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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15190585 No.15190585 [Reply] [Original]

Can you handle the one chip challenge?

>> No.15190590

i would post a soyjack here if i actually had the gall to save one on my harddrives
but just know thats the value of your thread

>> No.15190636

One of my coworkers did this and uploaded it to youtube. I think it has like 4 views.

>> No.15190745

post it

>> No.15190866

stop advertising here

>> No.15191030

Only good thing to come out of that

>> No.15191624

Why is wrestling dominated by feminine men now

>> No.15191629

What do you consider feminine?

>> No.15191725

With no doubt. I drank some vinegar and ate a dog biscuit earlier and tasted nothing. But I'll never buy chips by the piece.

>> No.15191749

Lacking masculine features and mannerisms

>> No.15191756

what color is the normal paqui chips? I'd only buy this one chip if it matched the color of others so I could toss it in a bag and share with someone

>> No.15191762

Based jokester

>> No.15191769

What exactly is the "challenge"? Just eating it? That's easy. Eating it without drinking milk or some shit would be harder. But if it's just eating it with no other requirements, then it's easy as fuck. What's the point of the challenge? Is there a reward? Or is this just a way of swindling idiots into buying some meme chip?

>> No.15191776

the 'challenge' is the zoomer way of saying you have to make a video for social media. whoever invented the stupid ALS ice bucket 'challenge' is responsible for all of this garbage, now we have kids who light themselves on fire on camera and eat tide pods. all to raise a paltry sum for some stupid disease. this shit is just as bad as notch inventing preorders or bethesda inventing horse armor. once you open pandora's box it's over. there's another thread about cheddar-gate up right now. everything today has to be so fucking dumbed down for normies

>> No.15191785

Based Daniel no selling the chip heat!

>> No.15191893


>> No.15191899

Black people have been doing corn starch challenge since like 2012

>> No.15191937

wow I didn't realize the cinnamon challenge dates all the way back to 2001. now that I think of it the milk challenge is older than the internet.

>> No.15191948

>see these things sometimes at the store/gas station
>$6 for ONE singular chip
I guess I can't

>> No.15191951
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>i would post a soyjack here if i actually had the gall to save one on my harddrives
>but just know thats the value of your thread

>> No.15192169


>> No.15192351
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>Can you handle the one chip challenge?

>> No.15192363

Is this feminine?

>> No.15193216

No, it's just gay.

>> No.15193234

Like you then.

>> No.15193270 [DELETED] 

This thread is about eating a spicy chip, not wrestling or who is gay and who is not. Get this thread back on track or I'll ban all of you.

>> No.15193305
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The death nut challenge is more my speed

>> No.15193314

Why would adding a second carolina reaper change the heat level?

>> No.15193327
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>Like you then.

>> No.15193348

/ck/ is pretty much the only board where people are still braindead enough to post wojaks.

>> No.15193368

No, but it's also 30 years ago. Soyboys and manlets took over. Cm punk ruined the business

>> No.15193391

The challenge is you eat it and don’t consume anything else (milk, water, etc.) for certain periods of time.
>5 mins
>15 mins
>30 mins
>60 mins

t. Featherweight. Shit wasn’t even crazy hot, it just hurt the fuck out of my stomach. The End hot sauce was way spicier and frankly more delicious.

>> No.15193398

This one was my favorite.

>> No.15193445 [DELETED] 


It all started with that white-hot fateful summer of 1992.

>> No.15193547

clearly you don't frequent /qa/

>> No.15193566
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>> No.15193567

I wanna do it but fuck paying that price for them.
You can get like 10 packs of full share size regular ones for the same price.

>> No.15193698

You can also get one for free if you email them and say "Hello, I would like a review copy for the One Chip Challenge."

>> No.15193705

Sorry, I don't like tortilla chips

>> No.15193732

covers more of your mouth i guess

>> No.15193759

Probably but why would I ?
There are a lot of painful and dangerous things out there and if the only good side to it is being able to say "I did it" afterward, let me be the first to bring it to you anon, it's a shitty thing to do and you should do something else instead.


>> No.15193763 [DELETED] 


>> No.15193857

I bought one for my friend this Christmas but it turns out I've ordered some knock off version of it, I hope it has an unregulated amount of spice in it

>> No.15193872
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A 7-11 has these near me; I don't think anyone has bought one, they are prob past expired.

>> No.15193895

uh, i think i can handle eating one chip lol

>> No.15194024

are there any spicy food challenges where they just use a man made chemical that burns your tongue?

>> No.15194114

Sadly, that is exactly what the Tide Pod Challenge is.

>> No.15194151

I have one sitting in my pantry but Ive avoided it because Im expecting that nasty chemical "heat" smell and taste

>> No.15194224

I did it and it wasn't bad but I think I'm a freak when it comes to spice so I don't fault people for thinking it sucks ass. I'm white btw if that matters

>> No.15194589

This guy is not me. But I am also not gonna post it.

>> No.15194608

What happened anon? Tell us your story

>> No.15195038

It goes a little something like this: Out here in the fields I fight for my meals. I get my back into my living. I don't need to fight to prove I'm right. I don't need to be forgiven.

>> No.15195048

That gets easier the longer you go.

>> No.15195589

it is a nasty chemical taste. No pleasant flavor. Burns like a bitch for 7 minutes or so. That's the hottest thing I ever want to eat.

>> No.15195597

How come it tastes like chemicals if it's made from a real pepper? Are those peppers injected with chemicals or something?

>> No.15195617
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>> No.15195738

Sort of related - what’s the spiciest sauce i can buy at a normal grocery store like Kroger or Publix ? My valentinas just not doing it for me anymore

>> No.15195745

Fun fact: nature is made of chemicals

>> No.15195779

Yes, I survived Pakistan.

>> No.15195844

Nigger preorders were around in the 2000s. But I'll concede to Bethesda basically inventing the concept of DLC with horse armor.

>> No.15195928

So /ck/ is the only board you go on.

>> No.15195933

Why do you retards still not understand the tide pod challenge was a joke and that everyone who fell for it was a total fucking retard loser?

>> No.15195940

It tastes like chemicals because chemicals is a soccer mom tier buzzword to describe the world. You have the vocabulary of a child and an understanding of a child as well.

>> No.15195950


>> No.15196437

I have eaten this chip just a few weeks ago. I didn't plan to post to social media and wasn't trying to 'win'. The chip was a gift and I just wanted the experience.

The heat is very intense, but it is a good pepper flavor. My face started sweating and my eyes watered after just a few seconds. Very hot on the mouth and tongue, but it didn't burn my throat or stomach and it wasn't bad on my digestive tract. I took a couple sips of beer after just a few minutes (I wasn't about to wait an hour to drink just to call myself the champ), so I guess I'm not even a featherweight. The beer didn't really help though. The heat remained intense and what I would describe as relentless for about 15 or 20 minutes. That was the worst part, waiting for the heat to fade, since it remained very hot for longer than just about anything else I've ever eaten. After that though, it's not bad. I'd say if you can make it 15 minutes without eating or drinking, you could make it 60 minutes with no problem.

Crapping it out was no big deal, just a normal spicy poo.

And yeah, $5.99 for one chip is ridiculously exorbitant, but there's a coupon for a free full sized bag of chips, so it almost evens out.

>> No.15196845

Would it be wrong of me to put one of these in my roomates Doritos? User keeps taking my expensive soups and not replacing them

>> No.15196906

It would be hilarious but it looks quite different from a Dorito, I'm not sure your roommate would fall for it.

>> No.15197249

no one was selling things before they were even finished being made back then. a preorder is just a preorder. no shit preorders have always existed. KFC has preorders for christmas dinner in japan.

>> No.15197253
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>food challenges

>> No.15197908

Yeah I ate one at work. It was a pretty damn spicy chip and it gave me a case of the bubble guts, but it was fine after an hour or so. The bubble guts lasted until the next morning though.

The box comes with a coupon good for up to $5 off on any bag of Paqui chips. You're really only paying $2 for the One Chip (tm).

>> No.15198266

>dude it's spicy lmao

so this... is the power... of... non-european cuisine... woah...

>> No.15198282
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I thought the guy on the right looks like based pic related man

>> No.15198539

I could eat a whole bowl of them like normal chips.

>> No.15198647

Oh and I'm super fucking gay btw if that matters

>> No.15198801

>13 seconds in he's already dancing around while the black chick says "ooh i like the flavor"
lmao, huwite men

>> No.15200092


>> No.15200205

>shit fire
>you're not man enough to eat spicy foods bro
Yeah, fuck spice challenges and fuck you all

>> No.15200415
File: 60 KB, 680x530, EIN6bk9X0AEe-9T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the profit margin on selling a single chip for 7 dollars? 10000%? Consoomers will literally buy anything

>> No.15200423

Unironically yes.

>> No.15200806

To be fair, after you have one of these chips, you will not want another one.

>> No.15200814

Who is this hockey player? He is invincible.

>> No.15201822


>> No.15201881

Meme shit, i could do this easily. I eat hotter food daily

>> No.15202367

Does anybody know why they put activated charcoal on them? Is it to help your stomach or make it more unpleasant?

>> No.15202398

Apparently it's just for looks. Makes the chip look more menacing when it's completely black.

>> No.15202425

can you handle the raw red hot milkcap mushroom challenge?

>> No.15202438

Spice for spiciness sake is a braindead flavor, spicing food to the point where you cant even taste it is literally the mark of a shit cook. Also, my tummy hurts from it

>> No.15202556

how pedestrian
once you desensitize yourself, you can taste both the food and the flavor of the pepper amongst the extreme heat it provides

>> No.15203085

I can't imagine something with the word milk in it can be spicy. Milk is bland and boring, like all white things.

>> No.15203365

As long as I go into it on a full stomach, I'll be fine. Otherwise, gutbomb.

>> No.15203676

It does include a coupon for a free large bag of chips.

>> No.15203761

It comes with a coupon for a free bag.

>> No.15204247


>> No.15204306

Can and have

Eating a single, cold, spicy thing is easy, its eating a very spicy hot meal thats hard

>> No.15204461
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Melinda’s ghost or El Yucateco extra spicy. I love both. Barring that get literally anything where the first or second ingredients is habanero, scorpion or better. Publix is good with variety. Winn-dixie has the good third world shit tho

>> No.15204502

Yep, I'm more than happy to eat spicy but this is just too hard on the wallet

>> No.15204757

Thanks so much man I’ll definitely check this out. Appreciate it brother

>> No.15205168

How much does the large bag cost withthe coupon?

>> No.15205413

So if you popped the chip in the microwave for a minute would it be harder to eat?

>> No.15205424
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no, it fucking sucked
Honestly, the small bits of flavor I got werent bad, but the heat is no joke
I lasted about 2min 30secs before I drank about a quart of whole milk
My stomach was in tumbles for about 20 hours and the shit with it was terrible, tho not the worst shit I've ever taken
I don't do food challenges, never been that kinda guy, but an online friend spent like $40 on it and sent it to me so I ate it on cam
If you know who I am, fuck off

>> No.15205440

What is your story of the worst shit you have ever taken?

>> No.15205463

After you have had to drink the gallon of laxative they give you before abdominal surgery/a colonoscopy, horrible shits are easy, cause they end within a half hour. With those, you're sitting there for hours.

Otherwise, for some reason, when I mixed in a single habanero with like 2 poblanos in about 3 beef quesadillas, I was shitting liquid for hours as well. Perfect amount of spice for my mouth at least.

>> No.15205910

For me, it's Hard Gay.

>> No.15205915

'spicy' food is such a fucking meme
>ah yes I love to eat things which set my taste buds on fire and prevent me from enjoying food for days
Like fine I enjoy food with a bit of a kick to it but dorset nagas, carolina reapers and ghost peppers are just retarded shit for people who are too afraid to admit they're into BDSM and so have to find other outlets for their desire to punish themselves.

>> No.15205917
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>Yes goy, prove your maninless by paying $10 for a single chip

>> No.15205921

Everything is made of chemicals you dipshit. Literally everything is chemicals. A cucumber you bought from the supermarket? Chemicals. A tomato you lovingly grew from a seed in your backyard? Chemicals. A glass of rainwater? Believe it or not, chemicals.

>> No.15206876

Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you that they are chemicals. All knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.15206907

green yucateca is my favorite

>> No.15207846

Yeah I did fine. Stomach hurt a bit for a couple days, burnt worse than anything for a couple hours, felt exhausted like I was gonna pass out.