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15315618 No.15315618 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love baking bread. Pic related. It smells amazing, tastes 10x better than store bought and is way cheaper. Take the homemade bread pill you will never go back.

>> No.15315639

That's a brick of shit but I agree in theory.

>> No.15315690

That crumb looks weird breh

>> No.15315715

Looks kinda dense...

>> No.15315739

It’s meant to be similar to a soda bread according to the recipe. It tastes delicious warm with butter and a little salt

>> No.15315769

Mic color I burnt my bread my first attempt and when my landlord came to complain about the smell I punched her in the face. Ask me anything.

>> No.15315773

why would you punch your landlord? What happened afterwards?

>> No.15315778

I was irritated cause she wouldn’t shut the fuck up. I got arrested for assault but it didn’t matter cause I already have a criminal record

>> No.15315779

Should have sprinkled a bit of salt on it and buttered it silly like a pro salvager.

>> No.15315782

The only bread I've made halfway decent is khachapuri. My pizza is always meh, tried scallion pancakes today and they were too dense.

>> No.15315794

nice color* sorry I’m drunk atm

That said I wanna fuck with sourdough

>> No.15315807

Hindsight is 20/20!

>> No.15315819

Pizza is easy just follow a simple dough recipe from Vito lacopelli on YouTube. You can also use a cast iron skillet to do it. If you start it on the stove top for 2 minutes then put into a very hot oven you can create something delicious. Pizza stone works too.

>> No.15315841

Fuxking lol.

Arrested and evicted?

>> No.15315913

yup evicted. Do I give a shit? No the place was a dump anyway I blame my first failed bread attempt on that piece of shit oven from the 70s. Maybe if that boomer cunt doesn’t wanna get knocked out by her tenants she should provide a property with an oven capable of baking bread.

>> No.15315934

you're homeless because you didn't like an oven?

>> No.15315935

Not holding proper temp or something? Could add a dutch oven as basically a heat buffer. Or pizza stone.

>> No.15315970

Very reasonable, I like the way you think.

>> No.15315993

I’m not homeless I went back to my moms place
I dunno something like that it was trash would take forever to heat up

>> No.15316038

If you burned bread in your mom's oven and she started bitching at you, what would you do?

>> No.15316076

unironically nothing because she wouldn’t be a cunt about it. She would say say something like

“Oh anon what’s that smell something is burning?” And then I’d probably curse and say “ah fuck ma I burnt my bread” and she would tell me it’s ok and help me make a new one from scratch and give me a hug. She’s not a boomer though she’s from the silent generation and I love her to bits.

>> No.15316085

Why would your mom call you anon does she post on 4chan

>> No.15316088

I bet she sucks a mean dick the old whore, god bless her.

>> No.15316097

Hey fuck you dude How would you feel if I insulted your mom on New Years Eve? Apologize right now you god damn piece of shit.

>> No.15316104

Calm down, it was a compliment. You're a lucky man.

>> No.15316248

I did, got some dough rising as we speak

>> No.15316560
File: 422 KB, 1088x1367, focc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice OP, what's the ingredients?
I've personally trying to get a thinner foccacia down, waiting on current batch to retard a little bit before baking it tomorrow.
Already using less amount and I need to remember to just brush the top with lots of olive oil. Or maybe my oven's being shit and I will have to crank on broil to flash the top a bit more uniform.

>> No.15316587
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 77E477BC-876F-4393-A354-EDF4D78E34C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. Ingredients were instant yeast, flour (had to substitute all purpose for bread flour, recipe said that was ok but I feel that it didn’t turn out as well), salt and water. I made a different recipe using active dry yeast and a bit of olive oil a few days ago though and it turned out much better with a crustier exterior and darker brown colouring. Highly recommend this https://gatherforbread.com/easy-perfect-yeast-bread/#

I would also recommend trying Jacques Pepins Tibetan flatbread recipe. It’s done on the stove top and takes 15 minutes (uses baking power instead of yeast). Turns out surprisingly well for what it is and you can add all sorts of herbs if you want.

Pic related is the stovetop bread here is the recipe if you want https://www.food.com/recipe/jacques-pepins-flatbread-416395

>> No.15316603

looks very tasty!

>> No.15316609

sadly I'm cooking for myself, so with all the trial and error baking, I really only end up eating a few slices before saving the rest for birds and animals. Stuffing myself with all that bread isn't going to be good long term.

>> No.15316621

>saving the rest for birds and animals
Very based I am glad you do that instead of throwing it in the garbage like other people do (I hate food waste). I am a glutton so I eat everything I make especially with lots of cheese, garlic, olives and wine. I have gained 15lbs in the last 6 months but now I purchased a home gym so I workout for an hour almost daily. No regrets to be honest bread is life.

>> No.15316638

You're ok in my book

>> No.15316781

>15 lbs in 6 months

Damn. I've gained ~50 pounds since getting sober 6 months ago. Feels bad man.

>> No.15316783

How do I make soft fluffy breadsticks?

>> No.15316804

congrats on getting sober, hope it remains that way. 50lbs isn’t too bad I was overweight in the past and managed to lose about 50lbs in 7-8 months just by working out a few times a week, keeping a rough count of calories and eating no more than 1600-1700 calories a day. You can do it shouldn’t be too bad

>> No.15316812

kek that's terrible

>> No.15317199

fuck bread eat noodles

>> No.15317236

One addict to another, don't worry about the weight, just focus on staying clean. The day will come where you'll actually want to work out and eat right, but don't rush it, just get through that first year clean. When I quit meth, I got fat, but eventually I started lifting and that fat became muscle, but it took a while and it's hard. It'll always be hard, I haven't tweaked in five years, and just thinking about it makes me grind my teeth and want to go out and score a teener.

>> No.15317261

Make sure you knead well and get a second rise out of your dough.

>> No.15317560

Thanks bros. Happy for both you guys too

Yeah, meth was my poison as well. After a couple years I moved on to IV and that's when things really started getting bad. It's amazing how quickly things can turn around once you get your head on straight though.

I've had great success with intermittent fasting in the past so ill probably give that a go again. I should probably start sooner rather than later

>> No.15317611

I'm so tired I thought you wrote barking bread and asked myself where was the hidden dog in the picture.

>> No.15319400

holy shit guys good job on gettin clean bros stay strong

>> No.15320661
File: 56 KB, 720x954, Screenshot_20201231-213524_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have experience making bread in one of those bread making machines? My grandma has one that she never uses, I'm tempted to borrow it from her and try it out.

Can you make decent bread with them?

Pic related is not the exact machine, but it's this kind of device that I'm talking about

>> No.15320719
File: 19 KB, 600x384, feels bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i try to bake something goes wrong

>> No.15320835
File: 2.29 MB, 1000x1000, EA2BDF0F-D3A3-4624-96AF-B164FBC3C431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post recipe for pic related.

>> No.15320856
File: 951 KB, 1944x2592, 8511770835614835347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying my hand at sourdough, putting it in the oven later tonight.
