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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15523506 No.15523506 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you own one?

>> No.15523516
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Why don't you own one?

>> No.15523517

I’m white, wish I had one because me and my parents are not very good at making rice

>> No.15523520

I have four pressure cookers

>> No.15523526

Why not just purchase one then?

>> No.15523527

Oops, sorry, thought it was another Instant Pot thread; carry on

>> No.15523562


>> No.15523665

Because I have a pot and a stove, not room for boomer garbage.

>> No.15523676

I only make rice every once in a while and I don’t need this thing cluttering up my already full kitchen
If I was Asian and ate rice with every meal then I’d probably get one

But the only time I really make rice is when I sexually dominate Asian (usually Chinese) women I meet online or at Asian grocery stores using a series of BDSM sex toys including, ropes, handcuffs, a leather whip, blindfolds, and a buttplug if they are freaky enough (which they typically are)
So I don’t really need a rice cooker for this, although it would be nice I would only use it like 3-4 times a month the next morning whenever I’m done with a Chinese or Korean girl I met at Hmart

>> No.15523686

I make rice maybe once a month, not worth it.

>> No.15523705

I do and I love it, we eat rice frequently

>> No.15523713

The only right answers in this thread.

>> No.15523720

rice is poor people food. if you eat it a lot then you're probably poor.

>> No.15523731

Because it’s a useless appliance that produces worse rice than a pot on a stove.

Of course I’m only referring to a shitty rice maker like the one in OP’s pic. A good rice maker is well worth it.

>> No.15523747
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I don't have rice often enough and it's easy enough for me to just use a pot on the stove. Dishes I make where rice is the base can't be made in a rice cooker either.

>> No.15523758

I use an Air Fryer for my rice

>> No.15523761
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Based and oxygenpilled

>> No.15523768

i always forget i have one. i don't think there is anything easier than making rice. it's literally one extra step over boiling water.

>> No.15523779

Just go to your local thrift store or goodwill. I got mine for just under $10, used goodwill appliance. Works wonders.

>> No.15523782

In my small flat where I only cook meal to meal I don't think it would be worth it.

>> No.15523789

Mine always burned the rice. Aren’t these used specifically so you can’t fuck up the rice?

>> No.15523815

If yours burned the rice, you didn't add the proper amount of water, or you got something so cheap and garbage tier that it just failed and sucked to begin with.

If you eat rice multiple times per week, a Zojirushi, tiger, or similar high quality rice cooker will be worth your money.

>> No.15523848


I do own one, its a Zoji though.


I'm not broke and when I cook my meals, they're usually relatively involved so its easier to set and forget the rice until all the other parts of the dish are complete.

>> No.15523873

>its a Zoji though.
based, Micom, IH, or all 3?

>> No.15523897

>Instant Pot
now that you said it, an Instant Pot can function as a rice cooker, too.

>> No.15523912

Sorta, they really aren't great with rice though. Most people who compare them to dedicated ones like a zojirushi come out saying it just isn't the same.

>> No.15523923

i don't need one

>> No.15524043

Thanks for the tip :)

>> No.15524053

>me and my parents are not very good at making rice
You literally just fry the rice in a little bit of oil for a minute then add three volumes of water for each volume of rice and cook until the water evaporates.

>> No.15524062

Can you tell me how to make it sticky?

>> No.15524078

sticky rice is labeled glutinous or sweet rice.
You don't make sticky rice from jasmine, basmati, etc.

>> No.15524118

Because I don’t need a machine to perform a simple function.

Read this >>15505851

>> No.15524332

I want to replace my cheapo b&d cooker but seems like such a waste to spend $100 on a rice cooker even if I use it every other day. Only thing I dislike about the cheap one is the bottom layer is always crusted as fuck

>> No.15524378

Stop making threads and replying to yourself.

>> No.15524718

Instant pot is objectively better. You can make rice (not as good but still decent) and a fuck ton of other foods. Absolutely love mine

>> No.15524763


>> No.15524817

Stop being a schizo.

>> No.15524846

i eat rice twice a month

>> No.15525002

That’s nice for you, but I already have four pressure cookers so I will continue to use them for my pressure cooking

>> No.15525018

Okay I’ll bite
Why the fuck do you have four pressure cookers

>> No.15525044

i do it's nice

>> No.15525056
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I do have one, but not a Ricardo.
I'm not entrusting my white rice to a guy named Ricardo.

>> No.15525064
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I just think they’re neat. I used to have 5, and I really only use like two regularly.

The matte one got it’s finish ruined because it was put in the dishwasher, so that is my priority to replace.

>> No.15525067

I've used this exact model. It's shit

>> No.15525080

It's fine if you've never had great rice. It'll cook the rice and make it edible.

>> No.15525109
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>> No.15525110

I think I'll start rinsing my rice
I've never done it before but I'm getting sick of cleaning the starch out of my pot

>> No.15525128

If you eat rice only 1-3 times a week, it isn't necessary. It's easy to cook in a pot.
If you want to buy a gadget or you eat rice a lot then it can be worth it. But don't get a instant pot/pressure cooker one: way harder to manage the texture of the rice, and also the rice often sticks. get a nice cheap chinese rice cooker.

>> No.15525135

That ain't why people wash rice. They wash it because there could be dirt in it. It is mostly psychological. Starch is what makes the rice nice.

>> No.15525139

I only wash when making white, perfect for fried rice the next day

>> No.15525144

Sticky-ass rice does not make the rice nice

>> No.15525150

Lol no, it's washed to remove excess startch that would make your rice cooker clog faster and can cause clumping and scorching in severe cases.

>> No.15525164

How is the sex anon?
Maybe fuck more Chinese immigrant bitches so you’ll have to invest in a rice cooker

>> No.15525222

I put rice in a big microwave bowl, fill it with 3x water to rice cups, cook 9 minutes, stir, cook 2 minutes.

>> No.15525247

how do you fuck slopes? there's some kind of meme about they love white men (applies to non-white women in general) but my personal experiences show that ethnics are inscrutable and white girls are way, way easier. Tips for access to the sideways pussy?

>> No.15525284

Not that anon, but if you’re only wanting sexy-fun-time with one, just find your nearest Asian massage parlor.

>> No.15525288

i want a jap girl to smother me with her butt, which isn't something usually sold by massage parlors

>> No.15525337

I’m the guy you responded to and idk I think the “Asians want white guys” thing is a meme, there are Filipino and viet women who are obsessed with finding a white guy so they can get a green card and that’s where I think the stereotype comes from.
To be honest the reason I like Asian girls is because my first gf and the girl lost my virginity when I was 18 to was a Chinese international student who was a freshmen in college who I met on tinder. She broke my heart and while I see now she’s a whore and a shitty person I kinda developed a Chinese/Asian fixation. There are some white guys obsessed with Asians who say Asian girls are “submissive” or “docile” which I think is total bs, honestly I also find intelligent women really hot and a lot of Asian girls are forced by their parents to be super studious, but many of them aren’t submissive as the stereotype suggest (except maybe in bed), but I like a more independent girl. I try to distance myself from the usual faggots who like Asian girls because of their cringe obsession with a false narrative
That being said as a tall white guy it would be easier to get an Asian gf if I was Asian, but it is MUCH HARDER to get an Asian gf if you’re black or middle eastern. That being said I think another reason white guys seem to have better luck is because many Asian guys are insecure and awkward when it comes to dating. But if an Asian guy had my confidence and experience with women then it would be ez.
Keep in mind I live in nyc and there’s tons of Asian immigrants, I don’t really fuck with Asian Americans, and as for jap women I’ve only known one Asian American jap girl I used to be fwb with, she was a slut but had big ass titties and a fat ass for an Asian girl. I think jap women are more common on the west coast

>> No.15525344

i've had friends who explicitly only date white men.

>> No.15525346

not a meme, my tinder matches prove it
in japan I'll get 30 matches an hour at least
in the USA I get like 2 a week

>> No.15525354

Then plan a trip to Tokyo.
There aren’t a ton of red-light establishments that will cater to westerners, but there’s more than enough for you to find what you want.
>t. Had a Japanese woman old enough to be my mom ride me hard while calling me “good ritter boy”, occasionally choking me while doing so and then spitting in my mouth when I gasped for air.

>> No.15525358

god i wish that were me

>> No.15525371

Cup of rice in pot. cover with water until some rice on the top layer is just starting to float. Put on high an wait till rolling boil. Cover, put heat to as low as possible. Wait 10-12 minutes. quick, good rice.

>> No.15525546

i don't eat rice because buckwheat and bulgar wheat are better, and even if i did i wouldn't be such a lazy cunt as to have a device specially designed to cook it when i own pots.

>> No.15525624

This is because girls living in Asian countries wanna try a foreign guy since they aren’t so common.
But most (most) Asian girls who live in the west are so used to there being tons of white guys that they don’t give a fuck

>> No.15525646

I don't eat rice much, and what times I feel inclined to, microwaveable instant-rice in a pyrex seems to do a good-enough job.
If I ate rice more often I probably would, but then if I cared more about driving I might have a BMW instead of a Hyundai.

>> No.15525677

I only eat instant rice at home and it literally takes 3 minutes, so that machine is superfluous.

>> No.15526144

I don't trust these teflon-coated plastic shitters. Everyone knows the deal with teflon, but on top of that the smell of the plastic body heating just can't be any good either. I'll stick to my 100% steel pot.

>> No.15526205

I'm in the market for one after destroying my rice steamer last night.

>> No.15526268

Do you think azns are more or less racist towards melanated folks than caucazoids?

>> No.15526300

Assuming you’re talking about people in Asian counties, wayyy more racist
Literally in Japan if ur black and u sit down on the train next to someone people will get up and move and nobody will sit next to you, there’s actually a term for this.
In Korea if you are black they just won’t let you in to most high end nightclubs, and if u complain about it online and use the clubs name the will sue you

>> No.15526326
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don't really have a reason to replace my "shitty american" one that has been used every day for the past 8 years that I got at walmart with an expensive Japanese one if it just works desu

>> No.15526461

Nice LARP, you definitely own a rice cooker.

>> No.15526465

Because I'm not a child and know how to cook

>> No.15526879

Never expected to see a kitchen appliance named Ricardo.

>> No.15527872

>used cooking appliances
how do you clean them?

>> No.15527903

>had big ass titties and a fat ass
post pics

>> No.15528162

well sure. my friends and I make the distinction between asian girls and asian american girls
asian american girls are basically white. We mean asian asians are the ones after the MWC (medium white cock)

>> No.15528180

You can say I don't need one without trying so hard or being condescending
T. I don't need one either but I'm not a faggots who needs to feel big on an anonymous forum

>> No.15528206

One time I got one with a steaming tray and for some reason I thought you had to put the rice in the steaming tray and fill up the water to make rice, took nearly 2 hours to make the rice barely edible and filled up the water 4 times.

>> No.15528208

Is it really that hard to read a manual?

I'm not saying you need to read it fully, or keep it to read later. But at least give it a glance before using it for the first time
Get a BASIC idea of how the device functions and it's proper use.

>> No.15528211

I cook rice maybe twice a year. When I do, a pot is just fine.

>> No.15528214

I'll be honest I gave it a look over to see how much water to use per measurement of rice, it shouldve tipped me off when I first opened it and the rice was undercooked as hell but for some reason I tunnel visioned on the steamer tray and forgot that you gotta boil rice and have it absorb the water

>> No.15528251

No need for it. Haven't seen any demons in years.

>> No.15528364

cus i know how to cook

>> No.15530053

BiB master race

>> No.15530955

You could make some "sticky" rice by adding water while it's cooking and accidentally fuck up your rice
>t. retard

>> No.15531098

I bet you own an air fryer too you fag

>> No.15531164

you think an air fryer is on the same tier as a rice cooker?

Jesus some of you uneducated white people really are fucking retarded.

>> No.15531257

It is.

>> No.15531267
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Delusional whiteboi

>> No.15531275

Syaro can't even afford a rice cooker. Besides, I couldn't care less what a nonwhite person thinks of me