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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15053281 No.15053281 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you go to the grocery store anon? I heard some euros go daily

>> No.15053306

Every other day mostly, grocery store is a 1 minute walk from my home. Sometimes daily when i can't decide what to eat the next day or when i forget stuff.

>> No.15053322

Once a month, I’m heading into the last few weeks and surviving off popcorn and canned peas for dinner

>> No.15053324


>> No.15053332

I buy the usual stuff for the week but I go to the grocery store almost everyday, at work I usually think about what I'm craving and what I want to cook for dinner, I'm almost salivating all day while doing my job because I cannot stop thinking about food.

>> No.15053497
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water apple banana and can sope

>> No.15053557

I go pretty much every day and I'm euro yes. They're always within walking distance, it gives me something to do, and I take advantage of the discounts

>> No.15053573

Euro here, I go daily but only because I'm an alcoholic, not safe to buy a """week's worth""" of alcohol since I'll just go on a bender. Sometimes I go twice if I drink all that I've bought before stores close but I usually go to different places. I like to think buying small amounts of food every day makes me look like less of a degenerate but I think all the cashiers are onto me by now. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.15053604

I have a new yorker friend and he went off about how he went to the store daily and he didn't understand my weekly grocery runs. what the hell doesn't last a week though? I don't understand going to the store every single day. that's just a big waste of time. if I buy a whole chicken I will get a couple of days of meals out of it what do I need to go to the store on the second day for? the only ingredients I have to buy fairly often are proteins, greens, and shallots. everything else keeps fine for weeks.

>> No.15053666 [DELETED] 

Once a month because I live in an isolated tourist town and it takes 1.5 hrs to get to a store that has non-rapey prices

>> No.15053686

i live alone so once a week.
when i am with family every 2 days.

>> No.15053691

about to go for my 3rd time today. Holy fuck I love grocery stores.

>> No.15053698

Five to seven times a week.

>> No.15053708
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Find Christ. Unironically.

>> No.15053950

Its so hard to get used to going to the grocery like once every week or less when you lived a cross the street from a grocery store for 18 years.

>> No.15053976

I cook about one square meal a week that I stretch. The rest is usually drive-thru. Since I'm an idiot I usually forget an ingredient. And I need beer. So three times a week.

>> No.15053991

Just went to buy some bananas for my mum. Usually I buy meat, flour, butter, etc in bulk 4 times a year. Veggies once or twice a month or sometimes I just don't.

>> No.15054012

same, i go almost every day and just get what i need because i pass the store on my way home

>> No.15054028

it's basically the same thing buying everything in a giant weekly run vs buying the same amount over the course of the week. the difference is driving, wherein suburbanites like to pretend they're frugal by saving a few fractions of a cent by only driving the couchmobile to the store every few days

>> No.15054035


>> No.15054038

Euro here, probably 4 days a week

>> No.15054055

A Jew in the desert, written about after he died, and adopted in the entirety Europe >1500 years ago wiping out the original culture. A blight of a religion. You're appropriating Judaism, who believe in the duality of god, creating both good and evil. Life isn't a fairytale and talking to yourself is a sign of psychosis but you give yourself a free pass I guess, because logic.

>> No.15054059

Once every 7-10 days. As long as my milk keeps, basically.

>> No.15054095

my city is not walkable. it would be a few miles to the nearest grocery store and everything is along this huge arterial street with no sidewalks and no bike lanes. it's a glorified highway. has nothing to do with whether or not we want to drive

>> No.15054184


>> No.15054187
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I hate grocery shopping and I hate cooking and I hate having to eat food to survive. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15054193

Same. Same. But it's a small grocery store a block away from my apartment that carries a small yet varied assortment of stuff. I don't have to drive to the Kroger and spend an hour in traffic on I-687

>> No.15054319

Whenever I am done with my shift if I need anything. Sometimes I’ll go to another store if they have something good or a good deal, but with the whole ‘rona thing going around most of my shopping has been in the same place.
t. grocery manager

>> No.15054366

I don't like eating food but I love drinking. My fridge is usually about 1/5th food, and 4/5ths beverages of a variety of kinds.

I wish I could just drink all my nutrition in a way that wasn't onions.

>> No.15054514

I live like 50 meters from a store, so I'd have to pick up milk, lettuce or something for today's cooking, its probably about 2-4 times a week, but it's never more then 10 bucks
And then we go about once or twice a month and buy big quantities, this is when we buy meats and cheese and other expensive stuff

>> No.15054526
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I go to the Eurospin once a month to get long-lasting essentials and then buy fresh stuff (meat, dairy, fish, vegetables/fruits, bread) 3-4 times a week from "specialized small stores" (I don't know if you have names like bakery and butcher's shop for vegetables and dairy but those are what I mean)
t. Italian

>> No.15054531

what are you talking about

>> No.15054545

I go about 3 times a week, living in Seattle
there are several stores within walking distance so it's no big deal, I'm only cooking for my girlfriend and myself so it's not like I have to plan a week's worth of meals for a family of 5. I prefer all of my produce and meats/cheeses to be as fresh as possible when cooking anyway

>> No.15054582

Corner stores: daily
Big grocery stores: monthly

>> No.15054627

Euro here, used to go daily, been going once a week for about 2 years now. I live in the city center and there are literally 15+ grocery stores within walking distance, one is 5 meters from entrance to my home, but daily shopping is just a waste of time now that I have family and not so much spare time anymore.

>> No.15054636

Before covid once a fortnite. Since covid once every 3ish months.

>> No.15054655

This is me except going twice a day. Especially with the buying small amounts of food. Deutschland?

>> No.15054657

What? Soy isn’t filtered here champ

>> No.15054659

Eurospin really is garbage. Jesus what a dump.

>> No.15054684

So you're the dude walking through my market with three carts full of food. What's up, bud?

>> No.15055012

I've been to the grocery store 9 days in a row.

>> No.15055021

it's the only place we are allowed to go. I go about four days a week. sometimes five.

>> No.15055090

We'd call a vegetable place a produce stand/shop or farmer's market. We'd call a dairy place a dairy.

>> No.15055092

MI anon here, i go about every 3-4 days...one of those days is for the bulk of the weeks groceries. The others are for odds and ends or a forgotten item for dinner usually

>> No.15055099

>How often do you go to the grocery store anon? I heard some euros go daily
If I lived somewhere that I walked literally past a store? A city block? I might pick up fresh bread or dessert, some fresh fruit, or a quick prep dinner, maybe. I don't go past a grocery on the way home from work, however.

It's a pretty deliberate detour from my very suburban home (on the bay) to veer instead towards shopping centers vs over a bridge and an pretty solid 15mins to my home. It's inconvenient to spend a to/from round trip of 45 minutes of my life each day for just shopping. So, I don't. With covid risks, I am trying not to shop more than once weekly. There's a risk each time you go, why increase it? With that said, I try to alternate stores each trip. Costco, then Publix, then Aldi, maybe an occasional Target or Wal-Mart thrown in there ever few weeks, for some things they only carry. For a long time, I was restricting myself to Publix for just being the cleanest around.

>> No.15055110

about once a week.

>> No.15055141
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Work at a grocery store store, so technically 5 times a week. Its nights, so I can shop without having to wait in line for customers who are incompetent, rude fucks, feelsgoodman.

>> No.15055161
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every single day

>> No.15055321

Daily to every other day, sometimes multiple times a day

There are a variety of grocery stores near my house and on the way to work + in the district I eat lunch and get liquor

>> No.15055345

Only go shopping once or twice in a month maybe 3 times if there's a holiday in there but its pretty much a 6 hour ordeal picking up shit from 2-3 stores and then getting it all home to put away while playing adult Ganga so two times a month for me is honestly enough for 4 people shopping

>> No.15055655

i go once a week and pick up frozen dinners for another week plus cat food and whatever misc else i need. i keep an excuse prepared just in case anyone gets lippy about why i'm only buying boxed frozen stuff like "got a vacation coming up" or "got all my produce already from X store" while it's true i do have a fair amount of food already from going once a week, it's not produce. honestly if it's just boxed stuff i should just be grabbing enough to last a month but it really is embarrassing sliding a bunch of frozen crap down the belt for min wagie to scan & judge no matter what the amount.

>> No.15055727

Greengrocer also applies

>> No.15055749

whenever i've got the dough and reason. it's not a social ordeal if that's what you're wonderin, with that stupid wojack.

>> No.15055760

I go almost every day and staff notices me

>> No.15055807

3 or 4 times a year

>> No.15055865

Once a week. I just make a ton of curry or a couple of pizzas on Sunday and eat that for the whole week.

>> No.15055870

Once a week since 'rona. I go at
6am to avoid the diseased masses.

Used to go every 3 days or so.

>> No.15055982

A Euro on the internet, who will be forgotten after he dies, and spends the entirety of his day on 4chan, wiping out his social skills. A blight of a man. You're appropriating reddit, who believe in religion being dumb, and they are intelligent. Life isn't a fairytale and talking down to someone for being religious while being an alcoholic with no friends is a sign of being a terrible person but you give yourself a free pass I guess, because logic.

>> No.15055985

Rural Aussie here.
Growing up we used to only go once every 2 months, freezing a few weeks supply of milk and bread and brewing our own beer.
Lived in Japan for 10 years and you end up going almost daily just because of the convenience of a well planned city.
I live in semi-rural Aus again now but go once a week.

>> No.15056034

Enjoy living in your cuckbox with your 1000 other neighbors within 100ft. It's pretty /comfy/ out here in the 'burbs. Maybe I'll drive the ole couchmobile to the store and do some shopping and drive by the highrise commieblocks and laugh at the wagies on the way home lel



>> No.15056043

Still a bogus book.


>> No.15056063

I haven’t been inside a grocery store in years. I get everything delivered

>> No.15056179
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>> No.15056425

Interesting term, which state do you hale from?

>> No.15056439

A zoomer on the internet, who will...
Ah fuck it who cares I don't feel like finishing

>> No.15056453

Don't want to out myself as an Amerilard here but don't people in other countries go to grocery stores more often then here because the food is fresher/has less preservatives? So you go more often but the food is healthier?

>> No.15056476


>> No.15056482

I used to never go due to my anxiety, but I am getting better and I am fine with going to the grocery store about once a week now.

>> No.15056490

last year, 4 times a week,
this year, 3 times every two weeks

>> No.15056496

It can really vary but I probably average once every 2 weeks or so.

>> No.15057094

every day because im so fucking lonely and i love seeing people

>> No.15057096

Happy Diwali, anon.

>> No.15057103

Once every 2-3 weeks unless I need some fresh produce or ingredient for cooking.

>> No.15057161

............ thank you

>> No.15057226

Once a week. $60 for the basics, $80 if I'm shopping while hungry.

>> No.15057228

i order 2 week's worth of food with instacart every paycheck, i don't remember the last time i actually went to a grocery store to buy food in person

>> No.15057245

When I lived alone, I would go every 1-2 days because I would cook shit fresh the day I wanted it. After moving in with gf, we go every 8-10 days because we can freeze meat and cook meals each day of the week, most last more than a day. I probably spend about $350 a month on groceries for 2 adults

>> No.15057305
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>> No.15057310

>Work at a grocery store store

I always wondered where grocery stores came from.

Imagine the size of the carts!

>> No.15057350
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The only similarity between the Israelites/Judeans and modern day Jews is that they both use the word jew. The faith of the Israelites died after the destruction of the second temple. Judaism today is a perversion of the faith of the peoples on the OT, they only use the OT for ceremonial purposes. The real religious text of modern judaism is the Talmud based on the oral law of the Pharisee which were constantly rebuked by Jesus because of their heretical practices.

>Believe in the duality of God, creating both good and evil

God did not create evil, evil is the absence of good (or the absence of God if you want) in the same way that darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat.

>> No.15057356

God created Satan, the first conception of an absence of God.

>> No.15057361

yea it's weird how the story of one Jew in the desert could literally provide the metaphysical foundation to usurp the Roman Empire and fuel Western Civilization over the next 2000 years. Only dumbos still subscribe to atheism.

>> No.15057363

Every 3 days even though i have a store in 5 minute food walk range.

>> No.15057376

Good thread OP. Should tell us how long we have to outlast the normal idiots before they all kill each other over food shortage.
Still pretty disgusting to see there really are people who cannot plan even a day in advance.

>> No.15057420

This thread lowered my already very dismal view of humanity. You can easily go 3 weeks between grocery trips using a fucking mini-fridge; without any other food source; eating meat every day.

>> No.15057429

Low IQ take

>> No.15057434

Who hurt you?

>> No.15057438

I live out of town in a rural area so about once ever 7-10 days. When I lived in town and I was within walking distance of the grocery store I would go every other day.

>> No.15057442

Satan and his disciples that run this world.

>> No.15057492

Here in the 'States I go about twice a month. I have room for a large freezer and a couple of fridges. When I lived in Japan it was twice a week as I only had a dorm fridge/freezer.

>> No.15057509

Not him but I hate people and like my privacy. I live in an area that is prone to riots so I like being prepared constantly

>> No.15057534

I wasn't talking to you.

>> No.15057585

Daily, sometimes twice a day or more in some cases (50 m to nearest grocery)

>> No.15057625

God created the rules of the universe, so even if we assume your definition of good/evil is correct, it was still a product of His will, making Him ultimately responsible anyway

>> No.15057985

Once every three or four weeks

>> No.15057988

God isn’t real, schizo.

>> No.15057991

Before covid-19 I'd say 2-3-4 times a week. Now maybe once, and order a bunch online once a week. (eu-guy)

>> No.15058034

Honestly whenever I can, which is usually about once a week.
I can hit 4 convenience stores a day, but the prices are 2-3x of a grocery. $3 for a can of soup, $6 for a case of water is ridiculous.
In my usual territory, there are about half a dozen grocery stores I can get to with some ease in a 75 foot long vehicle, but my work schedule vs their store hours can make it a challenge.
Different regions and communities have drastically different prices on identical items, even at the same family of stores, plus there are different products availablr in different regions.

>> No.15058039
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I get my food carried out to my vehicle. I prepay with a credit card and barely have to interact with the people who load my car up. It’s an app.

>> No.15058072

sometimes daily, ideally once every 1.5 weeks. It is a few minute drive for me so it's really not too much of an inconvenience.

>> No.15058095

@those dudes who go once a month
do you just not eat fresh vegetables, meat etc?

>> No.15058098

Refrigerators and freezers exist

>> No.15058276

The bottom line here is this:

Lives near the store and can't carry much -> goes almost every day.

Lives far from the store but can carry tons -> goes once a week.

>> No.15058282

once a week normally, mostly for fresh fruit and veggies, the rest of the food I eat takes forever to go bad.

>> No.15058365

Before COVID, I was going 2-3 times a week. I was trying to eat healthier so I'd stop by on my way home from work to get fresh greens for salad, get some fresh produce, and check out the butcher's counter for any specials.

Now thanks to COVID, the store barely runs any deals and there's limits on produce and meat. I'm pretty sure meat costs increased, too. So now I go once every 1 1/2 - 2 weeks to stock up on any meat I can get, potatoes, and rice.

>> No.15058498

Daily during the workweek, since the grocery store is on my way home from work. Usually doesn't take long, and we never have veggies spoil in the fridge, which I used to always let happen when we'd do big shopping trips on Saturdays.

>> No.15058758

Twice a week, but only because of the coof. Back when things were normal, I'd eat out whenever I was too tired to cook, and buy groceries once a week.

I hate my own cooking. I want my life back.

>> No.15058765

Oh, hey cool, spoilers don't work here.

>> No.15058806

At least once a week. There's a grocer less than 2 miles away so it gives me an excuse to ride my moped when the weather is nice.

>> No.15058855

i got 5 times a week just before closing

very peaceful and comfy

>> No.15059692

Eurospin is really based, fellow Italian... Very solid product's quality.

>> No.15059815
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lol what a fag

>> No.15060827

every other week to restock on fruits, vegetables and other fresh foods. I make use of my freezer

>> No.15060841

Weekly or biweekly for milk. Once a month for everything else. Flour, rice, beans, bread, meat etc

>> No.15060851

>unironically praising an old jew that a bunch of people wrote fanfics about.