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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 1024x576, in-n-out-colorado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15093658 No.15093658 [Reply] [Original]

In the midst of a pandemic, burger enthusiasts line-up around the block for the grand opening of In-N-Out in Colorado Springs. Some have been waiting for days.

>> No.15093661

at long last

>> No.15093675

I would have thought Americans be more afraid of covid than anyone. How much would a hospital stay on a ventilator cost someone with regular health insurance?

>> No.15093683

bout tree fiddy

>> No.15093691

Between $0 and $40,000. It's a surprise!

>> No.15093697
File: 226 KB, 500x312, 062451ed9b7eb412f1c9a4e57d22d8cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans aren't afraid of anything!! :o)

>> No.15093708

most overrated shit ever. I still eat there 3 times per week though

>> No.15093727

Where the fuck in Springs is that?
t. rural security widefeld

>> No.15093784
File: 74 KB, 453x604, BFCC1595-140A-4653-822C-3F69FA6C7476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im from the East Coast but lived in Cali for like 6 months so needless to say I went right to In-n-Out. It was fantastic so I kept going back but by like my 5th time I realized that it wasnt even that great, its a marketing ploy they use like how Israel puts all their pretty soldiers in touristy towns to get foreign Jews to stay and fight with the promise of young coochie.

Also anyone who goes out in huge crowds like that is a fucking idiot.

>> No.15093805

in n out is good the first time you have it, thats it.

>> No.15093828

>It was fantastic
>then I realized it wasnt that great


>> No.15093860

I was very sick recently and ended up spending 4 night in the hospital. That, along with some further doctors appointments, the bill to my insurance was about $50,000

>> No.15093870

It’s free. Just don’t pay the bill lmao.

>> No.15093894


You realize how easy it to place liens and garnish wages? I did it without a lawyer when I was 23 over a debt someone owed me and I ended up forcing a sherrifs sale of two cars and a dirtbike they owned, then got some of their paycheck each week for a few months. If I could do that solo, collections agents will have no problem doing so.

>> No.15093918

I don't think hospitals do this to the same degree. I used the ambulance fifteen times in three months and then just said I couldn't pay and they forgot about it. Another time my mom who does have money said she didn't and offered to pay $1 a month for the rest of her life and they just forgave the bill

>> No.15093936
File: 33 KB, 450x253, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being in a hospital with tubes down your throat and slowly drowning in your own juices. Your family can't come into the room to see you as you haggardly draw your last few breaths. They can't even give you a proper funeral. You're alone and drowning and in pain and as you slowly slip out of your mind from lack of oxygen, you think to yourself:

"At least I got to try a mediocre burger from an over-rated burger joint that nobody really cares about."

>> No.15093946

nobody under 80 is dying from this and if you're 80 and want the burger, why stop them? to get another 3 years of life? fag

>> No.15093962

>n0b0dY 0VeR 80...

my uncle died three months ago, dipshit. people like you are the reason why this shit is still circulating around.

>> No.15093980

congrats, your uncle was fat as fuck or had a comorbidity.

>> No.15093987

it's overrated because of how astronomical some people's fervor is over it. it's definitely one of the best for checking all boxes of speed, taste, and amount you get for what you pay when comparing to other fast food burger places that beat in n out in one or two categories but just don't meet all those metrics the way in n out can. like there are absolutely better fast food burgers but they typically cost a lot more and take a lot longer to get for not as much food unless you pay even more. but the californians who rave and holler about it being the most amazing thing ever are full of it. ironically I'm living here now and think it gets overrated even if good while my buddy in NY is almost as fervent about how good it is as these californians

>> No.15093995

I told my 2 year old about this and she almost broke down and said, "why don't those people understand the science?" At least three people in the coffee shop clapped

>> No.15094002

Yeah I said the same thing to my 6 month old. We were in a Starbucks and I asked who is to blame for this Corona virus fiasco that the whole restaurant went so quiet you could almost hear a pin drop. My 6 month old coughed a little bit and then pointed to a framed photo of Donald Trump that the assistant manager had put on the wall. Everybody in the restaurant gasped at the same time and then started clapping. We got 30% off our drinks.

>> No.15094018

thank you for your service. i'm having my 5 year old memorize your posts and write an essay about you for xir class on the topic "everyday heroes"

>> No.15094020

they're gonna feel stupid once they realize its not that great tasting. In and Out isn't the worst burger out there but boy is it overrated

>> No.15094028

Bunch of retards. Good Times blows it out of the water.

>> No.15094032

We have a McDonalds drive thy nearby, this evening there was a queue that spilled out into the road, and the connecting road. Gotta get that maccie d's in

>> No.15094033
File: 135 KB, 635x635, 1583325298895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the election is over drumpkeks, you don't need to do this anymore

>> No.15094036
File: 310 KB, 1200x1600, photo+1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let em crowd our in n outs...diverts them away from our real secret treasure.

>> No.15094042

leftists worship black cock. the election is over, you can stop worshipping black cock now? but you won't will you?

>> No.15094043

Burger reporting in. I can see why the rest of the world hates burgers.

>> No.15094073

>Some have been waiting for days.
Those same people probably wear masks inside their own homes and cars.

>> No.15094079

rather black cock than orange.

>> No.15094081

>homo introduces black cock out of nowhere when nobody was talking about it
it's ok, be free, go suck the cocks you love

>> No.15094082

if you aren't wearing a mask while you are driving, you are part of the problem. jesus christ how hard it is it? WEAR THE MASK

>> No.15094086

Kek. Thank you, anons.

>> No.15094090

9/10 got me to reply.

>> No.15094100

>fine Turkish Ottoman gentleman on /int/ makes fun of them by posting pictures of muscular Africans
>years later they are still FUMING

>> No.15094106 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 770x761, 1604971700217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what food is this?

>> No.15094150

we are never going to make it

>> No.15094371

>nobody under 80 is dying from this
>well ok they are but that means they had to have had some preexisting condition

Its faggots like you who are keeping the pandemic going longer than it should have. Fuck you

>> No.15094460

In-N-Out recently opened by where i work. The line for the drive thru was stupid. Cars were staged in a mall parking lot just to get to the drive thru line. After about 2 weeks, the line disappeared. Had In-N-Out for lunch today. It's an okburger/10. Their fries tasted ok, but they were all stubby, 1" fries. I'm in no hurry to go back.

>> No.15094471

Why are those people wearing masks?

>> No.15094481

why have magatards got men sucking black cocks on their mind all the time?

>> No.15095383

Suddenly, I want to fight for Israel

>> No.15095392

English learn it or get out. Or just get out

>> No.15095404

I'd suck his cock

>> No.15095407
File: 138 KB, 582x782, soy196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the midst of a pandemic

>> No.15095454

do you think it still works

>> No.15095459

imagine posting something like this...how much cheeto dust has amassed on your fingers?

>> No.15095462

I mean, id travel back in time and suck this particular cock. Not his current one

>> No.15095471

Hunter's is still available. Looked pretty juicy

>> No.15095474

at least I don't care about the DEMpanic. The PLANdemic. The SCAMdemic.

>> No.15095478

love reading posts like this, it makes me realize im not as detached from reality as most people

>> No.15095486

keep coping faggot

>> No.15095508

keep crying my dude, joe biden is literally your president now i hope you realize he's gonna set the country in the right direction by putting us on a REAL lockdown

>> No.15095523

At least those flyovers will finally lose their jobs like us real people did in May

>> No.15095529

LOL cry more you little bitch.

>> No.15095535

Biden is literally not president

>> No.15095546

>what is the office of the president elect?
Are you stupid?

>> No.15095555

--- Blessings and mercy be multiplied upon YOU! Repent! Jesus Christ is coming back soon! Don't be afraid to ally with the victor over sin and death! Christ conquered sin and death in order for you to reign with Him in supreme peace! Repent, and claim His victory of eternal salvation before it's too late! ---


>> No.15096221

Interquest and Voyager. Near the church where the anti-gay preacher was having homo sex with a fag hooker while smoking crystal meth

>> No.15097160

The ingredients actually taste real as well. Not like they have filler and bullshit.

>> No.15097556

I work down the road from here. The line of cars stretched out onto the interstate. I was livid. Just wanted to go home

>> No.15098406

Based and evangelicalpilled
Perfect way to describe the location