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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15429465 No.15429465 [Reply] [Original]

I hate cooking, if I can't buy it pre-made or just throw it in the oven or microwave, I can't be bothered to make it. I can't stand having to just sit there and stare at the stove, let alone actually assemble any ingredients. I non ironically love sausages for example, the real ones the ones that are raw and you have to actually put them in a skillet or whatever. I can't bring myself to spend half an hour just doing nothing.

>just play on your phone anon
>go do something else
So the shit can burn?

What do
>t. got some hotdogs on the stove right now, and I can post easy knowing they will be ok

>> No.15429470

>To spend half an hour doing nothing
Well you can be cooking

>> No.15429473

Get a smoker. You can learn recipes and they become formulaic enough that you can do other shit while it cooks

>> No.15429481

Get a cutie girlfriend to hang out with you in the kitchen while you cook

>> No.15429496

Make stews/pot roast. You can make something pretty damn good basically just throwing everything into a pot and putting it in a low oven or low on the stove for a few hours

>> No.15429501

If you've an oven, make extensive use of it. Throwing a potato and some chicken with a basic herb rub on it for an hour will come out with a basic and solid dinner. It doesn't need to be premade, you can cook some delicious non-premade dishes without an oven. If you don't, look at soups, they're also decently fire and forget. The final option is to prepare multiple things and not just a single meal. If you're bored by doing a single thing, trying preparing something as dessert while you're making dinner.

>> No.15429511

Drink 3-4 beers while cooking. Makes the time fly

>> No.15429525

Cooking is never "stand there and watch"

>> No.15429526

Cooking is not an activity its a chore
viable options
i already have a drinking problem i need a break from the shit, just lost my fucking job over it

>> No.15429542

I used to be like you, you actually have to change your attitude and just be yourself
unless the plan is to go the rest of your life without eating, you'll have to cook, and since you have to cook, you can either dislike it (which you currently do, and which you can clearly tell sucks) or like it

>> No.15429562

You don't need to cook, in between Uber eats the deli department at the supermarket and the frozen food section your covered.

>> No.15429567

One of my life goals is not have a refrigerator and instead just have a cooler for various liquids, and buy 100% of the food I eat whether it be delivered or I go get it myself
In the mean time, this whole buying everything I eat thing is too fucking expensive, I'm poor, live with my mom, was in community college till corona robbed me of the fall semester and this one, and I just lost my pizza delivery job
not my personal blog but idc, call the jannies
what do i do with the deli department
frozen food is easy enough i guess

>> No.15429577

jesus christ can people really not go a half hour without a dopamine hit?

>> No.15429596

Damn you are a fucking loser that's why.
If you have 30min to spare you are not actively cooking, just throw some sausage on a pan and wait for to be done is not cook

>> No.15429599

Put an audiobook or podcast on.
Don't just "stand and watch", exactly no meal is made like that. Prep the next step, prep a side, or start cleaning up.

>> No.15429607

Stop being a fucking alcoholic. Then you can try to find joy in simple tasks. You can’t do that as an alcohol

>> No.15429610

>heats faster on the side thats touching the metal
>will come out burned on one half and under cooked on the other
Hence the need to monitor it and rotate it and shit
Also blow me fuck corona and fuck boomers, was on a roll till corona struck then it was a self feeding cycle of alcoholic depression because all our lives have been ripped away
I can try that, I just cant stand having nothing to keep my occupied, its part of my personality its how I can play strategy games for 16 hours straight if I really want to and don't have other shit to do

>> No.15429621
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If you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.15429626

youve got an awfully strong opinion for someone who admits they dont bother to cook
have you considered that it might all be in your head

>> No.15429638

>wahhh boomers stole my glorious future wahhh
>is also an alcoholic
Shut the fuck up and put the bottle down, you self pitying crybaby alcoholic. You’re ruining your life wallowing in a misery of your own making

>> No.15429646
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Me being unable to go to college, have a social life, or be able to easily chase after women are not all in my head
Plus I feel bad about still living with my mom, and I feel mogged by my little brother who has a gf and 10 grand on hand from flipping car parts, was like 5-8 classes from being able to transfer to a 4 year and go live on campus, now I'm officially a NEET for the first time since I was a teenager, luckily I have an interview with another delivery place I used to work for tomorrow so thats basically a guaranteed job

>> No.15429659

well the only solution seems to be jumping off a bridge. Good luck OP

>> No.15429661

no the solution is get another job and ride out the corona storm while also learning to cook

>> No.15429665

Cook in big batches so you only have to cook once and can eat for 2-3 days. Listen to music or audio books while cooking, do the dishes while your stew is simmering.

>> No.15429670

>ck I don't wanna cook wat do
then don't fucking cook and go away. Go on fit and tell them you wanna get jacked but you don't want to lift weights or watch your diet because it's boring and hard

>> No.15429671

I like that idea, I like getting a ton of shit done all at once and then being completely free the rest of the time

>> No.15429689

pre made salads, cold cuts, roast chicken.

>> No.15429694

>always goes for easiest, fastest option.
this is your biggest problem in life. Stop taking the easy way out all the time

>> No.15429926
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I've run into this too. I used to love cooking, finding out new things, but now it just seems like a chore. I now only usually cook as a group activity so we can all share the load of prep, multitasking multiple dishes, and cleanup. Otherwise if I'm alone most of the time I'll just do something very simple like eggs on toast or crack open a can of sardines.

Guess I don't have any advice, at that rate you should just make quick healthy fuel food, or soups n' stews that you just have to reheat.

>> No.15429974

Damn. People who drink bottle water really live like this.

>> No.15429986

fuck and i thought my room was bad

>> No.15429994

Damn. People who breathe air really live like this.

>> No.15429999

Listen to a podcast and drink a beer while cooking

>> No.15430009
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Pod on a good podcast or music that you like. Or just, you know. Use your fucking brain and think about things that are interesting to you while waiting. This sounds like a case of you not being able to enjoy your own company, in which case lmaoing @ ur life homo.

>> No.15430022

Quints of truth. But make it a couple beers while cooking and a glass of wine with dinner.

>> No.15430026

If you're not too poor to eat out, then don't cook. It's a hobby, you don't have to feel guilty about not enjoying it.

>> No.15430139
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>Paco and Diego haven't washed their hands today, don't mind that chunk of under-fingernail crust in your food
>which btw is made out of 9 day old "fresh" ingredients
>that'll be three times as it would have been to cook at home, don't forget the tip!

Don't feel guilty about not enjoying it.

>> No.15430189

this is all literally inside your head
i really do wish the best for you :(

>> No.15430290

how so

>> No.15430358 [DELETED] 
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You’re just a cooonsumer zoomer, typical for your lost cause generation. When your mom gave you a Game Boy Advance instead of a book she wasn’t looking out for your best interests. She was training you for slavery.

So you can’t cook. It’s really not /ck/‘s problem. You will eat the McGrubbers because you really have no choice.

>> No.15430412

Listen to a podcast or some music in the background. Helps the time pass.

>> No.15430425
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>You’re just a cooonsumer zoomer, typical for your lost cause generation. When your mom gave you a Game Boy Advance instead of a book she wasn’t looking out for your best interests. She was training you for slavery.

>> No.15430528

>What do I do
Assemble sides.
Clean dishes.
Prepare table.
Prepare desert if you intend to have one.
Poach eggs if you really want to be busy.

>> No.15430536

here let's illustrate what what cooking looks like for me
>turn on hot thing
>rub down meat with spices while it heats
>throw meat on hot thing
>chop up some vegetables
>flip meat, throw in vegetables
>prep plates, wash cutting board
>serve and eat
every goalpost is ten feet wide and being complained about. It's like a persecution complex that just gets more tasty the deeper it's dug. Drinking, shit work ethic, asocial, voluntarily celibate, momma-homed, and whining about it on an anime forum using clown pepes like any sympathy is earned.

>> No.15430560

>asocial and voluntarily celibate
No. I have a FWB right now I'm looking to turn into my gf and corona killed my social life because everyone is too paranoid to wanna interact plus everything is shut down

>> No.15430569


>> No.15430573

it's all in your head you need to try distancing yourself from this culture honestly i promise you

>> No.15430596

>having a gameboy to play at 7 years old is now going to ruin me for life and prevent me from cooking.
>can't just read a book and have a Gameboy like a normal child
Guess I'm an exception to the rule.

>> No.15430613

stop denying reality, are you this blind to whats going on?

>> No.15430622

didja find a pattern in the numbers son

>> No.15430631

>What do
Smoke weed or drink beer, either works.

>> No.15430650

what? That OP is cock sucking crybaby who blames his mental problems on the world and then wonders why he can’t muster the focus or motivation to cook dinner like billions of people do every day? Textbook emotional manipulation

>> No.15430701

I dont think its coincidental that the rich never make their own food

>> No.15430760 [DELETED] 

Normal children ceased to read books. In fact the majority of US adults haven't read an entire book in 3+ years.

>> No.15431327 [DELETED] 

Craig Myervold, a billionaire early MS employee, is famous for cooking all the time.

>> No.15431338

Get a woman to do it for you

>> No.15431362

raw food, you litterally dont need to cook

>> No.15431500

>can't stand having to just sit there and stare at the stove, let alone actually assemble any ingredients

Perhaps a toaster oven will help you.
Unlike many larger ovens, toaster ovens have a timer.
If you forget that you're cooking, or get detained by another activity, they turn themselves off, usually before the food gets ruined.
Also cook the sausages pretty well.

Many simple ingredients could be put into a baking dish and toaster ovened to completeness with minimal effort in the prep, and a full hands-off, walk-away during the waiting for food time.
Play a video game. Clean the bathroom. Take the garbage out.
Then dinner can be ready after.

Or just order whatever off of one of the delivery services and leave the cookery to the lesser people.

>> No.15431553

You spend much time in their homes watching them then?

>> No.15431973

Grab a beer and put music on when you cook you fucking homo

>> No.15432124

>You don't need to cook, in between Uber eats the deli department at the supermarket and the frozen food section your covered.

t. never had a single halfway decent meal in it's entire life

>> No.15432529

how the hell does it take you half an hour to prepare a meal? here's a fucking less than 10 minute recipe
>brown raw sausage in pan (<1 minute)
>bring salted water to boil and parcook spaghettini (~5 minutes)
>add tomato puree, parmesan, fresh parsley and basil and cook out (<1 minute)
>add 1/4 cup of pasta water and your noodles to sauce pan and reduce at medium low to finish. season to taste add black pepper and mores basil when its done(<2 minutes)
i could go on with 20 different recipes that take just as little time to complete. how are all of you pretending it needs to take a minimum of half an hour to prepare a meal?????????????? this is an almost entirely involved process with very little standing around twiddling your thumbtack dick. you even have time to clean up while youre going

>> No.15432585
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No one ever taught me how to cook or even attempted to, your not born knowing this shit

>> No.15432604

no fucking shit op. what im saying is why the fuck do i have to be the first person to tell you cooking doesnt have to be standing around doing nothing but keeping your balls warm in your hand on a goddamn board meant for people who actually cook?

>> No.15432618

Teach yourself, that’s how soooooo many cooks learn. Everyone has been giving you solid advice on how to get better but you’re being a mopey fuck and not listening. This is why you’re like this. Sorry, harsh but true.

>> No.15432667

I've been telling people I'll try their suggestions and only been "mopey" cause people keep talking shit for no reason

>> No.15432695

>so the shit can burn
this is how much of a massive fucking brainlet you are, cooking sausage is quite literally easier than boiling fucking rice.

>> No.15432700

People are talking shit because of your self defeating attitude and refusal to take accountability for your mess of a life.

>> No.15432748

I cant control college being closed, or everything else in the country, all I can do is learn2cook, lay off the alc, and get another job, I dunno what to say

>> No.15432860

>thanks for the advice, I’ll try that
and kek at thinking it takes 30 minutes to fry sausage. Lmao

>> No.15432890

Don't, just stay a loser manbaby and fuck off.

>> No.15432926

You can make food for multiple days. For example, you can make a big pot of chili and freeze it in portions and heat it up in the microwave when you want to eat it.

That way you don't have to cook every day.

>> No.15432939

Just be yourself anon.
Interests change over time.

>> No.15433443

Also agree with audio books. Be careful though this shit is addictive

>> No.15433498

>buy 100% of the food I eat whether it be delivered or I go get it myself
In the mean time
Lmao the American Dream
>this whole buying everything I eat thing is too fucking expensive
>Live with mom
It's cheaper than delivery, since u don't live alone

>> No.15433585

>go to 4chan
>ask how to have a better attitude towards cooking
>turns out suicide is the answer

>> No.15433764

Maybe he gets reincarnated as someone who likes to cook lol

>> No.15434898

yes you gotta get a smoker, especially for a sausage man like yourself. Watch a couple vids on smoked sausage then do your own honest to god you wont regret it.

>> No.15435565

Live in a cold place, you will force yourself to cook longer to heat the house more.