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File: 193 KB, 1096x1644, grilled-cheese-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15457847 No.15457847 [Reply] [Original]

i'll be having about 10 people over next weekend for a casual meetup. it doesn't really lend itself to presenting some tryhard gourmet dish but my vanity still demands i impress them. since in my country we don't make grilled cheese sandwiches/melts, i think serving some up would be pretty impressive.
but the only cooking methods i've seen online recommend you make them low and slow - low heat, long cooking time. of course this would work for the first pair of sandwiches but afterwards the pan would be too hot and the bread would cook much quicker than the time required for the cheese to melt so i'd just be serving crunchy bread with lukewarm cheese by the end of it.

is there a way to actually be able to present well toasted, crunchy sandwiches with a gooey inside to a crowd of people? i have a skillet, which is what i usually use for grilled cheese, but i also have a toaster oven, an actual oven and i'm willing to get one of those electric griddles too.

>> No.15457859
File: 87 KB, 700x522, make-lazy-grilled-cheese-sandwiches-your-toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say no more champ

>> No.15457874

I think gordy ramsey has a video about making grilled cheese

>> No.15457897

You could do it in the oven, like 350F/170C and preheat the baking sheet too, butter both sides of the bread, and flip them over after 5-10 minutes once the bottom has browned.

>> No.15457913

If you have a broiler (direct heating element on top of your oven) you should put cheese on one slice of bread and put them all under the broiler on a medium temp. Try to cover the bread over the edges so you don't get burnt bits.

Then, turn it down to low, and one by one assemble the grilled cheese and fry each side in your skillet with your fat of choice in a med-high heat.

If you were really lazy you could do the whole thing in the broiler all at once instead of frying at the end

>> No.15457924

If you do this your bread will probably go crunchy

>> No.15457927

Fry them one or two at a time in a skillet then put them in the oven to keep warm. The oven doesn't toast them right. You don't need to do them slow, it doesn't take that long to make them properly.

>> No.15457959

Just do what I do to make the most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches with literally no mess.

1. Toast two pieces of white bread (no multigrain shit that destroys mouth feel.

2. Butter one side of both bread pieces.

3. Get two kraft singles and put them on the buttered portion of toast.

4. Microwave for 25 seconds. Voila! Gooey, crispy grilled cheese without any pan mess.

>> No.15457961

> since in my country we don't make grilled cheese sandwiches/melts, i think serving some up would be pretty impressive.
in what country do two slices of bread and cheese inbetween impress people?
i didn't even know it had a name before going to this board

>> No.15458083
File: 164 KB, 811x1049, 917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll be having about 10 people over next weekend for a casual meetup.

>> No.15458099

Dude that was back in April lol. Xd

>> No.15458104

Why don’t you make a roast or pasta?

>> No.15458135

What do you mean? The death rate was half what it is now back in April.

>> No.15458157

Course it is. Just start them off in a pan til browned then put on a tray in the oven.

>> No.15458159

But that was when the supposed china flu lockdown happened. Its all over now, bars and restaurants are back open and my china buffet recently reopened. They give you a little glove but at least you dont have to wear masks anymore inside in my county.

>> No.15458163

You can get a cheap electric griddle for 20 bucks and it'll do the job more than good enough. You'll want to spread the butter on both sides beforehand, but you can probably put at least 8 sandwhiches on at a time, depending on the size of the griddle and the bread.

>> No.15458164

>my county.
What country?
Probably a shithole.

>> No.15458170

COUNTY not country idiot. USA.

>> No.15458174

oh yes! my country's such a shithole, even corona doesn't want to go there! :Д

>> No.15458185

So a shithole indeed.

>> No.15458194

amerimuttland's disfunction is coming to the whole world
none of you are safe

>> No.15458213

No, you should cook a meat dish for guests, not grilled cheese.

>> No.15458222

We literally created the china flu vaccine while you lazy fucks just waddle in shit and kill off your grandparents lol. USA still best! XD

>> No.15458229

you said the same thing in the peanut butter thread you sad little manlet

>> No.15458232

does the fact he said it in two threads mean he's wrong?

>> No.15458239

Yep. Willing to be its a country we as the USA holds up.

>> No.15458240

about being obsessed? no.

>> No.15458244

Get "brownie pan" (pan with lots of sides for baking brownies). Bake bread in pan, twice. Layer cheese between two sheets of bread that have been sliced in the shape of the pan. Butter pan. Cook.

Tell me how it turns out.

>> No.15458253

i suppose that depends on what you consider "holds up"
if you consider putting up billions of dollars into ngos which advocate for anti-social causes like homo-sexualism and minority crime, support, well then, you support my country for sure.

>> No.15458276

Your welcome. We are the most generous nation after all.

>> No.15458342

>you said the same thing in the peanut butter thread you sad little manlet
hehe that's wasn't me though

>> No.15458393

just buy a sandwich press. they shouldn't cost too much. most of them can do 2 sandwiches at a time. then just premake the sandwiches before the event

>> No.15458434

how do sandwich presses work in regards to grilled cheese? do you butter the bread slices or the sandwich press? doesn't the sandwich come out unevenly browned since the press will always clamp down harder on one side

>> No.15458443

Just use a pancake griddle if you have one, can fit like 4 sandwiches on that thing

>> No.15458525
File: 9 KB, 350x350, 71y18v7U5XL._AC_SS350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dude told me he used to quickly mass produce tasty grilled cheeses to sell in prison (with "extra" ingredients left over from his cafeteria job) by making the sandwiches, lightly buttering/salting both sides of the sandwiches, then putting the sandwiches between two sheet pans in the oven at about 350 until the cheese melted. If you have two metal pans to put your sandwiches between in your oven you could do the same, just dont burn yourself if you keep reusing the pans, and I'd probably hit both pans with cooking spray too

>> No.15458544

>making food for prisoners

Disgusting. They barely deserve gruel and stale bread. Fuck him.

>> No.15458570

What a cool post! Thanks for sharing, man

>> No.15458583

Np. Remember criminals are subhuman scum and good food should not be used on their worthless hides. Only the cheapest easiest thing available to barely keep them alive.

>> No.15458910

>mouth feel
Just suck a black fucking cock if you're so concerned with faggot shit like >mouth feel

>> No.15458980

This might actually work well for making a few sandwiches at a time.

I usually make 2 at a time using a big ass frying pan, with a cover. The cover keeps the heat in so that the cheese melts before the bread crisps too much or burns. I use the lowest setting of the large burner on my gas range; not really sure how to convert that to a standard temp. Trial and error to get your heat right. Wipe the pan with a paper towel between batches, remove the excess butter. This will stop some of the burning. Make your pan a consistent temperature before adding your first batch, and they should all come out equal if you time it.

If you want to make them tasty, be liberal with the butter. I don't butter the "inside faces" of the bread, just the outside. Butter both, place in pan, cover, flip when bottom is golden, remove when other side is also golden. Put the heat about as low as possible to accomplish this, especially if the cheese you're using is harder to melt. Point is to brown the buttery bread and melt the cheese, not to toast the bread.

Serve with a homemade dip sauce. This one's pretty good:
Sorry for the garbage blogpost of a recipe link but it's fairly decent for a quick, simple thing.

>> No.15459013

Make a shit load of toast and cool in a toast holder or on a wire rack, then assemble the sandwiches and bake them on a wire rack to melt the cheese. Key is to make sure they don't go soggy. You'll probably want to butter both sides too so the toast isn't all dry. Or alternatively just make them on the hotplate of your bbq if you have one.

>> No.15459058

This is how they used to make* grilled cheese sandwiches in amerischool cafeterias.

They are awful. The bread dries out very sadly.

If you're trying to make a large batch, pan fry them one or two at a time. The cheese does not have to be melted fully.
Put in oven on lowest setting to keep warm and finish melting the cheese.

*They probably still use this method, I just don't go to those cafeterias anymore.

>> No.15459110

This is probably the best idea. Just pre make them then reheat in the oven.

>> No.15459131

I hope you started saving up semen a week ago because it's going to go fast on so many grilled cheeses.

>> No.15459248

Jesus Christ, we should be wiped off the earth.

>> No.15459253
File: 226 KB, 2000x1333, grill cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15459259

- works just fine.
- the bread.
- no.

>> No.15459262

This works, provided you cover the sandwiches with a layer of aluminium foil for most of the cooking.

Make sandwiches, butter outsides of the bread.
Place on baking sheet, cover with foil.
Bake until time to flip over.
Remove foil and flip sandwiches, cheese should be melted by this time.
Leave the foil off until other side has been browned.

The trick is to avoid drying out the sandwich. You may have to experiment a little to get to the point where you know when the flip is required. The top uncooked slice will be a bit soggy at that point, because the foil has kept all the moisture in. However, during the browning of the second side, it will all even out.

>> No.15459268

You guys, grilled cheeses are fucking stupid. Get sandwich thins, some kraft cheese or whatever and put the cheese near the center and not so much on the outside. Then just put in the damned toaster.

>> No.15459278

Literally this.

I've switched to oven baking to melt the cheese and then a quick broil to toast the bread. Works better than a pan in my opinion.

>> No.15459404

We're working on it.

>> No.15459458


>> No.15459465

I work in food and we occasionally have to make fuck loads of grilled cheese.
Put all the bread in the pan or oven at once, with cheese on each slice. All the bread will brown at once, when they're ready make pairs with the breads. Outsides are done, cheese is melted. You can make a shit load at once this way.