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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 1000x667, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15057992 No.15057992 [Reply] [Original]

How do you go from this...

>> No.15057994
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, 5a56ef3a2b04d.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..to this...

>> No.15057996
File: 50 KB, 550x550, drive-thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..to this?

>> No.15057999

Gay people like OP who buy shitty manboob burgers, mostly.

>> No.15058000
File: 68 KB, 1163x715, you are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with CAD software and a designer.
seems pretty self explanatory to me.

>> No.15058004
File: 216 KB, 1200x630, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or from this...

>> No.15058007

Yeah you could say the same shit about those cars, just because you're unjustly nostalgic and for whatever reason think new fast food models "have no soul" doesn't mean they aren't an objective improvement in every functional way.

>> No.15058008
File: 68 KB, 800x498, 7tzkli6ljw741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..to this...

>> No.15058009

Simple. This was a small and unique looking place that clearly catered to the idea of the American dream, which attributed to their success, as well as their unheard of speed and efficiency at producing food.
This is peak capitalism. Cutting corners and mistreating employees at every step of the way. Shit, they don't even care about their customers either, as all that matters is wether or not you're putting their food in your hole. Literal drug dealers.
After years of public ridicule and outrage, they decided to perform a face lift so the public customer base will feel comfortable ordering food from them again. But while the dining room and uniforms are new and fancy, the employees and food are still treated like absolute dog shit

>> No.15058011
File: 109 KB, 1140x712, Remodeled Taco Bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...to this?

>> No.15058014

go by car, I guess.

>> No.15058017
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>> No.15058023
File: 70 KB, 1072x600, j9mu625f0ih41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s taco bell did it right

>> No.15058026

I know one thing it does is get free advertising, like what you are doing now.

>> No.15058038

Because you and everyone else truly doesn't care what the medium between you and garbage grease piles getting tossed into your gullet. You'd meet a nigger in an alley for 2 for $3 quarter pounder w/ cheese's you junkies.

>> No.15058042
File: 47 KB, 630x630, onionbelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tie one of these on and it will all be better.

>> No.15058043
File: 19 KB, 228x274, Ronald64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I summon a drawfag. Please draw a McDonald's with classical architecture.
Your payment is this picture of Gamer Ronald.

>> No.15059120

The old architecture was just as ugly, you've got nostalgia on your goggles.

>> No.15059171
File: 1.55 MB, 1299x644, this is the dawning of the Age of Bavaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strip malls and neighborhood associations; the weird notion that individuality somehow fucks with the all-important property values.

>> No.15059224

Damn that's aesthetic makes me wanna play sega saturn

>> No.15059562


>> No.15059974
File: 19 KB, 446x435, 1576131321282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no soul anymore anon. Just spreadsheets with colors that direct decisions. The only creativity is that which directs the color of the spreadsheets. I miss having some identifiable tacit culture. I miss having some cultural identity. I miss having an opportunity that was promised to me. I miss being young and hopeful rather than almost 30 with a failed business, no family, no gf, no social circle, and no direction. The rope is looking like the 90's taco bell. The rope is the only thing that will give me the satisfaction and hope I had when eating there with my family in the 90's. I don't want to do this anymore anons.

>> No.15060093

there was one like this outside highschool shit was kino after gym

>> No.15060170

Bro 60 years ago worker had like no protections. You could get stiffed on wages, sexually harrassed, fired for no reason, no health insurance. I'm pretty sure your boss could legally beat you too
idk how that's ideal capitalism to you

>> No.15060171

holy FUCK did you really just post Yeshmin Blechin

>> No.15060198

Ah yes the 20 yearold expert who never had a job knows how things were 60 years ago

>> No.15060293


>> No.15060318

I'm an actual boomer so its funny when you children explain how things were before your parents were born

>> No.15060331

I'd tell you why, but I don't feel like getting moderated today.

>> No.15060348

boomers are so hyper concerned with their own personal experience so they disavow any perspectives to the contrary

>> No.15060394

no fool like an old fool

>> No.15060496

yeah so kino totes mcgoats so cash

>> No.15060578

I don't care if I order shit food from a soulless gray building, but how the fuck did the corporation think this aesthetic was good marketing? Kids are going to see this place and beg their parents to take them there?

>> No.15061037


>> No.15061052

Based. I never really liked taco bell but these interiors were really memorable

>> No.15061080

>I’m an actual boomer
No you’re not lmao

>> No.15061120

Why would I listen to a child telling me how life was back in the day? You tards think we all got free houses and gfs when we were born

>> No.15061136

Boomers are the most narcissistic generation of all time (ok with the possible exception of millennials) and think their own experience trumps reality.

>> No.15061144


>> No.15061172

You’re not a boomer fag. You’re a 19 year old

>> No.15061182

mcdonalds is not food. off topic take it to /trash/ where it belongs

>> No.15061244

Is this to disturb homeless people?

>> No.15061260

>looking for soul in fast food restaurants
easy on the hfcs and impossible burgers you fucking retards

>> No.15061958

60 years ago you could walk out of high school into a blue collar job that would pay for at least one car, multiple children born from a pious woman, and retire with benefits.

Importing illegal labor and offshoring should have been capital crimes.

>> No.15061962

Make it uncomfortable to spend a lot of time indoors. Primarily targeting blacks but you can't say the truth.

>> No.15061970

I'm 19 years old and I like the new modern design of McDonald's.

>> No.15061974
File: 95 KB, 1024x498, nazi-burger-king-e1566900784888-1024x498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15061975
File: 524 KB, 2000x1000, 567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they wanted a more closer approach to structures mexicans are more familiar with.

>> No.15061978

why would a straight man sexually harass another man?

>> No.15061983

Power. Most of the guys who do prison rapes are straight.

>> No.15061984

The final solution to hunger

>> No.15061985


Globalist Capitalism

>> No.15061999
File: 7 KB, 169x299, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King's castle.

>> No.15062142
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1559911965056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my sides anon

>> No.15062183

>ok with the possible exception of millennials

>> No.15062386
File: 53 KB, 594x595, 1594341877123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being a member of the original Golden Arch Supper Club

Do you really think none of the founding buildings are still around?

>> No.15062398

That looks like The Max straight out of Saved by the Bell

>> No.15062666

"Modern" architecture is soulless, sterile. The goal is to be as non-offensive as possible. Additionally, they are built for the lowest possible cost.

>> No.15062796
File: 72 KB, 640x480, c3fbbc8713b11568663922c8d7acdfa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak comfy. I miss the playgrounds bros...

>> No.15062860

they had to start appealing to an older crowd, sales were falling because it was viewed as a kids thing

>> No.15062910

Looks like the hamburglar is into some freaky shit

>> No.15063308

He is just downloading his gestures

>> No.15063361

The yellow pops against the grey, but I miss the arches.

>> No.15063448


>> No.15063504

Because you're looking at them after the fact with scarcity in play. There is nothing particularly unique about that building given what it is and when it was build. The only outstanding architectural features are replaceable decorative elements. In 20 years when the current mass produced design consensus for fast food restaurants has changed and people are in peak nostalgia for what things were like when they were kids >>15057996 is going to be posted and everyone is going to be talking about how they have "soul." Also there a major retro design trend with McDs several years ago so it's entirely possible to find more McDonalds that look like OP pic than >>15057994 depending on the area.

>> No.15063602

I'm thinking have sex

>> No.15063608
File: 264 KB, 879x881, 1601781286633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...to this?

>> No.15063614

Is this graphic to mean those individuals all hold a Isreali passport or was this just the graphic used.

>> No.15063619
File: 462 KB, 720x738, 4827725D-2C67-4B01-B84C-349D6FFE6F56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15063773

shut up you soulless kike

>> No.15063789
File: 61 KB, 800x420, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know exactly when I stopped living on a sane Earth - I just know it happened at some point. Hell, I remember back when McDonald's was giving away mini-Christmas stockings in their kid's meals.

>> No.15063990
File: 368 KB, 900x656, 1601442209643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly the reason why getting a well paying job was so easy 60 years ago. 14 year old kids could get better paying jobs than grad students. If your employer was a dick you could just shop around for a different employer.
You can never ask for job security, only job opportunity.

>> No.15064077

Ah yes the child explaining how things were 60 years ago

>> No.15064112
File: 1003 KB, 500x223, odJt8Ky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you misunderstood his post. He's kinda right. One of the worst things to ever happen to us boomers was when the fucking feds decided to create laws about "age discrimination". Now, once you hit 40, nobody ever wants to hire you because if you don't work out, you can sue the company claiming they only wanted to get rid of you because you're old.

That's why old farts are relegated to the roles of Wal-Mart "greeter" or security "guard".

>> No.15064119

No, you must have no skills, joe biden is senile and he just got hired as president. His whole post was childish nonsense to justify being a loser

>> No.15064142

You cant compete against females and illegals now for a job at McDonald's how would you ever compete against a white man in 1960 when you play with cartoons like a 4 yearold

>> No.15064605

Uhhhh you can also sue if you feel like you WEREN'T hired because of your age so this post makes no sense you dried up raisin

>> No.15064816

who decided that every new building in north america had to look like this

>> No.15065123


>> No.15066317

The ’50s and ’80s were a long time ago, Anon.

>> No.15066462

Deeply, deeply based

>> No.15067372

looks like shit
looks like shit
look boring but easier to maintain

>> No.15067380

clashes aesthetically when not in a shitty mexican infested city
this has SOUL but again it clashes with literally every other building around it
sadly this is the generic fast food style these days. unremarkable but consistent

>> No.15067833

Is this real or some unused set for demolition man?

>> No.15067855

Anon I'm sorry you didn't get to grow up in the 90s.

>> No.15067865

>suicide is just as good as taco bell from the 90s
I doubt it bro, seems gay and I suspect taco bell might be good again in like 20-30 years. Your life personally idk but I think there's hope for taco bell at least.

>> No.15067872

based if true

>> No.15067877

They have dual citizenship with israel.

>> No.15067894

what the shit are you talking about and do you know what the AFL-CIO is

>> No.15068005

Enjoy your S.0.Ymmunism! For real tough, gentrification is horrible

>> No.15068462

i miss this kind of taco bell. from a time when i still didn't grasp how much of an alcoholic my father is.

>> No.15068496

I got a free wife at the age of 13 in a past life. Met her when I was 16 and she was 7.

>> No.15068503

>restaurant inside goes out of business
>new building is fairly easy to convert into any other kind of store, food based or not
>remove tacobell logo
>slap on new logo
>renovate inside
and bam you have a brand new turbotax where the guy going to it doesn't immediately know it's in the old pizzahut building because the shape of it.

>> No.15068652

>ay yo mayne yo mcchicken comin soon pull into that space ova there
>30 minutes later

>> No.15068697

Cause that's the current modern style companies keep doing. The simple, minimalist look

>> No.15068709

You’re a really dumb faggot

>> No.15068714

The 90’s did everything right. Fuck people who say the 90’s were shit

>> No.15068729

Yeah faggot we get it your life is shit so is ours. We should’ve never let women vote

>> No.15068741

You’re not a boomer you’re a nigger

>> No.15068750

Basically anyone one born after the mid 90’s is worthless. Most boomers are also worthless but at least they didn’t give the world Tik tok

>> No.15068755

Yeah faggot that’s what happens in a welfare-capitalist country, that’s also what happens when spic’s and niggers pour into the country overpopulating it. Also you don’t even know what you’re saying when you say “offshoring,” that’s a totally meaningless buzz term.