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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15354541 No.15354541 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know if this is more /ck/ or /fit/, but do you guys take any food additives? I've recently started taking fish oil and vitamin D daily and was wondering what else would be good for general health. I've heard that zinc and magnesium are pretty important too, have few friend that swear by it

>> No.15354545

If you're a coomer
Once every day to max power

>> No.15354553

>If you're a coomer
>Once every day to max power
Yeah, ive heard it gives you some energy

>> No.15354568

A main component of semen is zinc. It will increase your cum output

>> No.15354576

Since this is a food board I can just suggest that you learn to cook a variety of foods that cover your nutritional needs.
The /fit/ in me will tell you that general pharmacy supps are shit quality and the only ones worth taking are the mixes pro athletes take, but those would cost you a good 100-150$ a month

>> No.15354577
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>> No.15354582

Cheese is basically ZMA in food form. Eat cheese.

>> No.15354586

>ZMA(zinc, mag, b vitamin)
>vitamin d
>sometimes a multi vitamin

>> No.15354628


Vitamin D3 pretty much got rid of my lifetime long winter depression

>> No.15354632

multivitmain once a day
vitamin d 3000 iu a day

>> No.15354638

I take zinc, magnesium and calcium with vitamin d. Sometimes b12 if I was drinking. And also those super low strength aspirin. I get my omega 3 from deenz, about 4 tins a week.

>> No.15354647

4 tins a day???

>> No.15354648

>3000 iu a day
Why? Isn't that way over the recommended daily intake?
Based and same. I take vitamin d supplements daily and my depression is basically gone since I started doing so regularly.

>> No.15354657

When did week turn into days? I get a tin most days for work lunch and the other I'll get deli chicken or some ham. I'm actually on vacation this week so haven't had any deenz, may pick some up tomorrow.
T Kroger dairy fag

>> No.15354664


Sunflower lecithin also increases coom volume. Feels good, man.

>> No.15354677


Is lecithin good for anything else?

>> No.15354717

>also those super low strength aspirin
Whats the benefit?

>> No.15354730

multivitamin with turmeric
calcium with d3
zinc 2mg with selenium 100ug
zinc citrate 100mg
vit d 6000 iu
sunflower lecithin 1200mg
L-Arginine 1000mg

big cums. used to take fish oil as well but got tired of the fish burps

>> No.15354740

I have no clue. Since I started taking it I don't feel any different other than having bigger cumshots.

>> No.15354748

the recommended daily intake is so fucking its a joke
it should be closer to 4000

>> No.15354757

I take 2 pills of 400 ui everyday, guess I should double it then

>> No.15354769


I take 4000 and it feels just right. My autist German friend takes 2000 and complains it's pretty much useless.

>> No.15354777

multivitamin & magnesium
magnesium helps with migraines, have had a lot less since i started taking

>> No.15354781

Supposedly to reduce chance of blood clotting and therefore strokes and heart attack. I work a physical job so it's also nice for the minor aches I incur. I'm also an old fag.

>> No.15354809

Oh wait, I'm an idiot. I take 5,000 iu a day, which is 250 mcg. I recently started taking it and thought I remember it only being like 2,000 iu.

>> No.15354830

Fish oil is a meme. Zinc, D, magnesium citrate NOT oxide, maybe an iron pill. You're good.

>> No.15354963

omega 3 fatty acids is not a meme, anon

>> No.15354978

>Fish oil

>> No.15354981

No but the pills are and the quality varies so much between brands it's not worth buying. Just eat some nuts, vegetables, and fish once in a while and you'll be fine

>> No.15354997


Exactly this, eat some sardines, tuna fish and a small bag of walnuts once in a while and it's safer than whatever Chinese toxic bullshit you'll find around

>> No.15354999

Can you not read?

>> No.15355016

My only piece of sage advice is don't take multivitamins. They're bollocks. Used to take them every day for almost a year because I thought they were good for me. They didn't do anything for my overall health, in fact, they gave me the shits. I know it was multivitamins doing it because when I stopped taking them, the mysterious diarrhea that plagued me for months was magically gone.

A diverse, balanced diet will do much more for you, OP. Just learn how to cook healthy food and eat different stuff each day.

>> No.15355025


There's multivitamins and there's individual vitamins and minerals supplements. I'd go for the latter ones, multivitamins are normie tier giving you a wide range of the lowest common denominator. You only need zinc, magnesium and and D3 anyway.

>> No.15355111

>they didnt do anything for my overall health
how would you even know unless you got blood work done? you could be b12 deficient right now and not even realize it

>> No.15355129

This is correct. Tho, I dont wat f*sh,.so the fish oil is great for me. If you actually have a balanced diet that often includes fish, you don't really need it.
Its another question what quality is the fish you usually get from the supermarket and how much benefit you get from it, but that's a different topic

>> No.15355342

There are plenty of nuts and veggies with omega 3 in them. If you're sticking to the pills do some research on the brand at least. The only decent one I know of is from gnc

>> No.15355372

A few thoughts:

-there's no definitive proof that supplemented fish oil has any benefit, it should come from fish
-multivitamins are just a way to make your pee more expensive, you should get micros through diet
-zma is only effective if you're deficient (again, likely through bad diet)
-vitamin d is useful if you don't get enough sun or live north or south of like the 45th paralells (but a great stopgap, nearly 50% of people are deficient)
-if you do any anabolic workouts, creatine is cheap and foolproof, 5g/day with no negative side effects
-ashwagandha gets too much credit where it shouldn't, but it is actually a great cortisol (stress hormome) reducer. in this day and age, it's worth considering if you're stressed or anxious, but give it time. it took at least a month of supplementation for me to notice it, but the effect is significant over time.

if you're super into fitness, there may be some supplements that improve performance and recovery, but for the layperson probably not too worth it. melatonin is good if you have trouble regulating sleep, but don't overdo it. just because 3mg is good doesn't mean 10mg is better, and it needs to be taken regularly. it's NOT a sleeping pill, it's a hormone regulator.

>> No.15355455

Based coomer

>> No.15356194

Quick rundown?

>> No.15356246


>> No.15356255

Do it again.

>> No.15356263

Done. Wanna see me do it again?

>> No.15356293

ON multivitamin
ascorbic acid
calcium carbonate

That's it, I like to keep it simple and get most of my vitamins and minerals in food.

>> No.15356322

The word you're looking for is supplements, 'food additives' means something different

>> No.15356339

Supplements have various absorption rates. So they jack up amount in them, especially if you take it on an empty stomach.

>> No.15356961
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Brainket here, what the fuck is even a vitamin, bros? Like, its not a mineral, it's not fat/carb/protein, where does it come from? And why do we need it

>> No.15357013

25mcg = 1000 iu
125 mcg = x

>> No.15357038

is 50mg Zinc a lot?

>> No.15357061
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even you could have just googled it

>> No.15357127


>> No.15357916

fish oil can be of wildly varying quality, dont want rancid PUFAs so just eat some fish once in a while

I take:
a bit of magnesium at night has been great for my sleep quality
vitamin d3
humans dont make vitamin c naturally like other mammals do and it's no risk, so I take 1000-2000 mg a day
very occasionally a zinc + copper supplement (once a week or less)
I make a point to eat canned cod liver once or twice a month. it's not pleasant but it's very nutrient dense with vitamin a

>> No.15357934

yes, unless you are a vegan, it's probably too much, 15-20mg is probably more reasonable, depending on the natural sources in your palette

>> No.15357995
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I take:
>Centrum® multivitamin daily
>Vitamin D capsule daily
>Iron tablet every couple days (turns my pooh into concrete so can't have it daily)
>Vitamin B complex daily
>30-day probiotic regiment a couple times a year

I'm getting older now but still drink like a chimney and I find this cocktail will prevent any deficiencies for occurring.

>> No.15358027

Usually not very bioavailable and pointless if you eat well. I stopped taking them a long tome ago and haven't seen any effect
Turmeric is good, though I take it by itself.

>> No.15358076


>> No.15358096

magnesium helps to prevent myself fucking up my jaw on mdma so its good

>> No.15358483

>nuts/veggies for omega 3
Kek ALA omega 3s are useless except for energy since your body has to convert it to EPA and DHA for it to be used, and your body converts a ridiculously small amount of ALA(<10%). Eat the fucking fish, or if you're a vegan/vegetarian retard get algae oil capsules since it's what fish eat to get their EPA/DHA.

>> No.15358510

who here glucosamine sulfate

>> No.15359679

copper and magnesium defficiency

>> No.15359748

Multi+Magnesium (multi doesn't cover 100%) +extra iron, zinc, d3. Got some meme ID3 and curcumin pills as well, though they don't seem to have any effect.

>> No.15359838

>copper and magnesium defficiency
Wouldn’t the Centrum cover that?

>> No.15359851

Most multivitamins only cover 10%-50% RDA of some stuff, and copper and magnesium are almost always among those. Check the ingredient list.

>> No.15359856

>I take vitamin d supplements daily and my depression is basically gone since
Brand ?

>> No.15360244

Doesn't fucking matter. If it's colecalciferol you're good to go

>> No.15361267

just eat stew / broth, chicken wings cartilages

>> No.15361295

400mg magnesium, 3000mg potassium and a multivitamin just to cover my bases since I eat 1500cal a day so I rarely get everything from my food.

>> No.15361300
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Mostly just this

>> No.15361367

All these replies and no fiber supplements?

It's possible it may reduce risks of colorectal cancer... which is fucking terrible to get.

And even if it's effects on reducing cancer aren't real, it gives you the benefit of the easiest, cleanest, regular poops.

Sure I could eat oats/beans for every meal, but much easier just to supplement, especially when they're pretty fucking cheap.

>> No.15361382

>-there's no definitive proof that supplemented fish oil has any benefit, it should come from fish
Doesn't all fish oil come from fish? I take EPA-GLA on my physiotherapist's recommendation, and my ophthalmologist didn't object. Doesn't seem like it does anything though. Every few months I force myself to eat actual fish, I just don't like it. It's always all rubbery and, well, fishy.

>> No.15361387

>my physiotherapist
>my ophthalmologist
hahaha you're a blind cripple, why are you even trying? just fucking kys.

>> No.15361409

multivitamins are an insurance policy
you can live without health insurance too but its a bad idea

>> No.15361535


>> No.15361636
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>drink like a chimney

>> No.15362417
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>fish oil
more like pic related

>> No.15362604

Cope. Do your research.

>> No.15362608

I take a multivitamin, vitamin d + omega 3 every single day
I'm healthy and /fit/

>> No.15362681

Fiber supps are always some paltry 2g per 3 capsules which isn't enough to make up for a lack in one's diet. You still have to eat good food.

It's so inconsequential I wouldn't call it a bad idea. Even shit processed foods get enriched with a lot of the same stuff.
But I log my food and can get an estimate of my micronutrients, so I'm not worried I'm deficient in an area a multi would make up for.

>> No.15363079

After brekky:
>Fish oil
>Milk thistle (highly recommend for any other alkies who may be reading)
>alternate between B complex and vit D
After dindins:
>Psillium husk
I used to be way into nootropics but for the most part it's a big waste of time. I still have a bottle of noopept I'll reach for if I really need to bring my A-game, but it tends to make me depressed.
For what it's worth, the noot that made the biggest difference for my cognition was PRL-8-53, but it's expensive and not well-tested.

>> No.15363082
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>Milk thistle
ok tell me more anon

>> No.15363131

I can't say I notice an effect from it, but it's a traditional liver health aid with no toxicity concerns, and it's quite cheap.

>> No.15363147
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just chequed and i take these which contain milk thistle. i'm covered!

>> No.15363172
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Anyone here try these vitas? Been taking 2 everyday for a week with a rounded diet and I feel amazing

>> No.15363221

I found DHA + Choline + Uridine Monophosphate to be slight.
DHA can be substituted by fish, and Choline by just eating eggs.

D3 is nice if you are malnourished, due living too far north.
If you feel more awake after some 80-180mcg, you are malnourished, full stop.

>> No.15363311

I tried that uridine stack on a number of occasions and it didn't agree with me; it seemed like it reacted badly with caffeine, and for me, guzzling tea all day long is a non-negotiable lifestyle move. I also dabbled in CILTEP and LTP laser stuff, which seemed more effective, but in retrospect I probably should have been more wary of pointing a cheap Chinese laser at my brain for hours every week...

>> No.15363412

>But I log my food and can get an estimate of my micronutrients
good for you, but most people don't and unless you get blood work done every year you can never be 100% sure

>> No.15363837

there's no such thing as "detox*

>> No.15363856

that's just their marketing word, and I agree.

>> No.15363954

The only things you might need (are deficient in) are D3 and magnesium.
Psyllium is nice and has no risk.
If you're a man you don't need to supplement iron or copper and doing so might be a bad thing .

>> No.15364092

Fiber (the kind I take is apparently a 'prebiotic' though currently in the US there's no legislation to regulate what can be called a prebiotic so it's probably just marketing)
Vitamins D and E
Zinc, magnesium and selenium for metals
Biotin, for lustrous hair
L-arginine and l-lysine to round it out.

The last two are two of the main components in that sero-vital 'miracle mix' that's advertised a ton.

>> No.15364108

It does, but something about the processing hugely affects its efficacy. It's the same way that a multi can't come anywhere close to a good robust salad. And to be fair, fish oil isn't one of those things where you're really going to notice it's working. It affects many things but none in hugely significant amounts.

>> No.15364153

Where the hell are you getting 3000mg of potassium from supplements? All I ever see are 99mg tablets.

>> No.15364156


>> No.15364157 [DELETED] 

Food what

>> No.15364178
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>Taking pills
>For something you can literally buy as kg package of salt

>> No.15364190

Everything. It's a component of cell generation.

>> No.15364200

>1/4 teaspoon is 640mg of potassium
Sounds like an easy way to overdose on potassium. Hope it doesn't have a bigger opening so you can't accidentally pour out more than you intend.

I've seen those salt alternatives before but didn't realize how much they had in them.