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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15096412 No.15096412 [Reply] [Original]

would you wait 12 hours for some HECKIN GOOD fast food?

>> No.15096416

Why don't they just Diner Dash it?

>> No.15096491


>> No.15096499

If you don't know how to cook you deserve this.

>> No.15096508

>heckin good
This is why I cook
inb4 someone quotes me with a s𝅶o𝅶yjack

>> No.15096511

these are the people that voted for biden

>> No.15096532

In-n-out is good, but it's not wait half a fucking day good.

>> No.15096534

Did this In N Out just open in a state that's never had one before or something?
What's the deal?

>> No.15096541

Yes that is precisely what happened. You have read the situation well.

>> No.15096550

If I were a wagie just starting out at one I would kill myself, they must have had every person hired on working that shift. And they'll be doing that for a while.
We had that a while back when a White Castle opened for the first time here, shit was packed from open to close for over 2 weeks.

>> No.15096556

I wouldn't even wait 15 minutes.
Completely defies the point of FAST FOOD.

>> No.15096567


>> No.15096594

>Grandpa, what was the first In-N-Out in Arvada, CO like?
Do you REALLY want to have to tell them you went to McDonald's instead???

>> No.15096648

In-N-Out is popular because it's decent quality for a fairly low price, not because it's some ultimate giga god burger. People get overhyped and then they get disappointed.

I would wait 5-10 minutes more for In-N-Out than some other fast food.

>> No.15096689

Criticising someone who cooks should be a bannable offense.

>> No.15096713

I've never had in and out. Is it good? What the fuck is special about it?

>> No.15096718
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>queuing hours for fast food
These tweets are fake right?

>> No.15096728
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>> No.15096748


its pretty good. its just a straightforward fast food burger. its cheap, delicious, hits the spot when ur craving a fast food burger. tastes better than mcdonalds and burger king and carls... doesnt make you feel like shit and is cheap as hell. its just a fast good burger for a good price.

>> No.15096758
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>in-n-out opens in my bumfuck nowhere city
>always a nice line during lunch/dinner
i always get a cheeseburger with extra grilled onions and i ask them to give me as much as you can without getting in trouble

>> No.15096759

why do people do this

>> No.15096770

with everything going on i say boredom

>> No.15096777


Did these cucks at least get some kind of prize? An aquaintance of mine waited in line for a Krispy Kreme opening twenty years ago (zoomers btfo), and he got a numbered t-shirt and a free dozen donuts each month for a year.

>> No.15096786

>(checks self)

This was before smartphones too, btw, so he had nothing to do in line except play Gameboy (or "snake" on his phone).

>> No.15096793

It tastes like real food for a fast food price and has a unique taste/style that people miss when they move away. Reputation for quality and customer service.
Google a recipe for their special sauce and put it on a burger with a bunch of american cheese and iceberg lettuce. That's all it is.

Normies have a mental illness they sometimes call FOMO

>> No.15096800

__ ________ _____?

>> No.15096864

man fuck colorado

>> No.15096869

>Do Redditors really?

Yes. Yes they do.

>> No.15096874

you get a novelty coin for visiting a new in-n-out on opening day, but thats about it.
i have one from daly city 2

>> No.15096934

Not if it is someone who cooks for their job, though.

>> No.15097020
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>you get a novelty coin

Reddit gold IRL? Such as could be displayed next to my Amiibos?

>> No.15097214

I live in a state that does not have any Chick-Fil-A franchises; however, there is a Chick-Fil-A food truck which sometimes stops at parking lots in malls in this state. I follow them on Facebook and last time they were nearby my house I figured, what the hell, I'll go get a chicken sandwich. Bad move. People were lined up for half a mile. For a fucking food truck. Amazes me how people act over "fast food" sometimes.

>> No.15097227

you aren't called burgers for nothing

>> No.15097235

No. Taste wise it is extremely subpar. A Big Mac taste better. But you can get a triple for like $4 or a double for $2.50 its super cheap, that is its only redeeming quality.

>> No.15097236

Its just Americans

>> No.15097237

Jesus Christ on a pogostick, it's just a burger people. A burger just slightly better than a whopper or a big mac. Not worth a twelve hour wait.

>> No.15097241

There's a twelve hour wait to get inside your mum. It's quite the train we have going.

>> No.15097278

Based. Force the fat fucks to fast for at least 12 hours

>> No.15097283

>Fast food
You think you're a comedian

>> No.15097306

Kek u a cheeky one anon

>> No.15097429
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>> No.15097438

There's a Chick fil A about 500 ft. east of the new In n Out.

>> No.15097467

Americans really do this

>> No.15097471

Well said

>> No.15097473
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Hello fellow AZ anon

>> No.15097644

Yeah, I got shit to do

>> No.15097659

I just microwave eel and gook out at home desu

>> No.15097679

I'm not fond of the term but damn literal NPCs. If I gotta wait more than 10 minutes for anything I don't even bother

>> No.15097696

Hello friend

>> No.15097705

I wish people would criticize my cooking every once in a while. It's so funny when people stop to take a photograph for social media for literally everything I make. I feel embarrassed by it. Like dude stop I just slapped something together for dinner. I made wine last year and decided to pull some early to try it out at a party and a friend did a little toast before everyone tried it. I spit it out and laughed about how bad it was and nobody said anything. I found like 3 cups on the back porch. bitches just pour it out in the bush at least holy shit don't sneak out back and ditch your cup. holy shit it's bad wine I know I said it's bad fuck

>> No.15097719

I'd wait until I got to the loudspeaker and put in a big order and then drive off without paying

>> No.15097728

>support smaller companies

>> No.15097731

I hope the Jewish overlords allow the unvaccinated to live peacefully away from the cities full of brave new world retards

>> No.15097752

Somebody still has to pick it up

>> No.15097803

Yeah I don't get this obsession. When sonic first came to my state it was the same shit. Now it's a ghost town because people realized sonic sucks ass.

>> No.15097818

I'm not overly shocked. When one of those opened here in Austin the wait was legit like an hour. I only really bothered with it because my friend was treating me and was eager to try it.
Overall it was good. The amount of food for what he paid was decent even if I thought the fries were shit.

>> No.15097822

In N Out doesn't allow it.

>> No.15097834

lmao a fight broke out between 2 cars. the soy tries to retreat over the hood of his car and gets depantsed

>> No.15097855

FOMO plus boredom plus hype makes consoomers act weird.

>> No.15097954

Why is an official police twitter account reporting this?

>> No.15097998

When the line slows traffic on the interatate, people check APD Twitter I guess.

>> No.15098860

At that point youre just sticking your dick in a soup of other mens' jizz. Why are you so gay?

>> No.15098870

it was like this when they opened up the ones in the houston area. it still takes about 30 minutes in the drive through a year after opening.
the burgers aren't even that good.

>> No.15098949

People are just fuckin cattle, I swear. Dumb animals, totally worthless. They should kill those "people" cattle and put them on burgers! Hah!

>> No.15098959

Probably gives more relevant info than their local news which likely only screams "covid covid covid" 24/7

>> No.15099030

the flotsam of modern society get caught up in retarded spectacles like these just because everyone else does. most people crave social status but are too milquetoast to be interesting so they conform in order to maintain that and that means sitting in your car literally all day for garbage paste

>> No.15099039

haha gross who would want to eat that

>> No.15099053

Ok chud

>> No.15099089

what the absolute fuck
Is this real? Please tell me it's not

>> No.15099119

Ah yes how irrelevant

>> No.15099267

Hello fren :)

>> No.15099273
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>> No.15099287

There's a raising cane's and a chick-fil-a near me. The line at cane's gets so long it stretches through the intersection and they don't care if they're blocking traffic. The chick-fil-a is right next to a gas station and you're usually trapped in because the line cuts across the lot and exits. It's just fucking chicken. Jesus christ america

>> No.15099303

>called 'In-n-Out'
>can't even get In
top kek

>> No.15099323
File: 51 KB, 655x625, 1603883587926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lining up for fastfood
I was goong to post something snarky like "do americans really" but im just too exhausted at this point, i accepted america the way a medieval man would accept people pouring their shit out of the windows as a part of life

>> No.15099355

Why don't those people just take their weed and shitty burgers and fuck off back to California and leave my state alone?

>> No.15099504

Because California is full of Mexican gangs and homeless lobbyists.

>> No.15099573

sounds tasty, would eat

everyone already knows about it though. screaming about it 24/7 is kinda gay and would answer your question as to why people would prefer get their news from a police station twitter account

>> No.15099636

ask for a whole grilled onion. they give you an entire intact cross section of onion that has been grilled. so good

>> No.15099648
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hello fren

>> No.15099710

>america at its finest
truly the greatest country on earth, amirite?

>> No.15099735

The fuck do they do when they run out of ingredients?

>> No.15100035

NPC in denial
actual human

>> No.15100928

Why do you think it was a 14 hr wait?

>> No.15100970

I thought you were being sarcastic, until I decided to search it up. what the fuck america

>> No.15101013

close and tell the people in line to go home?

>> No.15101256

Why not just eat Five Guys. It's way better plus they're all over the U.S.

>> No.15101309

Some people fucking suck and deserve criticism. You are not special or talented because you can boil water or chop things or follow directions. Grow the fuck up and realize that food workers are poor fucking losers because they do something literally everyone is capable of. It’s an absolutely demeaning job and I will never treat a single one of you faggots with respect.
That being said, in n out was okay. I don’t understand the hype with them and what a burger

>> No.15101331

How do you fuck up wine? Jesus Christ. This is the quality of people on this board.

>> No.15101369

good lord what is wrong with them?

>> No.15101467

it wasn't ready yet, I just did a short pull of some of it.

>> No.15101471

everyone basically got a shot of it

>> No.15101494

Unless they're italian

>> No.15101599

Many things: boredom, fear of missing out, consoomer mindset, no attachment to Colorado heritage with a false attachment to California, the need to be a part of something without having any shared values

>> No.15101687

Give me one good reason why every retard in that line shouldn't be sent to a slave labor camp. You fucking can't.

>> No.15101702

white female hands wrote this

>> No.15101721

you cannot use any app to deliver in n out, they are far too busy for the additional workload

>> No.15101739

Looks like those people are going in & out fast enough.

>> No.15101762


>> No.15101790

I had In & Out when I went to San Francisco a few years ago. It was decent. It wasn't worth waiting anytime for though.
Would rather a Big Mac to be honest.

>> No.15102055

>Waiting in line for hours for a meme
Ok irony poisoned smooth brain

>> No.15102156

Why would entering one fast food restaurant over another grant you some sort of sense of pride?

>> No.15102159

mine's silver

>> No.15102165

why though
chick-fil-a is a mediocre chicken sandwich
do you go there to get rags to polish nog shoes?

>> No.15102173

arizona is like a weird microcosm of texas and california mixed.
only state i can go to and get a whataburger, white castle, in-n-out, and raising canes, all at once

>> No.15102182

you are a homosexual who hangs out with other homosexuals

>> No.15102186

its a denver suburb, its 9001% pozzed, so yeah, its nothing but screeching about covid or how drumfph is orange and therefore bad

>> No.15102196

because you retards didn't kick them out 20 years ago

>> No.15102537
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>past by and ignore chick fil a and this shit all the time