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File: 218 KB, 867x720, 886034-960x720-spinat-mit-spiegelei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15426889 No.15426889 [Reply] [Original]

Das ist mein Lieblingsessen.

>> No.15426891


>> No.15426894

Looks like a slop of delicious. Good stuff.

>> No.15426899

> when your daily heat ration only allows you to cook your food half way

>> No.15426905

do you americans deep fry your spinach?

>> No.15426919

yes. that and brussel sprouts

>> No.15426928

the green slop in OP pic looks like what my cat pukes up after eating grass

>> No.15426940

I'm Daniel Schultz from Midwest America and I'm more German than 90% of "Germany". That said, I've never thought to pair together all of that slop.

>> No.15426943

No, that's pretty standard looking creamed spinach. Eggs are burnt while the potatoes look parboiled, though.

>> No.15426952

I nearly got baited there

>> No.15426972


>> No.15427060

Also one of my favourites since childhood, but i prefer it with scrambled eggs.

>> No.15427503

Da fehlt der Leberkäse

>> No.15427768


>> No.15427814

Spergen krautspliffen panzerkampfwagen kartoffeljungfrau.

>> No.15427816

Where are the Fischstäbchen? Bist du arm?

>> No.15427823

could use a sprinkle of Röstzwiebeln (fried onions) on top

>> No.15427828
File: 37 KB, 576x432, fischstaebchen-mit-ei-346983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPs pic isn't proper Fischstäbchen sloppa, pic relted is. Mashed tatoes, sunny side up eggs, spinach with cream and fish fingers.

>> No.15427852

german cuisine is appalling, please keep these pictures of atrocities to yourselves

>> No.15427856

fat detected

>> No.15427877

>fish fingers

>> No.15427902

You might not like it, but that is how peak Mittagessen looks like.

>> No.15427903

These dishes are,but the Germans are pretty good with pork in most forms. I'm surprised American barbecue hasn't taken off over there. If there's room for David Hasselhoff, there's room for South Carolina pulled pork with mustard barbecue sauce.
Thinking this through, barbecue often comes with pickles, Germans like those. Coleslaw, Germans like cabbage. Baked beans, Germans like beans. Potatoes, Germans like those. Barbecue should be a lot bigger in Germany than it is. Want to make money in Germany? Open up a barbecue restaurant.

>> No.15427913

Bbq is hot weather food. Germany is cold.

>> No.15427958

Eier sind total verschmort Brudi, die kannste jetzt als Radiergummi benutzen

>> No.15427965

I prefer creamed spinach with deviled eggs, potatoes and a meatball but yeah hey i'd eat it.

>> No.15427967

Bavarian here, that is indeed one of the traditional meals in our household too and has been for decades. The eggs in the pic have been fried wayyy too hot though, the whites must be like tire rubber

>> No.15428133

sucht mir, fucht mir. Du bist eine hausaufgaben.

>> No.15428221

That looks really good. I hope the spinach isn't TOO creamy though, that's the only thing I would say.

>> No.15428243

Am I the only one here who likes his eggs nearly burnt like this? I'd even flip them and fry them on the other side, too. Potatoes could use some parsley and it'd be perfect. Lecker.

>> No.15428258

du muttergefiqqter räudiger ungewaschener du

>> No.15428286

Grilling bratwurst and steak is all you need. Coleslaw will never be a thing here though. German cabbage salad is made with vinegar like the Greek one. If you want to drown a "salad" in mayo Germans eat potato or noodle salad.

>> No.15428317

Mein Neger

>> No.15428346

I feel you, but if you make a Schmarren out of the potatoes instead of just cooking them it's even better

>> No.15428365

This is one of the most German meals ever. You can't order it in restaurants.
No one will serve you this meal when you come as a guest.
But everyone eats it a couple of times per year.

>> No.15428376


>> No.15428389


>> No.15428399

Zurück mit dir. Du weißt wohin.

>> No.15428488
File: 144 KB, 950x950, 01c8a821adfde159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People eating Mettbrötchen and what not when coming to germany, but they will never experience the real german Mittagessen.

>> No.15428504

Is that man washing his hands before using Flex Gape?

>> No.15428605

Because he's a RAF terrorist.

>> No.15428624

Kartoffel(Püree), Spinat und Ei. Wie bei Muttern. So muss das.

>> No.15428669

Salzkartoffeln Meisterrasse.

>> No.15428680


What does the text say about the Jews?

>> No.15428690

I almost got rustled

>> No.15428706

"Yummy lunch" -> "Side dish" -> "Carrots and peas"

>> No.15428735
File: 175 KB, 1500x1500, 817PmJUv1nL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German boomer parents alwas buy canned carrots and peas as a side dish. They are pure mush and taste like shit, but they are still a staple. This meme just show that germans, no matter what deicious meal they make, will still open a fucking can ob Erbchen-Möhrchen.

>> No.15429072

SC barbecue is fantastic. Tbh regular or german coleslaw on a boston-butt pulled pork sandwich is divine. Especially if you put it on potato bread. Put some slaw, roasted onions/onion rings, and smokey, molassesy baked beans on the side. Shit's divine.

>> No.15429120

I'll take the eggs, but you can keep the vomit and raw potato chunks.

>> No.15429130

Das heisst "Herrenrasse"

>> No.15429508

RAF? Well you go two of the letters correct.

>> No.15429534

lecker, würde ich auch essen

>> No.15429545

>not vinegar sauce

>> No.15429549

Baked beans aren't common outside of the anglosphere. American barbecue is too sweet, too, which Germans aren't too keen on. Coleslaw will probably never take off. A lot of people like pickles, cabbage, beans and potatoes, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. American barbecue actually doesn't take off that much elsewhere because others already have their own form of barbecue.

>> No.15429563


>> No.15429612

that looks noice, Bernd. If I didn't just have a mental breakdown after ruining teriyaki chicken, I would make some eggs for supper, too

>> No.15430345

>Coleslaw, Germans like cabbage
coleslaw is literally the americanized version of Krautsalat, nigger

>> No.15430454

Germans eat probably less pickles than you'd think

>> No.15430530

The volume of food is insufficient for me. I eat one meal a day, and I'd have to eat about 10-15 of those plates using the same ingredients.

>> No.15430578

>germany is cold

I fucking wish.

>> No.15430749

Wie ist Leberkäse eigentlich ? Ich war für 3 monat in Wien aber ich habe Leberkäse nicht probiert