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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 834 KB, 778x837, beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15474342 No.15474342 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15474358

It'll cost like $100 a burger so no.

>> No.15474362

Doesn't this thing has many strogens?

>> No.15474368

sure why not

but currently it is crazy expensive and flavourless
however, the technology is still in the early stages.

it was $100 000 for a burger only a few years ago (eating a research burger)

the planet needs this, the sad part is the future will have 50/50 plant based "meat" and lab meat food

>> No.15474369
File: 345 KB, 744x368, aleph-farms-lab-grown-meat-space-mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not soy plant meat. Its stem cell grown and has space implications.

>> No.15474376

You're real dumb my friend
real dumb

>> No.15474382

If they could bring the cost down to where they were significantly cheaper than real meat, yeah, I could see people switching. Until then, fuck it.

>> No.15474389

>If they could bring the cost down to where they were significantly cheaper than real meat,

That will happen,
not sure exactly when but its coming

>> No.15474397

For sure if it was cheaper than real beef & had the same taste + texture. Once it's a mature technology I'm sure it will be better than natural even.

>> No.15474403


>> No.15474408

Well I hope so but I think it's more likely they'll just jack up the prices of real meat by putting a ton of taxes on it, which is a real shitty way to go about it.

>> No.15474431

It will be a combination of both
The demand for meat keeps going up and we're clearing a crazy amount of land (like the rainforest) for cattle and other animals.

meat prices have to go up because population is going up and the planet is full.

maybe we'll go all soylent..... solve two problems at once

>> No.15474505
File: 82 KB, 1024x819, 1611688789768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Beef for Rothschild types
Lab Grown for midlevel plebs
Soylent for the poorest
There will be a blending between the 3 if you're higher or lower in your class.

>> No.15474525

This is like watching two children argue which power ranger is strongest.
You clearly don’t understand anything about supply chain management.
I’m embarrassed for you.

>> No.15474528
File: 302 KB, 1269x876, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't taste the same without some animal fat.

>> No.15474649

Can't they just do the same for fat and whatever else they need for flavor? Btw won't they use a specific cow or something w good meat genetics?

>> No.15474668

Well, when it does, I think that's probably where the entire industry will go outside of like hunters or something.

>> No.15474676

Yes under these conditions
-as good as beef
-as cheap as beef
-as healthy as beef

>> No.15474681

What do you think?

>> No.15476344

They forgot to add the part where they use fetal bovine serum from a tortured calf fetus to feed the cell biopsy.

You literally need to kill like 2 or more cows for like 4 oz of meat.

Meanwhile 1/4 of a cow died and has been feeding me since august.

>> No.15476373

>Would you cook w this?

>> No.15476394
File: 610 KB, 602x455, 1404173359423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if a large number of jews would eat it.

>> No.15476417

>”meat” cultured by literal Israelis

>> No.15476457

I can literally go out a few months ago when it was warmer and shoot a woodchuck with a 5c .22 bullet, get a free onahole for one time use and eat for three days.


>> No.15476595

I feel like it would be easier to just farm cows.

>> No.15476625

This terrifies me more about the future than anything else,the increased price of decent food

>> No.15476630

What is a woodchuck?

>> No.15476633

ground beef sure, but its a lot harder to mimic the structure of a full steak

>> No.15476646

Yes but it's completely pointless because it needs to be grown in basically either cow's blood or amniotic fluid. Also how do you put a glass petri dish under tension? How do you make fat marbling? At best we can make sausages, tendies, and jerky right now. If we could grow a marbled steak, we'd be growing people spare hearts and kidneys first.

>> No.15476652

Altavista is your friend.

>> No.15476662

I would never take pharmaceutical drugs.

>> No.15476716

Yeah,even an humanistfag like me comprehends that meat is quite more complicated than simple muscle fibres

>> No.15476745

What makes you think they can't grow the muscle fibers etc into a real steak's structure?

>> No.15476776

You do realize that farm lobby exists and meat has lower tax than the general sales tax is basically everywhere on earth?

>> No.15476778

>the planet needs this
The planet needs third world breeder countries to be culled or dragged kicking and screaming into the present age. A vast majority of issues involving population growth are restricted to a handful of cultures. Why the fuck should I have to eat artificial or soy burgers just because a hundred million Muhammads were encouraged to take fifty brides and treat them all like baby factories?

>> No.15477304

If it's good and cheap then sure. Not gonna go on about muh crazy chemicals and shit when I am already drinking myself to an early grave.

>> No.15477312

>the planet needs this
no, what the planet needs is less fucking chinks, niggers and poo in loos.

>> No.15477324

One time use? Don't you have a refrigerator?

>> No.15477335

if it's cheaper and heavily regulated for safety, sure. better than the bugshit or soylent options, anyway

>> No.15477370
File: 64 KB, 480x600, 1610890805917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space implications

>> No.15477390

nixon actually called mission control in houston, and then they just patched the phone call into radio communications.

>> No.15477394

ok retard

>> No.15477402

Isn't it like eating tumor cells

>> No.15477408

>Patch a phone into radio comms

>> No.15477418

yes bro, you can literally hold up a phone to a microphone and it would work

>> No.15477419

>regular cells but icky because reasons

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.15477456

No, it wouldn't "bro" at least not to the point where it could be understood, you're a commslet so I'll let it slide

>> No.15477475

>he's too much of a brain brainlet to understand anything's possible
Listen kid, you're only making yourself look like an asshole here

>> No.15477501

Yes, I greatly look forward to this being a legitimate alternative. They have to figure out how to get natural fat deposits and impart the flavor that meat usually gets from an animal's diet, then they have to get the technology to scale so it's affordable. Once they do all that I would be more than happy to buy this instead of traditional meat. I would never give up meat but if we can take pain out of the equation while producing legitimate animal meat I'm all for that.

>> No.15477518

you will never be a woman

>> No.15477575

If it's indistinguishable from organic meat and is cost effective then why not?

>> No.15477584

Will it taste the same? Will it eventually become equivalent in price? Then sure by all means. But im not playing double for it.

>> No.15477589

Meat is already subsidized pretty heavily to make it cheaper, they might just start cutting those once lab-grown meat gets closer to a competitive price.

>> No.15477590

Are you saying that's a bad thing while implying you're somehow pro-capitalism?

>> No.15477592

Yes, if it was shown to be just as nutritious which I'm more concerned about than texture or flavor. Right now it's lacking a lot of things that real meat has and they're trying to spin that as a positive thing, which is worrying.

>> No.15477609

>ok retard
Damn, rabbi. You aren't even trying.

>> No.15477614

Based and redpilled
Muslims are destroying this world of its resources

>> No.15477667

Does the sign say "Sneed's feed and seed?"

>> No.15477851

Imagine being pro-capitalism

>> No.15477956

>the planet needs this
No, the planet needs less bugmen gooks

>> No.15477986


>> No.15478014
File: 60 KB, 474x360, 45647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once read a manga like this and then the meat mutated and started to eat the people.

>> No.15478237

Biomeat was fun

>> No.15478261
File: 725 KB, 847x777, 1610288019750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would raise my own cattle before I ate lab-grown pseudo-beef

>> No.15479485
File: 32 KB, 220x193, 1607188331499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no parasites
>no disease
>no pus
>no animal cruelty
>no worker cruelty
>consistent quality
>good for environment
>bad for T*son
I'll be the first in line.

>> No.15479574

If its promoted by celebrities, left wingers, Hollywood, the media, europeans, or the jews i won't go anywhere near it.

>> No.15479598

need a way to add fat to the mince for flavor

>> No.15480270


>> No.15480274

do you not know how phone tech works?
fucking retard liberal

>> No.15480406

Can they make pocket vaginas the same way?

>> No.15480577

>guys I took my first semester of econ you are all plebs
They are going to outlaw meat. Black markets for it will pop up that only the uber rich will be able to afford, think thousands of $ per steak

>> No.15480605

This is ethically and environmentally the way to go moving forward, but that means we're just going to fucking kill all the livestock we're keeping right now anyway kek

>> No.15480614

You're a moron lol

>> No.15480717

What I'm excited about is being able to taste panda ethically. What about rhino? Sure there's some Trex DNA around somewhere.

>> No.15482088

I hope to when it becomes affordable, as long as the end product is the same.

>> No.15482111

That doesn't work very well, it just ends up as pinky grey goo.

>> No.15482150
File: 349 KB, 1092x600, weird chcikemc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, why are you censoring tyson? Second, when you buy beyond burgers you literally are giving tyson money.

>> No.15482167

How is the supply chain for lab-grown meat any less harmful than just raising a fucking whole cow that has leather and other goods to be utilized from the slaughter?
The way idiots like you talk about lab meat you act like its fucking star trek and the technology is some magical meat printer that somehow doesnt require any less material to produce.
plus that meat still needs processed.

>> No.15482237

Why haven't we made lungs or livers before trying to do this crap?

>> No.15482250

Because it doesn't work atm.

>> No.15482475

>why are you censoring tyson?
Because fuck them.
>when you buy beyond burgers you literally are giving tyson money.
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with Beyond Burgers, retard.

>> No.15483524

this thread also has nothing to do with tyson, bitchtits. And if you think tyson isn't going to invest in fetal bovine serum meat if it becomes even the slightest bit profitable think again.

>> No.15483733

Will it give me Alzheimer's?