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15474951 No.15474951 [Reply] [Original]

which country has the most functional chopsticks?

>> No.15474974

>Melamine plastic
Do they eat them afterwards like those rabbit candies?

>> No.15474981

It depends on what you're eating and how you eat it. For example, the Japanese eat by lifting the bowl up with free hand, which is where shorter chopsticks excel, and they eat every grain of rice, which the fine tips helps with. Koreans don't do these things, they don't autistically eat every single grain so they don't need the fine tips, and they don't lift their bowls and wind up needing to reach across the table a bit more, so longer chopsticks help. Their flat tips and medium length help when you're grabbing bigger things like bits of samgyeopsal.
Basically, ultimately there is no best. But China's chopsticks are the worst because China fucking sucks.

>> No.15474987
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>they eat every grain of rice
when i drink a glass of water, i drink every milliliter

>> No.15475006

Seriously, it's rude in Japan to leave behind a grain of rice in your bowl.

>> No.15475013
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koreans also readily use spoons so they just scoop up the remains

>> No.15475023

Korean don't eat every grain. They toss it in the food trash where it gets recycled when it's turned into food for livestock.

>> No.15475029

Koreans prefer silver based on the antiseptic properties. If they are such, that would be the ideal.

>> No.15475034

oh, i thought you were saying that they pick up every grain of rice and eat it 1 grain at a time, like that joke where westerners only eat long grain rice that isn't sticky and they think the only rice there is, is long grain so they don't understand how you eat rice with chopsticks because you'd have to pick it up grain by grain.

>> No.15475043
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>Koreans prefer silver based on the antiseptic properties.
No, that's brass. Silver was used by royalty because it could allegedly detect poison by changing color.

>> No.15475047

its copper with the sterilising effect

>> No.15475049

No. Japanese eat rice by chopsticks and eat every last grain, but not one by one. Koreans eat rice with a spoon and don't ever really finish it to be honest. I knew a Korean dude who said it was rude to finish your rice because you "had to leave a bit for your brother" but he's the only person I've ever heard to say that so who the fuck knows.

>> No.15475056
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No, Koreans use brass traditionally.

>> No.15475065

>because it could allegedly detect poison by
Wanted to say that specifically, but it's a little autist and wouldn't expect people to know it so dumbed it down. Regardless, silver, as well as gold and copper, also have antiseptic properties. And brass, being a copper compound was used as such also.
Supposedly the move from brass door mountings to stainless in hospitals is related to the increase in bad bacteria in those places.

>> No.15475078

Brass, copper, and silver all have a sterilizing effect. Koreans used brass chopsticks (놋젓가락) and the royalty used silver chopsticks (은젓가락) like >>15475043 said. Copper chopsticks weren't a thing in Korea.

>> No.15475080
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i've heard about this thing in japan or maybe it's korea, idk, but they have those grill places where you get some raw meat and you grill it yourself however you like. it's seen as rude to be the person who takes the last piece of meat because it's greedy so when you're done and the waiter comes to take the stuff away it's common for there to be one piece of meat left that i guess gets thrown away and wasted for no reason other than cultural autism. there's this other thing in russia and some middle easter places too if i'm recalling correctly where people go back and forth offering each other tea and neither of them accept it because it's like, if you accept someone elses tea then you're their bitch and the goal is to make the other guy your bitch.

>> No.15475089

Cool reading about copper and brass in medical setting.

>> No.15475100

In Korea, the oldest guy at the table tells you to eat the last piece and you say "sorry I'm full, you have it" and it gets either eaten by the oldest guy or chucked.

>> No.15475114

Copper and other similar metals used to be commonly used in like medical and cooking settings for like thousands of years by so many civilizations, and only fell out of common use because cheaper solutions presented themselves.

>> No.15475132

Am a hafu raised on Japanese style chopsticks, am super proficient at it, can autistically eat every single grain and crumb with them but because their style is so different from the other chopsticks, I look like a moron with any other chopsticks, especially metal or non-needle point styles

>> No.15475151

Jap is best. I don't like the metal ones.

>> No.15475154

>Koreans eat rice with a spoon and don't ever really finish it to be honest. I knew a Korean dude who said it was rude to finish your rice because you "had to leave a bit for your brother"

China has a similar taboo, but their reasoning is hospitality. If you finish all your rice it means your host didn't serve you enough food, so it is an indirect insult.

>> No.15475163

It is, it's me the hafu again (nisei btw). Those are all true, cleaning your plate by eating everything is good practice, it's not exactly rude to not clean the whole meal but it sends the message that the meal wasn't delicious and we take A LOT of pride in our cooking. If anything, eating like a starving animal is a good thing for us, makes us feel our meal is loved and taking seconds makes the person who cooked the meal feel honored. We're weird

>> No.15475170

They do. It's tradition for the entire family after dinner to eat the sticks while staring off into the yellowish-grey, smoggy, horror movie-like apocalyptic sunset.

>> No.15475172

A Korean once told me his dad would make him finish every grain by saying each one he left in the bowl was another pimple on his future wife's face, so I question that.

>> No.15475177

Another that popped up in my head is soba, in most other cultures slurping is considered rude but not Japanese culture, make sure to slurp your soba. Not obnoxiously loud but the right amount, balance is key

>> No.15475188

Maybe his dad is just a cunt.

>> No.15475192

his dad should have said every grain you leave is a load i'll leave in your ass

>> No.15475207

I've heard that before. That's an old Chinese superstition.
Not saying a Korean can't follow a Chinese superstition, just that it's not really a thing in Korea.
>It is not considered rude to not finish every grain of rice, so don’t feel pressured. Eat what you’re comfortable eating and no more.

>> No.15475215

Nah, you really don't have to eat all your rice in Korea. If you do, they'll just give you more rice until you stop. And really, it's not a great idea because Koreans tend to eat after meals, so you don't want to fill up on rice at dinner and then after they bring out a bunch of fruit or somebody wants to have tteokbokki or something. This is especially true if you're drinking, you're basically going to have three or four meals that night.

>> No.15475266

>Nah, you really don't have to eat all your rice in Korea
Eating all your rice is mainly a Buddhist thing of not wanting to waste. So in Japan it's big, but also with Indians.
But Korean is not as predominant as other religions, so not as pushed culturally.

>> No.15475276

Korean chopsticks feel like a practical joke. They just don't work. All other materials are fine.

>> No.15475290
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They work, you have to hold them such that the flats curve with your hand and thumb.

>> No.15475296
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But in Korea, food waste is recycled, so it's not truly wasted.

>> No.15475305

I don't think his dad wanted him to starve

Fair enough, I just remembered it and knew he was Korean

>> No.15475312

Korean chopsticks are annoyingly short and slippery.

>> No.15475340

I've never had a problem with chopsticks in Korea.

>> No.15475358
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>Korean chopsticks feel like a practical joke. They just don't work. All other materials are fine.
All Koreans and their ancestors looking at you...

>> No.15475363

it pangs me to say it, but chinese melamine

>> No.15475368

how the hell are you supposed to pic up wet noodles out of soup with metal chopsticks that don't even have grooves? that's like eating ramen with only a spoon, it makes no sense.

>> No.15475407

Did their ancestors die of liver toxicity?

>> No.15475420

japanese otemoto is most kawaii desu

>> No.15475430
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>how the hell are you supposed to pic up wet noodles out of soup with metal chopsticks that don't even have grooves?
You must have a poor sense of balance. As a kid, out of boredom, I would pick ice out of my water glass. At one point, I actually caught a fly with them. Kind of cool and disgusting at the same time, no lie.
Maybe learn to eat slower and take your time with food. Don't rush to scoop it in your mouth.

>> No.15475510

As some one who can use all chop sticks.
Easy and most comfortable is Chinese and Vietnamese
Japanese and comfortable but you got to be decent with them or at least more accurate with were you grab stuff.
Korean are shit. They work but they only sit in the hand comfortability one way that is not always the best angle to pick food up but they do still work.

If any one wants to know how to learn just eat peanuts with chopsticks like all Asian kids did when waiting for food to come out in the restaurant.

>> No.15475564

i can't fucking stand korean chopsticks. too goddamn slippery and uncomfortable to hold.
chinese and viet chopsticks are almost identical and good. never used nip sticks before.

t. viet

>> No.15475580

Joke's on him, she had pretty bad acne during puberty

>> No.15475586
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almost ALWAYS the retards congregate in chopsticks threads to sour grape on metal chopsticks.
just how fucking HARD could it be for you imbeciles?

>> No.15475767

For me, it's the Chinese style.

>> No.15476078

It's not the material, it's the flat shape that makes it hard to use. I use metal jap chipsticks

>> No.15476166

Wow you're so cool!

>> No.15476187

Yeah, the two countries I grew up in are SK and Japan, and Koreans in general are much more autistic about "finishing every grain" than Japanese are. But probably more importantly, old people in both countries say that shit, and for the most part young people in general don't give a crap.

>> No.15476251

Just use a fucking fork. This isn't the 10th century, we have better tools to use with common jobs. Not a single thing a chopstick can do better than a fork except sticking it in a young boys ass.

>> No.15476628


>> No.15477218

They just suck at using chopsticks so they blame the metal and say it's "too slippery."

>> No.15477224

bruh it's not the material, it's the shape.

>> No.15477404

retard here, can confirm

>> No.15477724

b-bbut muh kawaii sugoi choppustikkus senpai T___T

>> No.15477764

weebs would call them hashi

>> No.15477848


>> No.15478022

viet chastics are the way and the truth and the light. if you try to give me anything else i'll jap em through your throat

>> No.15478038

All of them are useful and practical except the Korean ones. They are the most ridiculous ‘let’s be different for the sake of being different’ idea.

>> No.15478061
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>which country has the most functional chopsticks?

>> No.15478072

I prefer the japanese style because as a gaijin I like to stab larger food items then fiddle with shifting my grip.

Beyond that surely they all function the same?

>> No.15478184
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Yes. Yes I am!

>> No.15478252
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I lived in Japan for years so I'm most comfortable with Japanese chopsticks, but I spent over a week in Korea and didn't have any particular trouble with their metal chopsticks other than them feeling too heavy.

>> No.15478266

doing the dishes in korea seems like a pain

>> No.15478269

Cuz they gay as shit. Otherwise they’d be used outside dog-eating land.

>> No.15478280
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Japan ain't so different in that regard

>> No.15478318
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and don't forget to wear gloves

>> No.15478345

>taking seconds makes the person who cooked the meal feel honored

Good thing their portion sizes are so small. I picked random shit off the menu when I was in Tokyo and I always placed a second order of the things I really liked.

>> No.15478371

These appear to be angled the wrong way, how are you supposed to use them?

>> No.15478443

Have you never seen a clothespin before?

>> No.15478498

What I gotta ask is, how do you use that shit with hot surfaces without getting the chopsticks thermally conducting heat and getting too hot? I've used a metal spoon while cooking with a frying pan before and it got too hot.

>> No.15478501

I feel the same way, except for sushi. I was enraged when I heard you're supposed to eat it with your hands, the one fucking place where chopsticks make sense.

>> No.15478504

No you're not supposed to. It might have been that way centuries ago but not anymore.

>> No.15478608

superior Anglo prefer throw away wood ones over all others. K wife uses chopsticks like a child and I get compliments for using them correct. I think a lot of the asian food culture autism is overblown. No Koreans do not care if you stick chopsticks in rice standing up like incense. No koreans wont eat a grain of rice that fell on the floor in dog shit. The grandpas will eat the dog though. Fun fact they say europeans used chopsticks for thousands of years too, recently spoon and knife then even more recent the fork.

>> No.15478819
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exactly what im saying mi hombre

>> No.15478918

>Fun fact they say europeans used chopsticks for thousands of years too
europes ate by hand or with a knife. fork wasn't popular until about the 1700s, previously considered faggy and delicate.

>> No.15479131

>No matter what type, I can only properly hold the sticks with my thumb, middle and ring fingers.

>> No.15479231

Lao chopstick number one