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File: 35 KB, 500x500, easy-sausage-gravy-recipe-1-of-1-4-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15128616 No.15128616 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on biscuits and sausage gravy?

>> No.15128619

If the sausage has any taste to it, it's good. But often times the sausage is tasteless, it's like you're eating biscuits and goop.

>> No.15128630

I don't really like the biscuits, but I like the gravy. I'd prefer it if they did it over english muffins.

>> No.15128686

You have to brown the flour with the sausage for a bit and then deglaze with milk. Deglasing with milk then adding flour is a rookie mistake.

>> No.15128692

faggot commie

>> No.15128704

Agree with this. Sawmill gravy is a food of extremes. It's amazing when you start with good ingredients, but goes down to gutter-tier when it's some mass-produced garbage that a diner squeezes from a bag or someone else pours out of a can.

>> No.15128706

Once ate a bowl of gravy in a motel thinking it was oatmeal. We don't have this in my country. Enjoyed it, but it was a bit rich for breakfast

>> No.15128732


>> No.15128901

God-tier when done correctly

>> No.15128941

>work trip in chicago
>at the breakfast buffet
>see this
>ask coworker what it is
>he says he thinks its oatmeal
>some 400lbs dude waddles up, wearing cut off sweatpants and the soles of his shoes are completely worn out on the corners of his ankles
>heheh you nevuh seen buiscuits ans gravy?
>loads up a plate so much with it, it looks like it might slide off as he waddled back to his table
kinda ruined it for me tbhfamily

>> No.15129008

Gotta be cooked with good quality breakfast sausage, shitty breakfast sausage always has that gross sour aftertaste, fucking nasty as fuck. If it’s made well it’s fucking amazing but definitely not something you would want to eat before work or something.

>> No.15129011

Kek what a lad

>> No.15129034

That along with a chicken fried steak is the most based breakfast

>> No.15129047

sticks to your ribs

>> No.15129050

>twink gets intimidated by man ten times his size

This story just makes you look like a bitch

>> No.15129060
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Top 5 favorite food for me. The best sloppa

>> No.15129076

Putting a hot and thick load all over a nice pure buttermilk biscuit, nothing could be more satisfying.

>> No.15129090
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It needs that good meat. Adding your own works wonders if you're stuck with canned shit.

>> No.15129093


>> No.15129477

im 220lbs myself...

>> No.15129499

he's right tho
neck yourself, pinko

>> No.15129519

amerifags eat like fucking pigs

>> No.15129602

There's a great difference between fearing a man that can beat you and fearing a man that can eat you

>> No.15129619


>> No.15129633 [DELETED] 

>ex gf sends me a short video of her turkey
>she's wearing a shirt that slightly exposes her midriff and I can see her firm supple tummy in the reflection
>suddenly go from feeling pretty good to a deep depression

fuck, I need to stop talking to her all together because I feel awful every time I see a picture of her but I can't

>> No.15129647

It can be fucking amazing. Personally the sausage can either make or break the dish.

>> No.15129656

>i only eat microgreens and tofu

>> No.15129662

Sawsaidge gravy alll over my rotisserie chicken......ohhhhhhhhh

>> No.15129668

Chunky yoghurt =/= gravy my dudes.
Gravy is brown for a start.

>> No.15129709
File: 386 KB, 598x601, [biscuits and gravy].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15129780

Absolutely GOAT when homemade. Also, add sage.

>> No.15129812

Don't have as easy an access to breakfast sausage. Can I use Chorizo?

>> No.15129813

Hash browns bruh.

>> No.15129829

it will be a little different, I would try it with ground beef mixed with a small amount of chorizo. Or make your own breakfast sausage. it's ground pork mixed with fat, garlic powder, sage, onion powder, salt, pepper, and tiny bit of nutmeg. If you don't have access to all those spices the salt,pepper, and sage will suffice.

>> No.15129853
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>> No.15129875

Ground beef/pork works but you have to throw in a handful of sage. Sage is the predominant flavor in breakfast sausages

>> No.15130028

Dog food for dog people.

>> No.15130263

>closed mind detected

>> No.15130311
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You have no idea how good we eat

>> No.15130704

i prefer my biscuits with butter and cane syrup

>> No.15131073

i make mine with italian sausage partially because i like the spice in there and partially because im too broke to buy more than 1 flavor of sausage

>> No.15131079

extremely unhealthy but fucking amazing

>> No.15131098

The gravy will be spicier than standard breakfast sausage, because chorizo is spicier.

Biscuit gravy can be any form of SOS.
Ground beef, chipped beef, bacon, ham, breakfast sausage, italian sausage, SPAM, kielbasa.... whatever. It will work.
Some will naturally be easier than others.
Breakfast sausage is easy, because it renders about the right amount of fat to make a roux, and the seasoning is pleasant in the gravy.
Ghost pepperoni or liverwurst can be forced into the role ("it won't kill you to eat it"), but the flavor profile would not be enjoyable for most people.

Half and half blend of chorizo and 73/27 ground beef should be lovely.

>> No.15132112

who adds the flour after the milk any recipe you could look at says not to do that

>> No.15132137

That's neither biscuits or gravy.

>> No.15132141

Having some for breakfast right now. Its good shit my dude

>> No.15132142

Spotted the american. That's not a biscuit, it's obviously some kind of bread.

>> No.15132145

Add chili powder.

>> No.15132170

>make bechamel
>call it gravy
>make tomato sauce
>call it gravy
why do americans keep calling things gravy?

>> No.15132213

Because fuck off frenchie with your fancy words, its gravy not "betchameel"

>> No.15132262

Made some for breakfast this morning, one of my favorite fat boy treats. Can't eat it too much, but when I feel like it's time for a hearty start to my day, it's my go to.
Not even going to read the thread because I'm sure half of it is "do Americans REALLY" posting by broke Europeans. Hell, they're not even allowed to eat it even if they wanted to, since pork is haram and they live under sharia law.

>> No.15132277

DON'T do this..!. makes musterd. gas......

>> No.15132283

Excellent breakfast on a cold morning

>> No.15132349

>spotted the American
>in a thread about an American dish
Is this what they mean by OBSESSION?

>> No.15132431

>thoughts on biscuits and sausage gravy?
inferior to SOS

>> No.15132462

and then everyone clapped.

>> No.15132553
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Top tier slop. I also love the fact that europeans simply can't grasp the concept of biscuits and gravy

>> No.15132560

Made it once using some jewtube recipe and felt like my heart was about to stop for the rest of the day.

>> No.15132573
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My family made shit on shingles more than biscuits and gravy.

>> No.15132587

I made sausage gravy with chorizo once, the gravy was orange. Tasted wonderful but looked radioactive

>> No.15132593

SOS is for sedentary people too worried about their heart to fully enjoy biscuits and gravy. Still tastes great though

>> No.15133366

My favorite comfort food of all time.

>> No.15133388

I always heavily pepper mine, also a little Cayenne and sage.

>> No.15133398

Bachamel sounds like a word someone invented while vomiting

>> No.15133405

SOS was made to feed military people during WW2 when everyone was rationing.

>> No.15133437

what is that meat. i've never had sos with anything other than ground sausage

t. gpa was a mess cook in wwii

>> No.15133442

SOS is thin sliced beef roast, usually sirloin.

>> No.15133461
File: 88 KB, 640x480, IMG-2026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh it must be a localization or something, where do you live? i'm from texas and this is the standard anytime anyone i know has made it

>> No.15133467

SOS is called chipped beef on toast

>> No.15133480

>it was a bit rich for breakfast
Things never said by an american.

>> No.15134006

Proof that god exists

>> No.15134052

Quick and relatively easy to make from scratch as well.

>> No.15134141

me like

>> No.15134153

based sloppa