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15483730 No.15483730 [Reply] [Original]

Why does fish have to be so expensive? Paying $7+ just for one meal's worth

>> No.15483742
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>every body wants fish
>fish all die
>no more fishies

>> No.15483751

Go fishing.

>> No.15483768
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Just bought 3 stuffed salmon fillets at $14.99/lb.

>> No.15483771


>> No.15483781
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Fish don't have feelings.

>> No.15483892
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Unless it's blue fin tuna or chili and sea bass, you shouldn't pay more than $6 per pound of fish

>> No.15483898

>Chili and sea bass

>> No.15483976

Yes chili and South American sea bass that usually comes from Argentina, is a famous dish

>> No.15484884

If it was wild caught it's literally hunting an animal - albeit on a humongous scale - using specialized equipment and crews and fuel cost.

Wild caught anything takes more effort. Farmed fish is slightly cheaper but not by much because farmed fish still need huge nutrition inputs they'd otherwise get from the wild. We don't have corn plantations the size of Texas feeding fish the way we do with cattle. It costs a lot of money.

>> No.15484889

The fishermen here go on strike whenever their catch is sold at less than $6/lb, they physically cannot make profit at that rate.

>> No.15486254

everybody always talks about lab grown beef and chicken but when are we gonna start doing lab grown fish and seafood? shit's already way too expensive as is and lab growing might mean less mercury content in the meat. but i don't know for sure because i'm not a scientits

>> No.15486262

Enjoy that price, because it's probably going to get more expensive as dumb fucks overfish the ocean depleting populations.
>b-but muh farmed fish
Enjoy eating fish that are fed the cheapest shit who bioaccumulates more toxins than wild fish.

>> No.15486266

>Enjoy eating fish that are fed the cheapest shit who bioaccumulates more toxins than wild fish.
Don't they accumulate less because the don't live as long as most wild fish?

>> No.15486268
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you're in luck, the most poverty ass $3.50/lb fish also happens to be the tastiest
wrap these buttery lil niggas in bacon and you're on a bullet train to flavor town

>> No.15486276

I can't speak for all types of farmed fish, but some like farmed salmon are more unhealthy to eat due to the shit tier food they are fed as well as containing PCBs, something to do with the fat which absorbs toxins.

>> No.15487173

Just eat tilapia

>> No.15487213


>> No.15487238

Because China is illegally fishing the world's oceans clean.

Also, supply and demand.

>> No.15487250

Or swai or pollack, both of which are $3-4/lb if you buy the 2-pound bag of IQF filets from the freezer case.

>> No.15487260
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>> No.15488396

>salmon here is fucking $25 for a piece that does maybe one meal
ironic part is i'm on a fucking island next to a lake and fish is still a rich person dish.

>> No.15488420

Why don't you tell me since you keep posting this same thing every few days like a fucking moron.

>> No.15488426

Some people work a lot for their money, maybe you're just a cunt consigned to minimum wage.

>> No.15488428

Ironic part is that you're retarded and blame others for your problems.

>> No.15488436

Fuck you

>> No.15488437

Another idiot blaming others for his problems. Get over yourself you sack of shit and I'm not Jewish.

>> No.15488445

Why do you suckers blame jews for your own problems?

>> No.15488449

Easy scapegoat for the last few millennia

>> No.15488455

Yeah, pretty lame that is.

>> No.15488480

>$15 fishing license
>As much fish as you want for an entire year

Go outside zoom zoom.

>> No.15488496


okay kikes whatever you say

>> No.15488511

supply and demand nibba

>> No.15488529

How do you really think that $7 for a meal is expensive? Even at minimum wage $7 for a meal is next to nothing. What are you, some kind of stupid cheap bastard?

>> No.15488538

I already told you, and not that it's a problem, I'm not jewish.
Maybe you're a dumb cunt with an axe to grind but that's not me.
What is your major malfunction?

>> No.15488546

Explain yourself you stupid shit, you can't afford $7 for a meal?