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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15417101 No.15417101 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody ever worked in a factory that made some type of food product? Did it make you never want to eat that food ever again or did you like the free samples?

>> No.15417124

Yeah, I used to work at Deez. It's was quite a handful at times, they even let us take a few samples home every week.

>> No.15417137

You worked for deez nuts. Faggot

>> No.15417167

what's Deez?

>> No.15417168


>> No.15417985
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Threads off to a fantastic start, I see.

>> No.15417994

I knew a guy who worked for Johnsonville and he always ate their sausage, so it was a strong endorsement

>> No.15417996

I used to work at a cattle feed factory, and I never want to eat it.

>> No.15418008

I was contracted to a coors brewery for a couple months once, but that’s it. They made about a half dozen things at that facility, including Zima.
It neither raised nor lowered my opinion of coors products.

>> No.15418024

sort of, got a job at my favorite local joint to eat a few months ago and haven't ordered any food from there since. its not because its nasty or anything but once you handle the food daily you dont really crave it as much.

>> No.15418051

Coors is the only huge cheapo beer I like. Just regular ol coors

>> No.15418085

Same. As far as the cheap “legacy” beers go, Coors Banquet is my pick.

>> No.15418170

Worked at different parts of food production and no it didn't change my view if anything it made me more interested in food overall and I guess a bit more trusting in some ways seeing as I know that the overwhelming majority takes their job and hygiene standards very seriously and wouldn't put anything out there that they themselves wouldn't eat.

>> No.15418557

why is it so many products are recalled due to glass being in the food

>> No.15418611

Because if a lightbulb broke and it wasn’t noticed until later, and there’s even a tiny chance that one shard may have possibly got into one piece of product meant for human consumption, a large manufacturing operation will immediately go into ass-covering DEFCON mode and recall everything produced around that time.
It will seriously lessen the impact of possible lawsuits because “they tried”, and a voluntary recall is much more positively-perceived by consumers than a court-ordered one resulting from someone eating a piece of glass, which consumers see as a dishonest coverup.

>> No.15418627

Working at a pork processing factory made me eat far less pork...
And less avocado

>> No.15418651

I worked at a pistachio processing plant. Eating freshly roasted salted pistachios was the shit.

>> No.15418709

I've worked at a few
I worked the goldfish line for pepperidge farms. Smelled great still like goldfish. The used to sell bulk rejects for pennies.
Meat packing plant. Fucking awful. My job was trimming puss, and scraps off of briskets. Almost 20 years later and I still have issues with beef.
Coffee roaster. Pay was shit but I loved that job. Drank free coffee all day, free lunch, weed smoke breaks, and when I made shitty flavored coffee I'd smell like waffles and syrup for days

>> No.15418781

I knew a vegetarian meatcutter

>> No.15418786

Yell me more about this meat plant anon. What puss and scraps?

>> No.15418803

>filth in the conveyor


>> No.15418810

>working with meat, want nothing to do with meat

Doesn't add up in the slightest

>> No.15418811



>> No.15418842
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Go away cobra.

>> No.15418869

I worked in Digital R&D for a flavoring company. That meant that I developed the tools they used to develop the flavoring for a shitload of stuff, from Coke and Pepsi to stuff like Beyond Meat and anything in between. It puts me in hyper paranoid mode nowadays, because I'm more aware of the sheer amount of stuff that goes into processed food.

>> No.15418872
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>> No.15418908

learning more about chemistry has made me more comfortable with processed food. the stuff that goes into it is generally fine to eat.

>> No.15418937

Worked at Martins Potato bread factory for 2 years. I still exclusively buy their bread. Sometimes I get schmidt if its on sale tho.

>> No.15418939

Why would I need to read a novel which includes the food industry way back in some foreign land when I myself worked in it for several years and don't really have anything to complain about especially not finding any reason not wanting anything to do with meat afterwards seeing as it if anything got me more interested in food overall as well as a larger trust in regards to meat and meat production.
Vegetables on the other hand is a whole different ball game but I guess that has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of people serve it cold or only slightly heated up doesn't help with recently refreshing the memory while reading up on nematodes but some mushrooms are pretty fascinating though.

>> No.15418948

>Worked at Martins Potato bread factory
I love their stuff. Literally have a bag of Martin’s potato sandwich rolls on my counter right now.

>> No.15418974

Wait so it's a novel by a journalist aimed at spreading socialism in the US where the only research were 7 weeks in the industry (just 7 freakin' weeks as a newbie!) not to be THAT guy but I seriously doubt that person really learned that much or got enough experience in much of anything in that short of a time frame to have anything of real value to say and if things truly was shitty there at that place at that time then that is truly unfortunate.
What do you want me to say, provided that whatever is written in that book is true well shitty actors do exist and will unfortunately probably always exist to some degree.

>> No.15418980

Some things may also have improved in the last hundred years or so

>> No.15418984
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>I worked the goldfish line for pepperidge farms
thank you for your service.

>> No.15418996

it's a good book though

>> No.15418999

They're the best for sandwiches. I wish the area I live in carried some of their other products like butter bread and their hoagie rolls.

>> No.15419003

I also buy the butter bread, though the only store near me which stocks it is Publix.

>> No.15419027

You never want to eat beef? Or you never want to eat... cattle feed

>> No.15419035

Wouldn't know and definitely won't spend time reading it from the few things that was said on well Wiki and especially not after reading something as preposterous as "Sinclair's account of workers falling intorenderingtanks and being ground along with animal parts" which would even when disregarding everything else make me seriously question any and all validity of what had been written.

>> No.15419061

I don't want to eat cattle feed.

I also didn't want to eat it before I started working there, mind you...

>> No.15419065

do they still grind up cows and put them in the feed?

>> No.15419097

I mean it's turn-of-the-century agitprop, what do you want from it. it's still a seminal piece of American industrial literature. personally the "horrors" of the meatpacking industry always seemed sufficiently distant from modern food production, never bothered me so much as gave me a hankering for some ribs, but there's a lot more to the book than just that and it is a worthwhile read, I'm here to second the guy you quoted. it seems you have a particular bugaboo about the subject matter in the first place, and if that's the case you'd do better to be honest about it rather than building a shoddy case based on a skimmed wikipedia article. I'll grant that it can sometimes feel unrealistic, how many tragedies befall the Rudkus family, but it's for the sake of condensing many, many people's stories into a single narrative.
The meatpacking aspect is relatively small in the true scope of things, it's just a backdrop in a much larger tale of Gilded Age industrial exploitation, but it had an outsized effect because people want to feel good about what goes on their dinnertable.

>> No.15419102

No, we made it from spent canola seeds after they were crushed for oil

>> No.15419161

Oh, I know it's fine to eat, I know what they're putting in it and I know most of the time it's just either recreating a naturally occurring substance, or some chemically extracted way of some naturally occurring chemical substance, like recreating vanillin. That's easy. It's just that I also know that it's likely going to be a mix of things to try and optimize the whole thing. That said, generally there's a bunch of stuff missing and it's why I like fresh stuff way more nowadays. I'll still eat tons of Sour Patch Kids because fuck it, I love them.

>> No.15419164
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i have never worked a single day in my life

>> No.15419179

Granted I have only read the wikiarticle but it just seems so unlikely, also doesn't make any sense why the protagonist himself would do the same thing to other people as was done unto him, wouldn't that risk starting a neverending cycle of people conning eachother not to mention as you said how unlikely it is that so much shittiness would happen to him and his family.

Other than the complete fabrication of saying that humans would fall into a meatgrinder, yes accidents can happen but that just seems too unplausible amd if anything were to happen production would stop not to mention the extreme amounts of cleaning and meat that would have to be thrown out no it just doesn't make any sense and is most likely a lie added for effect.

Not to mention the extreme unlikelihood that it would happen in as short of a time frame as 7 weeks.

Guess I'm just sick of falsehoods and propaganda being spread regarding the meat industry overall seeing as I myself have experience from working in it and not just seven weeks in the US on just one place over a hundred years ago.

>> No.15419193

Might add that I'm not saying that I believe that the meat industry in the US is subpar in any sense of the word especially seeing as the same standards more or less apply everywhere

>> No.15419225

I work in a coffee roastery. I don't drink coffee but I love the smell of roasted beans. The smell never gets old

>> No.15419228

Unbelievably based.

>> No.15419263

>doesn't make any sense why the protagonist himself would do the same thing to other people as was done unto him, wouldn't that risk starting a neverending cycle of people conning eachother
that's not a point against the book, that's The Point Of The Book. read it or don't. as I already said, anything it had to say on the meatpacking industry itself is literally a century out of date, everyone knows this, and the spotlight it shone on bad practices in the industry is directly responsible for landmark food-production-regulation policy change, making it in part responsible for the better practices we're free to take for granted today.
I understand the nerve it's touching, and meat production is one of those things The Normie lives in complete ignorance of and yet cannot live without. But it's a human story, its place in the American canon is well-deserved, and any high-schooler who did the assigned readings and squicked themselves out into going vegetarian for a week is missing the point by miles, not inches. Think like the laughing misanthropes squealing "Not the heckin' pupperinos!"

>> No.15419312

I saw that it was attributed to some changes but not knowing what the legislation said exactly before and after I couldn't possibly say if it was positive or negative.

In what way would that be the point of the book more importantly what would that point be other than the protagonist for some reason choosing to do to other what was being done to him instead of choosing not to treat people the same way seeing as it seems like he got royally screwed over.

What bad practices exactly seeing as he obviously lied in the book to extreme degrees which begs to question the authenticity of anything and everything that was written in it and lets say one person or even worse a manager did shitty things or ordered people to do so how is that a reflection of a whole industry by just one or some people being well just shitty people?

There's not really anything to be ignorant about seeing as the meat industry is run well at least from my first hand experience but then again you can never rule out shitty people finding their way in or even "falseflagging" or well on site activism I guess in order to sway public opinion for various purposes but I truly believe that an exceedingly high majority (I couldn't possibly say everyone because that would be impossible for me to know) of everyone that are in contact with food as a job takes it serious, follow standards and does a great job

>> No.15419322

Might add that I am not that interested if it is what you say a "human story" I mean stories can be fun and all I guess but I'd rather read facts in the lack of a better term if I get to choose

>> No.15419345

Cows get banged around in transport and stressed out. Or they are all crammed in so close that they get cuts or sick. It's someones job to cut those pieces out. At least they didn't get flipped on the burger line.
They were super efficient though. Everything on the cow gets turned into something, even the undigested food in their stomachs

>> No.15419405

I worked at a chain grocery store bakery and it made me never want to eat store bought bread again. I slowly bought all the different breads we baked and sold to try the products and since I was buying bread anyway. But the smell when proofing the bread was nauseating, which was a huge red flag since proofing my own bread makes an intoxicating smell. By the end of my employment there, I noticed I was having a reaction to eating their bread and have since noticed a growing intolerance to mass produced bread. I haven’t bought bread in a month because I was feeling sick anytime I ate store bought bread. I’m looking forward to baking my own again, but I’m still in the middle of move. I guess you can say working in a bakery ruined all mass produced/low quality bread for me probably for life. I was already too disgusted by grocery store baked sweets to bother trying those. Literally shittier than usual boxed cake with “whipped topping” and things like “lemon flavored” filling.

>> No.15419511

Like humans in public transport? I get what you're saying but why do you have to exaggerate and lie?

What are you talking about storebaked bread smells great why do you think bread is being baked or well finished in stores in the first place, it wouldn't have been done unless it actually smelled good.

>> No.15419525

>comparing the standards for moving animals bred to be killed to a crowded bus
you also understand cows basically dont understand wtf would be going on right? and if they did that would only stress them out more??

>> No.15419613

>How It’s Made not narrated by Brooks Moore

>> No.15419615

Does sound like a lot of people don't it

>> No.15419622

wow youre so fucking deep man bet exercising that level of thinking really impresses the preteens youre grooming on tiktok

>> No.15419637

It smelled fine once baked. It smelled vomit inducing when pulling it out of the proofers. I didn’t work there because I though their bread was high quality. I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I couldn’t have known it would stink so bad in proofing though. Properly made bread smells orgasmic when it ferments, so it was a shock that it was so bad but I didn’t expect the bread to be as good as home baked. I also didn’t expect to become somewhat intolerant or store bought bread, because I liked the nicer brands that were parbaked that we finished in the oven. But even those bloat me and make me feel sick and sluggish now.

>> No.15419648

I worked at a dairy if you count that for 4 years like 10 years ago. I don’t drink milk anymore. Still fucks with cheese and shit though.

>> No.15419999

I'll almost always buy shit tier grocery store convenience food over most shitty fast food. I figure anything out of a factory to my microwave is cleaner than McDonalds or Subway.

>> No.15420049

i worked at a weed packaging plant.

we would make a 800gal batch of this lemonade concentrate. and that weed syrup in the concentrate was mixed in a five gallon bucket.

one day i didnt have a spatula so i mixed it with my glove. then shoved the glove in my pocket.... then did the same with the next 3 batches. at some point i went to use the bathroom and decided to suck the gloves inside out. about 30 minutes later i got the spins and had to call out of work

i heard the same story from a friend who was working the tiny weed mint line.

>> No.15420058

I almost never wanna eat food I spend all day making and smelling.

>> No.15420401

i get my milk delivered for this very reason. they use a different pasteurization and it smells like a barn. fucking love it.

>> No.15420454

Jesus, what an idiot you are. I can just tell youre some wanna be know it all, you think you can safely assess anything and anyone and yet here you are, some bagholding idiot with a 5000 dollar portfolio and shit opinions.

>> No.15421178

I worked at a chicken processing factory during college. I ate a shiton of wings, tendies, nuggets, popcorn chicken and fajitas strips, all fresh out of the oven. I don't have any problems with chicken, that place taught to handle and sharpen a knife, debone chicken, and that you don't need to cook chicken enarly as much as I used to.
It was also pretty funny to see all the various brands we'd supply with the exact same product, despite the price difference.

The one (obvious) thing to know is that the better the quality of the wings, the less processed it will be. The best wings were simply brined, the average ones had sauce and the low-quality-but-still-passable wings were breaded and fried. Also nuggets were a lot less processed than I expected. It was mainly just breast trimmings.

>> No.15421204

>and it smells like a barn
I can’t say the smell of a livestock barn has ever appealed to me

>> No.15421225

I mean it doesn't take a genius to know that animals are treated really badly in the production line. Most people know but eat meat in spite of it. Delusional people believe it's a happy farm where cows spend their days frolicking.

>> No.15421233


I worked at an onion factory. We made everything from onion poppers, onion rings, onion crips you name we made it. I would have to plan my outings days ahead to give my body the 2-3 days it needed for the onion smell to stop coming out of my pores.

>> No.15421243

You're friends with OP?

>> No.15421274

this comment is hilarious for some reason

>> No.15421283

based quads poster

>> No.15421326

>I worked the goldfish line for pepperidge farms
oh god, that would be heavenly

>> No.15421438


Worked at a Mr christies factory for a few years. There was waiting lists for working certain factory lines like chocolate chip cookies. You can legit eat as much as you want off the line as long as you don't mess with the machines, packing or contaminate the line.

Like you they sold broken cookies and crackers for cheap to employees as long as you don't resell them.

The honest to god shame was that the union and company made cutbacks and got rid of like 40% of us including me.

>> No.15421553

>You can legit eat as much as you want off the line as long as you don't mess with the machines, packing or contaminate the line.
If I was there it would be like that south park episode where cartman fucked up a kfc distribution operation by eating like 70% of their chicken

>> No.15421610

i worked at a small coffee roastery for about a year
only further increased my appreciation of coffee, though i was physically/chemically addicted to it by the time i left. tasted great though!

>> No.15421717

I currently work in a combined soda factory/brewery (not in Burgerstan).
We have free drinks from bottled water to mineral water, from sodas to energy drinks. You can drink as much as you like during the shift, no alcohol of course.
For every month you can order 24 0,5l bottles or 24 cans of bewerage from various kinds including alcohol, but alcohol is limited to six times a year so every second month.
Place is automated to hell and back, mostly we just keep the machines going, barely any physical labour required, I'm currently posting from work right now.
Pretty stress-free job really. It has cut back my addiction for sugary drinks to one can per day, trying to lessen it even more. I prefer Pepsi Max and mineral waters right now.

>> No.15421765

based stinky

>> No.15421854


Haha yeah I've heard of that joke.

You think that but after a couple you definitely get enough but there's legit maybe 750000 cookies that go buy in one shift and the belt line is 10 feet wide by 300 feet long. My supe trained me to eat so you get it out of your system.

>> No.15421863

Work for brewery. I don't drink beer anymore.

>> No.15421871
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>> No.15421904


>> No.15421909

How dirty was the glove? Also can I put my resume in there?

>> No.15421922


Quads makes this truth.

>> No.15422072

I worked in the meat department of a grocery store and I still love meat.

>> No.15422085

Was it owned by Mr. Sneed

>> No.15422237

Holy shit bro, learn how to use some punctuation. That was a slog to read.

>> No.15422289
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Oh you reminded me of something relevant to the thread too.

I worked the grocery at a meijer (walmart basically, little better produce, no welfare shoppers there either) and the store has a fresh deli, restaurant and bakery. Since I worked grocery I had access to all the freezers and sometimes if the meat side or the grocery side had to share freezer space we would. The bakery stored their 'fresh' baked goods in the freezer with the meat, and Ill never forget going in there and seeing completely exposed frozen donuts and cakes sitting on the blood encrusted freezer floor next to sides of beef and pork.

>> No.15422387

i worked at a salmon cannery in alaska. took me years to be able to eat salmon anymore because i ate it with every meal. very fresh and good but i got sick of it

>> No.15422395

covered in lots of distilate and honey

>> No.15422689

You should go back to elementary school and ask the teacher what a run on sentence is.

>> No.15423416

Hello fellow midwest fag. Indiana or illinois?

>> No.15423611

God gave man dominion over animals and the Earth in general. He literally tells us to eat meat

>> No.15423695

Pus and scrapes sounds like. At fr St I thought he meant that he trimmed the cow pussy for roast beef.

>> No.15423908

I worked in a factory for a little while that mostly processed vegetables. Hasn't changed my opinion of those products at all. It just made me realize that given the kinds of disinterested people that typically work those kinds of tedious jobs, it's a miracle that well made products actually reach the shelves in the quantities they do.

>> No.15424087

worked at a Maccas and a slaughterhouse
i dont view either very differently because of it
though i eat less mcdonalds cause i just dont like it anymore, too greasy and makes my shit runny

>> No.15424119

Sneez Nuts

>> No.15424146

I've made beer professionally for 7 years now. I drink less beer than when I started but still enjoy it. will almost always take home a 4pack of new stuff to share with family and friends

>> No.15424157

What's wrong with runny poop? Do you have a psychological need to feel a thick log exiting your anus? Because I sure dont.

>> No.15424175

i dont have the risk of triggering childhood memories of being raped behind the grain shed so i like to have fast controllable poops that dont use half a roll of toilet paper

>> No.15425708

but why did you do that

>> No.15425796

I worked at the skittles factory after work probation ends, they literally make you taste the rainbow with a combination of lsd and meth. Then you get ass fucked on conveyor belt full of fresh skittles ready to be packaged. The anal tears from a new workers squeezed insides usually makes blood drip on the some of the skittles hence the taste the rainbow

>> No.15425869

oh fuck yum

>> No.15425905

>being raped behind the grain shed so i like to have fast controllable poops
Lol look at this larping faggot who had no concept of behind-shed rape
It loosens your asshole but compacts your shit into a tamped-clay consistency from the violent thrusting.
If you weren’t such a fag, you’d know that.