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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 818 KB, 2014x2560, 91gBjV3fcKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15254565 No.15254565 [Reply] [Original]

>lets just fry this and put mesquite and onions on it

Why does anyone take him seriously?

>> No.15254569

he beat bobby flay.

>> No.15254573

I always thought that was his wife but no way two random people would have the same fucked up nose

>> No.15254590

Yeah, of course he beat him in frying food. That's all he can do.

>> No.15254673

fuck you, OP
kent is one of the only good food youtubers

>> No.15254682

useless cunt doesn't know how to smile

>> No.15254713

I feel like his schtick has run out, though. It was great when it was all about accurate recipes in historical and/or modern cowboy context, but why the fuck should I or anyone else care about a "cowboy crunchwrap supreme?" It's like Babish with his two offshoot series, Basics & Being. Like, your TV/movie recipe thing was quirky and original for it's time, but outside of that it's now just an average home cook (now with fancier tools and gadgets), trying to convince me he knows best.

I know for most it's because they're trying so hard to make it a lasting career, but there's something to be said for shutting the fuck up when you've no longer got anything relevant to say.

>> No.15254721

It's from snortin meth.

>> No.15254743

After he quit doing true cowboy food, he just became another mouthbreathing knuckledragger way out of his league. He should have switched to portraying shitty church potluck crap, at least he would have been true to his christcuck nonsense.

>> No.15254851

t. seething transsexuals

>> No.15254856


>> No.15254875

>ad hom those who disagree
well aren't you adorable?

>> No.15254883

Just cook the fucking food and save the god stuff.

>> No.15254952

He doesn't really fry much though. Do you even watch his channel?

>> No.15255032 [DELETED] 

imagine being so far gone that you LARP as the oregon trail video game because you have some weird victim complex about being a bible thumper living among other bible thumpers

>> No.15255106
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>> No.15255140

Because he speaks with a phony cowboy accent and people rate the effort.

>> No.15255153
File: 28 KB, 260x329, 51fLs+tCTIL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people shitting on rollins
His videos are cute, the food isn't bad, there's no religious stuff in the YT content. The fuck is your problem, exactly? Oh no, how dare he talk about his personal beliefs in his fucking cookbook you have to literally seek out and buy?

Yeah I wish he did historical stuff but he probably burned through all the historical stuff that's actually in his wheelhouse to do. There's only so many reenactment recipes for dirty cow hobo's living in the grass. He could maybe expand his content to include history, culture, and crafts like Townsend but lets face it he doesn't know shit about any of that, he does a very specific kind of historic larp.

>> No.15255160 [DELETED] 

>weird ass self published fundie "cookbook"
>never heard of it before today
>suddenly simps everywhere
t. kent rollins

>> No.15255172

>book title mentions faith
pro tip, mentioning jesus or religion adds an instant 3 figures to your sales numbers, midwestern jesus freaks eat that shit up. Second, i'm sorry your churches minister touched you as a child, but why are you posting in a thread about a guy you've never heard of?

>> No.15255185

Disappointed they did photoshop his dog onto the cover of the book in the background.

>> No.15255191
File: 18 KB, 230x336, Art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically hate all religions but Kent has a genuine positive aura about him so gets a BASED in my book

>> No.15255197

*tips fedora*
another gentleman of tastes I see

>> No.15255202

>Second, i'm sorry your churches minister touched you as a child,
I'm guessing since he's such a faggot he's more upset that the minister didn't touch him.

>> No.15255210

all you need in life is onions.

>> No.15255218

Who can beat a man with God on his side?

>> No.15255278
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, 3637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless kent rollins and all the joy he has brought to the world.

>> No.15255536
File: 102 KB, 850x541, cowboys-tom-of-finland-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw taste of cowboy

>> No.15255580
File: 118 KB, 467x348, el copitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome christcuck

>> No.15255612

yes and theres nothing you can do about it you entire nigger. go shove your philosophy textbook up your ass

>> No.15255621

These hunks looks very masculine and handsome they must get a lot of ladies... wish I could be like them.

>> No.15255627

>something to be said for shutting the fuck up when you've no longer got anything relevant to say
First day on Earth in the past 20 years?

>> No.15255693

I'm not a christian but I have to point out that you are butthurt because it has "faith" in the name

>> No.15255700

>mouthbreathing knuckledragger
butthurt about "faith"

>> No.15255706
File: 19 KB, 645x770, 1601436579636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"s-stop making fun of my boyfriend!!!"

>> No.15255966

we ever get a peek at the wifes feet?

>> No.15255972

>y-yeah so what if he beat celebrity chef bobby flay? i-it doesn't count anyway!1!!

>> No.15256056

Onions improve almost every dish. I'm sorry they make you cry pussy.

>> No.15256181

Garlic > Onions

Garlic is better in almost everything, onion is the poormans garlic

>> No.15256196

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15256217

Garlic is for fags who don't know what flavor is. Besides shallots > anything else.

>> No.15257171

That's as fake a smile as that other fakeass "friendly down home southern" fundie Paula Deen.

>> No.15257173 [DELETED] 

it's not even a video either, they took hundreds of shots for this cover and this was the least worst they could do

>> No.15257243

polcels are the most embarassing retards in existence. Imagine being this reddit, that you insult people who dont like your youtube tradwife

>> No.15257384

I thought people watched him because it was just kinda easy going, rather than because they consider him a super serious cook?

>> No.15257400

Eat the onion OP.

>> No.15257544
File: 89 KB, 1024x643, 1596444878205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15257896

I’m actually going to make his chicken and waffles recipe for dinner tonight, but alas I don’t have any of his proprietary Red River Ranch seasoning that the recipe calls for. Does anyone have any recommendations for a substitute? Here’s the recipe

>> No.15257916

what does faith has to do with cooking?

>> No.15257919

lol all these person have sex though unlike polcels

>> No.15257923 [DELETED] 

Same thing it has to do with anything. You may not be interested but they're going to shove it down your throat whether you like it or not. If you express disinterest it is a hate crime against straight white males.

>> No.15257934

You will never be a woman

>> No.15257946 [DELETED] 

Were you hoping I might? FYI, most men in drag would be more attractive than this thing >>15255106

>> No.15257963

It’s okay to be gay man, if you’re attracted to men there’s nothing wrong with that

>> No.15258223

Never heard of him, is this some kind of flyover celebrity that the kind of people who pray to Qanon get excited about?
Make your own ranch you dumb faggot, it's not that hard.

>> No.15259400

im more of a gentleman of smells

>> No.15259432

this is unironically what i picture when i see people hatekentposting

>> No.15259456

Man that guy's fingers are thicker than my dick

>> No.15259463

why do you think that cunt smile so goofy?

>> No.15259524

It's a seasoning you fucking dystrophic

>> No.15259537

no one does

>> No.15261105

because hes a fucking COWBOY you seething transexual.
cope. dilate.
youll never be a woman.

>> No.15261840

Asking the important questions

>> No.15263366
File: 133 KB, 955x540, riker-enterprise-chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. But I still watch him because it's wholesome as fuck. Am I going to make that? No. Am I gonna get baked and watch you make that? Yeah. Same goes for Bob Ross and Jacques Pepin.

>> No.15263394

>Am I going to make that? No.
You go girl! God forbid if you *gasp* cooked after having the explicit instructions, ingredients and techniques spoon fed to you. So just waddle into mcdicks, taco hell, pizza slut for your carryout and fantasize about being a cowboy cook. And yell at your mommy when she's 5 minutes late heating up your frozen tendies.

>> No.15263488

>being this mad because you have no mommy making tendies for you

>> No.15263732

My mom is dead

>> No.15263741

choked to death on a minority, sad

>> No.15263774


>> No.15263780 [DELETED] 

You’ll get way things work around her soon “ma’am”>>1525

>> No.15263784

>Projecting your virginity in hopes it somehow makes you less of a virgin

Do trannies unironically really do this?

>> No.15264678

Yes- as such, it would take you like three minutes to make yourself, you lazy ham hock.

>> No.15264777

Its ok anon, I know you're an antisocial autistic basement sweller. not everybody has taken a photo. I'm a bit surprised you were never forced to take one at school but maybe you're from a weird shut in home schooled family too. Which would help explain your lack of social skills.

>> No.15264843

a weird and faggoty post you've just written there, stop doing that