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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 828x610, buffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15159728 No.15159728 [Reply] [Original]

>go on family road trip to Moab, UT
>arrive hungry as fuck
>drive around looking for a restaurant
>decide on a chinese buffet
>Walk in and the only customers are this huge mormon family, not yet eating
>Old chinese lady in wheelchair sitting by the entrance, younger chinese man directs us to a booth
>mormon Husband and wife are arguing, kids are running amuck
>we sit down
>some of the kids go help themselves to some food, parents ignore this
>the family decides to leave and look for another restaurant
>they get up and start heading out
>Chinese wheelchair lady starts screaming at them in broken english/chinese, I couldn't tell
>family silently hurries towards the door
>she writhes and propels herself towards them as fast as she can, screaming, using her crippled feet and legs to pull herself forward
>family is almost all the way out the door
>enraged, she throws some utensils at them as the last one exits the door
>disabled chinese lady: utterly defeated
Despite this the food wasn't too bad

>> No.15159832 [DELETED] 
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nice, i have a dine and dash chinese buffet story

>be 16 or 17, really high with a friend, broke
>decide to dine and dash a chinese buffet
>finish many plates of food, woman drops bill on table
>okay it's almost go-time
>chinese women growing suspicious, two different ones come over and ask if they can take the check yet
>coast appears to be clear, we make our move
>asian women all of the sudden appearing out of the woodwork
>get cut off by irate, yelling asian women between me and my friend
>friend is a dick, he makes it out and leaves me to deal with this
>give asian woman card to pay

managed to haggle her chink ass in letting me pay for the two of us and leave, sans police. in hindsight it was a bad call, chinks are even more stingy than the jews but i was young and naive.

>> No.15159846

>chinks are even more stingy than the jews
says the niggerdly faggot stealing food.

>> No.15159860
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oh shit, the chinese buffet memory floodgates have opened

>be young, like 9 or 10 probably
>at a chinese buffet with my dad because that's what we did
>it's friday, packed, and the crab legs come out on the hour every hour
>miss out on the first batch, see that they're bringing more out
>i get up to go get some but by the time i get there there's literally half a crab there (legs attached to body, you guys know what i mean)
>nobody around, grab tongs, grab the piece of crab
>from the darkness of the other side of the buffet, another pair of tongs shoots forward and grabs the piece of crab that i am already grabbing
>look up, see enormous fat guy who id seen pile his plate high with just crab legs the previous time
>we look each other right in the eyes
>eyes locked for like, 2-3 seconds
>feel the piece of crab yanked from my tongs
>fat guy puts crab on plate and walks away without saying a word
>tiny-tim.jpg, still holding tongs standing over an empty vat of warm crab water

fuck boomers and fuck fatasses

>> No.15159864
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>Getting high only to steal food
>Cause broke
>Still pay with card
I really hope you aren't this stupid now.

>> No.15159866 [DELETED] 

niggerdry and jewery rarely overlap, chang. we were being niggers but it was a bad call since chinamen are tough to get over on on account of the fact that they are also always trying to get over on you. they expect it.

>> No.15159874
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joke's on you, i am still really stupid

>> No.15159883

okay cumskin, try and explain your degenerate behavior all you like, you're still a piece of shit & a thief on top. With the amount of dick you suck, you should be able to afford to eat out.

>> No.15159892
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Anymore stories? I'm guessing by this point you're black?

>> No.15159904

>go to restaurant with wifes parents
>typical diner food
>her dad says something about a bottle of tobasco sauce, i dont remember what i say something too also dont remember
>owner comes over and is clearly offended, says his wife is mexican and other shit i dont remember, no clue what is going on
>food comes out, mine is cold, like stone cold, so i dont eat it and make them refund it fearing they spit in my food
still to this day dont know wtf happened, i never went back the whole memory is cringe

>> No.15159915

Ah yes, the Chinese Buffet.
>Be in High School, senior year.
>Three friends and I take my buddies shitty oldsmobile to the nearest city to buy video games because our town is rural.
>Go to gamestop, acquire the new Halo.
>Drive to headshop and 18 year old friend gets a bong, and a vibrator (he is a pervert but we love him).
>Everyone is hungry because we didn't eat breakfast after waking up, stayed up drinking the night before.
>Go to Buffet, around 2PM.
>Eat like 4 plates each, can tell the Chinese staff are getting more and more annoyed with each cycle.
>Get desserts, same deal glares from the staff.
>None of us are even fat, we just haven't eaten in like 16 hours and are absolutely destroying their orange chicken and noodles.
>Finally the manager comes over and sets the bill down midway through plate 4.
>Says "No more plates, you eat too much."
>Being a care-free teenager I grab the table card and point to the "all you can eat" advertising on it.
>Look at the card again, in tiny fucking letters (like size 4 font) it says "limitations apply".
>We were done anyway so nod and say "okay we'll be done after this plate we have now".
>Finish up and pay at counter.
>Lady who charges me is obviously pissed we just ate so much food.
>Wink at her and say "If you think that is a lot of food, just wait until you see how many eggs I saw this girl eat once."
>She doesn't get the "you must eat all the eggs" meme.
>Walk out laughing with friends.
>Drive home and smoke a bunch of pot and play halo for 12 hours.
Good times.

>> No.15159917

where's your ESL teacher, chang? are you even allowed to be on this website? it's chinese culture to be as awful and as greedy as humanly possible, it's just in your people's nature, so chinese are always on the lookout.

i am white. we were stoned teenagers, it was an admittedly bad call but man were those chinese ladies terrifying, screeching in their devil language holy shit

and im sorry, friend. for such an oddly specific topic (chinese buffets) i am shocked that i had two relevant and amusing ones

>> No.15159918

Your story is very similar to mine
>Go out to eat
>fucking forget everything
>go home

True story

>> No.15159926

Shut up bitch

>> No.15159928

why spend this much time typing up something that didn't happen? or did I just get pwned by some pasta?

>> No.15159931

lol what is so outlandish about it?
alright fine, it was me who bought the vibrator, but everything else is true i totally told that bitch about the eggs

>> No.15159932
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forgot pic related, lads

>> No.15159951

>spouting /fit/ memes irl

ngmi and cringepilled

>> No.15159953

I like to have the Chinese buffet all to myself but they aren’t bringing in any fresh food until more people come in

>> No.15159957

the duplicitous double edge on which we all walk, my friend.

>> No.15159975 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 640x914, redneck-truck-driver-cartoon-character-coghill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's my friends 21st birthday
>go to a bar 30 mins outside of our college town
>it's full of rednecks
>friends eat and drink for like 2 hours
>~10 pm rolls around and things are getting rowdy
>see an old, hillbilly looking Gentleman in the middle of the dance floor, still dressed in a mechanic uniform
>he tries to do a few dance moves and then clicks his heels together and does nazi salute
>he goes back to the bar and sits down next to the only black guy in a 50 mile radius
>they start arguing over something
>hear him yell "Racist? I'm not racist! I LOVE my nigger over here!"
>nigger gets uncomfortable
>he keeps saying "no you don't! no you don't!"
not all heroes wear capes

>> No.15159979

>being this new
there are quite a few egg memes bud
the one I was refencing is about a JAV where this dude makes a girl eat a shitload of eggs and throw them back up

>> No.15159980

undeniably based

>> No.15159989

Shit I forgot to include, he also put his arm around the uncomfortable black guy. It was pretty fun to watch.

>> No.15159992

>willingly watches things like that
>tries to make fun of other people for not having watched something gross

wow what a fucking fag

>> No.15160098


>> No.15160100 [DELETED] 

>nigger tier behavior

>> No.15160150

oh man, who called the fun police? are there really this many assblasted gooks on this board?

>> No.15160188

I used to be a monumental fat ass who smoked pot all day every day and every time I went to a buffet I speed ate until I was on the verge of throwing up. No Chinese person ever gave me shit for it. In my mid 20's I took up powerlifting and I used to go to buffets and eat 3.5k calories of meat. Again never got given shit. Once we were at this restaurant where you ordered whatever you wanted for a fixed price, but to prevent wastage they charged regular price for any uneaten food. My ex orders like $90 worth of food and then gives up after about two bites. I freak out (we didn't have $90) so she ate the whole lot occasionally going to the bathroom to vomit while I huffed and fumed like an absolutely childish cunt. Afterwards she was crying and I was angry and refusing to talk to her. Kind of hilarious in hindsight now I'd be able to pay it and I'd laugh about it. Even if I couldn't pay it I'd just laugh it off, pretend not to understand, find some way to talk around it make out she was suffering a miscarriage or something and just jokingly bounce last resort I'd flip the table, make an ugly scene and run. Either way I'd never ever pay the $90.

>> No.15160195

Nah, he’s right—you may be white, but you’re a nigger

>> No.15160207
File: 121 KB, 250x418, 1341279402655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to restaurant with big group of people I barely know. I'm only really familiar with 2 of em
>food is okay, we all pay separately and tip separately. there's about 15 of us
>leave decent tip, head out with the two people I know and start having a smoke out front
>waiter comes out absolutely fuming pissed and approaches us, says that he waited on over a dozen people and got jack shit in terms of tips
>try to explain to him that if he's pissed about that he should track down the other people and bitch at them. I tipped for my food, I don't care
>he starts stomping around blowing a gasket looking for the other people that drove off
>he tries to go back to us and interject into our conversation (probably to demand that we pay for the others tips) and then stops at the last second, pivots, and goes back inside

>> No.15160248 [DELETED] 

the point was that being a nigger and being a jew are completely different

>> No.15160278

Are they though? You seem like you’re both.

>> No.15160300

and then theres you, the faggot

>> No.15160307 [DELETED] 

At least I pay for my food, nigger

>> No.15160345

>drop in on friend who is having a birthday meal
>pull up a chair, tell the waiter to forget about me, I'll go to the bar myself
>he keeps saying that he'll go for me I eventually say sure whatever I'll have a $2.5 domestic beer
>he returns I try and give him $3
>he says he has opened a tab I say no I've got to go take the money he says no problem he'll bring the bill
>the bill is $3.25. Automatic 30% large party gratuity. I start an argument. He won't back down. I'm asked to step aside to talk to the manager. The manager does the whole pedantic explaining everything. I refuse to pay. They call the sherrif. I have to leave immediately. I toss $3 on my friends table. Everybody is ashamed.

>> No.15160355

Are you the fat fuck in

>> No.15160360

This was 15 years ago, chang.

>> No.15160380 [DELETED] 

the eternal jew never slumbers

>> No.15160454

Fuck them. They were the Jews here. I tried to walk up to the bar myself and he made a thing about it. I tried to give him $3 when he brought the beer over but he insisted on opening a tab because he knew that it'd get him a better tip due to the large party which I technically wasn't even with. Also fuck the manager doing that shit where he says so didn't he bring you a beer as asked and didn't he give great service and the gratuity is automatic for large parties and isn't this a large party sorry I'm afraid I don't understand but isn't this a large party and doesn't it clearly say here on the menu that large parties are an automatic 30% look yes I know you didn't get a menu that is because you chose to decline a meal tonight sir but that was your choice and you can see it is very clear here on the menu. Fuck them. They knew their racket.

>> No.15160472

Yeah, he sounds like a slippery, manipulative prick.

>> No.15160487

I remember this fucking buffet! The old Chinese lady always watched Mormon families like a hawk. You're average Mormon will out jew any new all day

>> No.15160515

>screeching in their devil language holy shit
Thanks for the good laugh.

>> No.15160529

This sharp guy is a sophisticated elder by the looks of it.

>> No.15160532

>Restaurant stories
Stop right there please.

>> No.15160551

are you serious??

>> No.15161809
File: 198 KB, 603x600, Emo9MsQXcAEzj4M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's does that surprise you

>> No.15161897

I that happens to me. I would hope and curse that fat boomer to die in corona alone and unattended.

>> No.15161927

It's amazing how every city or town no matter how small has a chinese restaurant. It is the joos?

>> No.15161945

it's mostly the chineseses

>> No.15161981

waitstaff are human scum. For the gall of looking for somebody to bitch at for his handout you really should have gone back inside and taken your tip out of the junkie scum's mouth

>> No.15162043 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 625x657, 1585814743307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did so many posts get shoaed in this thread? stupid fucking jannies

>> No.15162233
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>> No.15162246

>go to chinese buffet with brother and friend
>brothers whore dumb bitch gf is working there at the time
>she seats us
>i order tea
>my friend gets the tea and didn't drink until near the end
>tells me
>I get pissed and just drink the water making sure not to touch the tea
>time to pay chinks accuse of us trying to scam them over a fucking drink
>wont let us leave until we pay for their fuck up
>brother just pays for the damn drink despite telling them its not like china we dont have to scam over measely shit

I hope india nukes china

>> No.15162299
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>go out in London
>everything is overpriced
>I'm getting angrier and angrier at the costs
>girlfriend eventually picks a place
>I order a £25 burger
>half an hour later, I get it
>regular burger on a regular bun with lettuce, tomato, onions, and cheese
>big stick through the middle to hold it all together as if it was a tower
>maybe 5 chips on the plate next to it
>no sauce, though
>ask for sauce
>waitress rolls her eyes and goes to get it
>brings out a tiny tub when I'm expecting a bottle
>like a shot of sauce
>I put up with it
>use the steak knife they brought out (really) to apply some to burger and use rest for chips
>eat the shitty chips first
>hot but flavourless and mostly hollow in places
>move on to burger
>take a bite
>not bad, just an average burger
>get halfway through
>notice this bite is weirdly irony and chewy
>this half is fucking raw inside
>not just rare, or cooked but pink, it's purple and raw
>stringy fat in it is still chewy in that bite
>spit into napkin
>waitress eventually brings the bill because she wouldn't come over before, even when called
>ask for a discount because of half uncooked burger
>"that's just how we do it here"
>still request a discount
>manager comes over
>gives 100% off that meal
>being really shitty about it and acting like I'm making a scene
>I tell them it's okay for 50%, I ate half of it
>they insist and keep acting shitty
>end up leaving
>they actually say "please don't leave a tip"
>mfw they made me feel shitty even though I got my money back

>> No.15162327
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>go to Indian place we like with my parents
>unfortunately there's a guy with a guitar doing a live music gig
>he's not very good but my dad and I ignore it
>mom doesn't
>she starts plugging her ears in an exaggerated motion
>we tell her to stop
>she starts saying "la la la" while the guy is singing
>sticks her tongue out at him between songs
>guy in a single booth on the other side of us keeps looking at us dejectedly
>dad and I ask mom why she's acting like a child
>guy definitely heard it
>guy in the next booth turns out to be the guitar guy's friend
>dad changes our order to takeout and we leave the restaurant as soon as we can
I have never seen my mother act like such a fucking infant before. I still have no idea what was going on in her mind.

>> No.15162383

Oh god, you brought the cringe back for me:
>go out with family to restaurant
>lots of people in my family, maybe 22 of us at that point
>mum has mental issues anyway but keeps it fairly under control
>decides she's going to have "a few drinks tonight"
>by the time we finish our starters, she's full on drunk
>being loud, making unfunny jokes, suddenly getting hostile with us over misunderstandings
>fuck sake, it's another night like the old days
>she starts openly airing family problems to us all
>talking about how my brother's drug addicted girlfriend is ruining all our lives
>my brother isn't even there
>I don't even see any of them most of the time so no idea what's going on
>she starts openly discussing methods of murder
>my dad is furious with her at this point and goes to escort her out
>he pays the bill but she slips away while he does so
>tell him she can't have got far
>we all split up in our cars to find her
>no sign of her at all
>maybe she cut across the fields?
>get a call from brother with druggie girlfriend
>he says mum's there and trying to kill his girlfriend with a fence picket
>drive there ASAP
>find out she called a cab and got dropped off at the other side of town to walk two more streets to this house
>go inside
>mum is crying and screaming
>druggie is going mental as well
>my sister is aggressive and irrational by nature and starts going for this druggie for talking shit
>my mum keeps repeating that she's a [our surname]
>what the fuck?
>dad tells me she's been watching a lot of Peaky Blinders
>thinks we're a fucking gang or something because there's loads of us
>my cringe levels are off the fucking charts
>mum eventually passes out and dad takes her home
>next day, mum doesn't remember anything
>refuses to apologise because "it wasn't her"

>> No.15162393

>>dad tells me she's been watching a lot of Peaky Blinders

>> No.15162399

i thought tips were not mandatory

>> No.15162406

>>thinks we're a fucking gang or something because there's loads of us

>> No.15162611

What a beautifully detailed story. Thank you for taking the time to share.

>> No.15162624

blessed posts

>> No.15162768

After my little brother was mugged by blacks, I'd regularly go to the buffet in the black part of town and put angel trumpet seed powder on the fried chicken. I can guarantee you I gave dozens of them psychosis. Lucky not to have been caught.

>> No.15162777



>waitress on me all day long
>take a bite to eat
>drink is 4/5th full
>"i'm fine thanks"
>take a couple bites to eat
>hovering over my table like crazy
>yeah sure i'll take a refill
>jesus christ
>time to pay
>bitch is tryin to make me feel guilty for not working on weekend
>i'm actually a neet at the time
>i never work kek
>debate not tipping her
>just give her two fucking dollars anyway
>haven't gone to buffet in ten years
>look up one around me
>only one left open is same one
>news reports of cockroaches and slime in the ice machine from there
>nah i'm good

>> No.15162785
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agreed, fuck wiggers. simplest "cuisine" in the world too, if it even qualifies as that.

>> No.15163514

>want a sub
>Walking into subway
>Sandwich artist is sitting on the curb having a smoke
>Strung out 35 year old skinny dude with a fucking THONG and ass hanging out
"Hey are you getting a su.."

>> No.15163582

what's with asians and complaining about you not working that day.
>go to asian rub n tug joint on a friday afternoon
>pay the house fee and she leads me inside
>"you no work today? you don't work today?"
>explain to her that I work a schedule that gives me fridays off
>midway through the massage
great handjob though

>> No.15163732
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>Chinese place
>Dad asks for the spiciest food they have
>Waiter warns him multiple times it's too hot
>Reluctantly brings him something mild
>Dad is kinda pissy and tells them if they could make it hotter
>Finally bring him the spiciest shit they have on the menu
>Dad asks for hot sauce as well
>Waiter visibly concerned
>Dad drenches in hot sauce
>Eat all of it
>Take a bite from the food
>Still mild
>Sister's boyfriends tries a bite
>Face turns red, hyperventilating and visibly out of breath
Later realized that both me and dad are freaks of nature

>> No.15163845

If your friend got the tea why didn't they just give it to you??

>> No.15163876

>alright fine, it was me who bought the vibrator
I KNEW it was you!

>> No.15164015

idk if this is real but I do relate to the "going to a city with your homies to buy games" part

Except when we went to a Chinese buffet, rather than get kicked out we made fun of the one dude who was with us for being a fat asshole and eating them out of business.

iirc we hit a wall at 2 plates and he was still tanning back food after the 4th

>> No.15164041
File: 11 KB, 236x253, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this literally happened yesterday

>go to have dinner with two friends
>due to corona the seating is all spread out
>most tables only have two chairs
>some guy sitting alone in a booth for four notices us
>says we can have the booth as he is alone there anyway
>he gets up to leave
>we thank him and sit down
>he stops and says "you know what I'm just gonna hang with you guys" and starts sitting down
>we all just stare at him in silent
>what is going on
>the silence is getting really awkward
>we continue to stare at him
>he finally figures out we dont want him there
>he goes to sit alone on the other side of the restaurant and looks really sad the whole evening

I mean I felt kinda bad but who the fuck offers you their table and then just announces he will sit with you.

>> No.15164050

what the hell. if you are eating alone at a restaurant, go to the bar section. that's just disrespectful to sit in a booth

>> No.15164057

you're lucky he didn't murder you or something. i can't wrap my head around this story. you must live in a big city

>> No.15164073

>Chinese buffet starts doing crab legs, all you can eat for just five bucks more
>Go in at the end of my work week, finally got paid after a period of struggle eating just top ramen and rice and beans for two weeks straight
>Worked road construction in Florida at the time, was also 20 years old, so you can imagine the appetite I brought with me
>Pay the extra five bucks and wait for a fresh pan of crab legs to come out, patiently waiting until finally, a big, steaming hotel pan of succulent bug legs is brought out
>Empty the contents of the pan onto six overloaded plates, somehow manage to take them all back to my table
>Twenty minutes of feeding frenzy passes, and I'm covered in grease and bits of shell, a pile of shells lay before me
>Burp loudly and go up to empty the second pan they brought out
>Lady comes up to stop me "YOU EAT TOO MUCH YOU REAVE NOW"
>Stare at her in a way that makes her shrink back, tell her she should know better than to get between a mad dog and his food, and start making loud exaggerated barking sounds
>Cooks and servers alike terrified as I don't even bother with the plates now, just take the pan back to my table and smash it down in another twenty minutes
>Finally satisfied, I load up a couple of plates with the usual chinese affair, fried rice and noodles and wontons, a few of those fried donuts for dessert
>Finish my food, pay my tab, and tell the lady that if she wants a tip next time, to just let a boy eat
Sometimes I wish I could still eat like that. I felt like a monster, an unstoppable force.

>> No.15164136

> be in Orlando Florida
> end up ordering drive thru one night
> window clerk asks me for a tip
Is it standard operating procedure to not only ask for a tip but do so for drive thru?

>> No.15164161

I could've bought it until you started with the stare and barking shit

>> No.15164235

It's true. I spent two weeks prior busting my ass in the hot Florida sun, barely enough money to put gas in my tank to get to work, slept on site for two days prior to my paycheck because I simply didn't have the money for gas, barely ate anything substantial despite having such a physically demanding job, and I was young and naturally hot headed on a good day, and I was in no mood to play those games chinks like to play, where all you can eat doesn't actually mean all you can eat. I really barked at that lady, anon. To this day, I'm banned from China Buffet in Brooksville, Florida.

>> No.15164259

Tips are not mandatory but are the product of a incentive system built atop the restaurant industry. By paying people minimum wage and promising staff they will get paid more if the client likes them enough to tip.

In a proper system they would get actual raises and not have to compete for tips with their coworkers while the boss benefits.

I remember there was this local Chinese place my family discovered after we moved. Good food in general, I would definitely make use of the all you can eat buffet option they had going as I got older.

We placed an order over the phone for pickup, payed a good tip and everything like always.

Get home with a large bag of food and minutes later my mother is complaining about something in her food. It turns out it was a cigarette butt with an obviously asian brand name on it. When we went back to the restaurant they tried to offer us the cost of her plate back and nothing else for say, the time and cost of driving in to pick up the food, the emotional gross feel generated for my mother because she had ended up chewing on the filter of a used cigarette, what this could mean for our general trust of the business (who will get the cigarette butt next), and what this means about health standards in general in their kitchen.

My father just looked at them and said that was unacceptable and he was requesting the cost of the entire meal back or he would cause a real stink.

I do not understand why a business would be so cheap that they think offering us a few dollars back is anywhere near enough for what happened to us let along what could happen to them when it turns out people were smoking cigarettes while cooking.

>> No.15164331

Reminds me of a time my family went to a nice beachfront restaurant, there was a reggae band playing at a completely reasonable volume (drums weren’t even mic’d) and my mom was making a big show pretending it was deafening and “giving her a migraine”. She asked the manager to make them turn it down, and when this didn’t work insisted we get a table inside even though everyone else was enjoying it.

>> No.15164353

Do those places staff attractive girls or are they 50yo hags? Asking for a friend

>> No.15164361

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15164367

I was so pissed and I already drank so much water I was like fuck it I dont even want it now

>> No.15164466

>roaches have 94%
We all had a good laugh

>> No.15164479

Cumskin, stop stealing there is nothing more to discuss. Your cumskinned kind has a bit of bias huh? I'm just glad your kind are getting wrecked by opiates lol.

>> No.15164486
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Here is your (you), cumskinned mongrel.

>> No.15164511

I don't really have stories that are worth greentexting. Nothing ever really that exciting happened to me at a restaurant.

A good memory I have was visiting a chinese buffet with my mother and sister we went to maybe once a twice a year.
We were first seated at a table for eight because no others were free.
A bigger party of people came in but couldn't fit at the table that was free now.
The waitress seemed really flustered so we spoke up and said we could just switch tables.
She was very happy with us and both me and my sister got another Tsingtao on the house.

Bad memory:
Celebrating my grandmothers birthday with a lot of extended family (Must have been 25 people or more) at a greek restaurant.
We were seated in a backroom and waited for our orders about two hours before the owner came in and said sorry, he forgot about us.
How do you run a restaurant like that.

>> No.15164520

Based Bosnians.

>> No.15164528

does your mom jack off our dads for extra $40?

>> No.15164537

>refuses to apologize because “it wasn’t her”
Holy kek, unfortunately very relatable for my life as well. Why are women fucking crazy, brehs?

>> No.15164554

>Going to the beach as a kid, we stop at a buffette near the road
>Mom tells me to go grab wathever I want
>Grab some meat
>Tiny brain freaks out
>First time I can select my own food
>Grab french fries
>Grab cheese
>Grab stir fry noodles
This is going to be the best meal ever, how come nobody ever thought about making this?
>Sit down at table
>Dad gets mad, tells me to go grab a real meal
No way fag
>Dad hits me
>Not allowed to eat
>Cry all the way to the beach
>Stay inside watching spongebob the whole time

>> No.15164598

based mom

>> No.15164909

How do you sit for 2 hours, and not find a waitress to ask about why shit is taking so long? I'd be pretty pissed if I had to wait half an hour, nevermind 2 hours.

>> No.15164919

Lol im also like this with spice, used to bite the tops off of habaneros, fill them with hot sauce and eat them as a snack before bed.

Really nice to go to an Asian place that doesnt normally cater to only white people so the spice level is actually good instead of “yuppie I love ethnic food I’m tough because theres 1 Thai bird chili in it“

>> No.15165008

>Family decides to take my cousin out to his favorite Chinese buffet to eat in celebration for his high school play
>Bout 8 of us total, me, my parents, cousin, his parents and siblings.
>Parents and Aunt/Uncle are Jamaican, been in America since their twenties but long enough to not get basic American social cues
>Mom decides to lay on a “funny” anecdote
>I don’t think I could’ve ever married an asian guy. Their eyes are too chinky
>Says this while making asian eyes with her fingers right as our Asian waitress pulls up to get our drinks
>Dad and I are embarrassed
>Pretty sure I had spit in my drink

>> No.15165041

My father did after some time and she said the food would be out soon.
Turns out she didn't even check.

Save to say we did not tip after our meal.

>> No.15165123


>> No.15165164


>> No.15165185

based mum

>> No.15165221
File: 231 KB, 1300x956, harvester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go for a meal with mates at a local restaurant (Harvester, UK chain)
>sit down at table, order food
>'oh christ, I really need a shit'
>go to the toilet and sit down
>HNGGGGGGG grruhhhh ahhh *BLORRPPP* *BLARP* *splash*
>urghHH, ohhhhnngg *BRAP* *SPLOSH*
>*prapppp* *Splash* *BLARP* nnngggg, oh no, oh no *squeaakk-BRAP* *SPLOSH, SPLOSH*
>wipe, flush and wash hands
>go back to the table and have a pleasant meal and evening

>> No.15165227

Imagine making this big of an embarrassment of yourself over 25 cents.

>> No.15165248

>calling anyone else a mongrel
That's rich.

>> No.15165258

>Go out to eat with friends after movie
>Like 8 of us and a few girls
>Teenagers using parents cars so we drove crazy >some stomachs are churning from theater snacks and high speed
>Friend is eating when another smacks him on the back
>He vomits all over the table
>This causes a couple other people to start vomiting
>Vomit everywhere
>It's not stopping
>When someone seems done they start back up due to the smell and sound of someone else vomiting
>People around us are screaming and freaking out
>All start laughing and running out
>People are still vomiting
>One friend forgot his hat
>Actually runs back in to get it
>It's covered in vomit but he won't throw it out
I feel so bad for whoever had to clean that up. I wouldn't be surprised if they closed for the night. They didn't even get paid.

>> No.15165448

This never happened you fucking cuck

>> No.15165460

Yeah sure jan.

>> No.15165467


>> No.15165558

painfully autistic. but thanks for the story

>> No.15165574

fuck you

>> No.15165583

you can't even seem to remember the story

>> No.15165614

great post anon

>> No.15165621

My mother has also done this shit before. I swear their brains shrink when they get older or something wtf

>> No.15165644

I don't know who that is nor do I get the meme or reference, if there is any. My name's Al.

>> No.15165664

this story makes me sad but at the same time I would probably react the same way. What did he look like?

>> No.15165673

To this day, there is nothing but suffering for the man or woman who tries to get between me and my crab legs. I just can't eat a whole hotel pan of the fuckers.

>> No.15165694

Best in thread

>> No.15165699

There's really nothing quite like a mid meal shit. When my parents took my sisters and me to Golden Corral, we'd all laugh about it and say that we were unloading so we could reload.

>> No.15165799

>order tonkotsu ramen from expensive local prime rib house
>1.5 oz of pork belly in 3 pathetic slices
>literal fucking SPAGHETTI buried under a pile of sprouts, as if they were trying to hide it knowing they fucked up
>pork broth is critically underseasoned
>$26.67 with no dasher tip
Food delivery was a mistake. I've never been more disappointed with a food order. Fucking spaghetti? Really nigga? I want to go kick the chef's ass, or at least call the restaurant and shame whoever's responsible.

>> No.15165938

>Go to Denny's after a highschool dance with friends
>10 people, and everyone is paying separately
>20 minutes into meal, still eating because we're talking a lot
>Suddenly hear from behind "WHO BOUGHT THE (item I was eating)?"
>Poke my head up mid bite and let them know
>Fuckface waitress accuses me of dine and dashing while I'm still at the table eating
>Tell her to chill out, I'm still here
>Threatens to call the cops because ???
>Finish eating
>Don't tip

>> No.15165946

she was flirting with you

>> No.15166140

Nah they really over did it considering how the poor bastard was gasping for air. I make my own hot sauce because others don't do much for me.

>> No.15166165

It's the principal of the matter

>> No.15166241

damn thats fucked

>> No.15166256


>> No.15166979

The english are a horrible, unpleasant, uncomfortable people.

>> No.15167002

100% There isn't a worse group on the planet then mormons, especially Utah mormons. There wholesome, smiling families are one big facade. They will rip you off quicker than you can blink and because you're not one of the chosen they do it without remorse

>> No.15167005

Whoa this story is crrrrazyyy!!

>> No.15167067



>> No.15167080

I'm sorry your dad's a faggot, anon.

>> No.15167086

Have you watch creep 2014?

>> No.15167091

do you live in Paducah by any chance

>> No.15167140

this happened to me except in Norms

post-high school dance Denny's/Norms trips are a treat of a memory

>> No.15167157

>10 years ago
>have an incredibly unstable mother and a sexual predator stepfather
>unstable mother has spent the last 7 years threatening to hurt me for minor shit such as "getting sick" and "yawning" and enjoys being a threatening asshole in public
>get out of school that day and realize pretty quick i left a bag at school
>tell them when they pick me up
>mom immediately starts threatening to beat me, break my face, calling me names, etc
>just sit there and take it while we go to pick up the bag wondering what the fuck the problem is considering we were going the same direction anyways to eat at a shitty mexican restaurant
>pick up the bag and head to restaurant, she's still on a tirade
>when we pull up I tell her to calm down because she was driving erratically while turning around to look and scream at me
>she loses her god damn mind and drags me out of the car in the parking lot, screaming and ends up shoving me in front of the window where a family of 4 was staring at this insane woman screaming at an autist
>she bucks up, threatening to have me committed to the loony bin because I talked back
>Give up, she drags me inside and shoves me into a booth
>screams at me to eat and says if I don't she'll knock my fucking teeth out
>no one does anything they just watch the fucking clown show
>go home and she forces me to give her a hug and tell her that she's right and I was the wrong one

The food fucking sucked too.

>> No.15167196

That wasn’t even a restaurant story you fuck im gonna knock your fucking teeth out if you don’t apologize right now

>> No.15167267

>smokem weed with frens in a car
>in a parking lot at midnight
>they are all hungry for mcdonalds
>pull up to drive-thru
>"thank you for stopping at mcdonads what can-"
>all five of them are shoving me debit cards and simultaneously yelling their very long
orders at me
>i start laughing
>for like 20 seconds
>"sir are you ready to order"
>ok ok ok *ahem* could i getaHAHAHA
>laughing like a maniac for another 20 seconds
>"sir i don't have the time-"
>i calm myself to order 20 mcdoubles only to start laughing so hard i am screaming
>my frens are telling me to shut up and just tell the guy our orders
>realize that this just isn't going to work. the mcd's guy is pissed. the rubicon has been crossed. we will not be eating mcdonalds tonight.
>stop laughing
>take a breath
>scream at the top of my lungs as i drive away
>got gas station jack's pizzas

>> No.15167278
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>Bartending at a restaurant shortly before coof
>Had just been made a bartender after being a waiter for a while and was pretty proud of it
>Middle aged woman comes in, seems already kind of tipsy
>Turns out she had gone to a lunch earlier where she a few mimosas
>Got into a fucking car accident driving home (to her credit, the traffic circle it happened in is a pain in the fucking ass to navigate)
>Somehow the police didn't think to give her a breathalyzer test and all she had to do was swap insurance
>Decided to meet up with a friend at this restaurant for more drinks, since its in walking distance of her place
>After a glass of wine, her friend shows up and starts ordering beers
>First lady starts to seem pretty drunk and I'm beginning to worry that I'm going to have to cut her off.
>I've never had to do that before so I'm panicking over how to handle it.
>One of my friends who would come to the restaurant near closing shows up
>Besides me, my manager, the owner and kitchen staff, they're the only people in the restaurant besides a table or two
>Sits at the bar a few seats away from these ladies
>Somehow steer him into a conversation with them, hoping that it will slow down their drinking a bit. Which it does.
>All of a sudden my manager is at the bar joining in on the conversation
>Me and my friend are both early twenties, my manager is late twenties/early thirties, while the first lady is late forties and her friend is late 30s
>Things start getting more flirty in nature, and I'm internally screaming as I watch my friend, who is drunk at this point, start to get touchy with the older woman
>At this point the restaurant is officially closed, but even the Owner (manager's father) started joining in on the conversation so I keep having to pour drinks
>Conversation starts steering towards my manager and my friend going back to the older lady's place with her friend

>> No.15167352

I felt that cringe through your post and I am sorry.

>> No.15167355
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>Would take a bullet for my friend, but he can become somewhat belligerent when he's drunk
>At this point he's already getting kind of territorial over these two chicks, and acting a little aggressive towards what he sees as competition from my manager
>Start getting deathly afraid that he's gonna leave with these chicks and the manager, and do something really fucking stupid that will ultimately reflect poorly on me since he's a regular and my manager/owner know he's my friend
>At this point I'm closing up the bar, but the ladies are still there talking with the manager/owner
>Go out for a cigarette with my friend and let him know I'm about to get out of here, and ask him if he wants a ride home while trying to subtly imply that going with these girls is a bad idea and that he doesn't want to bang some lady who's almost 50
>After some continued persuasion, he agrees, but I can tell he's annoyed about me babysitting him like this
>We say our goodbyes and leave the restaurant
>On the car ride back to his place, he gets more upset about me convincing him to leave and starts asking me to go back to the bar and see if they're still there
>Eventually I feel bad about being a cockblock and I agree to take him back to the restaurant
>Really hoping they've left by the time I get there
>They haven't
>Drop him off and tell him as politely as possible not to do something fucking stupid in front of my bosses
>Ends up banging the 48 year old lady, who turned out to be going through a divorce, and starts some FWB situation with her that lasts a month or two before he realized that was a really really bad idea
>Pretty sure the manager fucked the other chick that night, and the next day he's making jokes about my friend being very committed to getting laid, but it seems like nothing bad happened

>> No.15167362

My chinese friend's mom does that. At this point I don't think it's a complaint I think it's their autistic way of trying to make conversation. All they know is work and money and money is a more difficult topic. She asks me about my IT job sometimes too despite being a barely english speaking immigrant that babysits for a living, and my warehouse job before that.

>> No.15167367
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>> No.15167423

I remember my friends telling me a story about a chinese restaurant. Keep in mind they're all chinese as well, but very obviously act like american borns instead of fobs. There was either four or five of them. They would have been around 20-22.
>they go to a chinese restaurant they've never been to before on their way back from somewhere
>wasn't lunch hour or anything so the restaurant wasn't packed
>was near a main road or a plaza so it wasn't some hidden place
>knowing that group specifically they were being a little loud and obnoxious
>they go in and wait to be seated
>take a while to get seated despite the restaurant not being packed
>get tea and takes a while to get menus
>takes a while to order
>takes even longer to get their food
>food is pretty bad
>they don't tip much and leave
>manager lady comes out screeching after them despite there being several dollars of tip
Pretty sure all the waiting was the restaurant trying to make them fuck off, but they're not a family of niggers tier of loud. There's four of them and the worst it could get is two of them talking too loudly and maybe cursing so couldn't have been that bad. KNowing chinks the restaurant fags probably thought they didn't have money so they didn't want to serve them then got mad when the service was shitty and they didnt get tips.

>> No.15167433
File: 94 KB, 645x773, d7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sophomore year of Highschool 6-7 years ago
>School lets us go off campus during free periods/lunch
>Chilling in the student longue during a free period one day
>One of my friends on wrestling team wants to know if I want to walk to Papa John's with him because he wants some wings
>Wasn't hungry, but I say why not because I wasn't doing shit anyways
>Papa John's is only a few blocks away
>Get there around 11:30
>Sign says they open at 10:00
>Walk inside
>Immediately I am hit with what is to this day, the most offensive odor I have ever had the misfortune of smelling, in my life
>It was like somebody had taken a shit in the Pizza Oven and set the heat to max
>Entire restaurant fucking reeks of oven fried feces
>Lone disoriented employee at the cash register looks like he wants to cry, and tells us that they're not open yet and to come back later
>Do a 360 and leave
>Look at my friend and ask him if he noticed the smell
>Have not eaten Papa John's to this day

>> No.15167493

Another story with my wrestling friend
>Freshman year
>After every big tournament, our coaches would treat the team to a sitdown dinner at a pretty good mexican place near our school
>This was the first time me and my friend had been there
>Waiter starts bringing out the food
>Every dish is served with a pepper on the side as a garnish
>Friend bets me that I won't eat it
>I like spicy food so I accept
>Take a small bite to see how hot it is
>At first it's not that bad, but then all of sudden my mouth is on fucking fire
>Friend is giving me shit for taking it slow
>Proceeds to eat his pepper in one bite
>Flashes me a shit eating grin, acting like it was nothing
>I eat the rest of mine over a minute or two
>Look up at my friend
>The smile is gone
>He has broken into sweats, and is just blankly staring down at his plate as he begins to realize the mistake he's made
>He excuses himself to the bathroom
>Ends up in there for 30-40 minutes, puking and shitting his brains out while I enjoyed the rest of my meal

>> No.15167507

You're full of shit, but you still made me laugh so good on you.

>> No.15167539

Imagine if your wrestling friend had shit in your mouth as a joke

>> No.15167543

i hope you raped your old man when you grew up you pussy

>> No.15167546

I want to ask why you didn't just say your mom told you to do whatever you want but I've been in your position with a similarly faggoty dad who I don't speak to anymore, so I just assume that's your problem.
Rereading your post it just gets worse. What kind of retarded nigger acts like stir fry noodles isn't a real meal? It's not like you loaded a plate of fucking cookies. Sorry your dad's a faggot anon.

>> No.15167575

Hope you're not still putting up with their bullshit like a cuck.

>> No.15167587
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>>Do a 360 and leave

>> No.15167615

>go to buffet with family
>happens to be 4th of July
>TV is on the Nathan's Hot Dog eating competition
Chinks prob did it on purpose, was kinda funny

>> No.15167621

Different than niggardly you illiterate dipshit

>> No.15167630

>go to regular diner with grandma
>food is mediocre, but the atmosphere is comfy and we have a really nice conversation
>go home happy
And that's it. Why do you fags need to make up some dumb shit stories? Get a life

>> No.15167633

>dad takes my sis and I to mexican place nearby, one we frequent
>get this new waitress who is fucking stupid, takes 10 minutes just to get us waters
>don't even order food for another 20 minutes
>makes us repeat our orders a couple times
>she can't even remember what sides accompany each dish
>we read her the text straight from the menu and she seemed satisfied
>we wait and wait for 45 minutes
>she never even refilled our waters
>dad is pissed at this point and had to leave the fucking table to go look for her
>she then comes to our table and says she forgot to ring the order in
>another 15 minutes pass and the food comes
>none of our orders are right
>dad is fucking fuming but we're hungry so we just eat it
>waitress asks us how everything was and we tell her everything was wrong
>she gets pissed that we didn't tell her the order was wrong and walks off
>dad is red in the face and shaking a bit
>calls her a stupid fucking bitch as she walks off
>he tried to say it under his breath but he was so pissed the whole room heard him.
>waitress comes back 10 minutes later Iooking like she was crying
>finally pay like an hour and a half after sitting down

stupid fucking bitch

>> No.15167634

You're a boring person and your story is boring.

>> No.15167637

Should have just left at that point. If there's one thing I learned is you're not going to enjoy the meal anyway.

>> No.15167650

Put itching powder in all of her underwear before you move out. Dont be a fucking pussy.

>> No.15167651

>be on vacation in bongland
>see Arya Stark gliding down the sidewalk
>like a graceful penguin with gout
>follow her for a block
>working up courage
>gently touch her shoulder
“H-hello, I’m Anon. Y-you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen all day! W-would you join me for dinner?”
>she spins around nearly smashing me in the balls with an Abercrombie bag
>stares intently for a few moments
>then breaks into a grin that looks like she could eat an apple through a chain link fence
>quickly grab her hand and go into the first restaurant I see that has tablecloths
>she lets out a little giggle that sounds like a horse with it’s leg caught in a wood chipper
>head waiter gives me the stinkeye but leads us to a table
>Arya cocks her head and squints at the menu
>look at the menu. It’s in English, just a fancy script
>she shoves her menu at the waiter
“I’m sorry, madam, we don-“
>he slinks away without even taking my order
>Arya pulls a pack of Mayfairs from her cleavage and sparks up, ashing in the bread basket
>starts rubbing at her crotch
>brings her fingers up and licks them then cackles
>look over my shoulder and franticly signal the waiter for the check
>turn around
>Arya is slumped over the table
>raped to death by Pakis

>> No.15167675


>> No.15167699
File: 33 KB, 480x344, 1576870506171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>raped to death by Pakis
this part gets me everytime

>> No.15167706

moonwalk, bitch

>> No.15167790

>they actually say "please don't leave a tip"
you're welcome.

>> No.15167799

gosh darn I love that woman

>> No.15167930
File: 8 KB, 223x226, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That time one of the waitstaff at the restaurant I worked at got fired when she came in for her shift because she had lied about her documentation and was actually an illegal immigrant
>Owner told me before he fired her, but told me not to tell anyone
>Mfw I just sort of awkwardly stared at her as she did the walk of shame out of the restaurant and she locked eyes with me
She definitely knew that I knew, right?

>> No.15167993

>be in grad school
>go to Chinese buffet every week
>cheap food and lots of it
>incredibly they have roast duck
>on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays only
>oh and also king crab legs
>I dislike crab
>bad experience years ago
>I just go for the duck
>everyone else goes for the crab
>but the restaurant only brings out a few legs
>once every half hour
>line forms waiting for them
>gone in seconds
>be there one Friday evening
>head for the duck just as the crab legs come out
>guy in front is grabbing legs
>third guy in line says "LOOK AT THE PIG! LOOK AT THE PIG!"
>argument breaks out
>guy in front threatens to take ALL THE LEGS
>nearly comes to blows
>incipient riot situation
>I take half the duck
>eat it
>go back, get more duck
>eat that
>go back, get another duck
>eat that
>nobody else is even looking at the duck
>I get multiple ducks all to myself
>all the breast meat
>as many drumsticks as I want (not many, too dry)
>enjoy watching Friday Night Fights
>dinner and a show
>go home happy

I miss that place. I went back on vacation last summer hoping to score some duck and it was gone.

>> No.15168004

what is it with people and acting like animals when it comes to free crab legs?

>> No.15168023

>take my girlfriend to dinner on Valentines Day
>restaurant has special live music for the night
>guy sucks
>he asks for requests
>I ask for Alice's Restaurant
>he demurs
>I insist that he play John Cage's 4'33" for us
>go home, get well and thoroughly laid
I miss her, she gave the best titfucks.

>> No.15168027

Don't ask me, I get nauseated just thinking about them.

>> No.15168042

why did the owner tell you and not anyone else

>> No.15168055

Oooh, the rare Black Jew spotted in the wild. Lucky me.

>> No.15168061

Sympathies, Anon. My mother is much the same.

>be me
>45yo adult with my own money
>I'm at home visiting my mother even though I don't want to
>Go to Costco
>Mom insists on going with me
>I pick up some stuff I want
>she bitches constantly that I'm spending too much
>we get up front at the cash register
>she spends the ten minutes in line being a nagging bitch
>I finally say, "Can you just argue about this when we get home?"
>she suddenly realizes she's in public
>gets quiet, looks around nervously
>we reach the cashier and my stuff gets scanned
>I start to pay
>she demands NO LET ME PAY IT
>ten years later
>I'm home visiting again
>she breaks her hip
>is totally dependent on me
>starts screaming at me
>I tell her that no, she doesn't get to treat me that way or I'll fucking leave
>she spends the next three months in barely concealed seething rage that she can't treat me like shit

>> No.15168072

he was sucking his dick

>> No.15168311

>55 year old anon

>> No.15168437

Sinner, is that you? Kaaaantucky!?

>> No.15168444

>Nothing ever happens to me
>I'll tell others to get a life!

>> No.15168452

Did you tell him to get a real job instead of begging for donations?

>> No.15168476

Why didn't friend just order tea too?

>> No.15168490

Based mom
you're a faggot, your dad too

>> No.15168515

Imagine giving a shit what strangers think of you

>> No.15168540

women are just pieces of shit, that's all

>> No.15168545

the old disgruntled-papa-johns-worker-takes-a-shit-in-the-oven trick.

>> No.15168587

all's well that ends well

>> No.15168597

Can confirm grew up in Vegas around a ton of the fuckers. They're Jews by another name.

>> No.15168600

Based whites

>> No.15168705

Jesus. My mother is mentally and physically abusive but thankfully she would never do this shit in public because she's terrified of ruining her public image. How did no one stop her?
What was your stepfather like?

>> No.15168807

was it this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x58gkJUIz88

>> No.15169025
File: 61 KB, 640x645, do_you_have_brain_damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a nice lunch with my parents and my younger bro who just got accepted to collage
>pretty good italian restaurant
>the waiter is great and friendly
>he recommends specials and I order swordfish or something I dont exactly remember but it was fucking amazing
>everybody is very satisfied with their food
>the waiter is attentive, fun and refils our drinks whenever we need to
>just a very pleasant experience overall
>after the meal we have coffee and desert, the waiter recommends excelent tiramusu
>we are all finished ready to pay
>suddenly its as we were ghosts
>the waiter wont even look our way
>the place is half empty its not like they are short on staff
>we wait and wait
>I even gesture towards the waiter at one point, we literally make eye contact
>he still doesnt brings us the check or acknowledges us in any way
>its getting weird, we are sitting here all finished for a super long time now, what is going on
>my brother goes to tho toilet and on the way tells the bartender we would like a check
>we STILL wait for about 10+ minutes until the waiter arrives with the check

my dad still tipped him nicely but wtf... what the hell took so long at the end

>> No.15169042

>you're lucky he didn't murder you or something...


>> No.15169077

did you just describe a family guy episode?

>> No.15169167

bullshit nigger you don't have fren

>> No.15169332

Based owner firing the fence jumper.

>> No.15169347

Fuck I love duck but yeah wtf is with people and crab at buffets? I like crab but Jesus Christ people go absolutely bonkers over fucking buffet crab. like they will never ever get to eat it again or something.

>> No.15169489

You ruined a birthday meal over 25 cents let that sink in

>> No.15169610
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Beautiful post. Don't stop gods work, anon.

>> No.15170467

I've met retards like him and they truly don't get it no matter how much you explain how it wasn't worth it.

>> No.15170475

based memory retard

>> No.15170491

some parties like to sit and talk for a while after dinner.. not that unusual imo

>> No.15170508
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, 1558896852124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Indian restaurant
>tv is playing generic bollywood film
>dad starts flailing around, making exaggerated dance moves and mockingly imitating the music
>rest of the family joins in
why do people do this

>> No.15170515

They can be sometimes. I remember this one Chinese place that had a setup kinda like Panda. They had a sign near their soda fountain that said
>"not responsible for dropped food, please hold onto tray and carry food carefully"
Like God damn are there really that many people trying to pull a slipping jimmy to get another container of food? Are they really still eating the one that fell too? Calm down and give Karen another plate of beef and broc you won't go broke. Cheap ass chinks.

>> No.15170522

Family sounds based. You should have joined in a wholesome activity instead of pouting like a blue hair on twitter

>> No.15170553

Thats strictly an american thing, king crab legs are a delicious treat but you gotta cook em right, which never happens at a buffet.

>> No.15170560

>go to hibachi with friend for his bday
>his mom comes
>has like a lot of sake
>by the time he was doing shrimp tail tricks she was literally obnoxiously addressing him as heerosheema nagasake konichua
>she thinks its funny as fuck
>we all join in laughing at him
>he looked really defeated
>didnt tip

Shouldn't have fucked with out boats

>> No.15170562

You didnt give her grandkids you fucking sperg, if i was her i would yell at you 24/7 aswell.

>> No.15170607

No but I can see the similarities. Funnily enough, the guy who left his hat loves Family Guy.

>> No.15170643

What do your sisters look like? Did they ever send you a pic of it? You know, like as a joke.

>> No.15170677

When I was 8 my family went to a chinese restaurant but I was a picky faggot so instead of telling me to suck it up, my sister got me McDonald's and let me eat it in the fucking chinese restaurant like white trash. If it had been a Mexican or other nationality restaurant I wouldn't be as embarrassed but I have the WORST case of yellow fever so it fucking haunts me.

>> No.15170946

How to make OP pic?

>> No.15171158

That gave me second hand embarassment.

>> No.15171260

It's not based to flail around like a retard in a public place, it's just retarded.

>> No.15172398

eat my clit ya stinky hater

>> No.15172421

At least say what you talked about faggot

>> No.15172450

I hated moab. Fuck that crowded ass town.

>> No.15172453
File: 34 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sushi restaurant with my father and mother
>my dad orders a sushiroll that has the big red fisheggs on it, but gets the tiny red fisheggs instead
>he starts DEMANDING to be paid back while im just eating it
>"it tastes good"
>I'm like 9 years old
>my dad starts making a huge scene, demanding louder and louder for a refund, the owner is screaming back at him now
>my mom is just waching this happen looking so embarassed
>i'm starting to tear up like a little bitch for some reason
>get kicked out of the store, dad is screaming the entire time saying how hes going to get the place shutdown
>when we're outside, he starts slamming on the thick windows
>im crying like crazy now i have no idea why my dad is so fucking angry
>my dad drives home
>driving so fucking fast literally ran a redlight at a busy intersection
>get home, he starts laughing saying how hes going to leave a terrible review (the place was new so a bad review would have been really bad probably)
>we took the sushi roll home and ate it still
>still like small fish eggs to this day despite this lol

>> No.15172459

what did you expect to find in Utah

>> No.15172467

Based Dad
I'm the same way
Don't fuck with my salmon roe roll and I won't make a scene

>> No.15172492

I would fight a nigger for serving me masago when I ordered ikura.

>> No.15172497

you dad is a faggot for not knowing the difference between ikura and masago/tobiko

>> No.15172507

Those goods probably messed it up on purpose so they could save a buck thinking the white guy wouldn't know the difference. Dad should've beat the shit out of that scammer

>> No.15172513

He can speak japanese so he probably knew which one it was and was ordered the wrong one

>> No.15172517
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>>still like small fish eggs to this day despite this lol

>> No.15172521

Yea. No one who would order ikura would mistake it for something else. Your dad was based. Sometimes you gotta shit in the middle of the restaurant to establish dominance. Tell your dad you remembered this and about this thread. Mine would fucking love it.

>> No.15172610

Reminds me when my dad got pissy I ordered a Thai spicy plate during a meal for some reason, can't remember, think he said I was being selfish when no one touched my plate, as they know how like spicy food. Even though I didn't take from any other plates, just wanted my spicy food
He ended up draining two big ass pitchers of soda after taking a bite himself and shut up about it. He stayed beet red and sweating the rest of the meal

>> No.15172621

Based dad, should've smacked you though. You clearly didn't learn your lesson

>> No.15172640

Never really had a bad experience at a restaurant, though hardly ever ate out and haven't in like 10 years

>> No.15172643

Lol good fuck him, tell him to get his own food. I fucking hate sharing plates, I want to eat what I want and you can get what you want.

>> No.15172644

We went to three Klan meetings together but I ended up not joining

>> No.15172654

Is your sister hot?

>> No.15172658

Then go eat by yourself you faggot
No one wants to eat with someone who won't share
Meals are a communal thing and only extremely selfish and possessive people don't share their food with their company so everyone can try a multitude of things on the menu
God damn, I just realized how much I hate little faggots like you

>> No.15172696

>be me
>work for this company that specializes in inventorying stores
>basically count everything in a store
>shit job but get to travel around out of town every week
>in southern CA inventorying stores
>inventorying store (can't remember which one, this was years ago. Think it was a Michael's crafts store or Joann fabrics)
>arrive at store
>notice a restaurant in shopping center immediately by the name
>Big Kahuna
>"wtf, it's a real place?!"
>know where I'm eating lunch
>lunch rolls around
>me and two co-workers head on over
>stepping inside, non stop pulp fiction posters, surf related shit
>order Big Kahuna burger, because movie
>shit literally takes 45 minutes to make
>finally get it
>thing was MASSIVE
>like 5 times as big as the one portrayed in the movie
>shit's gonna take longer than 15 minutes to eat
>one of the leads enters the place looking for us
>tell him that they took forever to cook
>he says "damn, they hooked you guys up, huh?"
>tells us to eat what we can, he'd give us a little more time
>eat 1/3 of the thing and I'm stuffed
>put the rest in our van we travel in
>finish day and head back to motel
>try to eat the rest of it for dinner but can't finish it
The one I went to is/was in Imperial Beach, only time I've been there and haven't been since as I live further north in the state and never go down there anymore. Wish they'd open more places, would eat there all the time if there was one close. Burger was one of the best I've had, though 45 minutes is too long to wait

>> No.15172724

I beat my dad up so we don't have the best relationship lol

>> No.15172729

Nah, he got laughed at by everyone else at the table for being dumb.

Not my fault my senpai couldn't handle spice. I didn't want anything anyone else got so I just got what I always got

Everyone in my family knows I have high spice tolerance and like eating spicy food, while everyone but my dad can barely handle black pepper. For some reason he thought no one wanting my food was me hoarding it, everyone told him "no it's too hot, I'm good" and I told him I really didn't like anything anyone else got. I think he wanted to show it was so hot

When everytime me and him went to this place I'd tell them to make it as hot as possible and the smell of it cleared the whole tables sinuses. I really don't get what he was expecting, that it'd make other people want my spicy food.

It was a normal serving of the stuff, not a big bowl like the others. I said I was ordering it like that since the communal plates were things that I dislike

Baffles me to this day

>> No.15172744

Reminds me of this burger place In a casino with big ass burgers my dad has taken me to like three times on what I can only describe as pilgrimages. Casino also had big gulps of margaritas. First ttime I went there was a drunk stumbling out of the door with their huge as cup of tequila. The diner was tucked into the corner of the casino and had a long line in it.
Burger took awhile, and was bigger than my head. I've always been able to eat a lot so I demolished mine and it's fries and then finished off the one my sister couldn't finish.

Second time I refused to give a homeless person my leftovers. Third the chefs got pissy at my aunt who joined us this time and told my dad they'd fuck with her food if he wanted, straight up saying they'd wipe their dicks on her burger

Good times.
Not the best burger I've had, but like top five.

>> No.15172763

Also same place, my dad saw a car with it's sun roof open and paid a homeless guy like twenty bucks to piss inside it cause it has a hilary sticker on it. Guy then said he'd do that for free and take a crap for twenty.

Pops also has a habit of leaving upper deckers in the toilets of places that displease him. Did it in a star bucks with a self flushing toilet once. We just stopped in there on the way to a vacation

I was the only one who thought that was funny. He didn't even do that cause they did anything to him, he just felt like being a bastard I guess

>> No.15172779

>Imperial Beach
Holy shit. I'm from there. Never went to the big kahuna burger though. I ate nothing but mexican food when I was there.

>> No.15172828


>> No.15172851


>> No.15173270

>take one of my friends to an ethiopian place for his first time
>he loves it
>convince our picky friend to go with us
>even he ended up liking it
>both times we were there we were the only ones in the restaurant, only a couple takeout orders at all
>we spread the word about it and got more people to go
>ended up closing a few months later
there was only one woman in the kitchen and it was the chef

>> No.15173273


>> No.15173327

I too have noticed a lot more lonely people reaching out to strangers. It's weird times.

>> No.15173329

He was beating me up because I got sent to the principal's office in highschool and he hit me weird and it just really pissed me off lol

>> No.15173331

This post is worth +2 social credits

>> No.15173352

>tfw everything the steel anon ever said about chinks has been proven true time and again

>> No.15173370

>restaurant in London
>English people
Lol, hello you clueless dickhead

>> No.15173424

LOL I grew up in Spring Hill. Are you black? If this is Buffet City, I went there all the time

>> No.15173430

You are a piece of shit and nobody loves you.

>> No.15173635

8/10 if you like BBW's.

>> No.15173652
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Your point being? We've had 70yo's running porn websites who read and post on /b/.

>> No.15173662

shut up jew. u and ur family are full of jews. sometimes shit happens. you're not owed any free shit just because of emotional distress, jew

>> No.15173667

how hard did u beat him up. and how did he react aftewards

>> No.15173670
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In fairness the big ones are a lot more expensive.

It's like ordering a waygu steak and getting served a dead dairy cow carcass with meat tenderizer dumped on it.

>paid a homeless guy like twenty bucks to piss inside it cause it has a hilary sticker on it. Guy then said he'd do that for free and take a crap for twenty.

>> No.15173677

Yeah, had several people just start talking to me while walking into a grocery store. I'm from Chicongo, we don't do that shit.

>> No.15173681

>I refuse to pay. They call the sherrif. I have to leave immediately. I toss $3 on my friends table. Everybody is ashamed.
Risked an arrest and makes a scene for $.50
I hope you realize that being cheap affects your life. The principle of it was noble, not being scammed and trying to fix it, but also, if you were intending to tip properly, you'd be dropping $3.50 on the table. The drink price which you agreed to, plus $1 to leave on the table as tip.

I was in a parking garage once when I was in High School, that had a fixed $3 price for your parking fee if you were parking in the mall garage for the cinema. You validated your ticket inside the theatre, time stamped. Their garage exit line was so slow, so unusually slow to exit the garage that I went like :10minutes overage of the 2.5 hour time limit on that parking deal. They presented me with a $20 parking fee instead. Being young, and without a credit card yet, and just not having the cash, I told them this was "wrong! and fix it the price, wasn't my fault you had a 45min line" and I said if they needed the money, they had to lift the gate and let me go to an ATM across the street, since I couldn't move. They did call over the police, and all those people behind me in line waiting, ugh, for another 20 minutes, and when the police got there, the ticket person was chided for being an ass, and they had envelopes people could mail their ticket cost in by mail, apparently a normal procedure they do whenever anyone can't pay. But, thankfully, I didn't get some kind of arrest. Moral of the story, don't be an ass to people who literally have more power than you to wreck your life, but also, hide some cash in your car for emergencies.

>> No.15173687

>unironically a trumpfag
time to rope, boomer

>> No.15173694
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>Go to Japanese place on lunch break
>Little dive, but decent food
>Late lunch, so only one in there
>Waitress/owner starts talking to me as I'm finishing up
>Yeah, I work at the grocery store while I'm in college.
>Oh Anon, I know you are hard worker then
>Goes back and refills my drink and some hot green tea
>Asks when I have to be back at work
>Mention about half hour
>Oh, you need to relax Anon, you work so hard
>Gestures at my legs and tells me to put my feet up in the booth and lean back against the wall
>Okay Anon, you relax and drink tea.
>Starts to tell me about her daughter and when she works
>Apologize profusely for phone ringing for an order
>Brings me pastry dessert plate gratis for being a hard worker
>Being held against will, but being treated like fucking royal court
>Anon, you take shoes off if you want.
>Don't know if she wants the D or if she wants me for son-in-law
>Two tables come in, but she is still focused more on if I am comfortable and relaxed on my lunch break
>Get 20% discount and tells me to please come back
>tfw I still don't why a Japanese woman was so hell-bent on making me feel like a king.

>> No.15173710

>>dad changes our order to takeout and we leave the restaurant as soon as we can
>I have never seen my mother act like such a fucking infant before. I still have no idea what was going on in her mind.
Alcohol, drugs, mental health issues, anon. Most people who have children already know how people being shitty to other people in public are embarassing themselves and those they are with.

>>next day, mum doesn't remember anything
>>refuses to apologise because "it wasn't her"
my brother's exwife has been hospitalized 3 or 4 times during their 10 year marriage. Zero recollection of the actual manic events once she's better. She had no clue that she was a pregnant woman on the roof of a house talking for 45 minutes about "watch me fly!" or that she was having conversations with people and acting like a waitress dropping of plates around an empty dining room table for 2 hours before an ambulance was called. Zero recollection. They are under delusions, so they're like dreams. If your dad was "furious" about it all, then she might have been intoxicated only. He's be more likely to be emotionally worried, not angry, if it was a mental break alone. But, can be both issues at once. You may have this in your genes, anon, best that you don't drink/do drugs, and learn more about it all.

>> No.15173715

did u go back, and are you japanese

>> No.15173716

>Is it standard operating procedure to not only ask for a tip but do so for drive thru?
No, and no. Tipping isn't for picking up your own food unless it's a restaurant that doesn't really do takeout, or someone did you a favor like handling a huge order, making 15 separate dipping sauce containers, extras like adding more condiments per your special request, walking it to your car to help you handle it all, fixing you an iced cold soda while they finished packing your order, that kind of thing. Tipping can be your charitable nice little gift because you enjoy how they always take care of you just right. Good will and established friendships.
Someone was feeling entitled and was hoping you were stupid.

>> No.15173720

Why is there always a Mongolian barbeque section at the CHINESE restaurants? Mongolia is half a continent away from Han lands.

>> No.15173722

Why are people mad at the Chinese lady? She was probably telling the fat Mormon cunt to get her shithead dirty kids under control

>> No.15173730

This 100% grew up in SLC, fake fucks

>> No.15173735

Dude one time I got a burger at Chili's. Chile's? Maybe it was applebee's. Fuck I'm hungry now.

>> No.15173736
File: 34 KB, 599x599, ec16a718612d9599b1135e6d7b9a2326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to go with a friend to a chinese buffet
>Place is mostly empty
>While we are eating a black Mercedes sedan parks in the street
>A chinese guy gets out of the Mercedes
>He is wearing a white suit, a briefcase and black shades
>He enters the buffet and yells something chinese to the workers
And this is the part I will never forget
>He used a small remote control to open a secret door in the wall I didn't even noticed it was there.
>He gets in and disappear

Chinese Triad?

>> No.15173739

Gtfo old man, we don’t accept your kind around these parts

I mean it’s been overrun by your kind who has ruined the website since it’s become so mainstream

>> No.15173740

Sounds about white

>> No.15173741

You’re the worst. I wonder if you’ve ever worked a day in your life or are just another unemployed leech

>> No.15173745

I am unable to conceive of the type of person who uses cumskin as an insult. I sense you're salty about being brown and you probably hate your dad.

>> No.15173747
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No, white as snow with blue eyes.

Next time I went, the waitress was hired help. The owner saw me and waved like she had not seen me in decades, but they were super busy. I have bad yellow fever but my aloof tism had resulted in self cock block because lol social cues missed.

>> No.15173748

This is bullshit, but the answer isn't to pitch a fit over 50 cents. The answer is don't go there anymore.

>> No.15173756

Browns know they are inferior culture. When you can't drink milk because you never into domesticated animals and need 1lb of spices to cover the smell of old meat... you might be jelly.

>> No.15173768

I smoked camel non filters when I was in the army. Kinda pisses me off when I get that eyebrow raised "are joo sure joo can handol it gringo?" When I ask for something spicy at a taqueria or whatever.

>> No.15173769

I don't know if I'd go that far. I'd probably only sit alone in a booth if the place was mostly empty.

>> No.15173777

That's bullshit but I smirked. Have a (you)

>> No.15173783

Yeah I'm not sure I agree with tipping at buffets either. Most of the time you go to a buffet because you want a stupid amount of mediocre food. It's cheap crap and you serve yourself. For 12-20$ you get to pig out. Why does the lady who handed me a fortune cookie and a glass of water deserve 15%?

>> No.15173787
File: 45 KB, 731x533, 2cFnfeKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet I've been on here longer than you.

Hell, I may have been on here longer than you've been alive.

>> No.15173789

I'd just like to emphasize that I'm not looking for a beef with other races. They just keep talking shit and acting like they're superior somehow. I can't see it even with my eyes closed.

>> No.15173795

Usually you only tip $1 at buffets.

Well, nowadays thanks to inflation, probably $2.

It's to thank the waitress for the drinks service. If one isn't bringing you more to drink (some places have self-serve machines), then never mind.

>> No.15173837

>I do not understand why a business would be so cheap that they think offering us a few dollars back is anywhere near enough for what happened to us let along what could happen to them when it turns out people were smoking cigarettes while cooking.
This is a business run by third worlders. They are notoriously the businesses shut down or fined, over and over for bringing in third world practices that don't fly in American health codes and business regulations. Do they care? No. You can train cheapness out of people by dangling the law. If they have a cramped kitchen, they'll lay out trays of raw meat on top of each other uncovered, wrong temperatures, etc because that's just how they want to do it. If they are hot, they'll prop open the back door.

>> No.15173847

Despite everything my mother has never done anything that nuts.

>> No.15173848

Flyovers who have never left the country

>> No.15173850

>It's to thank the waitress for the drinks service. If one isn't bringing you more to drink (some places have self-serve machines), then never mind
They're also clearing plates between your courses. If I have some soup, an eggroll, a few edamames, and pot sticker, and then get up to get my mains on the next plate? It's nice if they take my edamame shells and used soup bowl, that plate with the bit of mustard dip on it, etc. That is what I'm tipping. Self service drinks would mean people are reusing glasses and there is cross contamination. Waitstaff are bring clean items to you and everyone else. So, I appreciate that.
Do I think waitresses in a Chinese buffet are nothing more than visa seeking indentured servants? Nope. No one is giving them shit from management. So, always tip in cash, so at least they can pocket some of the money for themselves. Assume any tips left by credit card are going directly to the owners in any 3rd world establishment with foreign waiters. They're not going to complain or report fraud, since they wouldn't wish to be deported.

>> No.15173852

whats wrong with meat uncovered and backdoor open

>> No.15173884

>bosnia win
lies from the devil of sh*t country as usual. never trust them

>> No.15173897


>> No.15173942

I find it more fun to imagine that he was just the eccentric/mad owner of the place

>> No.15173979

>at japanese restaurant
>order black tea
>waitress yells at me in engrish
I reeeally had to stop myself from laughing.

>> No.15173993

japanese don't drink black tea? kek

>> No.15174030

>Friends with this incredibly flamboyant black guy
I later found out he thought we were dating, I just thought we were doing a lot of cocaine and partying a lot
>ask if I wanna grab some food one afternoon
>he comes over, we get high and head to local chinese buffet
>place is packed to the brim with Sunday asians getting their buffet on
>we start to eat
>and eat
>and eat
>and eat
>neither of us are even fatasses, but the food was really good and we were high
>hour and half goes by
>I go up to get another (final) bowl of egg drop soup, he goes to grab a last few wontons before we pay the check
>manager/owner comes up and says "NO, too many plates on you table, enough"
>I ignore him, my logic being I have a bowl, but flamboyant gay black man is not having it
>so ensues the most ghetto, confusing and beautiful exchange I've ever seen
>broken english asian vs queen queer
>long story short after threats of my black friend rolling up with his people, we are forced to leave (I didn't even get to finish my soup), but they didn't make us pay

Sometimes I miss you John, but no I had no sexual interest in you.

>> No.15174080

Don’t be assmad, pinkdick. White English are awful and unpleasant snobs, so it fits the greentext, sorry it hurts your feelings to discover that.

>> No.15174087

Jesus dude you sound like a pussy. Just let people be damn. I get you considered cutting her off but the rest? Just let people live. You arent his fucking mom.

>> No.15174105
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>be driving
>see a restaurant
>continue driving
>get home

>> No.15174170


>My chinese friend's mom does that.


>> No.15174174

Go back and meet her daughter. If the daughter loves her mom and family then marry her.

>> No.15174208


i'm in a job training program and the director of the facility it's in is a single dad who does almost al of his work online due to covid, so when he does get a chance to come to the class in person he'll stay and just talk for an hour because we're the only adults he's seen in person for months. it's pretty depressing

>> No.15174213

>go to hamburg
>eat at amazong japanese place

>> No.15174266

This is like bad morning radio

>> No.15174341

>the emotional gross feel generated for my mother because she had ended up chewing on the filter of a used cigarette, what this could mean for our general trust of the business (who will get the cigarette butt next), and what this means about health standards in general in their kitchen.
oh fuck you, goddamn jew.

>> No.15174351

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

Drama arises from conflict. Greentext about ordinary meals is boring.

>> No.15174366

Not him, but I'd presume that the onus is on the employer to conduct the necessary background checks to avoid hiring an illegal in the first place. Since he'd already hired her, there may have been risk of a fine or something if he got found out. As such, he didn't want to make it public knowledge, but also wanted to vent about a situation that annoyed him to someone he trusted to be discreet about it.

>> No.15174374

BUFFET CITY! I don't know why I called it China Buffet, but that's the one! I left Florida a few years ago. And no, I'm white.

>> No.15174414

Tip will always depend on work provided, doesn't matter if I'm at a fancy restaurant or a buffet. If you are refilling water, cleaning my table, etc. you get a tip. All meals get a tip that is a % of the cost of the meal but this can change depend on where we are (we have all been to that brewery that has a "menu" but it might as well be microwaved between pouring beers that doesn't really deserve much) to the shacks that serve some of the best food you've had in ages but also still sell it at the prices from 30 years ago.

Covid curbside pickups definitely don't really do anything to show weather they deserve a tip and you can't try the food till you are already gone.

Poor service is a great way to get me to walk out paying you the bare minimum cost of my meal, no tip.

>> No.15174450

Mormons are honest people, unlike you.

>> No.15174452

>friend got something I ordered
>I didn’t notice when it was set down
>I didn’t notice the entire time I was eating
>it’s the chink’s fault!

>> No.15174453


>> No.15174549

should've raped him

>> No.15174552
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Yeah, honestly batshit

>> No.15174569

my girlfriend hit me today and it made me cry

>> No.15174577

perhaps he is from a non-retarded country that pays its employees instead of relying on tips AKA everywhere but america

>> No.15174718

Based dad

>> No.15174730

>if you don't support Hillary Clinton (YASSS KWEEEN) you're a Trump supporter
Leftists unironically believe this
Not a Trump supporter, still voted for the guy though

>> No.15174748

Don't fuck with whites, you're a guest in America so act like it

>> No.15174824

Same here, other races let the pathetic pandering by leftists get to them, they actually think they deserve to rule over whites or something
Oh well, they just have to get educated again

>> No.15174839

Based whites
Fuck pakis and niggers

>> No.15174919


every fucking time

>> No.15174944

Sounds like you walked into a tourist trap, buddy.

>> No.15174951

Used to go to a particularly terrible chinese buffet in high school with a regular group of friends. One memory stands out...
>Everybody gets pan fried dumplings because that's the best part
>each of six friends have small plates full
>friend one, whom we will call big charlie, eats first
>takes bite and immediately notice foul smell slap as all in the face
>big charlie keeps eating for a few bites. Ask what the fuck that smell is
>he said it tastes fine so it must be something else
>This smell is undeniable. It's clearly the smell of death and it's thick in the air
>cut open one of my dumplings just to see
>smell permeates the entire table immediately. The stench of this meat is disproportionate to the size of the dumplings. It smells like the carcass of a whole ass buffalo that died last week
>people at table next to us notice
>charlie has already eaten two dumplings
>finally convince him to stop and we flag down one of the ladies running the joint
>uh, we're pretty sure these dumplings are expired. you guys might want to take the tray back to the kitchen
>oh rearry? dat terribre. i do now
>she does not do now
>eventually she clears our plates and we leave, refusing to pay. Shockingly they agree to this
I'm not sure how people didn't die that day. Maybe they did, who knows. Charlie seemed alright though

>> No.15174961

anon i regret to inform you that a good 80% of 4chan users dont know what the fuck the eggs meme is

(can you remind me? it sounds familliar)

>> No.15174968

i love how people say this shit on every board all the time and it rarely even gets replies because no one cares

>> No.15175006

My mom and dad were the kind of Boomers who would find anything they can complain about to get a free meal - my dad was most guilty but my mom was complacent in his shenanigans and would often play along. Then they'd argue on the way home about how bad everything was. It made every dining experience unbearably anxious.

I avoid eating at restaurants now. I cook better than 90% of them anyway.

>> No.15175034

Based parents training you to be averse to wasting your money on eating out
I think I'll make every restaurant experience with my kids miserable too now

>> No.15175047

I don't know if you live in an area with a lot of Greeks or not, but in general they're really stupid.

>> No.15175079
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Or you could just not take them out to eat and calmly explain why instead of psychologically tormenting and publicly humiliating your child every week so that he grow's up to despise women and post on 4chan all day you fucking cunt fuck you mom I hate you I HATE YOU AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.15175093

No wonder, I could tell you’re a degenerate dyel who wouldn’t even browse /fit/.

>> No.15175110

the ones near me vary. sometimes hags, sometimes 30 somethings that look a little rough but not too bad.
One time I got a really cute looking 20 something girl, must have been 5' tall, nice body, had braces. She gave me the one and only rimjob I've ever gotten in my life and it fucking rocked, but she was never there any other time I went to that place since

>> No.15175152

>used to carpool with a buddy of mine to community college since his house was on the way there. was easy to just pick him up and drive him since we had the same time schedule
>stop at subway near campus on the way back, sit outside on some benches set up and down the sidewalk since he wanted to sit there and have a smoke while we ate
>he spits on the sidewalk midway through our conversation after we finished our meals and were just shooting the shit
>15 seconds later lady walking down the sidewalk screams out that she just stepped in spit and continues walking away
>owner and his teenage son hear this while they're outside the subway. owners son starts trying to lecture us about how there's no smoking allowed in the subway in a kind of comically nasally white knight voice
>friend tells him that we're outside and not even in front of his store (we were on a bench in front of the chinese place next door)
>as we go to leave the owner makes this poor minimum wage subway artisan go outside and wash the sidewalk where my friend spat
>he watches her through the window while she scrubs it down
place eventually got bought out by some indian dude that would yell at people for asking for more than one topping.

>> No.15175191


>> No.15175246

>Dad acts like a retarded Jew
>This faggot blames his mom instead

>> No.15175271

Nah your parents were based
Unless they're leftists

>> No.15175326

Moab’s way too built up now, it used to be cool, but it’s packed to the ducking hills now

>> No.15175963

Thats pretty messed up, me and my friends are all outgoing I dont see this happening desu.

>> No.15176074

Gross family, of course you ste at Golden corral

>> No.15176209
File: 120 KB, 857x768, 3i868aeqirk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dick up your ass during every cocaine binge should have been a clue.

based Tolstoy reader

Theoretically the business owner can be fined; in practice that never happens because both the pro-illegal-immigration Dems and the pro-cheap-labor Business Republicans want the practice to continue. See for example the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

Xe was probably triggered by my cartoon image of an actual hot First Lady compared to Moochelle the Transgender Wookieee.

>> No.15176468


>> No.15176571

>they actually say "please don't leave a tip"
>"Here's a tip, turn the grill on before cooking with it."
Guarantee everyone would have clapped

>> No.15176608

>pull a slipping jimmy

Excuse me wat

>> No.15176681

Its how you were made honey ;)

>> No.15176707

fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.15176788

Your grandma was creampied at some point. Your existence is dependent on the fact that your grandma had a hot load of cum dripping out of her pussy at one point in her life, giving birth to your mother (who was also creampied), who then gave birth to you.

>> No.15176865

your spelling of those words is piss-poor m8, but I do like the story