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15095098 No.15095098 [Reply] [Original]

Has covid utterly destroyed remaining survivors of small restaurant in your city? Can such a razor thin margin business continue to possibly exist in this age of greedy suppliers? I'd love to see discussions of this on all levels.

>> No.15095114

no because most places are 30% capacity but winter not allowing outside seating probably will

>> No.15095136

Lost a good amount, but I'm pretty surprised at how resilient they've been. My favorite bar is still doing well, but anticipating another shutdown, I don't know for how long.

I did lose a few of my favorite places, but oh well.

>> No.15095142

yeah we've had a couple places here shut down but most places managed to survive the summer. I'm more worried about this coming winter season though especially since it looks like things are starting to get worse with the cases.

>> No.15095143

Fuck, here everything closed originally, and a lot of places shut down just from that, and then it was 50% capacity when the reopen happened, they've been slowly easing up but people just aren't going out, either.
But on the bright side covid is virtually eradicated here, but the devastation to businesses like this is hard to think about. It's understandable when you consider our older population though.

>> No.15095147

Any South Dakotanons here with some perspective?

>> No.15095150

Lost a good amount in the first lockdown over the summer. Another lockdown started monday, although they're trying to brand it as a (((reset))) this time. It's going to be a cold winter for the remaining ones. It's likely only chains and bigger establishments will survive.

>> No.15095153

Your first lockdown was in summer? Jesus, ours started towards the end of march, summer was the breath of fresh air before this second wave started.

>> No.15095159

a ton of bars here have been shut down since march and haven't re opened at all. I'm astounded none of them have gone under yet. Wondering how much longer they can last.

>> No.15095166

>the devastation to businesses like this is hard to think about
I feel a little bad about reveling in the misery of small business owners. Most of them that I know are exploitative pricks. But for the good people, it's sad.

>> No.15095170

I meant spring. Our first one was late march too. The last couple months of summer things were relaxed but I guess that was just too much fun.

>> No.15095175

Yeah the bigger hit for some of our bars here is that a lot of the restrictions are preventing them from having active gaming machines even though the casinos can, so they're losing a ton of money. Viva Las Vegas.

>> No.15095184

Didn't actually lose any restaurants I cared about here, the delivery business seems to be really brisk. Local sushi place seemed to be having more door dash orders than dine in customers when I was out a few weeks back.

Bars are another story. I miss bars.

>> No.15095185

>It's understandable when you consider our older population though

Is it though? At what point does the overall economic damage outweigh whatever benefit the older and more vulnerable populations are getting?

>> No.15095191

Restaurants struggle to make any appreciable profit when doordash/grubhub/uber are involved. They take a substantial slice off the top for access to their services.

>> No.15095200

>At what point does the overall economic damage outweigh whatever benefit the older and more vulnerable populations are getting?
At no point. Lives aren't worth stonks.

>> No.15095204

I'd not talking stonks. I'm talking about the small biz owner with a handful of employees that are forced to shutdown while walmart can stay open. Or the local hole-in-the-wall restaurant that doesn't really have any kind of viable outdoor dining option. These things aren't publicly traded companies but they're folding all over the country and that does have an effect on your local economy, like it or not.

>> No.15095214

That's sad. For the sushi place specifically their delivery prices are significantly higher than what they charge in house so I'd assume that's making up the difference.

>> No.15095225

I frankly don't care. When things get back to normal and people aren't dying in droves, we'll get new restaurants or small businesses to replace them. I've been out of a job since March, but I'm certainly happier than my roommate who lost 3 people.

The government could be doing something to help these people but instead they're bickering about partisan politics and lining the pockets of big business.

>> No.15095226

Why are you posting so much stop posting so much

>> No.15095229

I just picked up a lunch katsudon at my favorite japanese joint and was reminded by the owner to check out their website and call in an order because they offer better deals than through the ubereats app. I felt kind of bad since I used the app to place the order out of convenience but had I taken a moment to think about it, calling it in would have been more appropriate considering the situation they're in. Would hate to lose that joint, their food is great.

>> No.15095238

>Bars are another story. I miss bars.
Yeah, even though my favorite is still open, it's not conducive to meeting anyone new or mingling. It's like, sit at a table, maybe watch the football games, or sit at the bar with one friend or something.

>> No.15095252

Now keep in mind that those delivery services generally run at a severe loss and are only as cheap as they are for both consumers, drivers, and businesses due to venture capital investments. Once the price war settles out and lock-ins become established, you can expect those services to become much more expensive in an attempt to return the investment.

If restaurants had to roll their own delivery service, I imagine many more would choose instead to just rely on traditional take-out and take the hit in customers. It's a royal bitch to sort out dedicated drivers, even in the age of common, good GPS access.
The only places which really made out in these times are delivery places which already rolled their own, like Domino's.

>> No.15095310

Some but there's still plenty left. The governor said that he won't be shutting down again. I do see a lot of loud,sjw faggots complaining online but everyone I talk to is happy.

>> No.15095337

People aren't dying in droves any longer and you're wrong if you think small businesses will pop-out the minute this is over. It takes years or even decades these things to develop.

>> No.15095382

253K deaths, 6 more dead in my county yesterday.

I don't think things will come back immediately either, but I also don't think that if we just said "fuck it we're open" tomorrow that people would just return to normal either.

I live in the hardest hit city in the country by job loss, and until people start traveling here again, people simply don't have jobs to go start spending money at small businesses. (Talking Vegas here if you haven't gotten that yet.) Planes are still empty, prices are dirt cheap, there's capacity in our casinos/hotels, yet -- shock -- people don't want to come here and get the coof.

>> No.15095484

Proven businesses don't die easily to setbacks that are obviously short-term. They can leverage a lot of debt and their creditors benefit from helping them re-open and make the money back.
But if this drags on interminably for whatever reason and the end point is no longer in sight, small businesses will drop like files.

>At no point. Lives aren't worth stonks.
Yes they are. We could double taxes next year and spend it all on healthcare and save a lot of lives for mere money. We could cut speed limits in half and save lives at the cost of some time. We could ban all vices and unhealthy food and save lives just for some freedom.
We all have a cutoff point for the value of a life on any given issue. You pretend you don't so you can sidestep a difficult argument with a virtue signaling platitude and feel morally superior about it.

>> No.15095488

Same policy in my state, but IRL the people I talk to have a much more mixed response. Doesn't really fall on political lines, or even those who have caught it (mixed bag in terms of symptoms), but the side of the family which lost an aunt and my Grampa from it when they were otherwise healthy.

Everything seems to point that only some people change their mind when they are personally affected in a severe way, otherwise it follows whatever preconceived notion they have. And at least in the states, death in the family is not actually that severe of a consequence for plenty of people compared to their own employment/enjoyments/et cetera, so I expect there to be no popular support for further restrictions in the future, just unilateral actions with varying enforcement by local/state governments.
I just wish people didn't feel the need to be all conspiratorial about the wildly varying amounts of fucks given one way or another, that's almost always fighting windmills.

>> No.15095500

you have to go back and please slit your throat into your mechanical keyboard on the way out

>> No.15095534

I live in a pretty diverse metro area that's had mask mandates since April. The lockdown took 1 of them out, but I knew the owner and he gambled a lot and so not having that constant influx put him under. The rest of them are doing surprisingly well, some of them transitioned to delivery/carry-out heavy... others are more finer dining and thus have investors.

There's this one place, best banh mi I've ever had, they're actual vietnamese immigrants 1st and 2nd generation and they're struggling so I order from them 1/weekly at least and always post about them when I can. They do delivery and stuff but the best part of their restaurant was their bar scene and karaoke. So they lost a lot of atmosphere and it sucks seeing them struggle. But immigrants are resilient man, they told me straight up if they go under they'll file for bankruptcy and just start a smaller restaurant until they can find a bigger lot again. They were personally requiring facemasks before the mandates came down and while they look tired all the time they're just vibing. Anybody bitching about small businesses shuttering are landlords (afraid of lost rent to cover their nut) or white people that hire out their staff and don't work themselves.

>> No.15095540

Man, not a single thing he said is even controversial, that's just how it is in tourist traps that aren't even under restriction.

Are you trying to say that people who choose not to support those traps because they don't want to get sick are pussies or something? You can, but like hell will people change their tune on that alone.

>> No.15095550

stop typing like a faggot journalism student and i'll read it

>> No.15095604

Take your meds.

>> No.15095622

>governor shuts down everything except big box stores (said this explicitly)

What's their end game

>> No.15095627

>Has covid utterly destroyed remaining survivors of small restaurant in your city?
Everyone enjoyed 7 paid weeks off back in March/April while only emergency services and 1 supermarket per town stayed open.
Haven't had any cases here since late April so everything's 100% back to normal.
Bars, clubs, gyms, schools, music festivals, ski resorts, flights, the lot.
We don't even have to wear masks because there's no point.

You guys could've had the same if you all just actually stayed fucking home in March.

>> No.15095692

Lol, okay zoom-zoom - just because big words are hard for you to read doesn't mean you have to throw a tantrum. Next time I'll explain it to you in a TikTok video.

>Yes they are. We could double taxes next year and spend it all on healthcare and save a lot of lives for mere money. We could cut speed limits in half and save lives at the cost of some time. We could ban all vices and unhealthy food and save lives just for some freedom.
Considering this shit is all wildly ridiculous and has nothing to do with a virus people can't control getting because of other selfish people.

You're just mad because you're either bored, losing precious money you'd make on the back of others, or both. I hope you nearly lose someone so you can understand how dire it is.

>> No.15095704

you'd make a killing like a new found killing you put in the effort to making a proper restaurant, idk probably lobby to the town hall about how you'll change things around to meet their restrictions, set tables apart, put in dividers like it was japan, get an efficient delivery line for orders. its just that these things take work, restaurant owners are probably not fit

>> No.15095726

This is how much I normally post.

>> No.15095787

I'm typing it like someone casually replying to a comment, mate. Do I use too much punctuation for your liking or something?
I've got no idea what you're reading into my tone, but if you only go by that and not the ideas being conveyed, there's not much point in wasting a bunch of time trying to crunch my words into a hot take for you to just shoot back at.

>> No.15095796

>You're mad, you're selfish, I hope your relatives die
The pandemic hasn't changed my life much, I'm just telling you that you argue like shit. Emotional self-righteousness can get you Reddit upvotes but it's never changed anyone's mind or made an actual point.
Someone asked you how much economic damage you think quarantine is worth and you said an infinite amount. That's a ridiculous response so I gave you ridiculous examples. The one thing I'm mad about is that a virus response turned into a politicized culture war and people like you haven't helped.

>> No.15095798

>please type and say what i want in easily digestible doses or else ill get really sad :(
shut the fuck up you absolute fucking wiener bitch. i bet you like the crusts cut off your PB&J you loser

>> No.15095799

Many anons stick in a thread an respond to posts, it just doesn't normally stick out unless you use a name/trip. And anons derailing because of a trip is why they're rarely used anymore.

>> No.15095866

Covid is a hoax.

>> No.15095877

All I'm saying is that it appears we might have a vaccine any minute, which would then be a pretty compelling argument that we can get back to normal, even if not everyone takes it. Then you have a choice.

4chan's too full of uneducated losers that believe in conspiracy theories, or just outright selfish people with nothing to lose, to put any good faith into a real argument.

On a personal level, I think it's kinda funny watching the economy burn, and having people whine about their small business or "life's work" crumbling. Most of those business owners reeeeing about how people need to support small businesses to keep them afloat don't pay decent wages to their employees, provide healthcare, or any of that shit. And some of those employees have to come home to at-risk people.

>> No.15095911

This. The issue is that the lockdowns are crushing the life out of small businesses but the big chains, amazon etc will be fine. All that will be left is the giant chains.

>> No.15095914

It will never go back to how it was. The big guys will have too much of a stranglehold once all the small businesses are dead.

>> No.15096022

The real question is what will happen to all the empty shops on the highstreet

>> No.15096036

Does anyone find it highly suspicious that the vast majority of restaurants are still open despite many not seating many customers at all for months?

Business is supposedly way down. Yes I understand many place do a thriving takeout and delivery business (even when ubereats/doordash nips 10-20% of their margins). I am supposed to believe in my big expensive city, where rent is very high, that most restaurants, and even bars that aren't even serving customers anymore I don't think? are somehow able to stay open doing much less business on narrow margins?

I think all this proves is that restaurant and bar owners were exploiting their employees the whole time for massive profits while pretending they couldn't pay their workers any more. They could but not without the owners getting rich.

I think these margins aren't as narrows as we thought.

>> No.15096037

>It will never go back to how it was.
An absolute truth of life.
>The big guys will have too much of a stranglehold once all the small businesses are dead.
For the last 200 years this has largely been a cyclical thing, with the last major shakeup being the post-WWII era, with minor busts and booms coming-and-going with the fortunes of established vs. new industries.
I'd say the two biggest long-terms trends that screw over layman small business is a declining interest in issuing loans to labor-intensive and locally-dependent businesses, along with capital investment being increasingly driven by either risk mitigation (likely positive return) or reward maximization (explosive growths). New restaurants get the worst of this because they don't have a stellar success rate, carry a pretty high operating cost for a starting business (space, employees, perishable ingredients, amenities, etc.), and even if successful they are generally not immensely profitable.
With that said, it's not to the point where new restaurants will be completely unviable. Carryout/delivery only places can still launch in this time and get by if they establish a customer base and can get a delivery model that works.

I think the worst consequence is that this is another nail in the coffin for people who have no interest in higher education, but who have something to offer to the community, and employees who just want to put in their hours for a decent wage. Which is precisely why so many people reject the restrictions.

>> No.15096075

If the restaurant has a proven track record of viability, they could probably negotiate loans from a financial institution and/or a hold-off on rent payments. The latter would be highly dependent on the financial situation and mentality of the landlord, though.
Also the case that many restaurants can furlough/lay-off employees and reduce other expenses that come with indoor customers, but that is just slowing the bleed-out.
>I think all this proves is that restaurant and bar owners were exploiting their employees the whole time for massive profits while pretending they couldn't pay their workers any more. They could but not without the owners getting rich.
Tipping culture and server laws in the USA relative to anywhere else is an even more transparent display of that, well before COVID.
But for anywhere it varies, and it's not always exceptional case of screwing over employees. Most people aren't starting or supporting a bar/restaurant as purely a passion project, and the owner's willingness to split the spoils is going to vary wildly. If there wasn't much chance of making a good living running a restaurant, you'd see much less of them being founded, like now.

>> No.15096078

>I think all this proves is that restaurant and bar owners were exploiting their employees the whole time for massive profits while pretending they couldn't pay their workers any more
well no shit. business owners pretend they can't spare a dime to give their workers a raise while keeping all the profits to themselves so they can buy a new luxury sedan because they "earned" it.

>> No.15096082

If they don't get repopulated, just look at small towns in the Midwest that lost their mom and pop shops and restaurants.
The answer is that they will sit for years, maybe even decades, before they eventually fall into disrepair and out of code, and are either torn down or collapse on their own.

>> No.15096084

>making excuses for crony capitalists

this is why the system never changes

I think they are buying a lot more than a fancy car I think a lot of these restaurants and bars have deep reserves of cash and could afford to pay their workers double and still survive if the owners took a much smaller cut of the profits.

>> No.15096090

Idk why but it makes me happy all these drug addict/single mom zoomer servers are essentially out of a job. Now they can get real jobs and maybe an education.

>> No.15096093

>real jobs
Please, tell me what your definition of a "real" job is?

>> No.15096095

I'm not making excuses for crony capitalists. I actually agreed with your points, and I avoid any restaurant that obligates tipping precisely because of its BS nature.
But I will concede that I am assuming most restaurants are created with an intent to earn a greater amount of capital, and that not all restaurants are successful enough to make the owners exceptionally rich no matter how many pennies they pinch. That's why many cut their losses and close down after a year or two.

>> No.15096098

I mean it would be a real job if the restaurant owners actually paid a fair wage, especially to back of the house staff, instead of pocketing most of the profits for themselves and expecting customers to pay them with tips.

Really I think covid is proving most restaurants and bars are absolutely scams that make tons of money for their owners while pretending they are barely breaking even (probably to avoid paying taxes).

>hurr just pay 250k for a piece of paper that said you read some books and wrote about them

waste of time gatekeeping bullshit

>> No.15096104

A job an employer pays you at. Not someone who begs for “tips”.

>> No.15096107

I just would expect many, many more restaurants to be closing if covid is making their business fall by 50% of even more and supposedly they have such narrow margins. Something isn't adding up.

The whole point of tipping is that it is not an obligation, merely a social pressure (which is frankly just as effective for the most part).

>> No.15096111

>what is back of the house staff

>> No.15096112

No. I'm in Texas. We hardly had a lockdown to begin with. It DID make a bunch of restaurants I love here without takeout be open for takeout, which I really appreciate.

>> No.15096118

Except even if they don't tip out more than the minimum the employer has to make up for it and match their pay so they at least make minimum wage.
Also their employer technically does pay them, albeit at something meager like $2/hr.

>> No.15096119

Is that where the servers work? An education wouldn’t help you honey, You can’t even read.

>> No.15096122

>has to

who is going to stop them if they don't?

>> No.15096126

>real jobs
Mate, I apparently have a career job where me and my coworker are the sole point of monitoring and initial troubleshooting for a decent chunk of fortune 500 businesses and state/federal services in the US. Literally millions of people potentially affected.
And let me tell you, I did more work in one day working cook in a diner in college than I do in a week here.

>> No.15096128

What do you think an average landlord does when a restaurant can't pay rent? Throw them out and wait for someone else to come start a new business in the middle of the pandemic? Or let them stay and keep tallying up back rent to be collected eventually?
Plenty of restaurants are behind enough on rent that they'd have been evicted in normal times.
The restaurant business is highly competitive, you have shitloads of options to eat from in every town. If you think they're screwing you then every business on the planet is. If you have some money stored away and want to lose it all, start one.

>> No.15096134

You never said servers, and if you assumed that drug addicts and single moms don't work back kitchen because they can't cut it, you should look at more back kitchen.
Servers are generally very pleasing to look at and interact with, and not everyone has that to lean on.

>> No.15096138

A restaurant is staffed by more than just servers.

Servers tend to have side work as well.

I honestly have no idea how landlord restaurant relationships work but the way the media presents it is frequent tales of restaurants closing because landlords refuse to negotiate on rent especially in expensive high traffic areas.

>The restaurant business is highly competitive

there's all sorts of middling garbage here that has been open for years

>> No.15096143

>The United States of America federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees who receive at least $30 per month in tips.[4] If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate

>> No.15096154


who is enforcing that? I am aware what the law is, I am saying it probably is not enforced in many cases.

It doesn't matter what the words say if the actions differ in reality.

>> No.15096156

Yeah you are a piece of shit

>> No.15096227

Work smarter, not harder. Your true value is in your brain, not your rapidly breaking down body. You produce a valuable and rare product, and if you died overnight, replacing you would be difficult. If 95% of restaurant staffers died overnight, they'd be replaced practically mid-shift.

No one is enforcing that shit especially with cash tips. Plenty of tipped workers don't report every tip they get or pool that shit, it goes straight into a pocket.

>> No.15096231

>there's all sorts of middling garbage here that has been open for years
Competitive doesn't mean good, it just means there's a lot of options. Some of the worst options are always popular in any market because people are brainless or tasteless. The point is that if there's a Denny's next to an IHOP and one overcharges the senior citizens walk over to the other one.

>> No.15096267

I don't disagree with you, which is why I still train and am looking for a new job that gives me more experience with the creation of technical infrastructure.

The issue is that plenty of people either reject higher education/lucrative self-training due to cultural disdain of it, have difficulty either paying for education or carving out their own niche, or are actually just prone to low cognition or otherwise would be
That's not making excuses - this whole issue is pretty representative of how many square pegs will not consider or actively resist adapting to round holes. And no matter how much disdain is thrown on them, they are just as likely to react to the loss of their employment with a disdain for the system, which winds up pulling in everyone at some point as well.
It's a hard social problem that's been brewing for decades without much progress made. I have no answers myself, or at least answers which complement the status-quo and wouldn't be an instant turn-off to politicians and citizens alike.

>> No.15096345

you seem like a huge prick

>> No.15096376

>people aren't dying in droves

they haven't been for a while

>> No.15096400

Dunno, haven't looked for a restaurant since February. Figure they're all closed.

>> No.15096405

>But on the bright side covid is virtually eradicated here,
Don't worry, it'll be back in a couple months, that's how long "immunity" lasts.

>> No.15096415

>80% of businesses closing and forcing hundreds of millions into poverty is worth Boomers living 2 more months.

>> No.15096422

>yet -- shock -- people don't want to come here
Maybe because it's too expensive? Last time I went to Vegas it cost me $4000 for 3 days and I didn't even gamble.

>> No.15096425

>Proven businesses don't die easily to setbacks that are obviously short-term
>Obviously short term
>5 years of closure is short term

>> No.15096440

how many escorts did you fuck then?

>> No.15096444

They're being bought by the Chinese, as a way to shield their personal wealth from the government and as a method of pseudo colonization. By 2030 4 out 5 landlords will be Chinese nationals.

>> No.15096454

>what is economical ruin, depression, homelessness and suicide

the cure cannot be worse than the illness

>> No.15096466

Bro my grandma is 95 and still alive, my (actual boomer) parents just turned 65. They could legit live 30 more years. Sorry if I'd like to see them have grandkids, see them grow, and spend more time with them instead of opening up so I can watch the newest Marvel capeshit.

Like I was saying, costs have absolutely plummeted here, and airlines are practically giving away flights. Question - what the fuck did you do to spend $4k in 3 days without gambling? Fly in from Australia and stay in a suite at Cosmopolitan, eating at Michelin Star places 3x a day?

>> No.15096467

0. Drinks are expensive, along with not-ghetto accommodations (1 bed in the Luxor).

>> No.15096488

then dont bring them out
why are you forcing everyone else to suffer?
this lockdown sure feels like a easy excuse to utterly decimate 90% of all independent small businesses so the mega chains can have even more of a monopoly

>> No.15096502

>5 years of closure
Source for this pure garbage?

>what is economical ruin, depression, homelessness and suicide
A lie fed to you by enterprising businesspeople that want you to think putting your health at risk is worth making them money. You think getting back to waging is the best way to cure depression and suicide? "Yes, just work more goyim and you will be happy!"

Of course, forget that the government could be helping this whole situation, but instead it's political, and Moscow Mitch is just reveling in the profits his rich friends are going to make by sending desperate people back to work for less than they're worth at the risk of getting themselves and others sick.

>> No.15096513

Dude every bar in Vegas comps your drinking with gaming, there's like $2 you-call-its, draft beers are like $3 each...

Did you order every most expensive drink you possibly could?

>> No.15096518

>haha its so easy just stay at home and order everything
>haha why doesnt the government just print more money problem solved printer goes brrrrrrr

imagine being so privileged you can say this, many workers live paycheck-to-paycheck especially in the food business

>> No.15096528

>then dont bring them out
People can't not bring them out. Older people, people with pre-existing conditions, and people who have those people at home, still have to work and bring this shit back to their house, thus losing someone. Fuck, most of these people don't have adequate healthcare, so even if you don't die, you end up in crippling debt you can't possibly handle. Life ruined, more suffering.

>why are you forcing everyone else to suffer?
What're you suffering from? No movie theaters? Wearing a tiny piece of cloth on your face?

>> No.15096551

I'm normally a fiscal conservative and I hate building debt, but I sure as fuck don't like "lol they're gonna die anyways I need my Applebee's" as the alternative.
>imagine being so privileged you can say this, many workers live paycheck-to-paycheck
I haven't had a job since March, my savings are gone, and I'm making $400 a week when I used to make six figures. It's not "privilege." Imagine the privilege you have to think you're young and healthy so we should cut off years and years of people's lives.

What happened to the alt-right bitching that universal healthcare was going to create "death panels" that condemned people to death if they were too old? Just forgot about that? Gotta keep your favorite pizza place up the street open, right? Fuck mom and dad?

>> No.15096559

>It's understandable when you consider our older population though
Aren't they staying home anyways?

>> No.15096560

suicides up, overdoses up, depression up. Thank dog grandpa gets 1 more week though

>> No.15096562

>yea just force theaters, food stalls, event companies, construction firms, every single type of business that remotely involves human interaction to go for months without real income so they can fire all their workers
>all for a flu with 2% mortality rate at worst
why dont we just round up everyone into camps for their own safety?

>> No.15096566

the old can quarantine themselves. There is no condemnation, in fact if restrictions are lifted everyone is given a fair and equal choice. Or you can just panic and strip away everyone's civil liberties

>> No.15096569

I would be thrilled if fiscal conservatives were condemned to death for their "I've got mine fuck you" attitude.

Covid killed my grandma (she was in bad health before that doe). Have one grandparent still ticking.

>> No.15096573

>she was in bad health before that
so she didnt die of covid, nice try

>gets run over by a truck
>the puddle of flesh vaguely tests positive for covid
>whelp, another covid death!

>> No.15096577

My grandpa has told me repeatedly he would prefer to die of covid than to be locked up how he is. He lives for his family and is unable to see them, forcibly quarantining the elderly is cruel. This is the sort of thing that should be a choice

>> No.15096578

I mean she was slowly going from congestive heart failure and covid sealed the deal.

>> No.15096580

The argument of "if you want to stay at home/wear a mask that should be your choice" is somehow socially unacceptable in mainstream thought.

I just find masks super uncomfortable to wear. I'm not trying to make anyone sick and I would totally stay at home if I felt any cold/flu/cough symptoms.

I think, as others have implied, the fairly rigid lockdowns are a testament to the power boomers have over our society and the fear they are experiencing as control slowly slips from their hands.

>> No.15096598

Covid killed my roommate's 70 year old uncle. Like I've said earlier, what do you think causes him more depression, losing someone who had plenty of life to live, or that he can't work at the bar every night with people coofing on him?

>all for a flu with 2% mortality rate at worst
Ah, so if you don't die, you don't have crippling hospital bills, gotcha. Everything is just okay, the rest of the family goes through no stress while they wait for their loved one to possibly pull through in isolation. NBD, where are my concerts!?

Are you reading any of the rest of the thread?
>Older people, people with pre-existing conditions, and people who have those people at home, still have to work and bring this shit back to their house, thus losing someone.
No one's fucking helping them.

>I would be thrilled if fiscal conservatives were condemned to death for their "I've got mine fuck you" attitude.
Me too, but that's not my brand of fiscal conservatism.

Don't forget your tinfoil helmet.

>> No.15096611

>The argument of "if you want to stay at home/wear a mask that should be your choice" is somehow socially unacceptable in mainstream thought.
Yes, because it's obvious you don't get the point of why masks can help prevent some of the spread. It's not a 100% failsafe.
>I just find masks super uncomfortable to wear.
Oh no, you're slightly not comfy for a few minutes in the store! I doubt people are comfortable in the hospital not being able to see their families either.
>I would totally stay at home if I felt any cold/flu/cough symptoms.
It spreads with no symptoms, faggot.

>> No.15096619

all these goody2shoes and city millennials think a zoom call is just as good as face-to-face interaction
they wont be happy until its a total police state
elderly people are being forced to die alone on their deathbeds because of the covid measures

>> No.15096620

the only randomized controlled study of mask effectiveness showed no benefit

I find masks extremely uncomfortable, not just a little, or I wouldn't have a problem.

>it spread with no symptoms

prove it

>> No.15096623
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I'm spreading it as much as I can to generate immunity in my town, thank me later

>> No.15096638

>the only randomized controlled study of mask effectiveness showed no benefit
The article literally says it shows why people should wear masks more often, readlet.
>I find masks extremely uncomfortable, not just a little, or I wouldn't have a problem.
Oh no, "EXTREMELY!" Poor you. Do you wear sweatpants and no shoes everywhere you go just because you might not feel comfy otherwise?

>> No.15096753

North Dakotan here. I went out to eat in August when inlaws were in town, and the place was PACKED. The workers tried cleaning off tables, wore masks, etc., but they also fucking sang happy birthday loudly (with masks off). People just didn't care until recently, and even now tons of people already have been convinced that it's no big deal.

>> No.15096764

It is no big deal. I can't wait till I get my vaccine then I am. never wearing that uncomfortable mask again.

I wish boomers actually were dying off.

people were already afraid of each other before this all happened thanks to the internet reducing irl socialization and promoting divisiveness

those higher in the social hierarchy of course are the ones trying to enforce the mask bullshit

It is about control, manipulation, and power.

>> No.15096773

>It is about control, manipulation, and power.
A tiny mask. Did you say this about seatbelts? Speed limits?

>> No.15096782

>It is about control, manipulation, and power.
Grow up cry baby.

>> No.15096791

seatbelts and speed limits don't restrict my breathing

ok sure when I can choose not to wear a mask when I am not sick in public places

>> No.15096799

I don't even have the will to go outside except for groceries anymore.
I frequently went to the one local restaurant in march but I can't be bothered now, especially as I'm trying to lose my belly fat.

>> No.15096804

>seatbelts and speed limits don't restrict my breathing
Neither does a mask in the grocery store, faggot. I don't believe for a second that you can't spend half an hour in a mask without it being a fucking crisis, I just believe you're a little bitch. If your breathing capacity is so bad you can't slowly push around a cart, it's going to be worse when you get put on a ventilator or some shit.

>ok sure when I can choose not to wear a mask when I am not sick in public places
You don't know if you are sick unless you're getting daily rapid testing, and you're not an NFL athlete, so no, fuck you.

>> No.15096813

Yes it does. A mask impairs my ability to fully breathe air in and out. It is extremely uncomfortable to wear.

There's zero high quality evidence that covid is being transmitted by anyone without symptoms.

>> No.15096814

Covid, the deadly virus that often has zero symptoms and that you'll spread everywhere without coughing or anything. Unless you put a cheap cloth in front of your face that's not even close to n95, then everyone will be safe from your breathing.

>> No.15096847

You. are. a. faggot. It's the easiest thing to do in the whole world. Stop being a snowflake. Doctors spend much more time in life saving surgical situations in masks than you do picking up a little bit of food or going to Target. Suck a dick man. You're not special.

>There's zero high quality evidence that covid is being transmitted by anyone without symptoms.
Cool, I guess you just get all of your evidence from YouTube or Facebook. Neck yourself.

It just lowers the percentage chance something happens. It's a minor safeguard. None of this is 100% effective.

>> No.15096866

>you'll spread it without symptoms


I find a mask very uncomfortable to wear, even for short periods of time. What doesn't bother you, doesn't apply necessarily to others. Try to have empathy.

>> No.15096907

>Current data, based on reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing for SARS-CoV-2 and on serologic studies, suggest asymptomatic infections can be common and that the total number of infections is likely greater than the number of cases reported.
But, I bet you don't believe that because of your feelings or your time on /pol/.

>I find a mask very uncomfortable to wear, even for short periods of time. What doesn't bother you, doesn't apply necessarily to others. Try to have empathy.
No, you being uncomfortable isn't more valuable than someone's life or their costly time in the hospital. Have some empathy for those with dead friends or family.

But I know you're just fishing for (you)s so I'm out after this, have a good night, retard-anon.

>> No.15096914

How exactly does PCR testing demonstrate asymptomatic transmission?

Asymptomatic infections ≠ asymptomatic viral transmission

>No, you being uncomfortable isn't more valuable than someone's life or their costly time in the hospital

I am not going outside if I have symptoms. I am healthy and not putting anyone at risk.

>> No.15096935

Seat belts legally required is a stupid law
Speed limit is fine though
Car insurance legally required is also stupid

>> No.15096947

>Car insurance legally required is also stupid
Cool, fuck up someone's life, no possible way to compensate them for that, their vehicle, their livelihood, just "oops my bad bro lol"

>> No.15096952

They get sued and fucked, victims insurance helps them sue

>> No.15096954

I still think it's weird that people stress the mask shit more than the whole six feet apart thing. You'll see people all crowded up around each other and that should be condemned but no it's okay cause they're wearing masks. Hell, they blame bars, restaurants, and private parties for this shit too before they consider the crowds of people all within arms reach of each other that you see in the media.

>> No.15096957

Masks are visible and easy to enforce (comparatively) in crowded situations. People are very angry at each other and looking to control each other. People have newfound power and are looking to exploit it by shaming and punishing others.

Having an institutional mandate to do so only emboldens them.

>> No.15096958

The only 2 restaurants here are an italian place and a steakhouse.
Both have converted into a delivery/takeout deal.

You can order to take out and go pick it up or they will deliver you a DIY box so you can make the stuff at home.

>> No.15096973
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>> No.15096993

>victims insurance
People often have no fucking money. So, you're gonna sue for... what? Their old couch? Oops, this poor drug addict hit you, enjoy your ruined life, keep suing them for the assets they'll never have.

Where I live, space is more enforced than masks. Anywhere crowded should be shut down ASAP.

I frankly don't give two shits if some rural county keeps to themselves, has three cases, and doesn't do anything about this, but the mentality leaks into places where it just fucks everything up.

>> No.15096996

>Where I live, space is more enforced than masks.

do you live in a big city?

I do, and masks are far, far more enforced here.

>> No.15096999

Sue to inflict misery

>> No.15097006

I live in a pretty big city, all things considered, yeah. Top 25. We're more spread out as a whole. I'd get pushing more on masks if you lived in a place where everyone lived in super consolidated areas, like NYC.

Their misery doesn't help pay for injuries or inability to work.

>> No.15097024

Judgement proof people do not care about lawsuits. Try to understand the world you live in. The reason ghetto dwellers engage in fights at the drop of a hat is that they have nothing to lose. If you have a job and a life you are forced to follow a strategy of avoidance, unless you're in some homogenous northern state or european country.

>> No.15097028

I'm a neet and I still have to wear a mask indoors or I get yelled at (or I wouldn't do it). I don't wear my mask outside or in my apartment building. Its trivial bullshit and I can't wait until it is over.

>> No.15097060

Just wanted to say anon, I agree and admire your mental fortitude. Stay strong and dont let the retards with their "cure cant be worse than the illness" Trumpler slogans shout you down.
This covid shit is no joke and it can really do a shitton of damage to even a completely healthy person.
I am german, if I had to live in the US during this time especially I might go insane. Especially when the Republican party has nowadays none of the qualities it had 20 years ago, literally none. Its a party of rotten psychos and oligarchs who bail their buddies' corporations out with billion dollar debt and asset buying but real people, cant get anything. Fuck the US

>> No.15097063

>this covid shit is no joke

yes it is, it is literally no worse than the flu for 99% of the population

it is an excuse to control a docile population into submission

>> No.15097069

Your flu meme was debunked months ago.
And why do you retards always think the state loves to keep people out of work? You knlw how fucking damaging it is to politicians and the state to have high unemployment, poverty and everything related to it? And why then do you think China, one of the most powerful and all-controlling countries in the world, just lets it's people live life normally? Because they love personal freedoms lr because they realised that it would damage their bottom line?

>> No.15097070
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You're still in the red and possibly recuperating from injuries that could have been lessened with an insurance payout, but at least you get the satisfaction of using the legal system to try and get blood from a stone who would just not show if it really inconvenienced them that much, regardless of whatever consequences may result.
You sure showed them.

>> No.15097074

>let me just parrot all these msm talking points when i dont even live in the country

opinion discarded

>> No.15097075
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>favorite kebab place shut down
>really good German place that made huge portions of schnitzel shut down
there are only like 5 good restaurants in my town. why do the good ones go down but Applebee's is fine.

>> No.15097083

Hello friend from the most cucked nation state in existence. Isn't it backwards and anti-semitic to mention you're german as if you're proud of it?

>> No.15097093


>And why do you retards always think the state loves to keep people out of work? You knlw how fucking damaging it is to politicians and the state to have high unemployment, poverty and everything related to it?

To show people they have power over whether you can feed your family or not.

>thinking republicans care for even as second about poverty and not just lining their own pockets

>thinking democrat politicians care about anything more than obedient minority plantation workers

you could easily just make masks optional and open everything back up and literally nothing would change. The goal is to scare people into docility and accepting authority no matter what. If we just went back to normal, no masks, we would have herd immunity in a month and it would all be done with but they want to milk this as long as they can.

I could not be more excited about all the Muslims and African immigrants streaming into Germany.

>> No.15097114

Dont you guys have to COPE some place?

>> No.15097115

At least they're not being cucked by people who are so sensitive to compromise without immediate, direct benefit that they extrapolate wearing a face mask to some malevolent intention instead of inhibiting some degree of saliva particles potentially containing an unprecedented, highly transmissible virus.
It's like people go out of their way to sidestep an actual, lame-ass debate about the costs of wearing a mask by creating a narrative that casts them as actively fighting on the side of good against evil.

I bet they would be protesting mandated car insurance similarly if it became law today. Of course they're trying to force people to use public metro, suppressing rural areas and forcing people into cities, make them less mobile and easier to control, trying to ruin economic expansion by restricting commutes, etc. Literally every narrative beyond having some guaranteed relief to the victims of a traffic accident, because then they'd have that lame argument about individual vs. societal costs that leaves them open to direct criticism.

>> No.15097124

We have mandated car insurance in Germany lol. You know why? Because any car crash could literally cost you upwards of a million bucks if your victim needs prolonged hospitalisation. So you pay a few bucks a year and everyone is safe from financial extermination.

>> No.15097131

Maybe the solution then is public funding for any prolonged hospitalization resulting from an accident rather than charging everyone hundreds of dollars a year for insurance they might not be able to even afford.

>few bucks

I highly doubt it is less than 200 dollars a year.

Keeping the insurance industry out of it altogether saves much more money in the end.

>> No.15097164

Our healthcare is free but that doesnt mean that society has to pay for your driving mistakes and mishaps. If you just wreck someone else's car, would you also make the state pay for it?
We have 3 degrees of insurance, Haftpflicht being the lowest and mandatory one, it doesnt cost much but only covers damage up to a certain threshold and it doesnt cover your costs when you are at fault. Then there is the other end of the spectrum where you pay a lot more, like a few hundred bucks depending on your age, experience driving etc, but youre pretty much covered from everything. Even if you accidentlay tip over a fuel truck, your car and the damage will likely be paid entirely (as well as all personal damage)

>> No.15097168

While the requirements are not consistent from state-to-state mandatory car insurance is universal enough and the exceptions are expensive/limiting enough that people who go without insurance just do it illegally, but they are a small minority of drivers.
Same thing for people who drive without registered license plates, except since that's pretty obvious to casual observers they'll selectively cling onto a 900-IQ interpretation of the legal code that has no precedence and relabel their car as a non-commerce, non-motor vehicle, private, etc.
However, it does signal to an officer that whoever is driving that car probably is probably going to make the interaction as displeasurable as they can get away with at best, so they may avoid opening that can of worms.

Just speculation, but I would imagine there is a large overlap between people who find paying insurance for the sake of others and potentially not themselves unacceptable, and people who find paying hospitalization from car accidents for the sake of others and potentially not themselves unacceptable.
As far as the keeping it out of the insurance industry, though, I agree.

>> No.15097200

You. are. a. mask. wearing. brainwashed. pussy.
I live in Asia, and am out drinking every night with hordes of the maskless. People here will slap that shit on due to social pressure, but most people think it's a joke. There were shitloads of Chinks here up until February, yet hardly anyone's dying here. Get out of your bubble, retard.

>> No.15097203

>slit your throat into your mechanical keyboard on the way out
Compressed air won’t do the job for cleaning up the aftermath I figure

>> No.15097240

>redpilled on masks
>still ok with vaccine

>> No.15097251
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/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting any and all political threads and posts as off topic.

>> No.15097259

Confirmed for not getting the point at all.

>> No.15098008

Doesn't matter what YOUR grandpa would choose. People walking about means old folk who don't want to die, become more at risk for dying. Because they need to get groceries, or go to the hospital for a checkup on something, or whatever else reason, old people can't stay in a sterile environment 100% of the time unless maybe they're rich. Most old people still get exposed to the public, and if the public is walking around even more infected because people won't stay safe during a pandemic, then more old people die.

This isn't fucking hard to imagine. So many stupid fucks can't think rationally about this shit and only think "REEEE MASK WHY."

>> No.15098021

When people look back on the sacrifices made during covid a hundred years from now, stances like yours will be remembered and mocked.

>> No.15098087

I bet none of the people who are panicking about covid19 and calling for draconian measures felt the same way regarding the flu last year.

>> No.15098354

Take-out seems to be working for the mid-high tier places. Fast food has always been about drive-thru anyway. Your neighborhood family restaurants and local pubs are pretty much gone though.

>> No.15098383

>draft beers are like $3 each...
Fucking what? What bar is that? I was paying $10 a beer for Negro Modello.

>> No.15098405

>the fear they are experiencing as control slowly slips from their hands.
Boomers have more control now than they ever did. They aren't afraid of dying, they're afraid of being old. They mentally peaked at 18 and since then have demanded the world cater to them in every single solitary instance. You'll hear it all the time; "Frank died at 71... so sad. He was still so young..." fucking what? No, Frank wasn't 'young' at 71, you just don't want to admit you're old and no longer have anything of value to offer. Not that Boomers had much to offer when they actually were young either, but that's beside the point.

>> No.15098411

>Ah, so if you don't die, you don't have crippling hospital bills, gotcha.
Just make the money later! Hell, they're alive, that's literally the only thing that matters right?

>> No.15098418

>can't wait till I get my vaccine
You're gonna be disappointed when they still require all these measures after the vaccine.

>> No.15098421

I think the owner of a restaurant I've been going to for lunch before has literally died
They said on their facebook page (main website where they would post daily menus etc.) they're taking a short break for about two weeks then no signs of life until the page got taken down randomly 2 months later

>> No.15098427

They will this year. And why not? These measures aren't harmful at all. Why would you roll them back?

>> No.15098435

What sacrifices?

>> No.15098443

Those with more to lose vs those who aren't fussed if they live or die. Honestly though? If you've paid off a house, have a decent career that you love and you are raising children the idea of dying is kind of awful? More to lose, yes but since when was that an insult?

>> No.15098447

This support you local businesses or lose them after the lockdown thing is good and all, but new businesses will open up to replace those that have closed. No good for the current businesses, but great for those who currently want to open a cafe, restaurant, bar etc

>> No.15098452

>If you've paid off a house, have a decent career that you love and you are raising children
This is not a reality for younger people.

>> No.15098458

>new businesses will open up to replace those that have closed.

>> No.15098596

im in the northern part of california, and lost my bar job in the city on and off due to all the flipping and flopping. eventually took another industry job a county over that just recently went into purple, but the owner doesnt give a fuck and its business as usual inside. i wonder how long itll last.

>> No.15098636

lol employees of those big box stores are exposed to even more diverse non viral bullshit, are still overworked and underpaid, and its obvious you and your ilk dont give a fuck about them either. so shut up before you start acting all empathetic and woke and shit you co/ck/

>> No.15098718

>i cant push a cart loaded with instant mac and cheeses around the walmart without huffing and puffing so hard employees think im choking on my venti coconut toffee frappucino
shut the fuck uuuup

>> No.15098745

They aren't gonna make you wear a mask forever. They eventually have to give it up.

>> No.15098760

>small businesses shutter
>riots destroy what is left of them
>yes good goooood
>t. amazon

if anyone should slit their throat it's this fucking loser

>> No.15098821

A lot of restaurants converted to take-out instead of closing completely. For those I talked to, it's "better than nothing".

>> No.15098851

Anyone else have this situation where they live?
>Small business that is actually a small business
>"Hey we really appreciate all of our guests, we're open for takeout and we are trying to help our servers for the holidays, think about donating or just leaving a tip, that's fine too. Thanks!"
>"Small business" that is really a restaurant part of a local restaurant group owned by a millionaire

>> No.15098982

>owned by a millionaire
This is not an accomplishment. 1 million dollars is not as much as it used to be. You need at least that much to successfully run a business these days unless you're operating on debt.

>> No.15099155

Why not? It doesn't provide any harm and can do a lot of good. Why stop wearing them?

>> No.15099372

>winter not allowing outside seating

>> No.15099541

Yep. They were allowing outdoor dining in my city but cases have been skyrocketing so they're shutting that down for a month starting Monday. Restaurants here are fucked.

>> No.15099687


>> No.15099697

If your grandma caught the flu she probably wouldn’t make it. the world is dangerous bro

>> No.15099705

Based except for the vaccine part, don’t get it retard

>> No.15099866

I think your reading comprehension is off, anon.

I don't love big business either but at least you don't have to deal with the owner of the company directly feeling insulted you want to take vacation or don't want to take extra shifts to help them, all while they personally do everything they can to not provide you with healthcare or time off.

Middle management in big business is still going to get their paycheck at the end of the day, so they don't give a fuck.

Example: Worked as a contractor for a small marketing local business. I explained that I couldn't work more than three days a week, and that agreement was written into my contract because they desperately needed my expertise. When they asked for 7 days a week (lol) a few weeks in, I firmly said no. The owner sets up a meeting. Explains to me, half mad, half in tears, that she put her heart and soul into this business and I need to respect that, if the company fails to deliver this project on time, they won't meet revenue goals for Q2. I explained to her, in kind words, that it wasn't my problem and I'd do my best to deliver on goals in the time we agreed to, but I wasn't breaking my contract.

She hated me every day after. But, nothing she could do, they needed me more than I needed them and I had no intention of staying longer than my 6 month deal. But that's most small business owners for you. It's all about THEM.

>> No.15099918

>one situation generalizes the rest of us
>hurting innocents is justified because of XYZ
die in a fire lamprey.

>> No.15099931

Because I don’t want to, faggot.

>> No.15099944

Well that's too bad then. Because it's going to be forever.

>> No.15099951

Fuck small restaurants why the fuck would you ever eat at some little shithole that couldn’t afford to expand? They obviously suck or they’d be a chain by now. Denying that chains are better than these podunk shitholes is literally delusional.

>> No.15100008

Nah, 98% of even personal friends I know that own small businesses are exploitative pieces of shit.

Off the top of my head I can literally think of two small business owners I know that treat their employees fairly, and invest at least some measure of capital back into their business on a regular basis to keep it in top shape.

>> No.15100261

Yeah, okay, it is possible that your exclusive small data sample is exactly as you've described. More likely you're a piece of fucking shit parasite who can eat, breathe, and type.

>> No.15100303

You might as well just add 10 years onto all the traditional milestones these days as we spend longer in education, generally have more options once out of education and are expected to live longer. The stuff parents ticked off in their 20's we'll just get done in our 30's.

>> No.15100328

Because eventually the high street will be so dead that rents will drop to the point where anybody with a little money and a dream can risk starting their own business and the next generation of small business owners rise up to replace the current ones. Economic catastrophe comes in cycles, boom follows bust. The world doesn't stop existing for those who are still here.

>> No.15100355

No way dude I've worked for small business owners and generally they are exploitative pieces of shit. You've got either money loving entrepreneurial types who mainly exploit the passion and hard work of others while they talk big about franchises and selling up as a 'going concern with a recognisable brand' or you've got workaholic try and do everything types who only hire you because they physically can't do it all themselves and they resent you for not working 24 hours a day for free while showing the same insane dedication and attention to detail that they often *think* they possess. Easiest way to get rich is to leverage others work.

>> No.15100554

Thank you. More or less what I was getting at.

And in small businesses you don't really have enough personnel to leverage any changes in the direction of the company. The owner makes all decisions unilaterally and is the final say in everything.

Few people get into small business to be altruistic and work with teams, they do it because they want money and to answer to no one but themselves. I don't *blame* anyone for that, it's how I'd be with my own business, but it doesn't make them any less of an exploitative piece of shit.

>> No.15100581

Also, what has you so butthurt? Are you a small business owner who is looking inward and realizing you don't pay your employees shit, give them benefits, or treat them with respect, and are mad someone called it out?

>> No.15100706

Why do you give a shit about entry level fags? They decided their labor was worth 2 dollars and begging from others. It’s not the employees fault lmao. It’s the employees for taking the job. How do you not see that? I believe that with my knowledge and talent and skill as a project manager, I’m worth a fuck ton. I charge that. If you take a 7.25 job, then that’s all you value yourself at. They’re new age slaves. Just use and abuse them.
You will always be poor if you have compassion like this for failures and fuck-ups.

>> No.15100727

So you’re admitting you’re an exploitative piece of shit. You really think you’d say no tips and pay everyone 20/hr or something? Go fuck yourself for that lie. Arguing in bad faith isn’t proving a point. Pay them what they’re worth. Nothing.

>> No.15100769

Everyone has to start somewhere, and not everyone can go to a four year university. They still need to feed themselves and their families. Hell, where I live, you can easily break six figures if you're in the right restaurant/bar (before tourism died).

Also, no one cares what you "value yourself at." If there's no Project Manager jobs, eventually your ass is going to run out of money and have to take a lesser job. Hell, that's where I am - I was making six figures as a marketing exec, and now that the industry is dried up, it doesn't matter what I made before, my unemployment will burn out by March, and I'm going to have to go take whatever I can get, regardless of what I "value myself at."

>> No.15100798

No, I'm not an exploitative piece of shit, and that's why I'm not opening my own business at any point.

It's not just restaurants I'm talking about here either though, anon. But yeah, if I owned a place, I'd cut out tips and make them explicitly banned. Tipping is bullshit.

>> No.15100843

Nah, the industry is thriving. You don’t have a job because you won’t move or you won’t tow the line on what others want. You’re an employee. Act like one.
Do you even bring anything to the table? I doubt it if you’re on unemployment.

>> No.15100902

Amazing that the answer to a virus is to shut down all the small shops and cram everyone into the super stores. And people just nod their heads and put on a little cloth over their face.

>> No.15100937

my town hasn't shut down yet, unfortunately. I stopped eating at the only black owned diner in town after BLM but they are still in business :(

The best spot in town has reduced their menu and eliminated specials, but since they own the building outlook is good.

>> No.15101051

The industry is crashed in my vertical - travel. No one is going anywhere, and occupancy rates are at 50% for most hotels. Yes, moving would be a terrible idea. I own a home and my cost of living is $600 a month in 3 bedroom (I have a roommate), in a nice area. I'm not going to move away from that before I'm sure I can't get a job here again.

I'm likely going to have to downgrade my life, because that's reality. Just like it is for many others, including small business owners. They're gonna have to suck it up and get back to work somewhere.

>> No.15101194

I own a wholesale bakery, and about 65% of my business is selling to restaurants. Orders from restaurants tanked to near zero from May to September but things are picking back up like crazy. Every other day I'm getting voicemails from new places wanting a bread connect. It seems like an extremely volatile time to start a restaurant, but maybe there's enough cheap access to equipment and property that counterbalance that. It'll be interesting to see how things go this winter with cases spiking.

>> No.15101899

Lots of places have closed down. And nobody is leasing the new vacancies either.
I get more and more worried.

>> No.15101906

You know that's not how it actually works right? There are hard time limits to things like starting a family.

>> No.15101911

>where anybody with a little money
That'd be the banks. They're not gonna start issuing loans they don't think will be paid back again.

>> No.15101916

Because I find them extremely uncomfortable to wear, and I am not alone in that.

There's a reason people didn't wear masks everywhere before COVID. It is much easier to breathe without a mask on.

Deaths are not skyrocketing. This is all a hoax.

>> No.15101918

Well there's nothing you can do about it. They're fucked, probably forever, and so are you and me.

>> No.15101920

>Because I find them extremely uncomfortable to wear, and I am not alone in that.
So what? It's a bit of discomfort for the greater good.

>> No.15101938

My friend has a tiny Italian restaurant. It was a lot for work for him but he changed to more of a bakery during the mornings and takeout only which he never did before. He has been doing good because of margins on bakery shit and he has less staff.

>> No.15102037

No, not at all and were also at full capacity and this is at a black diamond restraunt as well... t. Sous chef

>> No.15102902

>Razor thin margins
>$10 for a fucking plate

>> No.15102929

Its not a bit. Its a lot. I find every second excruciating.

>> No.15102933

>I find it excruciating to have a piece of cotton on my face
Your grandfather war vet is rolling in his grave

>> No.15102939

He's still alive but he voted for Trump so I'm pretty sure he's fine with me not wearing a mask,

>> No.15103233

Old is 35+ for having children. There is a decline in fertility and an increase in certain risk factors, but negligible until 32 significant at 37. Many people are having children later, by choice or necessity. I don't agree with all aspects of the system as it is, but implying that it is impossibly broken for all young people is inaccurate. Do you want children or do you want to maintain the living standards within which you grew up? I mean it is a ponzi scheme after all.

>> No.15103240

They will. Investors want a return and thus a good idea will still find backers. Also 'having a little money' means having some money, yourself or your family. It is relatively rare to expect to start a business without any capital. Property costs will fall as businesses close up. Second hand equipment will flood the market. People will be willing to supply for less and work for less, business grants/loans/schemes will come about to stimulate poorly performing areas. The whole scheme will continue, just not for the current businesses. Why would you start a business if you don't think you can make money? Why would you take a loan that you can't pay back? Why would you give a loan that won't be paid back? The point is there will be people able to see opportunity within this.

>> No.15103256
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At steep price
Invest in propane and propane accessories

>> No.15103260

I run a microbrewery and 95% of our output went direct to bars, restaurants and clubs. 5% was to our own venues. Covid has killed these industries dead, but we are still making money. Rather than produce and deliver a lot of beer with 18 staff we produce a relatively tiny amount with 4 staff. 80% goes through our own venues, national courier drops online and some local delivery and collection, the rest export via international wholesale. It isn't easy to adapt, but generally if that is what you are used to doing then you find a way to roll with it and make it work. Sucks for delivery drivers (minimum wage) office staff (minimum wage, often intern) and sales guys (minimum wage, commission basis). Really business continuation means retaining key staff and knowledge and paying the bills while riding it out.

>> No.15103303
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Italy reporting in. It's brutal, most businesses live hand to mouth with only two months of emergency funds, at most. :(

Tbqh, idk how some of them existed anyway before covid... generic pastries not made in house and coffee that can be bought at the grocery store for less was never very appealing to me.

>> No.15103322

>Planes are still empty, prices are dirt cheap, there's capacity in our casinos/hotels, yet -- shock -- people don't want to come here and get the coof.
Dude, that's bulls**t. People want to travel and live life, but they're too afraid of all the quacky rules, laws, and mandates that exist around covid. Travel varies by region and requires arbitrary various things, nobody wants to get arrested or detained or sent back if they didn't follow stupid asshat fly-by-night rules. It's a completely designed clusterf**k, in order to reshape society.

>> No.15103367

>won't be shutting down again
he'll be replaced by someone that's willing to play ball

>> No.15103428


I know a post this retarded is probably bait but the point isn't the stock market, the rich can and will be making money off of this shutdown. It's the middle, working and poor classes that will be most negatively effected by the economic damage. Small independent business that kept more money in the community and allowed financial independence from large corporations will be devastated and that will have a ripple effect.

So the question is: How many deaths from economic devastation are you willing to have so you can feel like a self righteous prick while transferring more wealth to the upper class?

>> No.15103453

If poor people and childless white females vote in far left communist nazis that lock them in their apartments make them poorer and want to kill themselves that is democracy and we must protect the right of people to vote for their own suffering.

>> No.15103722

>Many people are having children later
Many aren't having them at all. Birth rates for this year alone are expected to decline 40%, so spare me your copium.

>> No.15103726

>The point is there will be people able to see opportunity within this.
And those """"people"""" are the Chinese, who are buying up foreclosed homes and businesses at a alarming rate. They don't have any use for the properties either other than as a method to shield their money from their government. And their government is buying plenty as well, as a means of colonizing America. Look at California, look at western Canada.

>> No.15103738

I'm in Columbia SC and only a few have closed, mostly ones on their way out anyways. With no restrictions but mask wearing, I think most will make it.

>> No.15103774

I live in a very touristy town, where the summer crowds keep year long businesses afloat.
Half of the most popular places shut down, or never even bothered to open. The ones that are left are barely hanging on.
And now that winter is coming, chances are only a handful will survive.
(the smart ones are bribing health officials to look the other way on booze/capacity)

>> No.15104318

Sure, "quacky laws." Wear a mask, spread out a little. People are *terrified* of these small things, otherwise they'd be traveling and dumping their money into the economy. In a world where not a soul is getting arrested or detained for this shit. Are you just dumb or do you get all of your news from InfoWars or something?

>deaths from economic devastation
This is a meme and a number you basically make out of thin air. Not an argument.

>> No.15104402

Due to the location and nature of my city, it's likely that we suffered less than average. The restaurants have been hanging on and in select cases thriving; a large number have even opened. There have been a few closures, but those restaurants were on the outs.

>> No.15104430

>This is a meme
Suicides are up 40-60%. Are those deaths less concerning? They're just as preventable.

>> No.15104503

Loving all of these 'who cares if mom and dad die I need my tendies' retards getting bootyblasted over shitty businesses getting shuttered and people having to suffer from temporary bouts of mental illness. I guess their own excessive comfort is more important to them than human lives.

>> No.15104526

That's really sweet. Wait til an extreme recession kills everyone's grandparents and at risk relatives. Then it'll really be worth it.

>> No.15104569

Don't bother, they'll just blame something else. Or join the millions who are offing themselves because death is preferable to a bleak and painful future.

>> No.15104587

are you aware that you are a sociopath

>> No.15104616

You know quite a few elderly and at risk people rely on their family for money? What do you think happens when all of their family is broke

>> No.15104650

They'll just get more money later. That's how it works.

>> No.15104690

The only restaurants near me that have closed since meme flu is ones that were failing scam restaurants to begin with.
I don't live in a city though, but a right-leaning middle class-upper middle class suburb.

>> No.15104711

Why do you retards make up ridiculous scenarios to justify your positions when you're clearly just butthurt that life is slightly less convenient now? People who lose their jobs will likely find new ones eventually. People who feel unhappy because of the pandemic will likely recover. What would be much more difficult to recover from is, you know, dying. Or losing lung or kidney function, or having a loved one die. The idea that losing a few month's worth of income is somehow worse than death is stupid on so many levels.
It is a bit hard to form empathy for grown ass adults having a tantrum about wearing a face covering.

>> No.15104781

>People who lose their jobs will likely find new ones eventually. People who feel unhappy because of the pandemic will likely recover

>> No.15104817

>Few people get into small business to be altruistic and work with teams
No shit. It's almost as if people work to provide themselves with an income. You might as well be complaining that the servers aren't really there because they really, really like helping people.

>> No.15104961

To be /ck/ adjacent
There's luxury cars at the food bank line-up, there's an entire new class of people that turned nigger rich

>> No.15104971
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coronavirus doesn't exist, its completely fake

>> No.15105007

From where
Finding a job in a recession is tough bud