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15256036 No.15256036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are people who exist in this world who wash raw chicken with bleach or soap before they eat it


>> No.15256043

Jamaican guy at work told me he did this after he brought in jerk chicken for everyone. I thought he was kidding. Said he used dish soap.

>> No.15256052


Where does washing your chicken come from? I never heard of anyone doing it until now?

>> No.15256115

My gf has a slow co worker who cleaned his oranges by soaking them in undiluted bleach. And he complained about stomach pain for days afterward.

>> No.15256131

Black people dont know that chicken bacteria is also in the meat and not just on the outside, not even joking

>> No.15256139

I just throw it overnight into a pot of salt water and rinse and pat it dry before cooking

>> No.15256191

...so you brine it

>> No.15256197

restaurants are required to wash chicken with chlorine in the USA USA USA USA

>> No.15256201


>> No.15256222

Just read the comments. Its all black people being righteously retarded

>> No.15256245

they do 'know' in the sense that they're aware of the science, they just don't believe in it. It's a superstition on the level of believing in ghosts or something. I've talked to well educated black people who do this and they say they know it's unsanitary to wash chicken in the sink but they do it anyway because it "feels right"

>> No.15256267

Black people are stupid. This isn't news.

>> No.15256343

Despite whiners, there is some merit to "washing."

When you want to make it extra nice, do a salt scrub with oil and salt to clean the skin. Yeah there's a lot of stuff left on there. You can polish the damned bird and leave a new kind of texture. Experiment if you want.

>> No.15256396

do people like this ever wash everything else they touch with their contaminated hands like the dish soap or salt containers

>> No.15256417
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>contaminated salt

>> No.15256420

Did you know your chicken is washed at the abattoir?

Whos the retard now, also they clean that entire factory with chlorine and expect none of the LOW IQ subhumans drop the meat on the ground, but this happens daily so you get some unspecified amount of chlorine all up on the was bleached washed chicken and packed ready for you to eat goy.

>> No.15256441

I'm black and my mom used to rinse her chicken. No idea why she did that shit but she was never stupid enough to use soap.

>> No.15256452

Thinking it’s unsanitary to wash or handle chicken is there fucking superstition. I’ve literally watched retards wash their hands 20 times because they are afraid of “contamination” after touching raw meat

>> No.15256457
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It seems like the only people I see do it are black.
fuckin weird.

>> No.15256460

It's two retards arguing over retarded shit.
It's the CDC saying you shouldn't wash your meat it doesn't destroy bacterial contamination.
It's niggers saying you should use dish soap on your chicken.

Normal people rinse meat to remove surface contamination like bone shards that might have been left on meat during the butchering process.
Also why are you listening to the CDC rather than the USDA or your nation's equal?
The CDC needs to fuck off back into their own lane. For example CDC also thinks they have a say in firearms in the US because someone said that a gun shot is a disease.

>> No.15256464

30 seconds in the horror show begins.

>> No.15256467

I mean his hands went straight from raw chicken to salt shaker
Is he gonna clean that shit or what
He's gonna spread that bacteria to every single thing he cooks if he doesn't

>> No.15256475 [DELETED] 


>> No.15256482

Yeah and then I rinse the excess salt
Makes chicken more tender and keeps me from overthinking the washing bit

>> No.15256488


>> No.15256524

Man is there anything to do about that age-restricted bullshit? Even embedding doesn't work anymore

>> No.15256629

the parasites you got from putting raw meat germs all over the place are controlling your brain

>> No.15256855
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>There are people who
slice the throats of animals and watch them die slow painful deaths and say God told them to do it that way

>> No.15257094

that's expected. but washing them at your own house with some toilet bleach knowing you actually have no idea what you're doing and whether the bleach is there or not is dumb

>> No.15257099

isn't this USA only lmao

>> No.15257203

Wait hold up, bone shards and stuff on the meat, have you no quality control whatsoever where do you even beging to find butchers like that

>> No.15257219

the USDA also doesn't recommend washing meat for the same reason. It's not bad advice but if you're being careful it's not necessarily the end of the world to do it either. If you do it you obviously just have to consider cross contamination of the sink- so yknow, scrub it down with a good soap after you're done.

>> No.15257233
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>slice the throats of animals

It is a perfectly humane way to kill an animal when done in the proper way, cutting the jugular, and with a good sharp knife. The sudden drop in blood pressure actually causes someone/animal to lose conscious relatively quickly so they don't really feel a thing and it allows for the blood to drain quickly so the meat tastes better.

>> No.15257255

Aww hell nah yans done white people tryin kill us niggas well we aint havin dat shit we washin demn chikcens

>> No.15257258

Why are they so fucking stupid?

>> No.15257274

Theh actually real smart they built wakanda

>> No.15257282

Why are niggers like this?

>> No.15257287

>Normal people rinse meat to remove surface contamination

>> No.15257306

most produce in restaurants these days are washed with some type of sanitizer

>> No.15257604

wtf is that really why jews beat up chickens?

>> No.15257622

Yep. Once a year, every year. Kaparot. Some donate money instead of killing chickens.

>> No.15257630

Replace "black people" with ghetto ignorant people. I've never "washed" chicken before.

>> No.15257636

Jamaican here. I call bullshit. That dude has to be retarded or something.

>> No.15257637

Meanwhile, some Scandinavians soak their fish with lye. I guess I can say, "why are nords like this"? But that would be stupid. Stop saying stupid shit.

>> No.15257642

If you pluck your own chicken (i.e. pull the feathers off) it's messy and you have to wash it afterwards. People who grew up plucking their own chickens carried this habit over to supermarket chickens.

>> No.15257669

i rinse chicken because i'm cheap and buy saline pumped debtslave meat from goymart. washing it cleans some of the slime off the exterior.

>> No.15257958

The difference is that less than 0.1% of scandinavians have ever made lutfisk.

>> No.15257980

And I've never known any blacks that wash their chicken with soap. Oh, but blacks should bear the burden because of what a few retards do, but whites don't? Oh well; the joy of the hypocrite is only for a season.

>> No.15258007

Isn't this a meme like penis inspection day? People might rinse the meat, but washing it? For real?

>> No.15258016
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>> No.15258074

did u read the comments on that twitter post? its 99% black people thinking they are saving themselves from shit and feathers by washing super market chicken. Washing meat is 100% a black thing

>> No.15258102

According to recent surveys 20% of black americans wash chickens.

>> No.15258133

>a few retards
If it was only a few there would be no burden, but its not. The majority of blacks commit acts of retardation. Its a celebrated fixture of black culture.

>> No.15258375

just made some grilled chicken, unwashed. How long do I have blackfags?

>> No.15258530

Rinsing chicken because of feathers or messy innards is different than washing. People here are appalled at using SOAP to wash chicken, which is retarded.

>> No.15258542

>its 99% black people thinking they are saving themselves from shit and feathers by washing super market chicken
Not with fucking dishwashing soap. They mostly use lemon or vinegar to "wash" chicken.
>minority washes chicken
Oh, you got me there.
Ok, chud.

>> No.15258642

Yeah keep worrying about cross contamination goy. Make sure you wash your hands, bathe yourself in cheap alcohol, and wear your mask.

>> No.15259073


>> No.15259099
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Nigga are you retarded?

>> No.15259129

That's unsettling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h71-oCBuJ3k

>> No.15259136

How to tell someone is a legitimate homosexual:

>> No.15259139

>ur gay
Ok, chud.

>> No.15259147


>> No.15259238

Why don't white people clean their sink or countertops?

>> No.15259251

80% of people aren't on twitter, calm down

>> No.15259348

>Normal people rinse meat
Guess how I know you are black or latino

>> No.15259354

That's literally the single most humane way to kill an animal

>> No.15260795

I'm pretty sure a post-coital morphine overdose is the most humane way to put an animal down.

>> No.15260870


>> No.15260913
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Don't pretend to make an informative post and then drop this turd at the end, don't waste my time like that.

I don't know why people are upset by modern kill methods, both a captive bolt stunner and electrocution produce instant unconsciousness. They're specifically designed to.

>> No.15260922

she cute

>> No.15260934

Take your steak, drop it on your floor. Pick it up, inspected then flip it over and drop it again.
Now cook it and then eat it.

Some of your meat was dropped on the floor, maybe not every part in every package but some of it was. If you feel that a rinse is pointless then dropping your meat on your floor and then cooking it should be fine right?

>> No.15261003
File: 367 KB, 621x1000, 1489951004570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe don't live in a shithole where you have to expect your food to be handled by coloured people?

>> No.15261009
File: 147 KB, 1280x600, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that was done for you during packing, though. Anyway the whitepeople reason for not doing that part at home is the spray of the water is going to send bacteria all over the place. Same reason you should be flushing your toilet with the lid down.

>> No.15261044
File: 151 KB, 550x978, Acid-wash-4lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also while researching if I was technically correct or not I came across this.

>UGA study finds electrified water kills foodborne pathogens on beef

Because yes washing is a processing step, meat comes already washed. Electro-water is clever though, one of those little things you're surprised you didn't think of yourself. The study was in 2013, could be widespread tech by now.

>> No.15261102

I wash my chicken. I just gotta be careful about splashing the water. The reason I do it is because packing plants are pretty disgusting. Workers routinely have poor hygiene and will cough and sneeze over the meat at any point of production. So while properly cooking the meat will kill most of the bacteria, the idea of eating someone else’s cooked spit is kind of gross and I don’t mind going the extra step for the peace of mind.

>> No.15261116

>Don't pretend to make an informative post
Just read the fucking twitter comments. Those people are using vinegar and lemon to "wash" chicken, not soap.

>> No.15261139


>> No.15261214
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That at least sounds vaguely tasty, cause honestly depending where you live your tap water could have any number of things in it. Where I live there's been forest fires, one burned a whole town and it smelled like toluene for at least half a year, so when it rained runoff probably went into our local reservoir carrying a lot of decidedly carcinogenic aromatic carbon and polychlorinated compounds with it. I'll bathe in it I guess but I'm not even going to so much as boil macaroni with that shit.

>> No.15261611

and then that dirt was baked at 400 fucking degrees retard.
Also I brine and pat dry my poultry so It's not going to have massive amounts of fucking dirt on it.
I hope you're trolling but I just don't know.

>> No.15261623

>if you heat dirt and shit to 400 degrees it’s good to eat

>> No.15261680

Depending on your specific retardation I'm about to add or subtract a whole fucking chromosome into you with this information
As long as you're not eating fistfulls of dirt you can absolutely get some on your food without it killing you.
Bacteria and organisms from undercooked/raw meat is the real danger.

>> No.15261735

Wow that’s brilliant! I’m gonna start cooking and eating shit and dirt since it’s totally fine as long as you heat it up enough.