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15228743 No.15228743 [Reply] [Original]

My first ramen. How did I do? Forgot to add my bean sprouts.

>> No.15228751

Stay out of the kitchen. Don't pursue cooking--ya ain't got the talent nor basic level of sense. Too many toppings, watery broth, noodles look like spaghetti. Horrible! 1 out of 10.

>> No.15228762

Looks tasty. It would be even better with greens but it looks delicious even without any.

>> No.15228763

Also, no greens and roadkill quality cuts of 'meat'. No idea what that brownish garnish is even supposed to be.

>> No.15228766

What kind of ramen is it? Looks like instant ramen garbage, are those onions? Way too many mushrooms.
2/10 looks like random slop on top of instant ramen, at least it's not fast food

>> No.15228770


>> No.15228773

Looks nice I would eat, if it's for yourself presentation doesn't matters, you know already how it taste, don't need to sell it to yourself, 6/10.
T. Fag

>> No.15228785

Guess how I know that you think Olive Garden is fine dining?

>> No.15228786


I actually used one of my Costco NY strips, don't come at me with the low quality meat bs. The brown gloop is a onion, garlic, soy sauce, bbq sauce mixture.

>> No.15228794

Don't listen to this fag OP. Though some greens and a balance in ingredients would help.

>> No.15228803

It lacks in color as if you steamed it. Also as if you let it sit in its own runny blood which stuck to the meat in blobs as it cooked.

>> No.15228806

I don't even know what olives garden is, not everyone here is american

>> No.15228822

Honest review from a chef:
Looks very average, what id expect most people to make when tols to make ramen.
The onion is a weird choice for a ramen
Meats too thick
Soak your egg in soy sauce and then chop it in half
Plating is sloppy
No colour, try adding spring onions
Square bowl will make drinking broth hard

>> No.15228850

>Square bowl will make drinking broth hard
not OP but it's not hard if you drink at the corner
meat can be a bit thick if it's pork belly curled up, seared and braised in soy broth
agree with the rest though, that egg'd better have running yolk

>> No.15228865

Its still awks to drink from the corner because then youre dealing with extra porceilane
The meat looks like its got herbs or something on it. Im talking specific to this preperation, you just know its not going to be like pho meat (which is fairly thick) but instead like dollar steak

>> No.15228870


The egg felt a little too runny, hence why I let it sit in the hot broth and firm up for a minute.

>> No.15228876

Kek. Good one.

>> No.15228877


Like anon said, the bowl was easy to drink from. The steak just has salt and pepper.

>> No.15228879

You're gay. Its anons first attempt. No one nails it on their first attempt.

>> No.15228900

Looks pretty good to me senpai
haha epic troll upvoted

>> No.15228912

You should hang out with >>15228773. (both clearly repressing homo tendencies).

This is a poorly executed attempt to create ramen. The broth is much too thin and reminds me of broth you'd expect from a can of campbells chicken noodle soup. Garnish looks right rubbish (I question its flavor). The meat appears as if it were hand torn and not cut with a knife.

Unfortunately, you'll never be a real Japanese. In fac5, I've forwarded this to the Japanese consulate in my country and they have advised me that they will deny you any visas to prohibit entry into Japan. So, say farewell to your dreams of a japanese girlfriend--not even an anime waifu. You'll always be a weeb though!

>> No.15228917

I'd say they pretty much nailed it tho. Maybe the nail is sticking out a bit but it'll hold.

>> No.15229018

Could use some form of green like scallions or peppers. Would still eat tho

>> No.15229039

Post your ramen then faggot. And we'll be reverse searching it to make sure you didn't cheat.

>> No.15229077

Look, I know it's your first attempt but what bothers me is that this looks far removed from real typical ramen that anyone who can perform basic reasoning would realize they need to further work on their craft before they should seek public critique. Its as if you shared this, on 4chan of all places, thinking its ready to be judged. Its not and its honestly abhorrent to look at. The fact that that thought didn't cross your mind makes me believe you're delusional and will not improve as a result.

And as for others, especially those who state this is good, what would your thoughts be if you were served this same bowl of 'ramen' at a restaurant? And realize you have to pay on top of it. I mean seriously, how much would you pay for this bowl of ramen at a restaurant? I'm sure regardless of what you will say in this thread, (mainly to attack me), in reality you would be pissed if you ordered ramen and were served this and handed a bill.

>> No.15229086

broth doesn't look right. how'd did you make it?

>> No.15229098

Poured it out of a can. Added chicken flavored ramen packet to elevate the umami.


>> No.15229314

Beef stock and a boulion cube.

>> No.15230001

>>15228743my dogs food looks better... is that piss broth? and which shoe did you shred for meat?

>> No.15230010

perfect reply..kek

>> No.15230027

low effort.. pathetic..dont cook for anyone you like

>> No.15230064

it's probably tasty enough but if I got that at a restaurant I'd be pissed
>urine colored broth, looks a bit watery
>looks like you just took a dried noodle block and dropped it in the bowl to rehydrate
>caramelized onions as a ramen topping?
>unidentifiable mystery meat
>plain hardboiled egg not even sliced in half
>no greens anywhere to be seen
Not trying to be unnecessarily critical but as a bowl of ramen I'd rate this 2/10 at best

>> No.15230066


>> No.15230097

needs more color

add spring onions, kimchy, or even some chives

>> No.15230100

You keep bringing up the topic of homosexuality, almost as if you're obsessed. Is there anything you would like to talk about?

>> No.15230106

Ah yes traditional BBQ and steak ramen. I bet it tastes like Okinawa

>> No.15230137

looks good for a first time effort with little knowledge of ramen, I used to make shit like this all the time when I was young. hits the spot
>what would your thoughts be if you were served this same bowl of 'ramen' at a restaurant?
people don't make a dish for the first time and serve it in restaurants dipshit

>> No.15230208

your broth looks very weak. looks like you just dumped ingredients into a bowl of water anon.

>> No.15230667


But it's a soft boiled egg, I just didn't slice it.

>> No.15231195

What everyone else already said but also
>square bowl
really grinds my gears

>> No.15231213
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could be worse actually, at least you have noodles and liquid broth

>> No.15231240

His point was that ramen eggs aren't normal boiled eggs. If you want to make ramen from scratch you're going to have to put more work into making or sourcing authentic ingredients to get the right flavors. That's pretty evident throughout the whole dish, not just with the egg.

It's good for a first attempt if you don't do much research about these things, and it probably tasted better than what you'd get from cup ramen, but it's won't really reflect what ramen tastes like. Think of cooking Creole and Cajun food but replacing the holy trinity with a standard mirepoix and subbing out other major ingredients for more accessible, familiar things. It's going to taste very different from what actual Cajun and Creole food taste like.

>> No.15231695


What's special about a egg typically found in ramen? Isn't it just a soft boiled egg?