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15326812 No.15326812 [Reply] [Original]

Is cast iron worth it /ck?

>> No.15326819

If you have to “cast” you can’t afford it

>> No.15326821

But I have all my spell slots unused.

>> No.15326825
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cheap pans are worth it
expensive ones are worth it if you really like cast iron

>> No.15326828

This. Either get a lodge like everybody else or thrift/ebay one that's a century old with a glass-smooth cooking surface.

>> No.15326911

As long as you have the space for the pan, prepare the types of dishes that would benefit from utilizing it and are willing to learn how to use and maintain it, then yes.

>> No.15326936

Using it for steak instead of a normal pan is absolutely a game changer. That alone justifies the purchase for me. Also makes grilled cheese sandwiches a million times better.

>> No.15326966

you need one. You can easily get things seared on the stove then just throw the pan in the oven to finish roasts and things

u can get a fine one at walmart for $20-30. I've had mine for 5 years so far and isn't any worse for wear.

>> No.15326967

Sure, but unlike a regular pan it's not great for red sauces and requires additional care to prevent rusting and preserve thr seasoning. A 20 dollar Lodge cast iron frypan will last a lifetime if properly maintained and cared for.

Personally, I just like stainless more for the versatility, though it did cost quite a bit more. Buy once, cry once.

>> No.15327023

I mean it's worth it if you're not overpaying and your pan has a flat surface instead of concave where all the oils fall to the side.
If you do't have a stainless steel pan, get that instead.

>> No.15327027

it does make a better tasting beef, but the upkeep is a pain in the ass.

>> No.15327366

I have a lodge and have been fighting it for the last 7 months. The factory seasoning was terrible and would flake off. I did follow all their instructions for first time use. Still was Shit.

I got salt and scrubbed it all off and slowly made my own with layers of vegetable oil in the oven for HOURS. I was super gentle with it. Let the pan heat up and the pores expand. Add something easy like onions.... not bad. Tried an egg. everything stuck. I tried adding another layer of seasoning after cleaning with salt. Nope. The surface of the pan is just naturally rough and pocked with pores that grab food. Even after scraping and seasoning at least 10 times now.

I’ve watched just about every fucking video on YouTube and tried it all. Still can’t even cook an egg without getting pissed off. I think I’m gonna need to get sandpaper to get the glass smooth surface because whatever lodge sells is fucking shit.

Meanwhile, the 200 year old cast iron my mom has is smoother than the screen of my phone and fried eggs slide around all day.

>> No.15327371

Is it worth what?

>> No.15327373

>cast iron
Fuck off, retard.

>> No.15327385

Paying money for a pan

>> No.15328097

Yea I like it for searing and putting into oven
Don't like getting that burnt oil shit on my nice stainless steel pans

>> No.15328104

>use daily for years
>still haven't resurfaced it
>still nonstick
What upkeep?

>> No.15328110

He wants so desperately to be right. He wants so desperately to win. The “irony” ;) is the more he fight it. The more he responds. The less anything intelligent he has to say.

>> No.15328111

You dumb nignog use a real nonstick pan if you care about it being actually nonstick
You're using the wrong tool for the job

>> No.15328129
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Yeah, eventually you WILL run out of good boy points.

>> No.15328146

Agree. Great post.

>> No.15328154

Considering it will outlive any other pan you buy and probably outlive you yes. The only drawback is that it's a giant slab of iron and it weighs accordingly.

>> No.15328278

I’ve got a fifty year old ridged cast iron pan for doing steak. It’s the best way I’ve ever found.

>> No.15328282

Only thing I don’t like about Lodge is the short fuck handle. I get trying to cut down on weight but I’d buy another couple from them if they came out with longer handled models.

>> No.15328392

Lodge is shit. Step your cast iron game up

>> No.15328417

Stop screwing around with the finish and just cook on it. After about a year you can cook eggs no problem. I use a scouring pad to clean it, pat dry and then add a bit of vegetable oil and toss in the oven on low heat for a few minutes after every use. Sure meat bits and stuff are going to stick I just don’t obsess over it.

>> No.15328422

Cast iron are not non-stick

>> No.15329583

Spend some time working the surface of the pan with steel wool or sandpaper and you'll have that same smooth finish. It'll be a quick job if you have a power drill. I don't heat the oil in my pans to just barely smoking since I don't want to deal with the smell or smoke alarms and they work perfectly fine.

>> No.15329592

my eggs say different.

>> No.15329599

stainless steel upkeep:
>don't dent it

cast iron upkeep:
>don't get water on it
>don't cook certain foods in it
>don't wash it, instead scrub it out with coarse salts
>the rancid fat buildup adds flavour

>> No.15329879

I paid the cast iron jew, now I wish I had paid the carbon steel jew instead. Lighter, heats up faster, yet you still have the same issues relating to rust, seasoning.

>> No.15329900

1. U r gay
2. Every time u soap it u wash off the oil
3. Season it w neutral oil
4. Use oil or butter when cooking
5. Idiot

>> No.15330040
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I like cast iron and think it is easy to get a non stick seasoning. Butter is great.

>> No.15330113

It does take more work to get a good seasoning on a cast iron pan, mayby 100 uses or so. After that it is very low maintenance, slick as glass inside. I never put tomato, wine or other acids in my cast iron, primarily because I have an enameled braiser which is literally made for that kind of cooking, but a short time of acid isn't going to do real damage to a well-seasoned cast iron.

>> No.15330121

Been using a lodge for three years now and the it works well but what oil should I be using before I store it away? After I’m done cooking, I scrape it with a wooden spatula and a little hot water if I need to and then I let it heat up and add extra virgin oil. I take off excess and store it away. Is EVOO a bad oil to use for this? I cook with butter and avocado oil if it matters

>> No.15330205

Evoo is great for this. Its what I use or butter

>> No.15330213

It's what I use and it works for me. How's it going for you?

>> No.15330231

It’s going pretty well. It just occurred to
me the other day that I never really looked up what a good oil to use for this purpose is. I knew it was good to do this after using the pan, just not what oil to use. I guess I’ll keep doing what I’m doing then

>> No.15330370

It's more than what most people say they do on this board.

>> No.15330613

>iron worth
Cheap at thrift stores. I use the "self cleaning" feature on the oven to burn the pans down for re-seasoning. They work for nearly every pan purpose. I use stainless steel for boiling and lower temp foods.
Non-stick "cookware" are disposable products.

>> No.15330675
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>cast iron! CAST IRON! CAST IRRROOON!!!!!

>> No.15330682
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I posted this in another thread, but I didn't cook till I got an iron skillet. Teflon just isn't the same.

>> No.15330792
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>got two nice Lodge skillets for Christmas
>fell for the preseasoning meme
>first thing i cooked on it was steak
>no fucking idea how to clean that grease stain off so i can properly season it
It's not permanently fucked up right?

>> No.15330804

Hot water hot pan dry with paper towel.

>> No.15330805

>hot water hot pan
huh? so I should reheat the pan?

>> No.15330808

>reheat pan.

Yes. Then the water will bring off grime as it hits hot pan. Not red hot of course

>> No.15330811

That's a brilliant idea, thank you anon

>> No.15330812

Same here dam things are hard to clean.

>> No.15330853

My pleasure

>> No.15330929

Not if you know what you're doing they aren't.

>> No.15330963

>all these cast iron fuds
my cast iron is non stick and all I use is olive oil & butter dont be such fucking faggots.

>> No.15331005

>butter olive oil

This is all I use too and keeping it seasoned is so easy. I don't get buying expensive oils I wouldn't eat. Who eats flack seed or Grape seed? Fry in peanut or lard duh. Those season great too.

>> No.15331006

Absolutely, I have two lodge pans and I never looked back at all the stainless garbage out there that is leeching toxic crap into your food.
Properly caring for your cast iron cookware and seeing eggs slide off that petina better than any non stick crap on the market is rewarding.

>> No.15331023

You can't fuck up cast iron my dude.
Clean it down to metal, heat the oven to 450, oil the pan with a good neutral high heat oil and in the oven for an hour to re-season.
I like Avocado and Sunflower oil. But some avocado oil has a really strong taste.
Sunflower oil is among the most neutral tasting oils.

>> No.15331042

You have to get the good kind of steel and make sure it’s not made in china.

I forget the number but it should say it on the back.

>> No.15331047

As far as I know all the raw lodge cast iron is made in the USA, and the enameled stuff is made in china.
My pans are stamped with usa right on the bottom.
I do have an enameled lodge dutch oven which is made in china, but honestly it's totally fine. I didn't want to pay 700 bucks for an equivalent La Crueset.

>> No.15331109

I was talking about the stainless steel. But I guess you don’t have to worry about that if you’re just using something like lodge.

>> No.15331133

The only stainless steel cookware I have is All Clad D5. It's quality but I don't care for cooking in stainless pans and use my Lodge pans for any pan related use.

>> No.15331224
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Chefanon. We use french black steel pans in the kitchen. Same benefits, but a touch lighter and cheaper. You get get em at restaurant supply joints for like 24 bucks.

To season you make a paste of neutral oil and salt and hold it on high heat or in a ripping hot oven; the salt keeps the oil from igniting while it carbonizes to the surface.

>> No.15331265

Once i started cooking with cast iron i found meat a lot faster and easier to cook to perfection.

>> No.15331273

Just use an orbital sander lol

>> No.15331480

I personally use this and it works great. probably gonna get a actual pan that like 20 dollars and see how sanding it down and reseasoning it will affect cooking. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00008GKDQ/?coliid=I2IA7XE6KMH386&colid=1OM5E5UM2BAX0&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

>> No.15331523

Goddamn you're retarded.

First, get a stainless steel spatula. When stuff sticks, you scrape it off.

Second, just cook on it. the more you use it, the better it gets. To clean, no soap. Just scrape off gunk, use scrub sponge to get the rest, dry.

Third, stop being so careful. It will last forever. It's better not to get "pre-seasoned" because who knows what the fuck that is.

>> No.15331534

This is all bullshit. Not sure why people say this stuff. Cast iron is nearly indestructible. Just cook on it. Get a stainless steel spatula to scrape it clean. Stop being retarded.

>> No.15331545

To clean, just get a stainless steel spatula and scrape the shit out of it. It's indestructible.

>> No.15332090

Preseasoning is just so it doesn't rust between when it's made and when you buy it. Scrub it off with some salt or steel wool and do it right.

>> No.15332170

I literally got one two days ago. It's a bit of a hassle but I like that it can do everything. So far I've only made chebureki and pork chops, but both turned out really good. I did a reverse sear on the chops and it really locked in the flavour.

I've seasoned the pan twice, each time after scrubbing with a cheesecloth+kosher salt. I seem some splotching but that might be because I didn't wipe it down enough before putting it in the oven to harden the oil.

Anyway OP, you should get one the food turns out pretty good with minimal effort and it's fun.

>> No.15332572
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DESU my experience was similar. Even though I used a stainless spatula, food was still trapped in the bumpy surface. Sanding down the surface was one of the best decisions - much easier to keep it clean, and food rarely sticks. See eggs sliding around on bacon grease.

If you do sand it, expect a lot of black dust everywhere, and wear a mask if you don't want to pick black boogers out of your nose for the next 3 days. Also I found that all the multiple-layer seasonings, reddit-tier esoteric oils, special scrubbers are all unnecessary. I seasoned it twice in the oven after sanding, and after that I just cooked in it, I mostly use refined avocado oil, sometimes canola, and a dexter pancake turner. Just take it easy and give it time.

Cleanup is simply rinse with water, scrub with a blue scouring pad if something did stick, occasionally I use soap if I feel like it, then pop it on a burner for a minute to dry. Sometimes I wipe it down with some oil, but most of the time I don't.

>> No.15333852
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You CAN NOT beat a good cast iron pan, the one in this picture is old as fuck, it was my grandpas. I used a cup brush to clean it up gave it 1 thin coating of lard and baked for a couple hours. It's perfect, I'll admit it's hard to get a cast iron as trouble free as these older ones but damn I love mine. When melted sharp cheddar cheese just peels away, the pan is guud. cast iron pan is not for pussy

>> No.15334412

> What upkeep?

>> No.15334414

it's to fit better in ovens innit

>> No.15334422

I'd put it in the same level of utility as a wok. If you make a lot of dishes that use it, it's definately worth the investment. Just remember to clean it or you're going to be scrubbing for the rest of your adult life.