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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15333844 No.15333844 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people use rice cookers instead of just cooking rice over the stove?

>> No.15333863

No one really knows.

>> No.15333864


>> No.15333865

I used to always use rice cookers because I didn't know what I was doing. Once I saw how easy it is to make rice over the stove I'll never rice cooker again. It comes out way better on the stove anyway.

>> No.15333871

I use the stove because I don't have the spare money for a rice cooker. If I did, I'd get a breadmaker instead

>> No.15333873

Because they are convenient, don't take up stove space or dirty dishes, can hold rice hot for a few hours, and make better rice than you will ever make on the stove.

>> No.15333878

>put rice and water in funny machine
>push button
>hot rice in 20 minutes
wooowww this is crazy why are people doing this this should be illegal haahaha who the fuck you trying to impress nigga cookin rice over a stove no one cares you go on a date with a girl and start talkin angrily about people cooking rice in rice cookers all mad and steamed and she goin to the bathroom to powder her nose lol

>> No.15333882

I do find they make perfect rice every time. That being said I definitely don’t think you need one

>> No.15333922

>perfect rice every time
i find they burn the bottom often. although i've only ever had the $20 Black & Decker type

>> No.15333931

>eating grass seeds


>> No.15333934

never happened to me you just bought a really shitty one. just go to the tokyo airport and get one, that's where i bought mine

>> No.15333947

I'll stick to using the stove anon. It's easier'n horsecocks

>> No.15333950

Cooking rice in a stove is just a waste of gas especially us who copks rice 2 times a day, everyday

>> No.15333953

gas is cheaper than electricity, watt for watt

>> No.15333954

easier than just pushing some buttons?

>> No.15333963

Because 1 billion Chinamen can't be wrong. Why do people own a toaster when you can brown your bread in the oven?

>> No.15333971


>> No.15333986

The squinty eyed chinamen countries have shit infrastructure, almost no gas, and tiny floorplans that don't suffer ovens well. It's why they're big on electric appliances. Japs invented a bunch of single use bullshit after the war and everyone copied them.

>> No.15333998

The rice cooker probably wins out on efficiency when you consider how much heat gets wasted on the stovetop.

>> No.15334000

No matter how large of a pan I use, the water from the rice will start to bubble until it pushes up on the lid and overflows.

>> No.15334004

possibry. an induction rice cooker definitely would.

>> No.15334010

you're cooking it too hot. i follow this method and it's the best rice i've ever had


>> No.15334024

You're probably the only retard who manages to burn rice while using a rice cooker.

>> No.15334030

I always just do my rice in the oven but I mostly eat long grain.

>> No.15334033

cooking rice in stove requires attention and patience.
A millisecond of mistake ruins the whole dinner.

>> No.15334035

It cooks fast and you need to add the right amount of water to rice.

>> No.15334038

Here's an alternative for ya'll
>put rice in cold frying pan
>add enough vegetable oil to coat rice, make sure is not swimming in oil
>turn the heat on
>right before the rice starts to burn, add water
>might also wanna put on a lid. if you put just right amount of oil then not necessary
>remove lid and add more water once the old water is mostly gone. lid no longer necessary at all
>keep pan on high heat and keep adding water as necessary until rice is ready

>> No.15334039

it's way easier and less time-intensive. why do people use dishwashers instead of washing in the sink by hand???

>> No.15334045

cause the beeping keeps me from ending it all every day

>> No.15334058

>risotto and steamed rice are the same

>> No.15334085

keep warm
perfect every time
can make a lot more than in a pan

>> No.15334144

it tastes better, its less effort

>> No.15334151

lmao this white fellas burns his rice

>> No.15334162

Why do people use toasters instead of cookign bread over the stove?

>> No.15334163

no my chinkshit rice cooker does. when i make rice myself it's fine

you fucking dick

>> No.15334165

ok harold calm down

>> No.15334394
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My mommy says I'm a very smart boy because I can boil rice all by myself with just a pot.

>> No.15334409

Cheap rice cookers burn the bottom.

I have that exact one and it never burnt the bottom. Rice comes out fantastic but it takes a bit longer than the other rice cookers and it was pretty expensive.
Not worth it unless you're eating a ton of rice like I do.

>> No.15334480

Microwave go Mmmmmmmm

>> No.15334485

How the fuck did this thread trigger you? Lmaoing at your life kid.

>> No.15334486

I had a cheap shitty one that did this, bought a slightly more expensive one and it doesn't. The cheaper it is, the more you have to make sure your water/rice ratio is perfect for that specific cooker.

>> No.15334487

>White woman tries to cook rice

>> No.15334499

sorry chong

>> No.15334509 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15334539

>rinse rice
>bring salted water to boil
>pour in rice and stir
>turn element to low
>set timer for 18 minutes
>turn stove off when timer goes
>take rice off element and wait five minutes

>> No.15334545

>salted water

>> No.15334548

>eating rice

>> No.15334549


>> No.15334561

Because I can just dump rice and water in, go do other shit and still end up with a better result in the end

>> No.15334592

Why do you use a toaster instead of burning your bread over an open flame?

>> No.15334594

No, it doesn't. A good rice cooker beats stove every time.

>> No.15334597

Based post.

>> No.15334600

Eating grass seed endosperm, rather.

>> No.15334603

why do people use tap water instead of going to the stream and purifying their own water

>> No.15334733

Rice cookers are like 15 bucks, dude

>> No.15334761

When I first over out I refused to get a rice cooker because i thought it was frivolous and unnecessary to own a rice cooker when you can do the exact same thing on the stove, but I recently bought a rice cooker.
While it is fairly simple to cook rice on the stove, there's the annoying aspect of having the starch froth up over the top of the pan and burn/smoke on my electric stove top. Also, you have to be very diligent with timing or watching it otherwise its easy to leave it on the stove for too long. It also takes up a whole burner when I need to cook other things.

Granted all of those inconveniences can be mitigated pretty easily, but with the rice cooker i got i don't even have to think about them anymore. Easily a worthwhile 20 dollars idk why I didnt get one sooner.

>> No.15334765
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Instapot chads rise up. Perfectly done rice in less than 10min with essentially zero effort. The secret is to wash your fucking rice.

>> No.15334770

rice cookers are the ultimate unitasker scam

bro you're cooking it wrong, it should never reach a boil

>> No.15334776

It is unnecessary though. It makes sense for cooking at higher temperatures but its fucking rice come on

>> No.15334784

My weeb brother bought one and used it for a family dinner. When he left, we all talked about how much worse the rice was than stovetop.

>> No.15334793

I dont even boil it, I have it simmer on low and it still bubbles over. I chalk it up to having a shitty, heavy lid with terrible venting though

>> No.15334813

because there's virtually no difference in quality between a cooker and a pot, unless you know how to steam the rice absolutely perfectly

>> No.15334829

I have an electric pressure cooker that I use to make rice as well as making things like stew and pot roast.

>> No.15334834

I use my Microwave.

>> No.15334836

m8 the best way to cook rice is on the lowest flame possible, literally the lowest flame you can get before it goes out. when i do this i actually plug the vent in the lid and it never bubbles or boils. it takes about 35mins, never open the lid or stir, just tiny tiny flame and wait and it's pRefect

>> No.15334868

I suppose you're right. I've tried that too but I didn't think it was worth waiting 45 minutes for rice in my case

>> No.15334876
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>No, it doesn't. A good rice cooker beats stove every time.

>> No.15334879

the wait can be restrictive, but when you're doing things around the house or in the kitchen before dinner it's quite easy to get it setup. i find that when i start the rice i have just enough time to get frozen chicken out, prep my veggies, etc. and by the time the whole dinner is ready the rice is too. and it's always perfect grains, stick together but no mush, and no fucking hard/dry/burned spot on the bottom

>> No.15334888

Is it really a unitasker if you're eating rice as a staple? When I think unitasker I think things that will be used a few times a year at most. I'm not even Asian, and the rice cooker is a fucking workhorse.

>> No.15334899

It honestly does. I dated a Korean girl for a few years in college and her mother had some really fancy branded rice cooker and it churned out perfect rice multiple times a day without effort. And her mom was a chef at a high dollar local place. I refuse to spend $300 or whatever that thing was on a rice cooker but admit that by doing so, I won’t attain that level of perfect rice.

Rice cookers also do volumes of rice that would be an absolute pain stovetop.

>> No.15334907

it's a unitasker because it does one thing, and for anyone with a stove and a pot it's kind of redundant. i think being lazy or pressed for time justifies a rice cooker, but there's no other excuse

>> No.15334913

Rice cookers aren't completely braindead. The right water/rice ratio and time makes a huge difference, if you're using it properly it'll be just as good as a stove, if not better.

>> No.15334922

Thai sticky rice is steamed and is so much easier to make, fuck boilfags

>> No.15334926

>steamed rice is better than boiled rice
yeah real shocking relevation there

>> No.15334928

>starch froth up over the pot lid on the stove
why the FUCK are you cooking it like pasta, stupid? You put the rice in (after washing it ~5 times with water) as soon as the water begins to bubble, and then immediately turn the heat down to a low simmer. That shit is on the package instructions when you buy the rice. This is supposed to be a cooking board, why the fuck are there so many goddamn people who can't do something as simple as cook rice?? Holy fuck it's so annoying.

>> No.15334931
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Then why isn't steamed rice the unquestionable default method to make rice

>> No.15334937

Because it makes more sense for the grains to be fully separated, as produced by boiling, when using the rice as a bed for thick sauces like curry, where the moisture would just cause the sticky rice grains to separate anyway.

>> No.15334940

Convenience really, my 20 bux rice cooker is a foolproof way of cooking as you don't need to watch it, it's also nice for lots of other recipes, rice cooker pancakes are nice to make for instance, you can probably make great oatmeal in them too.

>> No.15334976

>cooking at higher temperatures
Salt is for flavour you science bitch.

>> No.15334981
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World War II is over, use technology!

>> No.15334996

Steaming is easier to fuck up and when you fuck it up the rice becomes inedible

>> No.15335049

1:1.3, rinse, boil, in for 15(covered tight the entire time), rest for 15, fluff or fan if its sushi. I do my sushi rice the same as long grain, ignoring the mirin of course. I like dry long grain.

>> No.15335089

>that perfect golden brown crunch at the bottom of the rice cooker

I use mine for polenta and steel cut oats too

>> No.15335105

Why do you use a stove? Lazy fuck. I cook my rice in a clay pot over an open fire.

>> No.15335107

1:1.3 seems like a lot, I try do do 1:1.2 at most, often a little less. Then again, I really only use Basmati, maybe your way works better for sushi.

>> No.15335110

I could enjoy that with polenta and with oats, but not rice. that's just a scraping that you have to throw away. you can't just put the burnt into your stir-fry

>> No.15335145

based and grugpilled

>> No.15335159

I need that extra burner. There's no reason to not use one other than extreme poverty or contrarianism /ego

>> No.15335190

Most people cook basmati at 1:1.5. I never liked that. 1.2 might work well though. I like it light and fluffy.

Are you using a rice contraption or stove?

>> No.15335195

I cooked rice on the stove for years. I had it down perfect.
A decent rice cooker still tastes better, and keeps it warm longer too.

>> No.15335205

To be fair, a nice zojirushi or tiger or cuckoo is gonna run you $150+ for the good ones.

>> No.15335210

What’s fried rice then?

>> No.15335245

If I made plain rice every day rice cooker might make sense.
I usually cook rice by browning it in butter first and adding water with knorr stock cuber in it.

If I make stuff like tikka masala I might add cumin, citrus zest etc. to have nice yellow rice with deeper flavor.

>> No.15335251

There's no reason to buy those.
What, you think in thirty years other cheaper companies haven't come up with the same basic control theory?

>> No.15335261

The excuse is I can cook different kinds of rice without any thought.

A good fuzzy logic rice cooker with induction heating and pressure cooking features will allow you to do all kinds of rice without having to put in any effort. GABA rice? No problem. 2 hours for brown rice? Gotchu senpai. Rice porridge? Done. Etc etc etc

>> No.15335270

You can still do all that shit with a rice cooker (though I guess browning would be a bit awkward)

>> No.15335273

Whiteys can dish it out but they can't take it themselves.

>> No.15335284
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OH i can take it anon

>> No.15335354

The actual answer

>> No.15335383
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got this one for my gf at Xmas and it great. tons of options, easy cleanup, comes out perfect every time.

>> No.15335412

Generally if I'm eating rice, I'm making a more complicated dish to go with it - curry, stir fry, sashimi, etc, so having a machine that can just make rice and keep it soft, hot and fresh without taking up any brainpower means my main dish will come out even better. Plus, my rice cooker plays me a song when its done.

>> No.15335437

does it snuggle you at night anon? does it sing you lullabies and tuck you in? tell you bedtime stories?

>> No.15335456

>no argument so i'll greentext your post and attach my boyfriend's picture to it

>> No.15335463
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>> No.15335465
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good post

>> No.15335469

Whats the ratio of rice to water with an instapot? Is it the same for long and short grain? Can it keep the rice warm for a long time like rice cookers can? I want to get an instapot, seems like rice cookers are identical but without the perfect sealing, so having both seems useless.

>> No.15336034

If you think rice cookers are the pinnacle, it just means you eat like shit and can't cook.

>> No.15336047
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If you think you can do a better job with your aluminum pot on the stovetop than a top-end rice cooker, you're delusional.

>> No.15336072

Some of the higher end rice cookers can get close but stovetop will always be the best. Even with the same type of rice, there could be slight differences in how they should be cooked if they were grown at different farms, that a cooker won't account for. If you want the absolute best rice, it has to be on a stove.

>> No.15336074

Frankly, because it reduces the amount of things you need to think about. If you're cooking rice in a rice cooker, it's not inherently flavorful enough to matter, so you need to make extra dishes. Having the rice be something that can be kept out of mind really helps with focusing on the dishes you're gonna make, especially when you look at Chinese cuisine and Chinese dinners are actually made of lots of smaller dishes.

>> No.15336084

Your Jimmies are looking a little rustled my guy

>> No.15336111

rice cooker makes perfect rice every time without having to babysit it.
you can cook rice on the stove but if you turn your back for even 1 minute you can fuck it up badly.
also with rice cookers they're fairly "set it and forget it". Asian cultures eat shitloads of rice every day, so it's quicker and easier to just put a kilo of rice on before going to bed, set a timer and you'll have perfectly cooked rice for when you wake up every time.
same with coming home from work or school. put some rice in, set the timer and you'll have a batch of perfect fkn rice ready just as you get home for dinner.

>> No.15336121

The difference being, with different kinds of rice on the stove top, i have to figure out what's optimal for each kind of new rice I get.

With a good high end rice cooker, I put rice in, I tell what rice type it is, and it figures it out near perfectly, every single time, with no effort.

>> No.15336131

>rice cookers are the ultimate unitasker scam
yes and no.
i'd agree if you were a single white college student who has rice twice a month.
an asian family though making 4 or 5 bowls of rice at each meal, nah. rice cooker's a fucking necessity.

>> No.15336177

Hey that’s the one my wife bought me, it’s great and plays a little song whenever you open it.

>> No.15336186

Yup, it's their highest-end model, at least in the US.

I'm thinking about buying the one below that, without the pressure cooking ability.

>> No.15336213 [DELETED] 

This is an Asian upset that people have noticed that modern Asians don't even know how to cook the main conponent of their diets. Enslavement to technology is dehumanizing.

>> No.15336258

most retarded post of 2021 to date

>> No.15336425

Whew, that's an accomplishment as there have been some fierce contenders.

>> No.15336645
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I use a device similar to a rice cooker because 90% of the time when I cook rice, I do not have a stove.
The cooker I use is also largely spill proof.

>> No.15336681

Jesus 1 to 1.3 is a lot... what sushi rice do you use? Koshihikari past 1 to 1.1 usually gets mushy as fuck and tamanishiki is even worse, 1.3 is a looot.

>> No.15336693 [DELETED] 

Plug in and tune out, slave. It's a fact that caucasians are more likely to know how to cook rice without a Fisher Price toy.

>> No.15336702
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but that's how you cook rice on a stove

>> No.15336714

Actually I think you're right. No wonder I've been fanning my shit for way too long. Crap on a stick.

>> No.15336748

>tfw can't cook rice worth a damn
Somehow every time it ends up boiling over and making a huge mess or turning into porridge. I fully acknowledge that I am retarded.

>> No.15336751

You're ably-tarded, cmon man.

>> No.15336755

Dunno why you guys are being such retards about a rice cooker. Shit just werks and usually you are cooking other things with rice so you can focus on that.

>> No.15336762

East Asian style rice is trash.

>> No.15336763

I usually do koshihikari with 1 to 1 with 0.1 some cheap shit sake and a dash of salt. Let it soak for 45 minutes. Most people say 30 but it won't fully saturate in 30. I think most people using more water than necessary just aren't soaking their rice long enough.

>> No.15336770

because they're weebs who saw it in anime

>> No.15336774

Curious to know what you serve with it?

>> No.15336851

Almost exclusively seafood. I think it's good to have a repertoire of different types of rice for different foods. Similar short grain varieties like tamanishiki were popular in curries and other shit but they're just bad compared to most medium grain alternatives.

>> No.15336998

Best post ITT

>> No.15337030

Thats precisely what I do faggot and it still fucks up if im not hovering over the pot ready to manually release some steam.

>> No.15337086

>Why do people use rice cookers instead of just cooking rice over the stove?
It has a keep warm function, and when working people come in the door from work, at different hours, this daily food staple is taken care of for the meal so that your shitty tiny one burner hot plate can cook the rest of the meal.

In other words, anon, 3rd worlders have gotten used to substandard kitchen spaces. No top cabinets to keep china pristine and spotless and organized, no Viking range setups, ever, no miles of countertop for working with family together or rolling out doughs, no ample storage and pantry solutions, just a food as sustenance kind of mentality minimalism. Seriously. Look at some high end realestate ads if you don't believe me.
People with great buckets of $$$$$ behind them are hiring staff, not working hard in their own kitchen.it'll be for show, and it's going to be kind of basic, even if done in a pretty way.

You'll see the best kitchens in the US.

>> No.15337192
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This is what I use to make rice, also useful for one-pot style dishes.

>> No.15337210

Stove top is a pain in the ass for rice. With a rice cooker I push a button. With the stove top you gotta monitor the time and temp. And my fuzzy logic cooker will keep rice fresh and tasty for 3+ days. If you eat rice on a regular basis it's a no-brainer.

>> No.15337212

dumb goy buy any product walmart says they need

>> No.15337253

>monitor the time and temp
just turn off the stove when you stop hearing the water bubbling lol. works every time.

>> No.15337323

With the rice cooker you can turn it on and just walk away. It's big enough that you can dump other stuff in to cook or steam it.

Unless you need enough rice to feed a family of 6 you can cook a whole meal in it by dumping stuff in and pushing a button. Very little skill, very little washing.

I got one for £20 as a student. Rice and beans. Rice and frozen veg. Add some chorizo. Add some diced meat. Whatever, it can do it and you can make really cheap food with it.

>> No.15337637

400$ for a one use tool. Kek Inb4
No i just like to not fill my kitchen with useless stuff.

>> No.15337656
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don't look at cuckoo then

>> No.15337684
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>> No.15337701 [DELETED] 

Modern gooks are too dumb to know how to cook rice on a stove, astonishing and bizarre but true.

>> No.15337723

How do you know that it's because they don't know how rather than a rice cooker being a hundred times more efficient and convenient when you eat a lot of rice?

>> No.15337736

>standing there listening to a pot
Sounds like a lot more work than pushing a button, desu.

I make 5-6 dishes pretty often when I'm cooking for a crowd, I'm happy to let my cute little machine take care of the rice for me.

>> No.15337753

Not to mention, that little machine does it perfectly without fail, time after time, even when you're busy. At WORST it'll "keep warm" for 30-45 minutes while I finish up whatever else I'm doing for the meal.

>> No.15337813

Use a bigger pot.

>> No.15337893

I understand that a rice cooker provides some convenience, but cooking rice without one is hardly a pain. It's one of the most basic cooking tasks. If it's a pain, almost anything else would be an agony, right?

>> No.15337902

>Whats the ratio of rice to water with an instapot?
1:1 (I do a little bit more water than rice though)

>> No.15337913

>it tastes better
>its less effort

>> No.15337920


>> No.15337927

Same reason people use a toaster instead of just using the stove. It's a convenience thing.

>> No.15337945

Volume or weight?

>> No.15337954

I mean I'm a pretty skilled cook. I make all kinds of stuff from scratch and do some involved preparations. But the ease of making rice is particularly what makes it suited to letting a machine do it.

I never particularly learned to make amazing rice on the stovetop-- my rice cooker makes it better and with less fuss. Because rice is a staple that I eat 10-15 times a week on average, it's really, really nice to not have to put a pot on the stove and cook it 10-15 times a week. I cook rice three times a week in my Neuro Fuzzy cooker. It keeps it fresh for multiple days.

>> No.15337955

Volume (cup)

>> No.15337959

Since I don't live in a third world country and I'm not dirt poor, I have 0 reason to wash rice, thank you.

>> No.15337978

All these posts, nobody has said anything about how higher end cookers e.i zojurushi not only cook rice perfectly BUT keep the rice warm and fresh for days afterwards.

>> No.15337991

Because most people here aren't an asian family cooking 10 cups a day where it's made at 6am and you have rice until dinner.

>> No.15338003

If you have to resort to extreme hypothetical situations to prove your point, you didn't really prove it.
>this quality cookware can cook rice better than low quality cookware
No shit sherlock. Not everyone is limited to shit tier stovetops and pots.

>> No.15338078

I keep saying it, lol

The reason I bought a nice rice cooker is for its features like maintaining freshness for days and being able to set a timer. Waking up to fresh cooked rice is super nice. Rice is a go-to breakfast for me so it's extremely functional and is a great device to have.

>> No.15338106

except these can cook/do other things too
if you like fiddling with rice for 20 minutes when its not a risotto then be my guest

>> No.15338113


>> No.15338119
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>All these cooklets seething because they can't make stove top rice with ease
Rice cookers, more like rice cooklets. Amirite?

>> No.15338123

I don't wash my rice either.
That said, any kind of white rice will have tiny granules of starch powder stuck to them from the polishing process (hull removal), which can affect the texture and stickiness of the cooked rice. Washing is one way to remove some or all of it.
I like it sticky, so I don't wash it.

>> No.15338283

Consider reading the threads before making posts like these

>> No.15338402

I bought my room mate a 250 dollar zojirushi rice cooker. it keeps rice for like 3 days, and sings twinkle twinkle little star when the rice is cooked.

i got it on sale, I would say nice rice cookers are for people that eat rice everyday. he's asian. he does.

>> No.15338473

As it turns out, some countries / groups eat a lot of rice, and having a designated rice cooker is really convenient when you do that.
Kind of like how you might own a toaster if you eat a lot of toast, instead of using your broiler.

>> No.15338475

the same can be said about literally any pot or pan. youre buying a hotplate with a pan attached to it that turns itself off automatically in a semi reliable fashion.

>> No.15338495

>in a semi reliable fashion
if you're making rice, it's perfect every single time.

Make 15 batches a day every day for years and pretty much all of them will be perfect.

>> No.15338522

i used to cook rice on the stove until i moved to a place with an electric coil stove. fucked up all the knowledge I built using gas

>> No.15338529

>Even with the same type of rice, there could be slight differences in how they should be cooked if they were grown at different farms
this nigga inspecting every grain of rice before cooking

>> No.15338549

nah he takes a couple dozen grain samples from the batch and inspects them closely, weight, chemical/nutritional makeup, etc. Then averages that out across the entire batch.

It would take too long to inspect EVERY grain.

>> No.15338561

You are a colossal faggot if you buy cooking appliances at an airport

>> No.15338621

I have 2 batches of akitakomachi right now that need different timings for steaming. The difference is like a minute but if I steam the younger batch as long as the older batch, the starch on the surface gets broken down too much and it isn't ideal for serving. Most people wouldn't be able to tell but it would be embarrassing if someone who could noticed.

>> No.15338907

It is basic but not as good as rice cooker. I can cook rice in the forest over a fire, its not hard, but I would rather use my rice cooker.

>> No.15338971

Who honestly still owns a stove? What unique function does it serve in cooking?

>> No.15339006

deer cunny

>> No.15339104

I guess if you live alone it doesn't really matter, but its helpful when you have a family that eats rice everyday. You can put the rice in the cooker and forget about it, and it keeps it warm until dinner. In the mean time you can use the stove to make the actual main dishes the family will be eating, instead of having one of the big burners taken up by rice. So basically because its a large amount of rice quickly, with no mental effort to look after it/time it properly to keep it warm for dinner, I can use the stovetop to cook other things, and I can just put the insert in the dishwasher afterwards for tomorrow.

>> No.15339122

I tried this and made the best rice. Thank you for your advice

>> No.15339144

basically you just set it and forget it with no chance of burning or anything, unlike cooking on the stove.

the real question is, why are there $300 ones and why do people seem be so trendy for them?

>> No.15339151

I hate unitaskers so fucking much.

>> No.15339393

I have the same one, and I love it dearly.

I'm also an extremely skilled cook. I'm white but I cook lots of Asian food and eat rice at least half the days of the week.

>> No.15339463

Why use a microwave when you can just use rub the bottom of the dish fast enough to produce thermal friction.

>> No.15339499

Imagine owning a fucking microwave

>> No.15339524

I just make rice like pasta. Bring a big pot of heavily salted and oiled water to a boil. Add in rice. Boil until cooked or 'dente. Strain through a mesh sieve. Works everytime and tastes fine.

>> No.15339548

Nah I already have the rice cooker

>> No.15339577

there is no germoplast on rice?

>> No.15339615

idgaf man. wanted a rice cooker, got one, simple as
it's a great rice cooker btw
oh yeah also suck my dick poorfag

>> No.15339623
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Because it's not world war 2 dipshit.

>> No.15339917
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>> No.15340015

lololol this is good fuck the other guys

>> No.15340034

Because heatig up the oven for two slices of toast is absolutely unconomic. Cooking rice on a stove is both healthier (no PFOAs fucking you up), cheaper and quicker. But chinks can't cooks shit if their lives depended on it.

>> No.15340093

I can cook rice on the stove just fine. I just choose not to, my rice cooker is great.

>> No.15340115

How do you make the really sticky type of rice?

>> No.15340178

most Asian people don't know how to cook rice properly so they use a machine to do it for them

>> No.15340429

Lol you can’t even use an appliance. Mutt education everyone

>> No.15340433

Itt: poor whities too dumb to use a rice cooker

>> No.15340435

Cum in it

>> No.15340459

Use short grain Asian rice and don't wash it.

>> No.15340492

It's a product designed to make money

>> No.15340524

or they have other things they need to cook on the stove, and dedicating a burner/any mental energy to rice is stupid when a rice cooker will do it for them, and then keep it warm until serving

>> No.15340543

You don't need all four burners if you're not cooking rice, don't lie, and it's exactly as easy as using a rice cooker.

>> No.15340558

based as hell

>> No.15340559

Yeah, but I only really care to use the front two big burners. And its not exactly as easy, because I have to think about it even a little bit. Why the fuck would I spend time thinking about rice when I could be thinking about the actual food I'm making? Why would I risk making less than desirable rice even a single time when the cooker makes it perfectly, always?

>> No.15340595
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>> No.15340599

NO im just too SMART and SKILLED to use a rice cooker. Only dumb people who cant cook use rice cookers. Me? I am an incredibly skilled and intelligent and special individual who cooks rice on the stove unlike the plebs who use rice cookers. I should honestly be invited to an elite class of people who do not succumb to the rice cooker jew.

>> No.15340604

Because you need to inflate your ego on 4chan by cooking rice AND three sides on a stove at the same time. If you use a rice cooker, you are dumb.

>> No.15340659

I just got one of these and I think I fell for the lousiest meme ever. It turns basmati into foul paste even with meticulous measuring of water, takes longer to cook and it's hard to get the rice out when it's done.

>> No.15340666

Haha faggot. Zojirushi rice cookers are for short grain rice.

>> No.15340671

Yours does have different settings right?

>> No.15340679

Cooking over oven using a pot is quite easy. You can do it in less than 3-4 mins tops. Pour rice, water, oil and salt and into a pan and put it over medium to high oven until the water evaporates and then lower the oven to low and let it be for 20-25 minute and done. I don't like squishy rice and prefer a firm rice and you can adjust the water and time for whatever you'd like.

>> No.15340706

>You can do it in less than 3-4 mins tops.
>let it be for 20-25 minute and done.

>> No.15340712

Fuckin basedarino. Why are there some many dumb fucks on /ck/?

>> No.15340722

Try using real rice next time

>> No.15340731

3-4 minutes of actually attending the rice, 20-25 cooking and rest time. god how dumb are you

>> No.15340745

The same reason you use a washing machine instead of washing your clothes in the sink.

>> No.15340753

Okay, but with rice cooker I can pour rice, water, click button, and go have sex/take a bath and the rice will be even better.

>> No.15340761

>put rice and water in machine
>push button

And then whenever you're done with your whatever food on the 4 (four, that's 1 more than when you dont have a rice cooker) of your stove positions available, you just put in rice.

There's a reason people whose culture involves a lot of rice aren't on basket weaving forum telling people not to use rice cookers.

>t. makes perfect rice on stovetop all day every day and wants a rice cooker cause I'm not some puritan retard discussing nothing but junk food on american hours and telling people who actually cook how to cook

>> No.15340768

You can.
But can you do it without needing to waste a spot on a stove for a staple you cook constantly and being able to do it 100% of the time every single time ever, with 0 input beyond initial setup and still have it warm and ready to go for hours on end?
No. Never.

>> No.15340772

just get a large microwave bowl, fill it with 1x rice and 3x water and nuke it for 9 minutes. stir, nuke another couple minutes. done.

>> No.15340784

Im asian and my family used to cook microwave rice in clay pot. It was actually pretty good. Nuke for 4 mins high, then low power for 15 mins or so.

>> No.15340788

I am Iranian and we eat rice with many meals and being able to cook a good rice with in a proper form and taste is quite difficult and need exprience. The same as brewing tea which needs attention to make sure to have a good tea. One could say the same for coffee as many like me can not tell the difference of good or bad coffee, if not a professional coffee drinker or wine and etc.

cooking over oven, gives your more flexibility and control for texture and form if you want a more customized and specific form, while the time is not so much different.

>> No.15340798

I am chinese and i have white rice every day. Don't need to be pretentious. Throw rice in rice cooker, sometimes add chicken broth and ginger, press button, good to go. If want to cook fancy iranian rice with spices or something, then do your thing.

>> No.15340834

Based and true
>Nooo you can't use a convenient device, you need to use several devices that are slightly less convenient

>> No.15340875

wash your rice

>> No.15340885

wash your dirty dirty mouth out how about that

>> No.15341037

The reason is that I eat more than 11 pounds of rice in a month.

>> No.15341046

I was literally showcasing it's not as difficult as the anon I replied to said it was. I just came here to enjoy the seethe.

>> No.15341061

It's one of the few worthwhile kitchen gadgets. Put rice and water in, close lid, walk away. It requires no other effort at all. No watching, no adjusting flame, and there's little to no sticking either. It keeps warm forever, too, so if you get distracted, no problem. It's always sitting there, steaming hot. They also double as slow cookers, usually, and can make good soups, or porridge. One gripe though is the pressure cooker ones. They are much worse. Rice always sticks.

>> No.15341098

unless you live in third world bumfuck shithole there is no need to do this

>> No.15341169

Yes anons, I'm sure it's just that the Asians never battered the fine at art of cooking rice, they probably just ate it raw for two or three millennia until modern technology saved them

>> No.15341199

How? If anything steaming is the hardest to fuck up, unless you pass out while cooking or something.

>> No.15341224
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Why use a toaster when you can just toast bread in the over?

>> No.15341257

It's not for cleanliness it's for the starch

>> No.15341280

>can't cook without blowing money out the ass on equipment
Hey, aren't you that worthless faggot that can't cook steak either? The one who cooks shit steak with sous vide because you were crying about how restaurant ovens couldn't be beat. Who the fuck let's you into the kitchen, you goddamn retard?

>> No.15341295

Infrared grills CAN'T be beat in a home kitchen, but I sure as fuck would never recommend sous vide for steak at home either. And as I said repeatedly in that thread, just because your home kitchen can't compare to a good steakhouse infrared grill does NOT mean you can't make a good steak at home. Throw it in the oven and reverse sear, sear it first then throw it in the oven, grill it on charcoal or propane if you've got it, etc. All will make great steaks. But you're delusional if you think any of those methods will beat an 1800f+ infrared grill. Your home kitchen simply doesn't have any equipment that can match that level of heat output.

Pretend all you want that your home cook steaks are better, but anyone that's actually worked at a steakhouse or similar and has actually grilled a steak on an infrared grill knows you're an idiot to begin with.

Again, your home cooked steak ISN'T bad, it's just not as good as it could be.

>> No.15341319

You suck so much equipment dick, I have to wonder if you're an advertising shill that's planted here. Not to say that you aren't worthless rat bastard who can't cook because that's exactly what you are. Suck my ass. Before any poor faggot takes this queer seriously, know that he pays someone $80 when he wants a steak since he can't cook for shit.

>> No.15341342

Lmao still pretending your cooking skill is able to defy basic physics.

Keep at it, maybe one day you'll end up at a real steakhouse and discover you've been retarded all along, but who are we kidding, you're probably too poor for that so unless your parents are treating you to a nice meal out, it's unlikely to ever happen

>> No.15341363

I mean, he's not entirely wrong even if he is being pretentious about it. You get a much better sear with super hot 1800f grills. That's literally their entire function. Unless you can get similar heat in your kitchen, you won't match the quality of the sear.
Now I'm not saying it's worth $80 for that sear quality. But that doesnt mean that it isn't better either.

>> No.15341367


This is about to be me anon. I'm scared.

>> No.15341401

Any good ones for under $100?
Brands models?
I've been looking into them since I burn every pot

>> No.15341410

I don't own a ricecooker, microwave, blender or freezer. AMA

>> No.15341545


>> No.15341551

I don't have 3 of those things and my life is fine but holly phuc anon how do you get by without a freezer?

>> No.15341651

How do you not have a freezer? I've never had a fridge that didn't have one integrated into it.

>> No.15341791

Amazon has a lot of the smaller ones under 100 bucks that does the job. Alternatively just go to your Asian grocer and they always have them in stock

>> No.15341822
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my local asian grocer mainly has high-end shit.

>> No.15341846

>put rice and water in pot
>turn knob
>hot rice in 20 minutes
>bang hot gf on countertop not taken up by retard assisting device

>> No.15341937
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I really feel sorry for you that you can only choose Korean products.
And Zojirushi is much more expensive than what they sell in Japan.

>> No.15341945
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I mean, they have very expensive Japanese models too.

They just aren't available outside of japan.

>> No.15341992

>Because 1 billion Chinamen can't be wrong
Yes, they can be wrong and they are wrong.

>> No.15341996

tiger brand

>> No.15342031
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>a rice cooker takes up less space than a pot you already have anyway

>> No.15342036

>*stove space

>> No.15342044

Rice cooker
>put in rice and water while maintaining a certain measurement
>press button

>put in rice and water while maintaining a certain measurement
>turn stove to high
>turn down to low once simmering

It really seems like a trivial difference in effort, considering you have to store a rice cooker in the meantime, while the pot you would have anyway because a medium-size saucepan/pot is a very basic kitchen item

>> No.15342052

You mean it takes up space on the stove that you may want to be cooking on? I guess, but most people have 4 cooking eyes, the rice is easy to make and set aside before you do other cooking anyway..

>> No.15342095
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>I mean, they have very expensive Japanese models too.
Here's a list of Zojirushi products that were released last year.
Prices are lower than when they were first released.
Other than Zojirushi
Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Tiger, Panasonic, and Toshiba rice cookers are also popular.

>They just aren't available outside of japan.
If it was for China or Korea, there would be more products.

>> No.15342122

Not op, but it really is a luxury to literally not even think about it.

I pour in the ingredients, set it, and walk away. As long as the rest of my cooking doesn’t take more than 2 hrs, i can keep it in the pressure cooker sealed. I don’t have to worry about timing or cleaning and using the pot for anything else. I just open it when my other dishes are ready and get perfect rice every time. Tbf tho I use a pressure cooker, not a rice cooker. So i can make tons of other dishes as well, but I use it for rice 95% of the time.

>> No.15342360

But you DO have to think about the water:rice ratios. With a stove even if there's an imbalance and things are too wet you can fix it by adjusting accordingly. It's a different kind of thinking but the stovetop actually allows more flexibility.

>> No.15342375
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>> No.15342632

Got one used from a chink for $30, works mint.

>> No.15342674
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my rice cooker would have been worth it even if it only cooked steel cut oats, but it also does every type of rice, quinoa, and you can even do fucking cake in it. it also plays music when its done cooking the rice.

>> No.15342693

add some garlic and a little salt at the start as well :)

>> No.15342697

For me, I live in a small apartment with a two burner stove. By the time my rice is done I'll have finished cooking all the fixins.. I'd rather do that and have fresh rice then cook rice on the stove and have it resting while I cook everything else.

>> No.15342723

>dousing high calorie food with high calorie oil
Im sure it tastes good but i like not being fat. Dont need my side dish contributing more of my caloric intake than my protein.

>> No.15342738

I bought a cheapo one to try out and its great, definitely investing in a zojirushi when it reaches the end of its life.

>> No.15343270

I wish I had some better wisdom to pass on here, but my experience seems to be that they heat up slower but get hotter than you'd expect. Take a few days to experiment, get a candy thermometer to see hot how the water gets at each setting. Find an autistic as hell recipe that mentions water temps in stove top rice. You'll get there in time.

Thankfully though, electric ovens are negligibly different than gas ovens. Keep using that the same way you'd use your old oven.

>> No.15343657


>> No.15343681

I used to use one of these. Only problem was the microwave was kill from inahling steam. Had to get it fixed then take it out of the cubby and leave it on the bench so the steam could fuck away properly when I cooked rice. I just stove top it these days.

>> No.15343880

It's doing a temperature measurement, and the water/rice ratios are perfect for the given pot unlike the figures quoted online. You're not doing better.

>> No.15343910

You don't know how rice cookers work. The only variable not automatically controlled for is water volume; you can add too little and undercook your rice.

>> No.15344336

I have 5 burners and a portable one so yes, with ease one could always be used for rice

>> No.15344381

Never tried this slow simmer method. She seems to be talking exclusively about short-grain sushi rice. Have you tried this with long-grain like basmati or jasmine?

>> No.15344395

If you're saying you need different rice cookers for different grain lengths, I'm out.

>> No.15344466

I can set it and forget it.
Like, no matter what else I am doing I can also do rice because the rice cooker will take care of it for me.

>> No.15344762


>believing washing rice is to get rid of dirt instead of starch

You cuck.

>> No.15344947

Limited stove space in smaller apartments (especially in big Asian cities)

>> No.15344966

I've done it with medium but not basmati or jasmine. It comes out the same with the medium grain as it does with short grain/sushi rice though

And she certainly does crap on and on doesn't she

>> No.15345071

It's less messy. It's convenient. It's portable. It's PORTABLE. Forgot to pay the gas bill? You can still cook your rice in your rice cooker. Camping or living in a van and can't bring your entire stove with you to cook some rice? You have your rice cooker. It's convenient.

>> No.15345102

I can make 2 cups in the morning. east some for lunch and it's still hot for dinner.

>> No.15345114
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>wasting a ton of counterspace and money to have a machine do it for you instead of knowing how to do it in a standard pot

There's literally instructions on the fucking bag and as much effort. Embarrassing.

>> No.15345193

>not having a kitchen so big you have empty cabinets looking to be filled.
I shiggy diggy

>> No.15345255

>Nigger doesn't know a good recipe when he sees it.

>> No.15345269
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yes that's called risotto

>> No.15345274

At least in asia because a rice cooker is far more convenient than cooking multiple badges of rice a day and the rice always turns out good.

>> No.15345488
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As a broke college student, it saves time, and buying a huge bag of rice saves me money plus you can add frozen vegetables and meat and cook it all together.

>> No.15345496
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>> No.15346449


>> No.15346483

How is it less messy? Washing an electronic appliance is more finnicky than washing a pot.

>> No.15346503

Exactly. Those inserts are a pain in the ass to clean. Even those simple InstantPot inserts suck ass.

>> No.15347034

can you put beans in a rice cooker

>> No.15347048

You can cook lentils but beans need pressure to cook properly.

>> No.15347051

You can put anything that requires hot water in a rice cooker. You can put those Knorr sides in a rice cooker. You can put ramen in a rice cooker. Lentils, beans, eggs, pasta, etc.

t. lived in asia for a nonzero number of years.

>> No.15347136

So a rice cooker is basically a pot with temperature control, that you can't use on the stove and have to plug it instead, right?

Why not simply create a pot with temperature control, that you can use on the stove?
Or a stove with temperature control/timer, although those do exist...

>> No.15347146

run more you fatty

>> No.15347195

It's a fucking ass backwards way of toasting rice before simmering it.

>> No.15347214
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I've always fucked up cooking rice over a stove. I went and bought a rice cooker and still fucked it up, now I don't eat rice.

>> No.15347730

Rice cookers are automatic.
The good ones adjust heat and pressure to make sure the rice is cooked perfectly, despite which ratio you use.

>> No.15348753

I have some motor issues due to a nerve disorder and arthritis. Anything that helps minimize annoying tasks and lets me save energy for things that i cant use a tool for is a plus for me.

>> No.15348784

Not even. You're just removing the added niacin and other shit.

>> No.15348826

Nah, it's primarily for removing the rice dust from the hulling process.

>> No.15348844

What other items help, got my curious now

>> No.15348967

Chink here. Our family uses rice cookers because it keeps the rice warm even after an hour or two. It's also because no one watches over anything. We literally just put water and rice and leave until dinner comes by.

>> No.15349634

i have a veggie chopper, garlic press, salad spinner, apple peeler/corer, egg separator, and electric can opener. i probably have more that i'm not thinking of, but eh.
I feel stupid using some of it, but i'd feel more stupid constantly injuring myself

>> No.15350001

Push button leave and to post on 4chan.
Don't need to watch it or care.
When your done with posting rice is ready.

Do you spend all your time in the kichen cooking.

>> No.15350030

no you fucking mongolian
if you don't wash your rice you're essentially dumping tablespoons of flour into your pot because there's rice dust stuck to every rice grain that needs to be washed away if you want decent texture