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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 960x518, hot-pockets-bc-cover-nestle-pro-foodservice-960x602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15370241 No.15370241 [Reply] [Original]

Most depressing meals you've eaten/witnessed

Just saw my nephew eating a microwaved hotpocket and a glass of milk.

>> No.15370245 [DELETED] 

It can get worse than that.

>> No.15370252

a cold hot pocket and room temp milk

>> No.15370257 [DELETED] 

God I wish that was me.

>> No.15370273

Hotpocket boiled in milk

>> No.15370278

hotpocket blanched in milk

>> No.15370279 [DELETED] 

im currently eating rice from a can

>> No.15370281

milk boiled in pureed hot pocket

>> No.15370290

milk injected via syringe into a frozen hot pocket and then broiled under a grill

>> No.15370321 [DELETED] 

damn nigga

>> No.15370330

but can your can from a can of rice ?

>> No.15370344

has anyone ever recreated a ja/ck/ recipe?

>> No.15370345

It's not that uncommon for me to eat soup unheated straight out of the can with plastic silverware.

>> No.15370353

>plastic silverware.

not silver plasticware, anon?

>> No.15370366
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Dry rice seasoned with powdered brooth.
White toast with margarine (cheaper) and salt or sugar.

>> No.15370374

when I was a poorfag is college, my roommate would cook and i would literally scoop up the crumbs from whatever he made and microwave it with water into a broth and eat that

>> No.15370376

That's actually almost exactly what pussy tastes like

>> No.15370378
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Once saw a friend microwave a Jacks pizza for 10 minutes and eat it

>> No.15370385
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Margarine is delicious as a spread. Don’t listen to big dairy butter shills

>> No.15370404

I wish hot pockets actually had that much cheese in them. What a crock of shit their advertising is.

>> No.15370406 [DELETED] 


>> No.15370493

sous vide hot pocket en leche

>> No.15370506

Hot Pockets are pretty iffy but what's wrong with a glass of milk?

>> No.15370539

>what's wrong with a glass of milk?
If you have to ask you'll never make it.

>> No.15370558
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THE HORROR STORIES I HAVE!. before anyone makes too much fun of this dude he's doing good now. stopped hard drugs got a good job bought a house, let his mom move into his basement thing.
>his houses basement is on the side of a cliff with a big full wall window overlooking the drop and it has it's own kitchen and bathroom, it's not like a basement basement.
but we called this dude big man. like that was what he went by. he was 6'5 at least 350-400lbs a lot of it muscle, not blob mode fat but yeah fat.
dude would smoke a blunt the size of a babies arm and make culinary monstosities.

>flour and water only pancakes with corn syrup because i was out of maple.
>burgers "seasoned" with taco seasoning that is a line of seasoning in the middle of the burger thick enough to see that tasted like death
>mac and cheese that is literally just noodles and kraft singles
dude was a gluten in every since of the word. good dude but he could out drink, out smoke and out eat anyone I've ever met. we used to play edward 40 hands at parties and dude would have to go twice.

>> No.15370561

When I was poor, in college, and working, I'd make "soup" out of 1 diced chicken hot dog, a handful of frozen peas and carrots, and a handful of white rice. Add water, salt, pepper if I had it, and boil until rice was done. Good times.

If I had spare money, I'd get 3 Taco Bell 69 cent bean burritos for just under $2.00 and eat 1 each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

>> No.15370596

Margarine is disgusting and only there for poor fucks. Now that I'm acualyl rich, I am going through two sticks a week on my own. Fuck margarine.

>> No.15370618 [DELETED] 

For a few days when really broke i lived off of return envelope glue from junk mail and tea steeped from mint flavored dental floss

>> No.15370649
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I don't really remember cause I don't pay attention to shit like that, but I do have 2 examples.
A coworker kept telling us to put sugar on spaghetti because and I quote it's "Fire"
When I was in like 1st or 2nd grade, I got my school lunch, like I'd normally do, and I usually ate the little bread roll pic related, by putting ketchup on it when I was a little kid. Somebody thought this was so bad I kid you not, someone snitched on me to the teachers aide or whoevers job it was to baby sit the fucking cafeteria, and told on me. For putting ketchup on bread. lmao

>> No.15370782

sully another forum with your lies

>> No.15370814

Sugar in the spaghetti sauce is a good way to cut the natural acidity of the tomatoes if you're serving someone susceptible to heartburn, but I've never heard of someone adding sugar to spaghetti after the fact.

>> No.15370835

Yeah I know right? It's weird, dude swears by it tho. I even was confused at first and asked if he meant sauce too, but nope sugar on the spaghetti

>> No.15370841

I'd love a hot pocket and a tall glass of cold milk right now.

In uni I saw these two German guys spend a month eating plain spaghetti from a 5kg bag with ketchup.

>> No.15370846

Was he like, filipino or something?

>> No.15370859

That's kinda cute, i can imagine those two being like best friends who do everything together and they share the communal spaghetti bag and ketchup bottle when they're hungry in-between sessions of their wacky German antics

>> No.15370863

Reminds me of a time years back I got high at a friends place. I worked, they went Uni.
I ordered chinese food and they didn't want it, when I finished I went to take a piss. When I came back one of them was eating the scraps off my plate unironically. I've been low, but never that low kek.

>> No.15370869

Maybe you're a fucking faggot and shouldn't have let him eat that stupid shit, why are you such a gay pathectic faggot?

>> No.15370886

In college I remember microwaving a can of green beans, and dressing it up with my roommate's creole seasoning.

>> No.15370913

dont fuck with the virgins anon

>> No.15370924

Nah, red state ghetto tall white kid. Only reason he tried it in the first place was cause his own friend convinced him to. Kinda curious how it tastes now. Maybe if I get a spaghetti I don't like I'll try it sometime.

>> No.15370928

>Working at the towers at Auschwitz with buddy, long hours, not enough pay, extremely boring
>at least I have the spaghetti bag to share with my friend

>> No.15371092

Sounds good, Im going to try that in a few minutes

>> No.15371326

Do you think the hot meal Joey had with his first pay cheque was a hot pocket and glass of milk?

>> No.15371332

motherfucker i ain't his dad, it isn't my fault the little motherfucker is 14 and doesn't know how to feed himself

>> No.15371439


>> No.15371442

Does sugar actually cut down on the acidity? I thought it just balanced it out. I've heard a little baking soda can actually neutralize some of the acidity though.

>> No.15371465


>> No.15371730
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>> No.15371739
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>> No.15371752

>Taco Bell 69 cent bean burritos
You were in college in the late 90s bro?

>> No.15371768

literally just eat one. don't make me feel bad :(

>> No.15371776

I'm not your bro faggot.

>> No.15371783

Get raped then, nigger.

>> No.15371807

This, spaghetti with ketchup is definitely the most depressing "meal" if you can even call it that, I witnessed it often already, really seems popular in Germany. If you absolutely want to eat pasta with ketchup (I don't recommend it), you could just put some onions, garlic and spices in it, pull the whole thing through the pan, add some cheese and it would instantly be 300% better without even that much more effort. I'm trying not to be elitist about cooking, but I sometimes don't know if I should admire or pity people with so little ambition and self-respect.

>> No.15371816

Saw a friend eating ramen with burnt noodles. He put the thing in the microwave and forgot he didn't put water in

>> No.15371818
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When I was failing through college and living in a roach infested studio flat, I was eating a microwave pasta dish that didn't need to be refridgerated and got appendicitis the next morning. Everyone told me I was a retard and it was just food poisoning. No one would take me to a doctor until like the 4th time this happened.

>> No.15371831

that I have eaten? spaghetti.
that I saw anyone else eat? plain macaroni no cheese and a cold hotdog (some guy in the lunch room where I used to work).

>> No.15371843
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Nothing as long as it's chocolate milk.

>> No.15371846

Why do you have to go to a lunch room?
Aren't you allowed out of the building to get your own lunch?

>> No.15371849

>4th time it happened
anon, you may be retarded

>> No.15371852

Maybe drunk

>> No.15371856

It's still Holiday season so both retarded and drunk and hanged over.

>> No.15371857

>FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15371868

The hangover part's the worst, then I can loose balance.

>> No.15371976

Ice cubes in between two slices of white bread.
Best served in a roach infested apartment in a bad part of town in between drunken calls to your ex.

>> No.15372004

that vodka and pickle pic i see posted sometimes

>> No.15372008
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Hot pocket!!!

>> No.15372028
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Last week I ate pic related on the lid of a toilet seat that was less than a foot away from a cat box (currently living with a hoarder).
Actually tasted pretty good and the cat box didn’t stink because I’d just cleaned it, but I suppose the whole thing was still rather sad.

>> No.15372243

why are you living with a hoarder anon

>> No.15372252

post pics pls

>> No.15372253

those should be sad faces

>> No.15372266
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Sometimes I just take a chunk of about 200g of gouda cheese and eat it. Sometimes add a slice of bread.

>> No.15372325

kek at all the poverty itt fucking poorshits

>> No.15372436

$3 for that same TB meal but I did that a few years ago for about a month

>> No.15372445

>sugar on spaghetti
that's a hood rat thing

>> No.15372471

Black people fucking love their sugar, I can confirm that. Worked at Tim Hortons for a while in Michigan and every morning we'd get dozens of orders for coffee with 6-10 or more sugars and every fucking time it was a black person. It was always the blacks complaining that we didn't serve jelly to go on their breakfast sandwiches, too. Always made me laugh thinking about the statistic that black people are more at risk for diabetes; it's always presented as some genetic factor, but actually it's because they pile sugar into everything like addicted lunatics.

>> No.15372574

I used to eat microwaves grilled cheeses every day after school. Toasted the bread up, 2 slices of american cheese, microwaved for like 30 seconds.
I hated it so much it made me learn how to cook.

>> No.15372717

Yes, but only used when making the passata or ragù. Not sprinkled on top of a plated serving, that's vile.

>> No.15372793 [DELETED] 

Nope, it's fire. How many times have you tried it? Zero, I bet. It just sounds weird to you so you shy away.

>> No.15372919

>it's because they pile sugar into everything like addicted lunatics.
Considering the effect sugar has on the brain and the reward process, you're not far off from being correct.

Try eating a low sugardiet for a week. You can still eat carbs (potatoes, bread, pasta, etc) but nothing that's explicitly sugary or sweet. You'll be surprised how quickly you start going nuts.

>> No.15372925

That's literally what I had before my job interview at Fry's, biggest mistake in my life I nearly shat my pants during the orientation.

>> No.15373217

Microwave tortilla with american cheese single

>> No.15373266

I made a burrito with rice, sour cream and meat that all the spices washed off from the juices because I thought I had all the other ingredients at home when I went to the shop.
I shouldn't have tried it. I thought some tomato sauce would fix it. I knew it wasn't going to work but I went through because of my vainglorious hubris.
And it did not work.

>> No.15373290

Cutlery you swine

>> No.15373297

No. You're fucking wrong. I live in a land of canola and that shit is disgusting.

>> No.15373301

>You can still eat carbs (potatoes, bread, pasta, etc) but nothing that's explicitly sugary or sweet. You'll be surprised how quickly you start going nuts.
What? If a normal diet makes you go crazy you're some kind of chimp. Sweets should be rare and far between. And even than, it's only like an aplple or orange. You're just addicted if you need sugar to function.

>> No.15373311

Filipino spaghetti sauce has banana sauce in it to make it sweet, not just sugar poured over the top. They aren't Negros.

>> No.15373321

No, but you could make fun of him until he learns to cook. I knew how to make all kinds of shit by 14.

>> No.15373471

sloppa shit

>> No.15373980

>Sweets should be rare and far between.
Welcome to America, the land of high fructose corn syrup in bread and sugar cubes for breakfast.
>You're just addicted if you need sugar to function.
That is literally what he's saying, you retard.

>> No.15374021
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>> No.15374034

Ketchup rice

>> No.15374149 [DELETED] 

What's with the lazy mass deletion of innocuous posts on this board?

>> No.15374215

>Try eating a low sugardiet for a week
Yes i have done that since i became an adult

>> No.15374276

calling things that are not addiction an addiction is a new fad, same with calling things that aren't religions religions. People only do it because it lets them deploy a bunch of tired tropes, gaslights and kafkatraps built for those things

if you call shit addiction, pseuds with two braincells will want to hop on your pseud bandwagon and people with one or three braincells respectively intuitively know that you're a weasel

>> No.15374285 [DELETED] 

You need to do more reading on how addiction works. It sounds like you're stuck on war on drugs propaganda.

>> No.15374288

Sugar gets called an addiction because studies of its effects on the brain show the exact same mechanisms that take place when a cocaine or alcohol addict gets their fix.

>> No.15374545

Try actually looking at the most recent research about how sugar affects the brain. It's literally addicting and if you remove it from your diet you get extreme cravings and sometimes other mild withdrawal symptoms which you don't get from removing other things from your diet.

>> No.15375477

>I'm trying not to be elitist about cooking
Every single poverty meal could be improved by putting in about 5 more minutes worth of work with minimal cost. The common trend here is that poor people also tend to be lazy.

>> No.15375567

Indeed. I remember when I was poor, which was like 30€ for food for a month in germany, where even welfare counts like 150€ for the same time.
I bought a couple kilo dry lentils, potatoes, powdered brooth, concentrated tomato paste and white flour as a base. Purchasing the most reduced vegetables on saturday evening (where they have to get rid of everything), if I was lucky I could add some eggs or heavy cream.

This made it possible to make lentil soup with different vegetables, potato cream soup, naan bread to go with it or to snack something else with it. Also baking basic or pretzel buns (Brötchen) for like 2-3Cent each to match some soft boiled eggs. Onions are also always cents worth, so frence onion soup with roasted DIY bread slices was also nice. Onions were also delicious when coated in some dought to be "deep fried" and eaten with ketchup made from the tomato paste, cream/water and a couple herbs. Those potatoes also were tasty fried with a couple herbs, which really aren't that expansive or of course mashed with fried onions on top as well as maybe a soft boiled egg.

The list really goes on. If you are poor and have enought time on your hands, there is no excuse to not at least have some modest tasty food.

>> No.15375587

Nearly forgot the tomato soup or tomato sauce with serious spice to go with the cheapest spaghetti, If the money was real tight, spaghetti alioli was a last resort. Still nice when maed with fresh garlic, which is also dirt cheap.

>> No.15376078

Yeah, I somehow managed to dodge that bullet even though it runs on both sides of my family.

For me, High School was my awakening where there was a such thing as too much sugar. My Kool-Aid didn't use so much sugar, oatmeal didn't use too much sugar, etc., one of my favorite cereals to have was Frosted Mini-Wheats and when my late stepdad poured himself a bowl, he'd add heaping amounts of sugar to the shit which disgusted me.

I still maintain to this day, like I enjoy my sweets here and there but I prefer nuance to my tastes rather than piling on the sugar so much piss would have glucose swirls.

>> No.15376254

I was starving and made a kraft macaroni cup and poured olive oil and Tabasco inside

>> No.15376791

How do you eat a glass of milk? Must've been pretty old milk, m'dude.

>> No.15376840

Fleshlight full of macaroons

>> No.15377590

Microwaved hamburgers.

>> No.15377596

>same with calling things that aren't religions religions
When those things become indistinguishable in their behavior and drives from an actual religion, can you blame them?

>> No.15377805

i tried that with a totinos. the crust was like rubber. so i used my hands to scrape up the toppings and eat that.

>> No.15377827
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Wtf is wrong with hot pockets? Most I’ve ever microwaved at once was 6. Shit was cash

>> No.15377828

I ate a small dish of leftover onions, reheated rice and stale cheezeits.

>> No.15377859

At least once a month I eat leftover, cold white rice that I was planning on turning into fried rice right from the fridge

>> No.15377953

Probably not a single meal. But my entire eating existence consists of getting Chinese delivery, instant ramen (packs not the cups at least), lean cuisines, and five guys once a week.

I went back to my parents home over Christmas and it was so nice getting real meals every day.
Steak, biscuits in gravy, fish, Bulgolgi, French toast, pancakes, honeyed ham.
So many amazing meals... and now I'm back to eating garbage. It honestly makes me depressed.

>> No.15377959

I've ate a burnt hot pocket I got from a trash can.

>> No.15378004

>But my entire eating existence consists of getting Chinese delivery
My local place has an $80 family meal that gives me enough food for 15 meals easy. I order it most Friday nights, eat a disgusting amount, and then freeze the rest to eat after work during the week.

>> No.15378012

The thing is I hate the fuck put of the Chinese part. They have some deep fried sushi that is amazing though so I order that with a few side rolls and its $30 .
Its enough for 1 meal.

The Chinese part gives a ton of food but it tastes like garbage.

>> No.15378973

a white boomer in a shitty one bedroom apartment with a broken down front door eating ramen on the floor with mice crawling around in his room

>> No.15378977

A cold flour tortilla with old lettuce

>> No.15379707

its a socioeconomic thing. if you grow up poor and your parents are uneducated then they will feed you sugar from early on. that shit is addicting and if you dont know better why would you stop consuming it?

>> No.15380111
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My roomate didnt notice the lid until he probed it with a spoon after eating the soup from the pot.

>> No.15380157

I got really drunk one day and was hungry, but to drunk to drive.

I ended up eating canned corn right out of the can because my dishes were dirty. Not a great time in my life lol.

>> No.15380179

Most depressing meal was the 1st time I was ever unable to spend thanksgiving with my family, due to being out of town for work.

I was contracted to do some work in a little shithole in Texas; and ended up having a microwave burrito from the one gas station in town.

>> No.15380195

I've eaten a bowl of niggercum mixed with shit from a whores asshole, followed by a fistful of pills and a pint of skol vodka

>> No.15380643

I ate an egg salad sandwich on thanksgiving one year

>> No.15380647


>> No.15380800

I ate dry, unseasoned chicken breasts two days ago.

>> No.15380822

2 day old cold pork loin slices, wrapped up in a tortilla with just ketchup

>> No.15380842

>prancing in leiderhosen and skirts in circles around their traditionally decorated german dorm room to obnoxiously loud polka music with your best bro

>> No.15380874

>most ive ever microwaved at once was 6
mein homie

>> No.15380878

A tragedy in four acts.

>> No.15380895

a cup of guacamole and a dunkin donuts coffee

>> No.15380899

like two or three handfuls of preshredded cheese from the bag before realizing it had gone bad and throwing it out

>> No.15381337

It's my "loss saga".

>> No.15381347

Clean that microwave.

>> No.15381353


Eating instant ramen in your 50s and up sounds like death waiting to happen. Just like Aunty Fee.

>> No.15381845

>he doesnt use a well seasoned microwave

>> No.15382067
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>be me, in Uni
>watching movie at 3am on the couch
>tired and hungry
>go into kitchen
>very sparse selection
>all plates are in the sink
>too lazy to do dishes or cook anything
>grab a coffee mug, fill it up with Kraft shredded Mexican 4-cheese
>return to couch and eat about half of it
>fall asleep
>wake up to girlfriend inspecting the mug with a shocked/fearful expression
love me some mexican cheese lads

>> No.15382141

>ywn get to do that

>> No.15382157

Once I ate a can of corn and a couple slices of old bread

>> No.15382173

70% of /ck still consume fast foods, estrogen, plastics, and processed grains, oils, and candy

>> No.15382215

A whole jar of mustard and half a loaf of wheat bread. The worst part is that I just crushed and balled up the bread in my hand and sort of stuffed it all in my mouth and drank the mustard.

>> No.15382354

I gained around 20lbs over the course of 2020. I can easily lose 30. So currently I am on around 1000 calories daily. Today I ate a bowl of muesli in the morning, a bowl of cottage cheese mixed with tuna and spices for lunch and three eggs sunny side up for dinner. And I have to keep at it for several weeks.

>> No.15382356

almost, not coiny enough

>> No.15382374

I've always known how to cook so I've never made shit as bad as this thread, but after work in a kitchen I often just ate like 3 taquitos and a bottle of soda

>> No.15382384

My emaciated ass takes personal offense. fuck you. fuck this thread. and the culinary horse you road in on, sir.

>> No.15382394
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(and out of ketchup)

>> No.15382402

egg salad sandwich is lush, nothing depressing about that

>> No.15382414
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I love egg salad but it gives me and my dog some bad egg farts

>> No.15382488

under 1500 is too little for a man, I've heard
better to up the cals a bit and fast one day a week or 2 days every 2 weeks imo

>> No.15382511

apologies, just meant plain scrambled eggs on white bread. was a staple in college because cheap.
top ramen, too. sorta pathetic but actually contemplated the flavors before adding to shopping cart.
not thankful enough for not having to look at prices in the supermarket anymore.

>> No.15382523

$.69 x 3 = $2.07

Was there a discount for three?

>> No.15382536
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I personally eat soup from the can with a plastic fork. No heating, no diluting.
I can change this. I have bowls, silverware, stovetop and microwave heat sources at my disposal. Hell even running water (hot and cold) but sometimes life is hard and accepting this requires immense resolve.

Lowest I went was cheese and broccoli soup in a can and just drank it like a beverage. It's been 5 years since then and I'm getting close to doing it again

>> No.15382590

This is some gay cringe

>> No.15382971

this is actually killer if you have good soup

>> No.15383029

I used to mix those cans of white meat chicken with a few eggs in a mug and microwave it. Seems gross now that I can cook better but I was young dumb and partially homeless

>> No.15383095

When I was you young I ate my male friend's ass and it actually did have a metallic taste. I wonder why.

>> No.15383219
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wtf kinda pussies you eatin?

>> No.15383257

are you the butcher that lives in the cabin?

>> No.15383268

I have a story about 6 Hot Pockets.
>in HS, not planning anything for that night
>microwave 6 hot ham and cheese hot pockets, hork them down
>not long after my buddies and a girl i hooked up with the night before ask if i want to chill and play drinking games
>sure i guess
>playing kings cup, i used to just drink jack daniels out of the bottle
>pull the waterfall card, so we're all chugging our drinks
>i get a bubble
>makes me gag, i make a horrible retching noise
>can't hold it back
>throw up 6 ham and cheese hot pockets and whiskey all over the girl i'd hooked up with

It's fine, she had given me a really shitty handjob anyways, but I felt pretty bad for her.

>> No.15383300
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I used to work in the Forum Shops in Caesars Palace, and Pete Rose (former-MLB star, one of the best), used to sign autographs at the high-end sports memorabilia store there. On my lunch break, I watched from afar as he sat on a mall bench eating a Cup of Noodles while no one was in line or recognizing him. Just a sad, out of shape old man.

I felt really bad.

>> No.15383357

One time my broke roommates had somehow gotten their hands on several pounds of Krab (imitation crab meat) for free. I have nothing against the stuff, but they were eating it by itself for like 5 days a handful at a time. Grossed me out

>> No.15383362

i like dumping loads in your mom's hot pocket.

>> No.15383391

But if you put a can in your microwave....

>> No.15383402

Did the guy they got it from like trains?

>> No.15383408

Hey dipshit most food places are closed for indoor seating because there's like a pandemic or something

>> No.15383416

>there's like a pandemic or something
lmfao yeah one you have to be constantly reminded it "exists" suck an egg

>> No.15383422

This is why I hang out on the Chandydoodles. The humor.
What's wrong with Hot Pockets? The make a convenient lunch at work. The meatball & marinara, and the ham & cheddar ones are passable.

>> No.15383498

You should have smacked them out of his hand and made him a proper steak or pork chops and some bourbon. Take heed or he'll start lisping soon and going out with Bruce.

>> No.15383504

for me it's thanksgiving dinner in solitary lockup, the worst way to spend a holiday

>> No.15383543

Sounds pretty bad but look on the bright side it was likely better than bread and water.

>> No.15383550

Depends on where you are and take-out always exists, I prefer getting take-out and eating in the office so I can bill for it unless I'm meeting up with a girlfriend for lunch.

>> No.15383562

found some mac and cheese in the discount area, it didn't taste like mac or cheese, and actively made me sad eating it, since I know there are people out there that eat like this

>> No.15383569
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>dude was a gluten in every since of the word

>> No.15383570

Kys retard

>> No.15383579

I do not eat microwavable food because I don't hate myself

>> No.15383597

Nice analysis doctor Goldsteinberg

>> No.15383630
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>> No.15383645

Whatever the fuck Kay's Cooking is cooking up. Her son is going to commit suicide.


>> No.15383653

Did you shed a tear

>> No.15383720

My friend saved a fucking double cheeseburger from McDonalds for 12 hours to microwave later.

>> No.15383739

cold wolf's brand chili straight out of the can because i hadn't slept for two days straight and couldn't be fucked to heat it

>> No.15384505

Yet he has more than you ever will.

>> No.15384841
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>be me
>visiting relatives which like at england
>cousin has married an english "chef"
>he served microwaved sousages, soggy bread and worst eggs ive ever tasted

>> No.15384864

the chicken & sausage gumbo one is better

>> No.15384865
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>nephew eating a microwaved hotpocket and a glass of milk
what's so wrong with that? YOU BE NICE TO YOUR NEPHEW OP

Back in collidge one of my friends got fired from his job and didn't have the heart to tell his parents, so instead he went hungry. I watched him microwave a frozen hamburger patty until it was gray and curled up like orecchiette pasta, sitting in its own brackish water in a plate that wasn't even microwave safe

>> No.15384866

Whenever there's a piece of bread with ketchup on it left from a hamburger it always tastes good to me.

>> No.15385380

sounds like a total faggot, sorry

>> No.15385385

he is awesome. i would have sat down with him for an hour. very funny and entertaining to listen to. i am sadly one of those baseball fans -- game has gotten nothing but worse in the last 10 years or so. but pete is a guy that never says a bad thing about it yet baseball shuns him. it is sad. you should have said hi.

>> No.15385402

high school school food, we were allowed to go out of school at anytime so weren't consinged to lunchroom shit.

>> No.15385413

... it was a lot more of a trust thing knowing that we'd come back. That's why we could go out and come back anytime.

>> No.15385477

that's some impressive mental gymnastics-tier of projection

>> No.15385537

Scrambled eggs on toast is fine. I've had that many a weekend morn with good coffee.

>> No.15385766

I calculated it. I am over 30, so I need less for maintenance anyway. It is indeed a bit on the low side, but I want to shed that shit as fast as I gained it. And I really don't want to fast.

>> No.15386306

Cold spam on white bread

>> No.15386367
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I had a roommate that would often eat beans mixed with an unholy amount of almost every condiment in the fridge. The smell was so disgusting I couldn't stomach any food with condiments other than hot sauce for months.

>> No.15387119

stay strong

>> No.15387927

go back to fucking reddit

>> No.15387988

I recognize that microwave. Its cabinbrah

>> No.15388167

Is your nephew a janny?

>> No.15388325

1 can of Aldi chili mixed with 1 box of Aldi's version of kraft mac'n'cheese.

Not that bad actually and costs like 1.59 or some shit.

>> No.15388403

i never saved it but theres that anon who posted about how he stashed mcchickens in his radiator next to his bed so whenever he was hungry he'd just pull one out. sounded comfy.

>> No.15388424

The cheese packet from a box of Velveeta shells and cheese. I ate three of them. It was a bad time.

>> No.15388428

Microwaved a bunch of tostidos. they werent alll warm so i just ate them cold

>> No.15388449
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>mfw most of these "depressing" meals you've eaten/witnessed is what I usually eat everyday

>> No.15388456

Not this but close. Hormel chili with uncle Ben's (or generic brand) red beans and rice 90 second pouch mixed in and hot sauce. Takes like 4 minutes overall, costs under $4 sometimes less, and has like 40 grams protein (according to the labels). Kinda sad bachelor chow but also quite tasty, and under 900 cals.

>> No.15388468

cheese and bread sandwich. good if grilled w/ butter, atrocious otherwise

>> No.15388491

you mean grilled cheese you dumb faggot?

>> No.15388561

They literally teach you how to cook at school from grade 5 until end of highschool, in developed countries

>> No.15388793


Step up that tapeworm game, germany

>> No.15388837
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Meh, Margarine used to be the only way in the 80's before all the strokes and heart attacks from the transfats. Butter's good, but sometimes a little Country Crock is nice on rice or a baked potato. Plus, always easily spreadable on bread.

>> No.15388843

your mums lol

>> No.15388865
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Depression meal. Just chew on some of this. Already partially cooked, just no energy or initiative to turn on a stove with some water and wait. Kinda like a cow chewing cud. Le blah...

>> No.15388940

I hate the sight of these tubs because one side of my family uses them as storage for leftovers and would send me home with them. Simply touching one brings back memories of immense shame ;__;

no seriously I would rather pull my shirt over my head like one of those 70's mobsters if my neighbors were out when I had to walk to my house and could see me carrying one.

>> No.15388951

Saw my dad eat dry wheatbiks

>> No.15389101

now I love almost nothing in the world so much as I love a good salted butter,
but there's a small handful of things that just seem to click with the stuff.
like I can't remember the last time I had zucchini bread, but if some landed in my house, I'd go pick up some parkay.

>> No.15389108

aww, I have similar memories and yet none of the shame!

>> No.15389305

Growing up we used to eat ketchup or mustard sandwiches, bbq sauce sandwiches for special occasions.
My mother also used to by condensed grocery store brand soup and do 5 to 1 or 10 to 1, water to soup.
My father would be out of work for months at a time and he refused to accept welfare or food stamps, he said only blacks take handouts.
He always had enough money for cigarettes and beer.

>> No.15389367

most depressing meal has got to be like a dozen mcchickens and mcdoubles and a pizza from little caesars. there were a bunch of fries and a 2 liter as well.

>> No.15389400

The point of condensed soup is that is that it's condensed so you need to dilute it.

>> No.15389725

i forgot these tubs existed. were they around in the 90s?

>> No.15389737

>For putting ketchup on bread. lmao
Sounds like you're welsh to me.

>> No.15389854

I actually use a slightly modified recipe for my laminated dough, I only bothered making the hot pockets once since I have a bad back, but I have made it many times for croissants and once for baked brie, used the extra for a meat pie, good shit, my change is replacing the olive oil with butter for a more buttery flavor.

>> No.15389895

>They aren't Negros.
True, but they are the niggers of Asia.

>> No.15389905

chunky blows chunks

>> No.15389947

We don't do that

>> No.15389986

How would you meaningfully improve kraft mac and cheese in 5m or less?

>> No.15390025


for my part i threw shredded cheese and diced jalapenos in the pot i made today

>> No.15390032


>> No.15390039

based dad looking out for numero uno

>> No.15390060

He was obviously offering his ass for cigarettes and beer.

>> No.15390085

reads like a w*man wrote this.

>> No.15390096

Your butter is hard to spread because you buy shitty butter. The more omega 3 (graddfeed) a cow is the softer its butter will be. For example even shit like kerrygold is easy spreadable straight from the fridge - if you put it in the right place, not the near-frezing level. Margarine tastes disgusting and is absolute shit for your halth.

>> No.15390160

Just remember that one Vincent "The Chin" Gigante that would pretend to be insane in NYC and wander around in a bathrobe. He got away with it for a very long time.

>> No.15390261

I don't know if this is called a meal but some friends were going to SUNY Albany and I went up to visit them and they decided to get split the expenses and get a house to get out of dorms on campus and the first thing I saw in that house was dried ass spaghetti stuck to a wall in the kitchen. That was pretty sad, not just the spaghetti stuck to the wall but the shithole of a house in the first place.

>> No.15390280

Give peas a chance!

>> No.15390285
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Rate my dinner

2 hash browns with cheese, mustard and bbq sauce. Wa la

>> No.15390841

I've seen a coworker microwave a raw chicken breast. That shit was still raw and didn't want to admit he is a retard so he ate the entire thing.

>> No.15390856

I need to stop coming here.

>> No.15390859

So? Microwaves nuke that shit. I microwave breasts all the time.

>> No.15391917

My parents used to buy this stuff when I was a kid and seeing that plastic tub brought a wave of nostalgia. Do they still make country crock? It feel like it's been 15 years since I've seen one of those.

>> No.15391928

there is literally nothing wrong with having a glass of milk

>> No.15392030

the melted cheese and bbq sauce are fine on it. No idea what you were thinking with the mustard, that sounds disgusting.

>> No.15392176

i ate crackers for dinner last night since im so lazy i don't go to the store and i have no other food.

>> No.15392185
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>> No.15392189

Two boiled potatoes, followed shortly by two boiled eggs. I've been eating this every day for the past 1 and a half years.

>> No.15392392

brown butter and cook cheese packet in the butter, pour in milk and cook the pasta in the butter/cheese/milk combo. 1000% better.

>> No.15392405
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Have some happy colas gummis, they'll cheer you up.

>> No.15392413

should have gotten some deenz to put on the crackers

>> No.15392428
File: 115 KB, 1080x1268, JXzyjyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot dog meal at Costco when I was an office drone. Sitting there, alone, in a suit and tie stuffing myself with a cheap hotdog. I'm still a fat piece of shit but that was bad.

>> No.15392436

A suit and tie is pretty damn useful especially since there are a lot pockets there and you can always take off the jacket. It looks good and way better than some faggot wearing a backpack like a faggot.

>> No.15392442

You come across as someone that's never gone out with a girl before.

>> No.15392455

Let me just autism my silloutte lmao. If anything that isn't flat doesn't ruin the look of a suit then it doesn't fit correctly.

>> No.15392550

My brother is the literal meme of a mid 30's loser who lives with his mother and only eats chicken nuggets. I visited her over Christmas and when he came out of his room to cook them and then go back to hiding it was one of the most depressing things to witness his troglodyte form with huge rotund belly and stick thin arms. I will never be able to see chicken nuggets without getting physically sick again.