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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15357587 No.15357587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>culture about putting others before you and not standing out
>also japan
>drippings of saliva and broth flung all over the restaurant while 500 decibel slurping noises fill my ears

Why do they do this?

>> No.15357589

Maybe you shouldn’t eat out if you’re disgusted by others enjoying their meal.

>> No.15357591

It's respectful to the chef/restaurant, shows your enjoyment.
As for why, who knows? Culture is weird and doesn't always make logical sense.

>> No.15357609

>also japan
Weak bait. You can't even tell Korean apart from Japan.

>> No.15357696


>> No.15357698

Why would anyone ever have to?

>> No.15357701

Japamsese """CULTure""" is the most pussy ass shit I've seen in my life, and I've been to ENGLAND

>> No.15357723


>> No.15357739

Kys weeb

>> No.15357747
File: 698 KB, 1478x1108, WoYftRz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15357759
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190823_193442_757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pose these as if they are contradictory, but you eat hot ramen quickly by slurping the noodles quickly. That's how it's done.
It doesn't fling broth or saliva anywhere, and it isn't terribly loud. Have your ever considered that you are just terrible at eating ramen?

>> No.15358192

This is 4chan, retard.

>> No.15358367

I've been to Japan and this never happened in any restaurant.

>> No.15358385

t. the third world

>> No.15358392

>It's respectful to the chef/restaurant, shows your enjoyment.

Why do retards keep repeating this bullshit? No it fucking isn't, it just isn't rude.

God damn retard.

>> No.15358396

>>drippings of saliva
this is hot (if it's a sexy female)

>> No.15358437

Never had this happen to me in Japan. Train passengers were frequently morons though. The food is mostly overpriced and shit though. My favourite food I had there was traditional Japanese curry. The food in Hiroshima was exceptionally bad, a horrible place.

>> No.15358678

This is 4channel, inbred

>> No.15358700
File: 92 KB, 686x686, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do they do this?
It's their collective subconscious. Unwittingly, their genetics surface and call out for one more care package to finish the job. It's a cry for help. Even though the world has changed, their inner samurai wants to achieve seppuku by any means for their past failures.

>> No.15358712

I've seen pigs at a trough eating with more manners than these insectoids

>> No.15358733

i always see this, yeah that doesnt make any sense

>> No.15358784

Japanese men are antisemitic. I went there last year and they refused to apologize for the holocaust.

>> No.15358794

/a/ is on 4channel too, redditor

>> No.15358816
File: 1.58 MB, 3095x2160, IMG_20180419_201220_758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived there for five years, and gave a few presentations educating people about the Holocaust. Jews as a minority aren't super well known there, and I think adults are at least aware of the Holocaust but high school students didn't really know at all. Anyway, fuck you.

>> No.15358830

containment board

>> No.15358986

This is peak mental illness. Fuck off back to >>>/pol/, retard.

>> No.15359080

stuff it, jannyboo

>> No.15359092

Yellow hands typed this post

>> No.15359442

Same reason they produce tentacle porn. The Japanese are an extremely repressed culture, and they have a few approved outlets where the rules "don't count" or they'd all go fucking insane.

This is one of those weird exceptions. It's like casual Friday for them.

>> No.15359456

Slurping aerates the broth, maximizing its flavor.
If you sup it quietly like a meek gaijin you'll just get laughed at.