount it properly. So you can't take one pot off of one side without the whole thing tilting.

>> No.15553696

Did you hear about the house built by lesbian carpenters? There wasn't a stud in the place, it was all tongue-in-groove.

>> No.15553707

that has nothing to do with the method by which it was mounted and everything to do with the even distribution of loads
put all the heavy shit between the chains and the lighter stuff cantilevers on the ends and it wouldn’t be a problem

>> No.15553708 [DELETED] 

you will never pass as a woman

>> No.15553719

The pans which don't get used at least every other day will be full of dust and fat, making it necessary to clean them before every use. Not really usefull.

>> No.15553722

I don’t get the hanging pot rack meme unless it’s placed up against a wall. This above a kitchen island thing seems dumb. Why limit your view of your kitchen?

>> No.15553741

As pictured it's terrible. I have a hard, tiled wall in my kitchen which I hang my pots and pans against, but even then only small ones.
Sometimes people hang their pots above their stove, which just steams them in grease and starchy water all day long.

>> No.15553747

Pics pls

>> No.15553802
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>> No.15553828


>> No.15553877
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At least stay on topic, schizo-kun

>> No.15553908

wouldnt you just put stuff there you use often?

>> No.15553949

Well, I mostly us one pan and two pots. Everything else gets used less than weekly, mostly even much rarer. And I doubt most people use more pots and pans on a daily. It's mainly used for aesthetics by most people. I mean if you're not a line cuck, it's not too much of a hassle to just open a cabinet and take it out when you need it.

>> No.15553958

Tat is about the stupidest position that rack could have been put in. It's too low. Much too low.

>> No.15553996

start by regularly making your own bread. you will use more of your things and you will save money and have better stuff than and your local goymart

>> No.15554008

I already bake my own, just did today. All I need is a single big bowl and depending on the brad a baking dish. Not using a kitchenaid also makes it a nice workout. The most dishes I use for a meal are prolly from making homemade pierogi, which frying the onios, chopping stuff, aking the dought, using glasses for cut outs and a fork for closing, another big pot for boiling and than a pan for frying. Still not that much dishes afterwards.

>> No.15554027

yeah but it’s literally shooped into that picture just to sell a product